7z'a%'#$ZD 0 SECTION 2 HEADER 9 $ACADVER 1 AC1021 9 $ACADMAINTVER 70 50 9 $DWGCODEPAGE 3 ANSI_1251 9 $LASTSAVEDBY 1 Busik 9 $INSBASE 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $EXTMIN 10 509.475626241038 20 716.982851832387 30 -0.0015258207003583 9 $EXTMAX 10 671.5204941171926 20 806.0245990446128 30 0.0000000349246037 9 $LIMMIN 10 0.0 20 0.0 9 $LIMMAX 10 12.0 20 9.0 9 $ORTHOMODE 70 0 9 $REGENMODE 70 1 9 $FILLMODE 70 1 9 $QTEXTMODE 70 0 9 $MIRRTEXT 70 0 9 $LTSCALE 40 1.0 9 $ATTMODE 70 1 9 $TEXTSIZE 40 0.2 9 $TRACEWID 40 0.05 9 $TEXTSTYLE 7 Standard 9 $CLAYER 8 0 9 $CELTYPE 6 Continuous 9 $CECOLOR 62 256 9 $CELTSCALE 40 1.0 9 $DISPSILH 70 0 9 $DIMSCALE 40 1.0 9 $DIMASZ 40 0.18 9 $DIMEXO 40 0.0625 9 $DIMDLI 40 0.38 9 $DIMRND 40 0.0 9 $DIMDLE 40 0.0 9 $DIMEXE 40 0.18 9 $DIMTP 40 0.0 9 $DIMTM 40 0.0 9 $DIMTXT 40 0.18 9 $DIMCEN 40 0.09 9 $DIMTSZ 40 0.0 9 $DIMTOL 70 0 9 $DIMLIM 70 0 9 $DIMTIH 70 1 9 $DIMTOH 70 1 9 $DIMSE1 70 0 9 $DIMSE2 70 0 9 $DIMTAD 70 0 9 $DIMZIN 70 0 9 $DIMBLK 1 9 $DIMASO 70 1 9 $DIMSHO 70 1 9 $DIMPOST 1 9 $DIMAPOST 1 9 $DIMALT 70 0 9 $DIMALTD 70 2 9 $DIMALTF 40 25.4 9 $DIMLFAC 40 1.0 9 $DIMTOFL 70 0 9 $DIMTVP 40 0.0 9 $DIMTIX 70 0 9 $DIMSOXD 70 0 9 $DIMSAH 70 0 9 $DIMBLK1 1 9 $DIMBLK2 1 9 $DIMSTYLE 2 Standard 9 $DIMCLRD 70 0 9 $DIMCLRE 70 0 9 $DIMCLRT 70 0 9 $DIMTFAC 40 1.0 9 $DIMGAP 40 0.09 9 $DIMJUST 70 0 9 $DIMSD1 70 0 9 $DIMSD2 70 0 9 $DIMTOLJ 70 1 9 $DIMTZIN 70 0 9 $DIMALTZ 70 0 9 $DIMALTTZ 70 0 9 $DIMUPT 70 0 9 $DIMDEC 70 4 9 $DIMTDEC 70 4 9 $DIMALTU 70 2 9 $DIMALTTD 70 2 9 $DIMTXSTY 7 Standard 9 $DIMAUNIT 70 0 9 $DIMADEC 70 0 9 $DIMALTRND 40 0.0 9 $DIMAZIN 70 0 9 $DIMDSEP 70 46 9 $DIMATFIT 70 3 9 $DIMFRAC 70 0 9 $DIMLDRBLK 1 9 $DIMLUNIT 70 2 9 $DIMLWD 70 -2 9 $DIMLWE 70 -2 9 $DIMTMOVE 70 0 9 $DIMFXL 40 1.0 9 $DIMFXLON 70 0 9 $DIMJOGANG 40 0.7853981633974483 9 $DIMTFILL 70 0 9 $DIMTFILLCLR 70 0 9 $DIMARCSYM 70 0 9 $DIMLTYPE 6 9 $DIMLTEX1 6 9 $DIMLTEX2 6 9 $LUNITS 70 3 9 $LUPREC 70 4 9 $SKETCHINC 40 0.1 9 $FILLETRAD 40 0.0 9 $AUNITS 70 0 9 $AUPREC 70 0 9 $MENU 1 . 9 $ELEVATION 40 0.0 9 $PELEVATION 40 0.0 9 $THICKNESS 40 0.0 9 $LIMCHECK 70 0 9 $CHAMFERA 40 0.0 9 $CHAMFERB 40 0.0 9 $CHAMFERC 40 0.0 9 $CHAMFERD 40 0.0 9 $SKPOLY 70 0 9 $TDCREATE 40 2457073.795761273 9 $TDUCREATE 40 2457073.670761273 9 $TDUPDATE 40 2457073.796098773 9 $TDUUPDATE 40 2457073.671098773 9 $TDINDWG 40 0.0003382523 9 $TDUSRTIMER 40 0.0003382523 9 $USRTIMER 70 1 9 $ANGBASE 50 0.0 9 $ANGDIR 70 0 9 $PDMODE 70 0 9 $PDSIZE 40 0.0 9 $PLINEWID 40 0.0 9 $SPLFRAME 70 0 9 $SPLINETYPE 70 6 9 $SPLINESEGS 70 8 9 $HANDSEED 5 453B 9 $SURFTAB1 70 6 9 $SURFTAB2 70 6 9 $SURFTYPE 70 6 9 $SURFU 70 6 9 $SURFV 70 6 9 $UCSBASE 2 9 $UCSNAME 2 9 $UCSORG 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSXDIR 10 1.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSYDIR 10 0.0 20 1.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSORTHOREF 2 9 $UCSORTHOVIEW 70 0 9 $UCSORGTOP 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSORGBOTTOM 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSORGLEFT 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSORGRIGHT 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSORGFRONT 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSORGBACK 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSBASE 2 9 $PUCSNAME 2 9 $PUCSORG 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSXDIR 10 1.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSYDIR 10 0.0 20 1.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSORTHOREF 2 9 $PUCSORTHOVIEW 70 0 9 $PUCSORGTOP 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSORGBOTTOM 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSORGLEFT 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSORGRIGHT 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSORGFRONT 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSORGBACK 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $USERI1 70 0 9 $USERI2 70 0 9 $USERI3 70 0 9 $USERI4 70 0 9 $USERI5 70 0 9 $USERR1 40 0.0 9 $USERR2 40 0.0 9 $USERR3 40 0.0 9 $USERR4 40 0.0 9 $USERR5 40 0.0 9 $WORLDVIEW 70 1 9 $SHADEDGE 70 3 9 $SHADEDIF 70 70 9 $TILEMODE 70 1 9 $MAXACTVP 70 64 9 $PINSBASE 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PLIMCHECK 70 0 9 $PEXTMIN 10 1.000000000000000E+20 20 1.000000000000000E+20 30 1.000000000000000E+20 9 $PEXTMAX 10 -1.000000000000000E+20 20 -1.000000000000000E+20 30 -1.000000000000000E+20 9 $PLIMMIN 10 0.0 20 0.0 9 $PLIMMAX 10 12.0 20 9.0 9 $UNITMODE 70 0 9 $VISRETAIN 70 1 9 $PLINEGEN 70 0 9 $PSLTSCALE 70 1 9 $TREEDEPTH 70 3020 9 $CMLSTYLE 2 Standard 9 $CMLJUST 70 0 9 $CMLSCALE 40 1.0 9 $PROXYGRAPHICS 70 1 9 $MEASUREMENT 70 0 9 $CELWEIGHT 370 -1 9 $ENDCAPS 280 0 9 $JOINSTYLE 280 0 9 $LWDISPLAY 290 0 9 $INSUNITS 70 0 9 $HYPERLINKBASE 1 9 $STYLESHEET 1 9 $XEDIT 290 1 9 $CEPSNTYPE 380 0 9 $PSTYLEMODE 290 1 9 $FINGERPRINTGUID 2 {175B8916-7824-4F4E-BF22-6AD63FD1552F} 9 $VERSIONGUID 2 {F3F87D4F-9FE7-4434-96B8-C1441F70C0FF} 9 $EXTNAMES 290 1 9 $PSVPSCALE 40 0.0 9 $OLESTARTUP 290 0 9 $SORTENTS 280 127 9 $INDEXCTL 280 0 9 $HIDETEXT 280 0 9 $XCLIPFRAME 290 0 9 $HALOGAP 280 0 9 $OBSCOLOR 70 257 9 $OBSLTYPE 280 0 9 $INTERSECTIONDISPLAY 280 0 9 $INTERSECTIONCOLOR 70 257 9 $DIMASSOC 280 1 9 $PROJECTNAME 1 9 $CAMERADISPLAY 290 0 9 $LENSLENGTH 40 50.0 9 $CAMERAHEIGHT 40 0.0 9 $STEPSPERSEC 40 2.0 9 $STEPSIZE 40 6.0 9 $3DDWFPREC 40 2.0 9 $PSOLWIDTH 40 0.25 9 $PSOLHEIGHT 40 4.0 9 $LOFTANG1 40 1.570796326794896 9 $LOFTANG2 40 1.570796326794896 9 $LOFTMAG1 40 0.0 9 $LOFTMAG2 40 0.0 9 $LOFTPARAM 70 7 9 $LOFTNORMALS 280 1 9 $LATITUDE 40 37.795 9 $LONGITUDE 40 -122.394 9 $NORTHDIRECTION 40 0.0 9 $TIMEZONE 70 -8000 9 $LIGHTGLYPHDISPLAY 280 1 9 $TILEMODELIGHTSYNCH 280 1 9 $CMATERIAL 347 11 9 $SOLIDHIST 280 1 9 $SHOWHIST 280 1 9 $DWFFRAME 280 2 9 $DGNFRAME 280 0 9 $REALWORLDSCALE 290 1 9 $INTERFERECOLOR 62 1 9 $INTERFEREOBJVS 345 33 9 $INTERFEREVPVS 346 30 9 $CSHADOW 280 0 9 $SHADOWPLANELOCATION 40 0.0 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 CLASSES 0 CLASS 1 ACDBDICTIONARYWDFLT 2 AcDbDictionaryWithDefault 3 ObjectDBX Classes 90 0 91 1 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 MATERIAL 2 AcDbMaterial 3 ObjectDBX Classes 90 1153 91 3 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 VISUALSTYLE 2 AcDbVisualStyle 3 ObjectDBX Classes 90 4095 91 16 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 SCALE 2 AcDbScale 3 ObjectDBX Classes 90 1153 91 33 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 TABLESTYLE 2 AcDbTableStyle 3 ObjectDBX Classes 90 4095 91 1 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 MLEADERSTYLE 2 AcDbMLeaderStyle 3 ACDB_MLEADERSTYLE_CLASS 90 4095 91 1 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 DICTIONARYVAR 2 AcDbDictionaryVar 3 ObjectDBX Classes 90 0 91 7 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 CELLSTYLEMAP 2 AcDbCellStyleMap 3 ObjectDBX Classes 90 1152 91 1 280 0 281 0 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 TABLES 0 TABLE 2 VPORT 5 8 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 1 0 VPORT 5 7C 330 8 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbViewportTableRecord 2 *Active 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 11 1.0 21 1.0 12 590.4980601791153 22 761.5037254384999 13 0.0 23 0.0 14 1.0 24 1.0 15 0.0 25 0.0 16 0.0 26 0.0 36 1.0 17 0.0 27 0.0 37 0.0 40 89.70789494698056 41 1.993757802746566 42 50.0 43 0.0 44 0.0 50 0.0 51 0.0 71 0 72 100 73 1 74 1 75 0 76 0 77 0 78 0 281 0 65 1 110 0.0 120 0.0 130 0.0 111 1.0 121 0.0 131 0.0 112 0.0 122 1.0 132 0.0 79 0 146 0.0 348 2F 60 3 61 5 292 1 282 1 141 0.0 142 0.0 63 250 421 3355443 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 LTYPE 5 5 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 1 0 LTYPE 5 62 330 5 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLinetypeTableRecord 2 ByBlock 70 0 3 72 65 73 0 40 0.0 0 LTYPE 5 63 330 5 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLinetypeTableRecord 2 ByLayer 70 0 3 72 65 73 0 40 0.0 0 LTYPE 5 64 330 5 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLinetypeTableRecord 2 Continuous 70 0 3 Solid line 72 65 73 0 40 0.0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 LAYER 5 2 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 4 0 LAYER 5 5C 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 4528 102 } 330 2 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLayerTableRecord 2 0 70 0 62 7 6 Continuous 370 -3 390 F 347 21 0 LAYER 5 78 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 452A 102 } 330 2 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLayerTableRecord 2 TOP 70 0 62 1 6 Continuous 370 -3 390 F 347 21 0 LAYER 5 79 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 452C 102 } 330 2 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLayerTableRecord 2 BOARD 70 0 62 3 6 Continuous 370 -3 390 F 347 21 0 LAYER 5 7A 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 452E 102 } 330 2 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLayerTableRecord 2 DRILL_LAYER 70 0 62 255 6 Continuous 370 -3 390 F 347 21 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 STYLE 5 3 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 2 0 STYLE 5 5D 330 3 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbTextStyleTableRecord 2 Standard 70 0 40 0.0 41 1.0 50 0.0 71 0 42 0.2 3 txt 4 0 STYLE 5 61 330 3 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbTextStyleTableRecord 2 Annotative 70 0 40 0.0 41 1.0 50 0.0 71 0 42 0.2 3 txt 4 1001 AcadAnnotative 1000 AnnotativeData 1002 { 1070 1 1070 1 1002 } 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 VIEW 5 6 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 UCS 5 7 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 APPID 5 9 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 3 0 APPID 5 5E 330 9 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbRegAppTableRecord 2 ACAD 70 0 0 APPID 5 65 330 9 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbRegAppTableRecord 2 AcadAnnotative 70 0 0 APPID 5 6F 330 9 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbRegAppTableRecord 2 ACAD_MLEADERVER 70 0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 DIMSTYLE 5 A 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 2 100 AcDbDimStyleTable 71 0 0 DIMSTYLE 105 5F 330 A 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbDimStyleTableRecord 2 Standard 70 0 340 5D 0 DIMSTYLE 105 60 330 A 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbDimStyleTableRecord 2 Annotative 70 0 340 5D 1001 AcadAnnotative 1000 AnnotativeData 1002 { 1070 1 1070 1 1002 } 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 662 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 74 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 *Model_Space 340 77 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 70 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 *Paper_Space 340 73 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 7D 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 UNIT_DISC 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 92 331 C95 331 C96 331 C9B 331 C9C 331 CA1 331 CA2 331 CA7 331 CA8 331 CAD 331 CAE 331 CB3 331 CB4 331 CB9 331 CBA 331 CBF 331 CC0 331 CC5 331 CC6 331 CCB 331 CCC 331 CD1 331 CD2 331 CD7 331 CD8 331 CDD 331 CDE 331 CE3 331 CE4 331 CE9 331 CEA 331 CEF 331 CF0 331 CF5 331 CF6 331 CFB 331 CFC 331 D01 331 D02 331 D07 331 D08 331 D0D 331 D0E 331 D13 331 D14 331 D19 331 D1A 331 D1F 331 D20 331 D25 331 D26 331 D2B 331 D2C 331 D31 331 D32 331 D37 331 D38 331 D3D 331 D3E 331 D43 331 D44 331 D49 331 D4A 331 D4F 331 D50 331 D55 331 D56 331 D5B 331 D5C 331 D61 331 D62 331 D67 331 D68 331 D6D 331 D6E 331 D73 331 D74 331 D79 331 D7A 331 D7F 331 D80 331 D85 331 D86 331 D8B 331 D8C 331 D91 331 D92 331 D97 331 D98 331 D9D 331 D9E 331 DA3 331 DA4 331 DA9 331 DAA 331 DAF 331 DB0 331 DB5 331 DB6 331 DBB 331 DBC 331 DC1 331 DC2 331 DC7 331 DC8 331 DCD 331 DCE 331 DD3 331 DD4 331 DD9 331 DDA 331 DDF 331 DE0 331 DE5 331 DE6 331 DEB 331 DEC 331 DF1 331 DF2 331 DF7 331 DF8 331 DFD 331 DFE 331 E03 331 E04 331 E09 331 E0A 331 E0F 331 E10 331 E15 331 E16 331 E1B 331 E1C 331 E21 331 E22 331 E27 331 E28 331 E2D 331 E2E 331 E33 331 E34 331 E39 331 E3A 331 E3F 331 E40 331 E45 331 E46 331 E4B 331 E4C 331 E51 331 E52 331 E57 331 E58 331 E5D 331 E5E 331 E63 331 E64 331 E69 331 E6A 331 E6F 331 E70 331 E75 331 E76 331 E7B 331 E7C 331 E81 331 E82 331 E87 331 E88 331 E8D 331 E8E 331 E93 331 E94 331 E99 331 E9A 331 E9F 331 EA0 331 EA5 331 EA6 331 EAB 331 EAC 331 EB1 331 EB2 331 EB7 331 EB8 331 EBD 331 EBE 331 EC3 331 EC4 331 EC9 331 ECA 331 ECF 331 ED0 331 ED5 331 ED6 331 EDB 331 EDC 331 EE1 331 EE2 331 EE7 331 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102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 98 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6A0 331 6BD 331 6CA 331 6D0 331 6EE 331 71D 331 729 331 783 331 78F 331 7E3 331 825 331 85C 331 8D9 331 8FE 331 92E 331 9B1 331 9BE 331 9DB 331 9E7 331 A47 331 A71 331 AA7 331 AD1 331 AEF 331 B08 331 B2C 331 B32 331 B37 331 B44 331 B6E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X167 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6A5 331 8F1 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X166 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6A6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16191 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6AB 331 6B2 331 6C3 331 748 331 759 331 75F 331 76C 331 778 331 7A2 331 7A8 331 7CC 331 7DE 331 7FB 331 807 331 81A 331 82B 331 831 331 837 331 88C 331 8E6 331 8F2 331 939 331 97B 331 982 331 994 331 999 331 9FF 331 A17 331 AB3 331 AFB 331 B1A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1653 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6AC 331 7AE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 KONT191 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 BB5 331 BC4 331 BC5 331 BC6 331 BD8 331 BF8 331 BF9 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1620 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6B1 331 7C5 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_244 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6B7 331 7EA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_245 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6B8 331 7E4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 BC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_239 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6BE 331 8A9 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 C0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1633 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6C4 331 95E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 C4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_224 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6C9 331 A90 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 C8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_263 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6CF 331 91C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 CC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_266 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6D5 331 7F0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 D0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_267 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6D6 331 A6B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 D4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_230 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6DB 331 7F6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 D8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_295 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6DC 331 958 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 DC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_232 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6E1 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 E0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_231 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6E2 331 7F5 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 E4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 KONT74 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 BBF 331 BC0 331 BFA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 E8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16122 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6E7 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 EC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16123 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6E8 331 97C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 F0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_277 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6ED 331 B68 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 F4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_280 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6F3 331 814 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 F8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_281 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6F4 331 B9D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 FC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1697 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6F9 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 100 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1698 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6FA 331 832 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 104 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1684 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6FF 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 108 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1685 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 700 331 82C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 10C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_291 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 705 331 826 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 110 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_290 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 706 331 81F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 114 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16113 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 70B 331 981 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 118 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16112 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 70C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 11C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2101 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 711 331 ACC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 120 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2102 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 712 331 717 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 124 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2103 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 718 331 83D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 128 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2124 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 71E 331 723 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 12C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2125 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 724 331 849 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 130 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2184 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 72A 331 72F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 134 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2185 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 730 331 855 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 138 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2181 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 735 331 9D0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 13C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2182 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 736 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 140 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2132 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 73B 331 B8C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 144 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2130 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 73C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 148 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16189 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 741 331 AFC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 14C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16188 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 742 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 150 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16183 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 747 331 AE3 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 154 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16172 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 74D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 158 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16173 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 74E 331 A18 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 15C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2175 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 753 331 B74 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 160 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2176 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 754 331 ADD 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 164 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16131 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 75A 331 861 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 168 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16143 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 760 331 880 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 16C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16155 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 765 331 76B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 170 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16154 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 766 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 174 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2156 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 771 331 A06 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 178 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2154 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 772 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 17C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16149 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 777 331 789 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 180 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2158 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 77D 331 A0C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 184 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2157 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 77E 331 A05 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 188 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2147 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 784 331 BA3 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 18C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16148 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 78A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 190 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2159 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 790 331 A0B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 194 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2152 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 795 331 B26 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 198 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2151 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 796 331 B1F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 19C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_29 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 79B 331 A30 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1A0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_210 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 79C 331 8F7 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1A4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X161 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7A1 331 8EB 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1A8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1613 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7A7 331 A41 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1AC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1652 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7AD 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1B0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_216 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7B3 331 A36 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1B4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_217 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7B4 331 903 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1B8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_255 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7B9 331 BB0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1BC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_254 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7BA 331 A29 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1C0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1636 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7BF 331 8E5 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1C4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1635 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7C0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1C8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1619 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7C6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1CC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1641 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7CB 331 951 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1D0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1646 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7D1 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1D4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1647 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7D2 331 93A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1D8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_222 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7D7 331 A78 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1DC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_223 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7D8 331 A8F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1E0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1625 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7DD 331 963 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1E4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_243 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7E9 331 940 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1E8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_264 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7EF 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1EC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1659 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7FC 331 A5A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1F0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1664 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 801 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1F4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1665 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 802 331 808 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1F8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1670 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 80D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1FC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1671 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 80E 331 99A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 200 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_278 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 813 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 204 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16109 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 819 331 9A5 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 208 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_289 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 820 331 9D6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 20C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16129 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 838 331 A9B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 210 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2108 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 83E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 214 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16111 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 843 331 993 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 218 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16110 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 844 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 21C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2126 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 84A 331 970 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 220 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2120 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 84F 331 8C8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 224 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2114 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 850 331 975 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 228 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2186 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 856 331 9AB 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 22C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2177 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 85B 331 ADE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 230 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16130 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 862 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 234 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16136 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 867 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 238 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16137 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 868 331 A00 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 23C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2170 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 86D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 240 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2169 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 86E 331 B0D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 244 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16171 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 873 331 B19 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 248 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16170 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 874 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 24C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2141 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 879 331 AF0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 250 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2140 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 87A 331 B5B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 254 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16142 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 87F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 258 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2168 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 885 331 B0E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 25C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2167 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 886 331 A1D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 260 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16165 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 88B 331 A12 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 264 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2145 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 891 331 AF6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 268 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2144 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 892 331 9F9 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 26C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2164 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 897 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 270 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2163 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 898 331 B01 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 274 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2162 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 89D 331 B02 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 278 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2161 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 89E 331 B79 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 27C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_237 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8A3 331 B4A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 280 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_235 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8A4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 284 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_238 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8AA 331 8AF 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 288 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2100 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8B0 331 B49 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 28C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2121 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8B5 331 B3E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 290 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2119 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8B6 331 B4F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 294 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2117 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8BB 331 8C2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 298 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_274 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8BC 331 B55 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 29C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2118 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8C1 331 B50 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2A0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2115 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8C7 331 8CE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2A4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2116 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8CD 331 B56 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2A8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2138 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8D3 331 9F4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2AC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2136 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8D4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2B0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_23 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8DF 331 A24 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2B4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_22 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8E0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2B8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X162 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8EC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2BC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_211 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 8F8 331 8FD 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2C0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_218 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 904 331 B6D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2C4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_260 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 909 331 A54 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2C8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_261 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 90A 331 A4D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2CC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_257 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 90F 331 B38 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2D0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_256 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 910 331 BAF 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2D4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_250 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 915 331 A60 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2D8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_251 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 916 331 A48 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2DC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_262 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 91B 331 A4E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2E0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_248 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 921 331 928 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2E4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_249 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 922 331 A5F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2E8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_246 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 927 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2EC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_269 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 92D 331 934 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2F0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_268 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 933 331 A6C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2F4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_242 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 93F 331 946 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2F8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_240 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 945 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 2FC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_272 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 94B 331 A66 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 300 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_273 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 94C 331 B85 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 304 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1640 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 952 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 308 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_229 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 957 331 B43 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 30C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1632 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 95D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 310 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1687 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 964 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 314 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_228 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 969 331 A72 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 318 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_227 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 96A 331 A7E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 31C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2127 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 96F 331 A96 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 320 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2112 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 976 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 324 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2106 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 987 331 98E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 328 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2105 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 988 331 AA1 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 32C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2107 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 98D 331 AA8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 330 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2104 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 99F 331 AA2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 334 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2110 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9A0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 338 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16108 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9A6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 33C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2187 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9AC 331 AAD 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 340 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_299 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9B2 331 ACB 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 344 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_293 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9B7 331 AC0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 348 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_294 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9B8 331 9C3 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 34C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_283 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9BD 331 9CA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 350 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_296 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9C4 331 AC5 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 354 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_282 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9C9 331 B9E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 358 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2180 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9CF 331 AD8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 35C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_288 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9D5 331 ABA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 360 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_292 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9DC 331 ABF 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 364 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2178 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9E1 331 AD2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 368 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2179 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9E2 331 AD7 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 36C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2135 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9E8 331 9ED 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 370 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2134 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9EE 331 B61 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 374 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2139 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9F3 331 B5C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 378 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2142 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9FA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 37C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16164 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A11 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 380 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2166 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A1E 331 B07 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 384 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_24 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A23 331 B80 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 388 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_252 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A2A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 38C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_28 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A2F 331 B92 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 390 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_214 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A35 331 A3C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 394 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_212 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A3B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 398 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1612 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A42 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 39C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_258 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A53 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3A0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1658 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A59 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3A4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_270 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A65 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3A8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_221 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A77 331 B98 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3AC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_226 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A7D 331 A83 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3B0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_286 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A84 331 A89 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3B4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_287 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A8A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3B8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2128 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A95 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3BC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16128 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 A9C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3C0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2188 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AAE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3C4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1679 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AB4 331 AEA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3C8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_284 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AB9 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3CC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_297 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AC6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3D0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X16182 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AE4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3D4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 S12X1678 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AE9 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3D8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2146 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AF5 331 BA4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3DC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2172 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B13 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3E0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2174 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B14 331 B73 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3E4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2150 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B20 331 BA9 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3E8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2153 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B25 331 B2B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3EC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2160 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B31 331 B7A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3F0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2122 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B3D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3F4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2133 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B62 331 B8B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3F8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_276 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B67 331 B86 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 3FC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_25 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B7F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 400 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_26 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B91 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 404 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_219 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B97 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 408 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 TR1_5X2_2148 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 BAA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 40C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 CROSS 340 0 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 411 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_386 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 69E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 414 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_399 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6A4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 417 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_409 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6AA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 41A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_420 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6B0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 41D 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_430 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6B6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 420 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_443 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6BC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 423 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_456 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6C2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 426 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_466 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6C8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 429 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_479 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6CE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 42C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_492 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6D4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 42F 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_505 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6DA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 432 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_518 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6E0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 435 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_533 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6E6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 438 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_543 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6EC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 43B 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_556 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6F2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 43E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_572 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6F8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 441 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_582 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 6FE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 444 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_592 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 704 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 447 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_605 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 70A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 44A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_615 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 710 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 44D 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_628 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 716 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 450 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_641 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 71C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 453 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_654 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 722 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 456 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_667 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 728 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 459 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_680 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 72E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 45C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_693 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 734 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 45F 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_706 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 73A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 462 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_719 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 740 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 465 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_729 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 746 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 468 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_739 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 74C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 46B 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_749 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 752 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 46E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_762 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 758 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 471 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_773 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 75E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 474 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_783 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 764 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 477 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_793 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 76A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 47A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_803 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 770 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 47D 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_816 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 776 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 480 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_826 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 77C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 483 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_839 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 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340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7AC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 49B 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_931 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7B2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 49E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_944 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7B8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4A1 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_957 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7BE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4A4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_967 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7C4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4A7 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_977 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7CA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4AA 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_987 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7D0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4AD 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_997 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7D6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4B0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1010 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7DC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4B3 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1020 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7E2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4B6 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1033 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7E8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4B9 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1046 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7EE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4BC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1059 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7F4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4BF 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1072 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 7FA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4C2 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1082 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 800 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4C5 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1092 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 806 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4C8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1102 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 80C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4CB 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1112 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 812 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4CE 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1128 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 818 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4D1 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1138 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 81E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4D4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1151 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 824 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4D7 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1164 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 82A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4DA 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1174 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 830 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4DD 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1184 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 836 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4E0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1194 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 83C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4E3 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1207 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 842 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4E6 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1217 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 848 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4E9 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1230 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 84E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4EC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1243 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 854 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4EF 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1256 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 85A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4F2 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1269 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 860 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4F5 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1279 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 866 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4F8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1289 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 86C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4FB 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1302 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 872 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 4FE 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 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STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1635 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 914 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 54F 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1648 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 91A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 552 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1661 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 920 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 555 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1674 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 926 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 558 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1687 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 92C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 55B 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1700 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 932 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 55E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_1713 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 938 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 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5 59D 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1959 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9B6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5A0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1972 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9BC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5A3 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1985 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9C2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5A6 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1998 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9C8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5A9 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2011 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9CE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5AC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2024 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9D4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5AF 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2037 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9DA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5B2 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2050 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9E0 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5B5 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2063 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9E6 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5B8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2076 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9EC 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5BB 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2089 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9F2 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5BE 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2102 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9F8 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 5C1 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_2115 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 9FE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 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330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2608 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AEE 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 63C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2621 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AF4 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 63F 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R1206_2634 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 AFA 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 642 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2644 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B00 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 645 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2657 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B06 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 648 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2670 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 B0C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 64B 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2683 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102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 98A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL192 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C39 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 990 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R75 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C3A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 996 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R65 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C3B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 99C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL189 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C3C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9A2 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R73 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C3D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9A8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL72 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C3E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9AE 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL194 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C3F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9B4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL201 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C40 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9BA 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL174 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C41 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9C0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL202 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C42 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9C6 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL175 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C43 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9CC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL66 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C44 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9D2 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL182 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C45 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9D8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL199 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C46 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9DE 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL69 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C47 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9E4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL76 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C48 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9EA 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL77 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C49 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9F0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL148 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C4A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9F6 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL150 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C4B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 9FC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R86 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C4C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A02 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL84 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C4D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A08 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL132 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C4E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A0E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R94 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C4F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A14 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R97 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C50 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A1A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL139 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C51 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A20 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL19 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C52 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A26 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL21 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C53 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A2C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL43 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C54 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A32 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL58 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C55 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A38 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL59 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C56 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A3E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R45 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C57 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A44 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL68 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C58 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A4A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL161 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C59 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A50 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL129 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C5A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A56 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R61 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C5B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A5C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL32 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C5C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A62 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL173 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C5D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A68 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL166 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C5E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A6E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL45 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C5F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A74 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL63 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C60 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A7A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL40 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C61 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A80 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL13 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C62 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A86 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL12 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C63 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A8C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL61 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C64 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A92 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL184 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C65 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A98 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R82 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C66 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 A9E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL190 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C67 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AA4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL193 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C68 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AAA 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL71 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C69 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AB0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R67 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C6A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AB6 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL183 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C6B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 ABC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL200 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C6C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AC2 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL203 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C6D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AC8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL195 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C6E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 ACE 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL70 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C6F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AD4 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL67 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C70 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 ADA 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL133 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C71 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AE0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R99 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C72 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AE6 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R68 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C73 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AEC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL51 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C74 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AF2 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL152 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C75 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AF8 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R102 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C76 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 AFE 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL145 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C77 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B04 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL138 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C78 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B0A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL141 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C79 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B10 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL136 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C7A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B16 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 R96 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C7B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B1C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL155 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C7C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B22 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL157 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C7D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B28 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL158 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C7E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B2E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL142 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C7F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B34 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL28 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C80 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B3A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL120 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C81 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B40 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL38 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C82 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B46 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL24 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C83 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B4C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL122 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C84 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B52 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL123 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C85 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B58 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL147 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C86 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B5E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL78 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C87 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B64 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL170 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C88 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B6A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL54 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C89 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B70 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL135 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C8A 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B76 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL143 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C8B 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B7C 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL18 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C8C 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B82 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL171 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C8D 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B88 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL81 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C8E 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B8E 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL42 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C8F 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B94 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL64 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C90 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 B9A 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL176 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C91 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 BA0 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL130 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C92 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 BA6 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL154 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C93 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 BAC 330 1 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 HL26 340 0 102 {BLKREFS 331 C94 102 } 70 0 280 1 281 0 0 ENDTAB 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 BLOCKS 0 BLOCK 5 75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 *Model_Space 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 *Model_Space 1 0 ENDBLK 5 76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 71 330 70 100 AcDbEntity 67 1 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 *Paper_Space 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 *Paper_Space 1 0 ENDBLK 5 72 330 70 100 AcDbEntity 67 1 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7E 330 7D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 UNIT_DISC 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 UNIT_DISC 1 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 7F 330 7D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 1 43 0.5 10 0.25 20 0.0 42 1.0 10 -0.25 20 0.0 42 1.0 0 ENDBLK 5 83 330 7D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 85 330 84 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 UNIT_CIRCLE 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 UNIT_CIRCLE 1 0 CIRCLE 5 86 330 84 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 6 Continuous 100 AcDbCircle 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 40 0.5 0 ENDBLK 5 87 330 84 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 89 330 88 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 1 0 SOLID 5 8A 330 88 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbTrace 10 -0.75 20 -1.1 30 0.0 11 0.75 21 -1.1 31 0.0 12 -0.75 22 1.1 32 0.0 13 0.75 23 1.1 33 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8B 330 88 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8D 330 8C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 1 0 SOLID 5 8E 330 8C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbTrace 10 -0.8 20 -0.6 30 0.0 11 0.8 21 -0.6 31 0.0 12 -0.8 22 0.6 32 0.0 13 0.8 23 0.6 33 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8F 330 8C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 91 330 90 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 SHAPE_EL_1181_787_0_0_0_0 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 SHAPE_EL_1181_787_0_0_0_0 1 0 INSERT 5 92 330 90 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 41 3.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 ENDBLK 5 93 330 90 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 95 330 94 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_215 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_215 1 0 INSERT 5 96 330 94 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 97 330 94 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 99 330 98 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2 1 0 INSERT 5 9A 330 98 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9B 330 98 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9D 330 9C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X167 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X167 1 0 INSERT 5 9E 330 9C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9F 330 9C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A1 330 A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X166 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X166 1 0 INSERT 5 A2 330 A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A3 330 A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A5 330 A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16191 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16191 1 0 INSERT 5 A6 330 A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A7 330 A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A9 330 A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1653 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1653 1 0 INSERT 5 AA 330 A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AB 330 A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AD 330 AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 KONT191 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 KONT191 1 0 INSERT 5 AE 330 AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_EL_1181_787_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AF 330 AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B1 330 B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1620 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1620 1 0 INSERT 5 B2 330 B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B3 330 B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B5 330 B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_244 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_244 1 0 INSERT 5 B6 330 B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B7 330 B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B9 330 B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_245 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_245 1 0 INSERT 5 BA 330 B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 BB 330 B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 BD 330 BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_239 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_239 1 0 INSERT 5 BE 330 BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 BF 330 BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 C1 330 C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1633 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1633 1 0 INSERT 5 C2 330 C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 C3 330 C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 C5 330 C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_224 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_224 1 0 INSERT 5 C6 330 C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 C7 330 C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 C9 330 C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_263 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_263 1 0 INSERT 5 CA 330 C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 CB 330 C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 CD 330 CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_266 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_266 1 0 INSERT 5 CE 330 CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 CF 330 CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 D1 330 D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_267 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_267 1 0 INSERT 5 D2 330 D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 D3 330 D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 D5 330 D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_230 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_230 1 0 INSERT 5 D6 330 D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 D7 330 D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 D9 330 D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_295 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_295 1 0 INSERT 5 DA 330 D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 DB 330 D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 DD 330 DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_232 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_232 1 0 INSERT 5 DE 330 DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 DF 330 DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 E1 330 E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_231 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_231 1 0 INSERT 5 E2 330 E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 E3 330 E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 E5 330 E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 KONT74 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 KONT74 1 0 INSERT 5 E6 330 E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_EL_1181_787_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 E7 330 E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 E9 330 E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16122 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16122 1 0 INSERT 5 EA 330 E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 EB 330 E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 ED 330 EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16123 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16123 1 0 INSERT 5 EE 330 EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 EF 330 EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 F1 330 F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_277 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_277 1 0 INSERT 5 F2 330 F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 F3 330 F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 F5 330 F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_280 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_280 1 0 INSERT 5 F6 330 F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 F7 330 F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 F9 330 F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_281 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_281 1 0 INSERT 5 FA 330 F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 FB 330 F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 FD 330 FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1697 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1697 1 0 INSERT 5 FE 330 FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 FF 330 FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 101 330 100 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1698 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1698 1 0 INSERT 5 102 330 100 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 103 330 100 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 105 330 104 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1684 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1684 1 0 INSERT 5 106 330 104 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 107 330 104 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 109 330 108 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1685 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1685 1 0 INSERT 5 10A 330 108 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 10B 330 108 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 10D 330 10C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_291 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_291 1 0 INSERT 5 10E 330 10C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 10F 330 10C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 111 330 110 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_290 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_290 1 0 INSERT 5 112 330 110 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 113 330 110 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 115 330 114 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16113 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16113 1 0 INSERT 5 116 330 114 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 117 330 114 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 119 330 118 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16112 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16112 1 0 INSERT 5 11A 330 118 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 11B 330 118 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 11D 330 11C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2101 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2101 1 0 INSERT 5 11E 330 11C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 11F 330 11C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 121 330 120 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2102 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2102 1 0 INSERT 5 122 330 120 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 123 330 120 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 125 330 124 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2103 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2103 1 0 INSERT 5 126 330 124 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 127 330 124 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 129 330 128 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2124 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2124 1 0 INSERT 5 12A 330 128 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 12B 330 128 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 12D 330 12C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2125 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2125 1 0 INSERT 5 12E 330 12C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 12F 330 12C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 131 330 130 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2184 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2184 1 0 INSERT 5 132 330 130 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 133 330 130 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 135 330 134 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2185 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2185 1 0 INSERT 5 136 330 134 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 137 330 134 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 139 330 138 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2181 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2181 1 0 INSERT 5 13A 330 138 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 13B 330 138 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 13D 330 13C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2182 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2182 1 0 INSERT 5 13E 330 13C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 13F 330 13C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 141 330 140 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2132 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2132 1 0 INSERT 5 142 330 140 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 143 330 140 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 145 330 144 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2130 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2130 1 0 INSERT 5 146 330 144 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 147 330 144 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 149 330 148 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16189 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16189 1 0 INSERT 5 14A 330 148 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 14B 330 148 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 14D 330 14C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16188 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16188 1 0 INSERT 5 14E 330 14C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 14F 330 14C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 151 330 150 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16183 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16183 1 0 INSERT 5 152 330 150 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 153 330 150 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 155 330 154 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16172 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16172 1 0 INSERT 5 156 330 154 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 157 330 154 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 159 330 158 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16173 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16173 1 0 INSERT 5 15A 330 158 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 15B 330 158 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 15D 330 15C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2175 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2175 1 0 INSERT 5 15E 330 15C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 15F 330 15C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 161 330 160 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2176 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2176 1 0 INSERT 5 162 330 160 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 163 330 160 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 165 330 164 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16131 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16131 1 0 INSERT 5 166 330 164 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 167 330 164 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 169 330 168 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16143 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16143 1 0 INSERT 5 16A 330 168 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 16B 330 168 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 16D 330 16C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16155 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16155 1 0 INSERT 5 16E 330 16C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 16F 330 16C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 171 330 170 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16154 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16154 1 0 INSERT 5 172 330 170 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 173 330 170 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 175 330 174 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2156 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2156 1 0 INSERT 5 176 330 174 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 177 330 174 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 179 330 178 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2154 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2154 1 0 INSERT 5 17A 330 178 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 17B 330 178 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 17D 330 17C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16149 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16149 1 0 INSERT 5 17E 330 17C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 17F 330 17C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 181 330 180 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2158 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2158 1 0 INSERT 5 182 330 180 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 183 330 180 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 185 330 184 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2157 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2157 1 0 INSERT 5 186 330 184 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 187 330 184 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 189 330 188 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2147 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2147 1 0 INSERT 5 18A 330 188 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 18B 330 188 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 18D 330 18C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16148 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16148 1 0 INSERT 5 18E 330 18C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 18F 330 18C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 191 330 190 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2159 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2159 1 0 INSERT 5 192 330 190 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 193 330 190 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 195 330 194 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2152 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2152 1 0 INSERT 5 196 330 194 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 197 330 194 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 199 330 198 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2151 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2151 1 0 INSERT 5 19A 330 198 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 19B 330 198 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 19D 330 19C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_29 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_29 1 0 INSERT 5 19E 330 19C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 19F 330 19C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1A1 330 1A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_210 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_210 1 0 INSERT 5 1A2 330 1A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1A3 330 1A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1A5 330 1A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X161 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X161 1 0 INSERT 5 1A6 330 1A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1A7 330 1A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1A9 330 1A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1613 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1613 1 0 INSERT 5 1AA 330 1A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1AB 330 1A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1AD 330 1AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1652 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1652 1 0 INSERT 5 1AE 330 1AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1AF 330 1AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1B1 330 1B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_216 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_216 1 0 INSERT 5 1B2 330 1B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1B3 330 1B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1B5 330 1B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_217 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_217 1 0 INSERT 5 1B6 330 1B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1B7 330 1B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1B9 330 1B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_255 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_255 1 0 INSERT 5 1BA 330 1B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1BB 330 1B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1BD 330 1BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_254 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_254 1 0 INSERT 5 1BE 330 1BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1BF 330 1BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1C1 330 1C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1636 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1636 1 0 INSERT 5 1C2 330 1C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1C3 330 1C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1C5 330 1C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1635 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1635 1 0 INSERT 5 1C6 330 1C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1C7 330 1C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1C9 330 1C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1619 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1619 1 0 INSERT 5 1CA 330 1C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1CB 330 1C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1CD 330 1CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1641 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1641 1 0 INSERT 5 1CE 330 1CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1CF 330 1CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1D1 330 1D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1646 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1646 1 0 INSERT 5 1D2 330 1D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1D3 330 1D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1D5 330 1D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1647 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1647 1 0 INSERT 5 1D6 330 1D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1D7 330 1D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1D9 330 1D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_222 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_222 1 0 INSERT 5 1DA 330 1D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1DB 330 1D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1DD 330 1DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_223 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_223 1 0 INSERT 5 1DE 330 1DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1DF 330 1DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1E1 330 1E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1625 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1625 1 0 INSERT 5 1E2 330 1E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1E3 330 1E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1E5 330 1E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_243 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_243 1 0 INSERT 5 1E6 330 1E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1E7 330 1E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1E9 330 1E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_264 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_264 1 0 INSERT 5 1EA 330 1E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1EB 330 1E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1ED 330 1EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1659 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1659 1 0 INSERT 5 1EE 330 1EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1EF 330 1EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1F1 330 1F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1664 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1664 1 0 INSERT 5 1F2 330 1F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1F3 330 1F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1F5 330 1F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1665 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1665 1 0 INSERT 5 1F6 330 1F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1F7 330 1F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1F9 330 1F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1670 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1670 1 0 INSERT 5 1FA 330 1F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1FB 330 1F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1FD 330 1FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1671 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1671 1 0 INSERT 5 1FE 330 1FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 1FF 330 1FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 201 330 200 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_278 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_278 1 0 INSERT 5 202 330 200 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 203 330 200 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 205 330 204 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16109 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16109 1 0 INSERT 5 206 330 204 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 207 330 204 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 209 330 208 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_289 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_289 1 0 INSERT 5 20A 330 208 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 20B 330 208 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 20D 330 20C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16129 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16129 1 0 INSERT 5 20E 330 20C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 20F 330 20C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 211 330 210 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2108 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2108 1 0 INSERT 5 212 330 210 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 213 330 210 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 215 330 214 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16111 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16111 1 0 INSERT 5 216 330 214 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 217 330 214 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 219 330 218 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16110 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16110 1 0 INSERT 5 21A 330 218 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 21B 330 218 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 21D 330 21C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2126 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2126 1 0 INSERT 5 21E 330 21C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 21F 330 21C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 221 330 220 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2120 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2120 1 0 INSERT 5 222 330 220 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 223 330 220 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 225 330 224 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2114 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2114 1 0 INSERT 5 226 330 224 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 227 330 224 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 229 330 228 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2186 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2186 1 0 INSERT 5 22A 330 228 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 22B 330 228 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 22D 330 22C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2177 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2177 1 0 INSERT 5 22E 330 22C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 22F 330 22C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 231 330 230 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16130 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16130 1 0 INSERT 5 232 330 230 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 233 330 230 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 235 330 234 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16136 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16136 1 0 INSERT 5 236 330 234 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 237 330 234 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 239 330 238 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16137 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16137 1 0 INSERT 5 23A 330 238 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 23B 330 238 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 23D 330 23C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2170 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2170 1 0 INSERT 5 23E 330 23C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 23F 330 23C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 241 330 240 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2169 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2169 1 0 INSERT 5 242 330 240 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 243 330 240 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 245 330 244 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16171 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16171 1 0 INSERT 5 246 330 244 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 247 330 244 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 249 330 248 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16170 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16170 1 0 INSERT 5 24A 330 248 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 24B 330 248 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 24D 330 24C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2141 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2141 1 0 INSERT 5 24E 330 24C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 24F 330 24C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 251 330 250 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2140 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2140 1 0 INSERT 5 252 330 250 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 253 330 250 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 255 330 254 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16142 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16142 1 0 INSERT 5 256 330 254 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 257 330 254 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 259 330 258 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2168 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2168 1 0 INSERT 5 25A 330 258 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 25B 330 258 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 25D 330 25C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2167 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2167 1 0 INSERT 5 25E 330 25C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 25F 330 25C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 261 330 260 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16165 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16165 1 0 INSERT 5 262 330 260 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 263 330 260 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 265 330 264 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2145 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2145 1 0 INSERT 5 266 330 264 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 267 330 264 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 269 330 268 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2144 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2144 1 0 INSERT 5 26A 330 268 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 26B 330 268 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 26D 330 26C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2164 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2164 1 0 INSERT 5 26E 330 26C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 26F 330 26C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 271 330 270 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2163 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2163 1 0 INSERT 5 272 330 270 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 273 330 270 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 275 330 274 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2162 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2162 1 0 INSERT 5 276 330 274 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 277 330 274 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 279 330 278 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2161 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2161 1 0 INSERT 5 27A 330 278 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 27B 330 278 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 27D 330 27C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_237 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_237 1 0 INSERT 5 27E 330 27C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 27F 330 27C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 281 330 280 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_235 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_235 1 0 INSERT 5 282 330 280 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 283 330 280 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 285 330 284 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_238 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_238 1 0 INSERT 5 286 330 284 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 287 330 284 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 289 330 288 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2100 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2100 1 0 INSERT 5 28A 330 288 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 28B 330 288 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 28D 330 28C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2121 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2121 1 0 INSERT 5 28E 330 28C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 28F 330 28C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 291 330 290 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2119 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2119 1 0 INSERT 5 292 330 290 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 293 330 290 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 295 330 294 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2117 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2117 1 0 INSERT 5 296 330 294 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 297 330 294 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 299 330 298 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_274 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_274 1 0 INSERT 5 29A 330 298 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 29B 330 298 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 29D 330 29C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2118 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2118 1 0 INSERT 5 29E 330 29C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 29F 330 29C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2A1 330 2A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2115 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2115 1 0 INSERT 5 2A2 330 2A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2A3 330 2A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2A5 330 2A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2116 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2116 1 0 INSERT 5 2A6 330 2A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2A7 330 2A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2A9 330 2A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2138 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2138 1 0 INSERT 5 2AA 330 2A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2AB 330 2A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2AD 330 2AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2136 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2136 1 0 INSERT 5 2AE 330 2AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2AF 330 2AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2B1 330 2B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_23 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_23 1 0 INSERT 5 2B2 330 2B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2B3 330 2B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2B5 330 2B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_22 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_22 1 0 INSERT 5 2B6 330 2B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2B7 330 2B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2B9 330 2B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X162 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X162 1 0 INSERT 5 2BA 330 2B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2BB 330 2B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2BD 330 2BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_211 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_211 1 0 INSERT 5 2BE 330 2BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2BF 330 2BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2C1 330 2C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_218 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_218 1 0 INSERT 5 2C2 330 2C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2C3 330 2C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2C5 330 2C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_260 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_260 1 0 INSERT 5 2C6 330 2C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2C7 330 2C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2C9 330 2C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_261 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_261 1 0 INSERT 5 2CA 330 2C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2CB 330 2C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2CD 330 2CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_257 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_257 1 0 INSERT 5 2CE 330 2CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2CF 330 2CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2D1 330 2D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_256 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_256 1 0 INSERT 5 2D2 330 2D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2D3 330 2D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2D5 330 2D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_250 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_250 1 0 INSERT 5 2D6 330 2D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2D7 330 2D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2D9 330 2D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_251 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_251 1 0 INSERT 5 2DA 330 2D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2DB 330 2D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2DD 330 2DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_262 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_262 1 0 INSERT 5 2DE 330 2DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2DF 330 2DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2E1 330 2E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_248 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_248 1 0 INSERT 5 2E2 330 2E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2E3 330 2E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2E5 330 2E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_249 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_249 1 0 INSERT 5 2E6 330 2E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2E7 330 2E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2E9 330 2E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_246 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_246 1 0 INSERT 5 2EA 330 2E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2EB 330 2E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2ED 330 2EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_269 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_269 1 0 INSERT 5 2EE 330 2EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2EF 330 2EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2F1 330 2F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_268 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_268 1 0 INSERT 5 2F2 330 2F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2F3 330 2F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2F5 330 2F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_242 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_242 1 0 INSERT 5 2F6 330 2F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2F7 330 2F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2F9 330 2F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_240 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_240 1 0 INSERT 5 2FA 330 2F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2FB 330 2F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 2FD 330 2FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_272 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_272 1 0 INSERT 5 2FE 330 2FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 2FF 330 2FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 301 330 300 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_273 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_273 1 0 INSERT 5 302 330 300 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 303 330 300 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 305 330 304 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1640 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1640 1 0 INSERT 5 306 330 304 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 307 330 304 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 309 330 308 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_229 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_229 1 0 INSERT 5 30A 330 308 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 30B 330 308 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 30D 330 30C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1632 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1632 1 0 INSERT 5 30E 330 30C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 30F 330 30C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 311 330 310 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1687 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1687 1 0 INSERT 5 312 330 310 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 313 330 310 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 315 330 314 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_228 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_228 1 0 INSERT 5 316 330 314 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 317 330 314 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 319 330 318 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_227 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_227 1 0 INSERT 5 31A 330 318 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 31B 330 318 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 31D 330 31C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2127 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2127 1 0 INSERT 5 31E 330 31C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 31F 330 31C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 321 330 320 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2112 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2112 1 0 INSERT 5 322 330 320 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 323 330 320 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 325 330 324 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2106 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2106 1 0 INSERT 5 326 330 324 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 327 330 324 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 329 330 328 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2105 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2105 1 0 INSERT 5 32A 330 328 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 32B 330 328 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 32D 330 32C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2107 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2107 1 0 INSERT 5 32E 330 32C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 32F 330 32C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 331 330 330 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2104 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2104 1 0 INSERT 5 332 330 330 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 333 330 330 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 335 330 334 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2110 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2110 1 0 INSERT 5 336 330 334 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 337 330 334 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 339 330 338 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16108 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16108 1 0 INSERT 5 33A 330 338 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 33B 330 338 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 33D 330 33C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2187 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2187 1 0 INSERT 5 33E 330 33C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 33F 330 33C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 341 330 340 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_299 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_299 1 0 INSERT 5 342 330 340 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 343 330 340 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 345 330 344 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_293 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_293 1 0 INSERT 5 346 330 344 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 347 330 344 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 349 330 348 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_294 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_294 1 0 INSERT 5 34A 330 348 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 34B 330 348 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 34D 330 34C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_283 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_283 1 0 INSERT 5 34E 330 34C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 34F 330 34C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 351 330 350 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_296 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_296 1 0 INSERT 5 352 330 350 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 353 330 350 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 355 330 354 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_282 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_282 1 0 INSERT 5 356 330 354 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 357 330 354 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 359 330 358 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2180 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2180 1 0 INSERT 5 35A 330 358 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 35B 330 358 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 35D 330 35C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_288 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_288 1 0 INSERT 5 35E 330 35C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 35F 330 35C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 361 330 360 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_292 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_292 1 0 INSERT 5 362 330 360 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 363 330 360 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 365 330 364 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2178 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2178 1 0 INSERT 5 366 330 364 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 367 330 364 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 369 330 368 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2179 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2179 1 0 INSERT 5 36A 330 368 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 36B 330 368 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 36D 330 36C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2135 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2135 1 0 INSERT 5 36E 330 36C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 36F 330 36C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 371 330 370 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2134 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2134 1 0 INSERT 5 372 330 370 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 373 330 370 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 375 330 374 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2139 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2139 1 0 INSERT 5 376 330 374 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 377 330 374 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 379 330 378 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2142 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2142 1 0 INSERT 5 37A 330 378 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 37B 330 378 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 37D 330 37C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16164 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16164 1 0 INSERT 5 37E 330 37C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 37F 330 37C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 381 330 380 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2166 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2166 1 0 INSERT 5 382 330 380 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 383 330 380 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 385 330 384 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_24 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_24 1 0 INSERT 5 386 330 384 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 387 330 384 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 389 330 388 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_252 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_252 1 0 INSERT 5 38A 330 388 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 38B 330 388 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 38D 330 38C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_28 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_28 1 0 INSERT 5 38E 330 38C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 38F 330 38C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 391 330 390 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_214 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_214 1 0 INSERT 5 392 330 390 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 393 330 390 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 395 330 394 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_212 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_212 1 0 INSERT 5 396 330 394 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 397 330 394 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 399 330 398 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1612 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1612 1 0 INSERT 5 39A 330 398 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 39B 330 398 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 39D 330 39C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_258 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_258 1 0 INSERT 5 39E 330 39C 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 39F 330 39C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3A1 330 3A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1658 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1658 1 0 INSERT 5 3A2 330 3A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3A3 330 3A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3A5 330 3A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_270 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_270 1 0 INSERT 5 3A6 330 3A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3A7 330 3A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3A9 330 3A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_221 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_221 1 0 INSERT 5 3AA 330 3A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3AB 330 3A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3AD 330 3AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_226 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_226 1 0 INSERT 5 3AE 330 3AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3AF 330 3AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3B1 330 3B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_286 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_286 1 0 INSERT 5 3B2 330 3B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3B3 330 3B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3B5 330 3B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_287 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_287 1 0 INSERT 5 3B6 330 3B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3B7 330 3B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3B9 330 3B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2128 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2128 1 0 INSERT 5 3BA 330 3B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3BB 330 3B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3BD 330 3BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16128 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16128 1 0 INSERT 5 3BE 330 3BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3BF 330 3BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3C1 330 3C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2188 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2188 1 0 INSERT 5 3C2 330 3C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3C3 330 3C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3C5 330 3C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1679 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1679 1 0 INSERT 5 3C6 330 3C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3C7 330 3C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3C9 330 3C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_284 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_284 1 0 INSERT 5 3CA 330 3C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3CB 330 3C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3CD 330 3CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_297 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_297 1 0 INSERT 5 3CE 330 3CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3CF 330 3CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3D1 330 3D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X16182 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X16182 1 0 INSERT 5 3D2 330 3D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3D3 330 3D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3D5 330 3D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 S12X1678 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 S12X1678 1 0 INSERT 5 3D6 330 3D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_629_472_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3D7 330 3D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3D9 330 3D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2146 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2146 1 0 INSERT 5 3DA 330 3D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3DB 330 3D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3DD 330 3DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2172 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2172 1 0 INSERT 5 3DE 330 3DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3DF 330 3DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3E1 330 3E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2174 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2174 1 0 INSERT 5 3E2 330 3E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3E3 330 3E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3E5 330 3E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2150 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2150 1 0 INSERT 5 3E6 330 3E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3E7 330 3E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3E9 330 3E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2153 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2153 1 0 INSERT 5 3EA 330 3E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3EB 330 3E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3ED 330 3EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2160 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2160 1 0 INSERT 5 3EE 330 3EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3EF 330 3EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3F1 330 3F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2122 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2122 1 0 INSERT 5 3F2 330 3F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3F3 330 3F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3F5 330 3F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2133 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2133 1 0 INSERT 5 3F6 330 3F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3F7 330 3F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3F9 330 3F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_276 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_276 1 0 INSERT 5 3FA 330 3F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3FB 330 3F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 3FD 330 3FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_25 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_25 1 0 INSERT 5 3FE 330 3FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 3FF 330 3FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 401 330 400 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_26 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_26 1 0 INSERT 5 402 330 400 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 403 330 400 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 405 330 404 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_219 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_219 1 0 INSERT 5 406 330 404 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 407 330 404 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 409 330 408 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 TR1_5X2_2148 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 TR1_5X2_2148 1 0 INSERT 5 40A 330 408 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 SHAPE_SQ_590_866_0_0_0_0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 40B 330 408 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 40D 330 40C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 CROSS 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 CROSS 1 0 LINE 5 40E 330 40C 100 AcDbEntity 8 DRILL_LAYER 6 Continuous 100 AcDbLine 10 0.0 20 -12.7 30 0.0 11 0.0 21 12.7 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 40F 330 40C 100 AcDbEntity 8 DRILL_LAYER 6 Continuous 100 AcDbLine 10 -12.7 20 0.0 30 0.0 11 12.7 21 0.0 31 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 410 330 40C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 412 330 411 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_386 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_386 1 0 ENDBLK 5 413 330 411 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 415 330 414 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_399 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_399 1 0 ENDBLK 5 416 330 414 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 418 330 417 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_409 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_409 1 0 ENDBLK 5 419 330 417 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 41B 330 41A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_420 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_420 1 0 ENDBLK 5 41C 330 41A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 41E 330 41D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_430 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_430 1 0 ENDBLK 5 41F 330 41D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 421 330 420 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_443 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_443 1 0 ENDBLK 5 422 330 420 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 424 330 423 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_456 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_456 1 0 ENDBLK 5 425 330 423 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 427 330 426 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_466 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_466 1 0 ENDBLK 5 428 330 426 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 42A 330 429 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_479 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_479 1 0 ENDBLK 5 42B 330 429 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 42D 330 42C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_492 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_492 1 0 ENDBLK 5 42E 330 42C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 430 330 42F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_505 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_505 1 0 ENDBLK 5 431 330 42F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 433 330 432 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_518 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_518 1 0 ENDBLK 5 434 330 432 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 436 330 435 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_533 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_533 1 0 ENDBLK 5 437 330 435 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 439 330 438 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_543 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_543 1 0 ENDBLK 5 43A 330 438 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 43C 330 43B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_556 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_556 1 0 ENDBLK 5 43D 330 43B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 43F 330 43E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_572 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_572 1 0 ENDBLK 5 440 330 43E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 442 330 441 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_582 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_582 1 0 ENDBLK 5 443 330 441 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 445 330 444 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_592 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_592 1 0 ENDBLK 5 446 330 444 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 448 330 447 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_605 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_605 1 0 ENDBLK 5 449 330 447 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 44B 330 44A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_615 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_615 1 0 ENDBLK 5 44C 330 44A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 44E 330 44D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_628 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_628 1 0 ENDBLK 5 44F 330 44D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 451 330 450 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_641 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_641 1 0 ENDBLK 5 452 330 450 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 454 330 453 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_654 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_654 1 0 ENDBLK 5 455 330 453 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 457 330 456 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_667 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_667 1 0 ENDBLK 5 458 330 456 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 45A 330 459 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_680 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_680 1 0 ENDBLK 5 45B 330 459 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 45D 330 45C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_693 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_693 1 0 ENDBLK 5 45E 330 45C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 460 330 45F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_706 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_706 1 0 ENDBLK 5 461 330 45F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 463 330 462 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_719 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_719 1 0 ENDBLK 5 464 330 462 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 466 330 465 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_729 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_729 1 0 ENDBLK 5 467 330 465 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 469 330 468 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_739 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_739 1 0 ENDBLK 5 46A 330 468 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 46C 330 46B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_749 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_749 1 0 ENDBLK 5 46D 330 46B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 46F 330 46E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_762 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_762 1 0 ENDBLK 5 470 330 46E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 472 330 471 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_773 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_773 1 0 ENDBLK 5 473 330 471 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 475 330 474 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_783 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_783 1 0 ENDBLK 5 476 330 474 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 478 330 477 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_793 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_793 1 0 ENDBLK 5 479 330 477 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 47B 330 47A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_803 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_803 1 0 ENDBLK 5 47C 330 47A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 47E 330 47D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_816 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_816 1 0 ENDBLK 5 47F 330 47D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 481 330 480 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_826 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_826 1 0 ENDBLK 5 482 330 480 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 484 330 483 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_839 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_839 1 0 ENDBLK 5 485 330 483 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 487 330 486 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_852 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_852 1 0 ENDBLK 5 488 330 486 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 48A 330 489 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_862 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_862 1 0 ENDBLK 5 48B 330 489 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 48D 330 48C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_875 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_875 1 0 ENDBLK 5 48E 330 48C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 490 330 48F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_888 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_888 1 0 ENDBLK 5 491 330 48F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 493 330 492 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_901 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_901 1 0 ENDBLK 5 494 330 492 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 496 330 495 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_911 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_911 1 0 ENDBLK 5 497 330 495 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 499 330 498 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_921 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_921 1 0 ENDBLK 5 49A 330 498 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 49C 330 49B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_931 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_931 1 0 ENDBLK 5 49D 330 49B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 49F 330 49E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_944 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_944 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4A0 330 49E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4A2 330 4A1 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_957 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_957 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4A3 330 4A1 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4A5 330 4A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_967 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_967 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4A6 330 4A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4A8 330 4A7 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_977 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_977 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4A9 330 4A7 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4AB 330 4AA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_987 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_987 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4AC 330 4AA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4AE 330 4AD 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_997 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_997 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4AF 330 4AD 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4B1 330 4B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1010 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1010 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4B2 330 4B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4B4 330 4B3 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1020 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1020 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4B5 330 4B3 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4B7 330 4B6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1033 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1033 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4B8 330 4B6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4BA 330 4B9 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1046 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1046 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4BB 330 4B9 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4BD 330 4BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1059 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1059 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4BE 330 4BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4C0 330 4BF 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1072 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1072 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4C1 330 4BF 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4C3 330 4C2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1082 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1082 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4C4 330 4C2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4C6 330 4C5 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1092 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1092 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4C7 330 4C5 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4C9 330 4C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1102 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1102 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4CA 330 4C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4CC 330 4CB 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1112 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1112 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4CD 330 4CB 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4CF 330 4CE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1128 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1128 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4D0 330 4CE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4D2 330 4D1 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1138 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1138 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4D3 330 4D1 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4D5 330 4D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1151 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1151 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4D6 330 4D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4D8 330 4D7 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1164 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1164 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4D9 330 4D7 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4DB 330 4DA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1174 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1174 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4DC 330 4DA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4DE 330 4DD 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1184 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1184 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4DF 330 4DD 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4E1 330 4E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1194 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1194 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4E2 330 4E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4E4 330 4E3 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1207 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1207 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4E5 330 4E3 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4E7 330 4E6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1217 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1217 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4E8 330 4E6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4EA 330 4E9 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1230 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1230 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4EB 330 4E9 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4ED 330 4EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1243 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1243 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4EE 330 4EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4F0 330 4EF 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1256 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1256 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4F1 330 4EF 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4F3 330 4F2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1269 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1269 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4F4 330 4F2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4F6 330 4F5 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1279 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1279 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4F7 330 4F5 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4F9 330 4F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1289 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1289 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4FA 330 4F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4FC 330 4FB 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1302 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1302 1 0 ENDBLK 5 4FD 330 4FB 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 4FF 330 4FE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1312 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1312 1 0 ENDBLK 5 500 330 4FE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 502 330 501 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1325 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1325 1 0 ENDBLK 5 503 330 501 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 505 330 504 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1335 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1335 1 0 ENDBLK 5 506 330 504 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 508 330 507 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1348 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1348 1 0 ENDBLK 5 509 330 507 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 50B 330 50A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1358 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1358 1 0 ENDBLK 5 50C 330 50A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 50E 330 50D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1371 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1371 1 0 ENDBLK 5 50F 330 50D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 511 330 510 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1384 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1384 1 0 ENDBLK 5 512 330 510 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 514 330 513 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1397 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1397 1 0 ENDBLK 5 515 330 513 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 517 330 516 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1410 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1410 1 0 ENDBLK 5 518 330 516 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 51A 330 519 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1423 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1423 1 0 ENDBLK 5 51B 330 519 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 51D 330 51C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1436 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1436 1 0 ENDBLK 5 51E 330 51C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 520 330 51F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1449 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1449 1 0 ENDBLK 5 521 330 51F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 523 330 522 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1462 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1462 1 0 ENDBLK 5 524 330 522 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 526 330 525 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1475 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1475 1 0 ENDBLK 5 527 330 525 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 529 330 528 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1488 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1488 1 0 ENDBLK 5 52A 330 528 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 52C 330 52B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1501 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1501 1 0 ENDBLK 5 52D 330 52B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 52F 330 52E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1514 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1514 1 0 ENDBLK 5 530 330 52E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 532 330 531 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1527 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1527 1 0 ENDBLK 5 533 330 531 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 535 330 534 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1540 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1540 1 0 ENDBLK 5 536 330 534 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 538 330 537 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1550 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1550 1 0 ENDBLK 5 539 330 537 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 53B 330 53A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1560 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1560 1 0 ENDBLK 5 53C 330 53A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 53E 330 53D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1570 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1570 1 0 ENDBLK 5 53F 330 53D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 541 330 540 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1583 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1583 1 0 ENDBLK 5 542 330 540 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 544 330 543 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1596 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1596 1 0 ENDBLK 5 545 330 543 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 547 330 546 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1609 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1609 1 0 ENDBLK 5 548 330 546 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 54A 330 549 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1622 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1622 1 0 ENDBLK 5 54B 330 549 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 54D 330 54C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1635 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1635 1 0 ENDBLK 5 54E 330 54C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 550 330 54F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1648 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1648 1 0 ENDBLK 5 551 330 54F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 553 330 552 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1661 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1661 1 0 ENDBLK 5 554 330 552 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 556 330 555 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1674 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1674 1 0 ENDBLK 5 557 330 555 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 559 330 558 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1687 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1687 1 0 ENDBLK 5 55A 330 558 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 55C 330 55B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1700 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1700 1 0 ENDBLK 5 55D 330 55B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 55F 330 55E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1713 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1713 1 0 ENDBLK 5 560 330 55E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 562 330 561 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1723 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1723 1 0 ENDBLK 5 563 330 561 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 565 330 564 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1736 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1736 1 0 ENDBLK 5 566 330 564 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 568 330 567 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1749 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1749 1 0 ENDBLK 5 569 330 567 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 56B 330 56A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1762 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1762 1 0 ENDBLK 5 56C 330 56A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 56E 330 56D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1772 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1772 1 0 ENDBLK 5 56F 330 56D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 571 330 570 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1785 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1785 1 0 ENDBLK 5 572 330 570 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 574 330 573 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1795 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1795 1 0 ENDBLK 5 575 330 573 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 577 330 576 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1805 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1805 1 0 ENDBLK 5 578 330 576 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 57A 330 579 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1818 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1818 1 0 ENDBLK 5 57B 330 579 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 57D 330 57C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1831 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1831 1 0 ENDBLK 5 57E 330 57C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 580 330 57F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1844 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1844 1 0 ENDBLK 5 581 330 57F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 583 330 582 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1854 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1854 1 0 ENDBLK 5 584 330 582 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 586 330 585 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1864 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1864 1 0 ENDBLK 5 587 330 585 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 589 330 588 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1877 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1877 1 0 ENDBLK 5 58A 330 588 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 58C 330 58B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1890 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1890 1 0 ENDBLK 5 58D 330 58B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 58F 330 58E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1900 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1900 1 0 ENDBLK 5 590 330 58E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 592 330 591 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1910 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1910 1 0 ENDBLK 5 593 330 591 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 595 330 594 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_1923 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_1923 1 0 ENDBLK 5 596 330 594 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 598 330 597 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1933 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1933 1 0 ENDBLK 5 599 330 597 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 59B 330 59A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1946 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1946 1 0 ENDBLK 5 59C 330 59A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 59E 330 59D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1959 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1959 1 0 ENDBLK 5 59F 330 59D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5A1 330 5A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1972 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1972 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5A2 330 5A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5A4 330 5A3 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1985 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1985 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5A5 330 5A3 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5A7 330 5A6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1998 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1998 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5A8 330 5A6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5AA 330 5A9 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2011 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2011 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5AB 330 5A9 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5AD 330 5AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2024 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2024 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5AE 330 5AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5B0 330 5AF 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2037 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2037 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5B1 330 5AF 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5B3 330 5B2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2050 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2050 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5B4 330 5B2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5B6 330 5B5 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2063 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2063 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5B7 330 5B5 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5B9 330 5B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2076 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2076 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5BA 330 5B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5BC 330 5BB 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2089 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2089 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5BD 330 5BB 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5BF 330 5BE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2102 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2102 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5C0 330 5BE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5C2 330 5C1 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2115 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2115 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5C3 330 5C1 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5C5 330 5C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2125 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2125 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5C6 330 5C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5C8 330 5C7 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2138 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2138 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5C9 330 5C7 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5CB 330 5CA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2151 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2151 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5CC 330 5CA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5CE 330 5CD 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2161 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2161 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5CF 330 5CD 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5D1 330 5D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2171 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2171 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5D2 330 5D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5D4 330 5D3 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2184 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2184 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5D5 330 5D3 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5D7 330 5D6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2197 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2197 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5D8 330 5D6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5DA 330 5D9 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2210 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2210 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5DB 330 5D9 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5DD 330 5DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2223 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2223 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5DE 330 5DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5E0 330 5DF 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2236 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2236 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5E1 330 5DF 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5E3 330 5E2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2249 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2249 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5E4 330 5E2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5E6 330 5E5 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2259 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2259 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5E7 330 5E5 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5E9 330 5E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2272 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2272 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5EA 330 5E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5EC 330 5EB 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2285 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2285 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5ED 330 5EB 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5EF 330 5EE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2298 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2298 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5F0 330 5EE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5F2 330 5F1 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2308 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2308 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5F3 330 5F1 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5F5 330 5F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2321 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2321 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5F6 330 5F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5F8 330 5F7 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2334 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2334 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5F9 330 5F7 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5FB 330 5FA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2347 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2347 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5FC 330 5FA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 5FE 330 5FD 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2360 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2360 1 0 ENDBLK 5 5FF 330 5FD 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 601 330 600 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2373 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2373 1 0 ENDBLK 5 602 330 600 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 604 330 603 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2386 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2386 1 0 ENDBLK 5 605 330 603 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 607 330 606 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2399 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2399 1 0 ENDBLK 5 608 330 606 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 60A 330 609 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2412 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2412 1 0 ENDBLK 5 60B 330 609 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 60D 330 60C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2425 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2425 1 0 ENDBLK 5 60E 330 60C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 610 330 60F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2438 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2438 1 0 ENDBLK 5 611 330 60F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 613 330 612 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2448 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2448 1 0 ENDBLK 5 614 330 612 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 616 330 615 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2461 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2461 1 0 ENDBLK 5 617 330 615 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 619 330 618 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2474 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2474 1 0 ENDBLK 5 61A 330 618 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 61C 330 61B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2487 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2487 1 0 ENDBLK 5 61D 330 61B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 61F 330 61E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2497 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2497 1 0 ENDBLK 5 620 330 61E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 622 330 621 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2510 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2510 1 0 ENDBLK 5 623 330 621 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 625 330 624 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2523 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2523 1 0 ENDBLK 5 626 330 624 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 628 330 627 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2536 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2536 1 0 ENDBLK 5 629 330 627 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 62B 330 62A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2549 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2549 1 0 ENDBLK 5 62C 330 62A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 62E 330 62D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2562 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2562 1 0 ENDBLK 5 62F 330 62D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 631 330 630 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2575 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2575 1 0 ENDBLK 5 632 330 630 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 634 330 633 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2588 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2588 1 0 ENDBLK 5 635 330 633 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 637 330 636 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2598 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2598 1 0 ENDBLK 5 638 330 636 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 63A 330 639 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2608 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2608 1 0 ENDBLK 5 63B 330 639 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 63D 330 63C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2621 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2621 1 0 ENDBLK 5 63E 330 63C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 640 330 63F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2634 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2634 1 0 ENDBLK 5 641 330 63F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 643 330 642 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2644 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2644 1 0 ENDBLK 5 644 330 642 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 646 330 645 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2657 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2657 1 0 ENDBLK 5 647 330 645 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 649 330 648 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2670 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2670 1 0 ENDBLK 5 64A 330 648 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 64C 330 64B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2683 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2683 1 0 ENDBLK 5 64D 330 64B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 64F 330 64E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R1206_2696 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R1206_2696 1 0 ENDBLK 5 650 330 64E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 652 330 651 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2706 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2706 1 0 ENDBLK 5 653 330 651 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 655 330 654 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2719 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2719 1 0 ENDBLK 5 656 330 654 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 658 330 657 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2732 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2732 1 0 ENDBLK 5 659 330 657 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 65B 330 65A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2745 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2745 1 0 ENDBLK 5 65C 330 65A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 65E 330 65D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2758 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2758 1 0 ENDBLK 5 65F 330 65D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 661 330 660 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2771 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2771 1 0 ENDBLK 5 662 330 660 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 664 330 663 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2784 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2784 1 0 ENDBLK 5 665 330 663 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 667 330 666 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2797 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2797 1 0 ENDBLK 5 668 330 666 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 66A 330 669 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2810 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2810 1 0 ENDBLK 5 66B 330 669 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 66D 330 66C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2823 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2823 1 0 ENDBLK 5 66E 330 66C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 670 330 66F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2836 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2836 1 0 ENDBLK 5 671 330 66F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 673 330 672 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2849 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2849 1 0 ENDBLK 5 674 330 672 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 676 330 675 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2862 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2862 1 0 ENDBLK 5 677 330 675 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 679 330 678 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2875 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2875 1 0 ENDBLK 5 67A 330 678 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 67C 330 67B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2888 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2888 1 0 ENDBLK 5 67D 330 67B 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 67F 330 67E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2901 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2901 1 0 ENDBLK 5 680 330 67E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 682 330 681 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2914 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2914 1 0 ENDBLK 5 683 330 681 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 685 330 684 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2927 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2927 1 0 ENDBLK 5 686 330 684 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 688 330 687 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2940 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2940 1 0 ENDBLK 5 689 330 687 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 68B 330 68A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2953 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2953 1 0 ENDBLK 5 68C 330 68A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 68E 330 68D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2966 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2966 1 0 ENDBLK 5 68F 330 68D 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 691 330 690 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2979 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2979 1 0 ENDBLK 5 692 330 690 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 694 330 693 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2992 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2992 1 0 ENDBLK 5 695 330 693 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 697 330 696 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_3005 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_3005 1 0 ENDBLK 5 698 330 696 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 69A 330 699 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_3018 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_3018 1 0 ENDBLK 5 69B 330 699 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 69D 330 69C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL17 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL17 1 0 INSERT 5 69E 330 69C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_386 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 69F 330 69C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_215 10 522.33137 20 765.93137 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 6A0 330 69C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 520.21005 20 763.81005 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6A1 330 69C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6A3 330 6A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R43 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R43 1 0 INSERT 5 6A4 330 6A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_399 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6A5 330 6A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X167 10 529.8 20 766.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6A6 330 6A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X166 10 529.8 20 764.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6A7 330 6A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6A9 330 6A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R59 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R59 1 0 INSERT 5 6AA 330 6A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_409 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6AB 330 6A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 543.2 20 751.6 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6AC 330 6A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1653 10 543.2 20 748.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6AD 330 6A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6AF 330 6AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R47 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R47 1 0 INSERT 5 6B0 330 6AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_420 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6B1 330 6AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1620 10 551.2 20 775.8 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6B2 330 6AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 551.2 20 773.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6B3 330 6AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6B5 330 6B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL34 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL34 1 0 INSERT 5 6B6 330 6B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_430 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6B7 330 6B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_244 10 569.6 20 750.8 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6B8 330 6B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_245 10 566.6 20 750.8 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6B9 330 6B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6BB 330 6BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL39 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL39 1 0 INSERT 5 6BC 330 6BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_443 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6BD 330 6BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6BE 330 6BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_239 10 566.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6BF 330 6BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6C1 330 6C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R51 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R51 1 0 INSERT 5 6C2 330 6C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_456 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6C3 330 6C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 567.6 20 778.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 6C4 330 6C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1633 10 567.6 20 781.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6C5 330 6C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6C7 330 6C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL60 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL60 1 0 INSERT 5 6C8 330 6C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_466 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6C9 330 6C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_224 10 567.73137 20 787.8686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 6CA 330 6C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 565.6100499999999 20 789.98995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6CB 330 6C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6CD 330 6CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL163 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL163 1 0 INSERT 5 6CE 330 6CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_479 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6CF 330 6CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_263 10 576.2 20 737.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6D0 330 6CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 573.2 20 737.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6D1 330 6CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6D3 330 6D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL167 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL167 1 0 INSERT 5 6D4 330 6D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_492 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6D5 330 6D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_266 10 574.6 20 743.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 6D6 330 6D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_267 10 577.6 20 743.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6D7 330 6D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6D9 330 6D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL50 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL50 1 0 INSERT 5 6DA 330 6D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_505 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6DB 330 6D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_230 10 573.0 20 775.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 6DC 330 6D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_295 10 576.0 20 775.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6DD 330 6D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6DF 330 6DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL46 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL46 1 0 INSERT 5 6E0 330 6DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_518 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6E1 330 6DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_232 10 574.40001 20 781.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 6E2 330 6DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_231 10 577.4000099999999 20 781.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6E3 330 6DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6E5 330 6E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R79 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R79 1 0 INSERT 5 6E6 330 6E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_533 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6E7 330 6E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16122 10 581.6 20 741.1 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 6E8 330 6E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16123 10 584.4 20 741.1 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6E9 330 6E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6EB 330 6EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL169 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL169 1 0 INSERT 5 6EC 330 6EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_543 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6ED 330 6EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_277 10 584.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6EE 330 6EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6EF 330 6EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6F1 330 6F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL177 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL177 1 0 INSERT 5 6F2 330 6F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_556 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6F3 330 6F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_280 10 582.3999999999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 6F4 330 6F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_281 10 585.4 20 773.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6F5 330 6F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6F7 330 6F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R71 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R71 1 0 INSERT 5 6F8 330 6F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_572 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6F9 330 6F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1697 10 591.3999999999999 20 776.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6FA 330 6F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1698 10 591.3999999999999 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 6FB 330 6F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 6FD 330 6FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R69 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R69 1 0 INSERT 5 6FE 330 6FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_582 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 6FF 330 6FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1684 10 588.6 20 776.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 700 330 6FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1685 10 588.6 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 701 330 6FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 703 330 702 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL179 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL179 1 0 INSERT 5 704 330 702 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_592 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 705 330 702 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_291 10 591.6 20 796.6 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 706 330 702 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_290 10 588.6 20 796.6 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 707 330 702 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 709 330 708 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R77 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R77 1 0 INSERT 5 70A 330 708 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_605 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 70B 330 708 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16113 10 595.7 20 741.1 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 70C 330 708 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16112 10 598.5 20 741.1 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 70D 330 708 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 70F 330 70E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL196 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL196 1 0 INSERT 5 710 330 70E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_615 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 711 330 70E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2101 10 599.2 20 767.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 712 330 70E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2102 10 596.2 20 767.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 713 330 70E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 715 330 714 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL197 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL197 1 0 INSERT 5 716 330 714 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_628 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 717 330 714 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2102 10 596.7999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 718 330 714 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2103 10 599.7999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 719 330 714 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 71B 330 71A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL186 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL186 1 0 INSERT 5 71C 330 71A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_641 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 71D 330 71A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 607.2 20 737.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 71E 330 71A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2124 10 604.2 20 737.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 71F 330 71A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 721 330 720 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL185 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL185 1 0 INSERT 5 722 330 720 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_654 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 723 330 720 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2124 10 604.8 20 734.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 724 330 720 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2125 10 607.7999999999999 20 734.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 725 330 720 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 727 330 726 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL75 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL75 1 0 INSERT 5 728 330 726 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_667 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 729 330 726 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 603.8999999999999 20 775.8 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 72A 330 726 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2184 10 606.8999999999999 20 775.8 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 72B 330 726 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 72D 330 72C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL74 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL74 1 0 INSERT 5 72E 330 72C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_680 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 72F 330 72C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2184 10 607.8999999999999 20 772.5999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 730 330 72C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2185 10 604.8999999999999 20 772.5999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 731 330 72C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 733 330 732 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL65 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL65 1 0 INSERT 5 734 330 732 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_693 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 735 330 732 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2181 10 603.1 20 779.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 736 330 732 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2182 10 606.0999999999999 20 779.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 737 330 732 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 739 330 738 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL82 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL82 1 0 INSERT 5 73A 330 738 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_706 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 73B 330 738 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2132 10 612.7 20 742.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 73C 330 738 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2130 10 615.7 20 742.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 73D 330 738 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 73F 330 73E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R101 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R101 1 0 INSERT 5 740 330 73E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_719 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 741 330 73E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16189 10 612.3999999999999 20 755.7999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 742 330 73E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16188 10 612.3999999999999 20 758.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 743 330 73E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 745 330 744 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R100 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R100 1 0 INSERT 5 746 330 744 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_729 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 747 330 744 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16183 10 614.2 20 776.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 748 330 744 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 614.2 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 749 330 744 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 74B 330 74A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R98 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R98 1 0 INSERT 5 74C 330 74A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_739 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 74D 330 74A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16172 10 615.5 20 782.8999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 74E 330 74A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16173 10 615.5 20 780.1 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 74F 330 74A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 751 330 750 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL134 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL134 1 0 INSERT 5 752 330 750 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_749 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 753 330 750 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2175 10 611.76863 20 788.26863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 754 330 750 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2176 10 613.8899499999999 20 790.38995 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 755 330 750 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 757 330 756 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R84 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R84 1 0 INSERT 5 758 330 756 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_762 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 759 330 756 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 618.7999999999999 20 752.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 75A 330 756 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16131 10 618.7999999999999 20 750.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 75B 330 756 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 75D 330 75C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R88 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R88 1 0 INSERT 5 75E 330 75C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_773 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 75F 330 75C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 626.6 20 753.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 760 330 75C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16143 10 626.6 20 750.3999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 761 330 75C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 763 330 762 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R91 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R91 1 0 INSERT 5 764 330 762 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_783 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 765 330 762 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16155 10 630.6 20 758.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 766 330 762 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16154 10 630.6 20 761.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 767 330 762 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 769 330 768 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R92 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R92 1 0 INSERT 5 76A 330 768 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_793 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 76B 330 768 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16155 10 626.7999999999999 20 758.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 76C 330 768 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 626.7999999999999 20 761.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 76D 330 768 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 76F 330 76E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL80 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL80 1 0 INSERT 5 770 330 76E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_803 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 771 330 76E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2156 10 630.4999999999999 20 767.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 772 330 76E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2154 10 630.4999999999999 20 764.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 773 330 76E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 775 330 774 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R89 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R89 1 0 INSERT 5 776 330 774 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_816 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 777 330 774 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16149 10 638.6 20 759.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 778 330 774 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 638.6 20 756.4 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 779 330 774 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 77B 330 77A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL131 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL131 1 0 INSERT 5 77C 330 77A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_826 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 77D 330 77A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2158 10 636.8999999999999 20 767.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 77E 330 77A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2157 10 636.8999999999999 20 764.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 77F 330 77A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 781 330 780 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL153 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL153 1 0 INSERT 5 782 330 780 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_839 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 783 330 780 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 644.93137 20 750.26863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 784 330 780 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2147 10 642.81005 20 752.3899499999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 785 330 780 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 787 330 786 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R90 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R90 1 0 INSERT 5 788 330 786 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_852 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 789 330 786 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16149 10 642.2 20 759.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 78A 330 786 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16148 10 642.2 20 756.4 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 78B 330 786 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 78D 330 78C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL159 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL159 1 0 INSERT 5 78E 330 78C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_862 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 78F 330 78C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 643.1 20 767.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 790 330 78C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2159 10 643.1 20 764.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 791 330 78C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 793 330 792 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL156 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL156 1 0 INSERT 5 794 330 792 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_875 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 795 330 792 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2152 10 652.2313699999999 20 756.26863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 796 330 792 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2151 10 650.1100499999999 20 758.38995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 797 330 792 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 799 330 798 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL47 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL47 1 0 INSERT 5 79A 330 798 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_888 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 79B 330 798 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_29 10 530.53137 20 770.66863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 79C 330 798 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_210 10 528.41005 20 772.78995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 79D 330 798 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 79F 330 79E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R41 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R41 1 0 INSERT 5 7A0 330 79E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_901 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7A1 330 79E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X161 10 537.3999999999999 20 758.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 7A2 330 79E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 537.3999999999999 20 761.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7A3 330 79E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7A5 330 7A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R46 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R46 1 0 INSERT 5 7A6 330 7A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_911 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7A7 330 7A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1613 10 538.6 20 769.6 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7A8 330 7A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 538.6 20 766.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7A9 330 7A4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7AB 330 7AA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R60 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R60 1 0 INSERT 5 7AC 330 7AA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_921 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7AD 330 7AA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1652 10 546.9 20 745.8999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 7AE 330 7AA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1653 10 546.9 20 748.7 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7AF 330 7AA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7B1 330 7B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL56 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL56 1 0 INSERT 5 7B2 330 7B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_931 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7B3 330 7B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_216 10 545.93137 20 777.66863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 7B4 330 7B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_217 10 543.81005 20 779.7899499999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7B5 330 7B0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7B7 330 7B6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL25 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL25 1 0 INSERT 5 7B8 330 7B6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_944 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7B9 330 7B6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_255 10 552.7313699999999 20 740.3313699999999 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 7BA 330 7B6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_254 10 550.61005 20 738.2100499999999 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7BB 330 7B6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7BD 330 7BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R54 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R54 1 0 INSERT 5 7BE 330 7BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_957 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7BF 330 7BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1636 10 552.2 20 760.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 7C0 330 7BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1635 10 552.2 20 763.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7C1 330 7BC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7C3 330 7C2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R48 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R48 1 0 INSERT 5 7C4 330 7C2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_967 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7C5 330 7C2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1620 10 554.8 20 775.8 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 7C6 330 7C2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1619 10 554.8 20 778.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7C7 330 7C2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7C9 330 7C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R55 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R55 1 0 INSERT 5 7CA 330 7C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_977 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7CB 330 7C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1641 10 560.4 20 757.6 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7CC 330 7C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 560.4 20 754.8 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7CD 330 7C8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7CF 330 7CE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R58 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R58 1 0 INSERT 5 7D0 330 7CE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_987 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7D1 330 7CE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1646 10 561.2 20 746.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 7D2 330 7CE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1647 10 561.2 20 749.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7D3 330 7CE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7D5 330 7D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL62 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL62 1 0 INSERT 5 7D6 330 7D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_997 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7D7 330 7D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_222 10 561.3313699999999 20 784.8686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 7D8 330 7D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_223 10 559.2100499999999 20 786.98995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7D9 330 7D4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7DB 330 7DA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R49 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R49 1 0 INSERT 5 7DC 330 7DA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1010 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7DD 330 7DA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1625 10 559.7999999999999 20 778.6 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7DE 330 7DA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 559.7999999999999 20 775.8 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7DF 330 7DA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7E1 330 7E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL29 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL29 1 0 INSERT 5 7E2 330 7E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1020 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7E3 330 7E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 568.7999999999999 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7E4 330 7E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_245 10 565.7999999999999 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7E5 330 7E0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7E7 330 7E6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL35 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL35 1 0 INSERT 5 7E8 330 7E6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1033 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7E9 330 7E6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_243 10 567.4000099999999 20 754.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 7EA 330 7E6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_244 10 570.40001 20 754.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7EB 330 7E6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7ED 330 7EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL168 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL168 1 0 INSERT 5 7EE 330 7EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1046 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7EF 330 7EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_264 10 577.0 20 740.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7F0 330 7EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_266 10 574.0 20 740.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7F1 330 7EC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7F3 330 7F2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL49 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL49 1 0 INSERT 5 7F4 330 7F2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1059 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7F5 330 7F2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_231 10 576.6 20 778.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7F6 330 7F2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_230 10 573.6 20 778.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7F7 330 7F2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7F9 330 7F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R62 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R62 1 0 INSERT 5 7FA 330 7F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1072 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 7FB 330 7F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 585.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 7FC 330 7F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1659 10 582.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 7FD 330 7F8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 7FF 330 7FE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R64 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R64 1 0 INSERT 5 800 330 7FE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1082 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 801 330 7FE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1664 10 581.4 20 743.9 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 802 330 7FE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1665 10 581.4 20 746.7 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 803 330 7FE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 805 330 804 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R63 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R63 1 0 INSERT 5 806 330 804 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1092 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 807 330 804 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 584.6 20 749.5 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 808 330 804 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1665 10 584.6 20 746.7 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 809 330 804 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 80B 330 80A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R66 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R66 1 0 INSERT 5 80C 330 80A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1102 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 80D 330 80A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1670 10 584.4 20 755.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 80E 330 80A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1671 10 584.4 20 752.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 80F 330 80A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 811 330 810 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL178 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL178 1 0 INSERT 5 812 330 810 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1112 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 813 330 810 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_278 10 584.7999999999999 20 770.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 814 330 810 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_280 10 581.7999999999999 20 770.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 815 330 810 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 817 330 816 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R74 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R74 1 0 INSERT 5 818 330 816 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1128 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 819 330 816 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16109 10 592.6 20 754.8999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 81A 330 816 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 592.6 20 752.1 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 81B 330 816 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 81D 330 81C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL181 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL181 1 0 INSERT 5 81E 330 81C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1138 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 81F 330 81C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_290 10 588.6 20 793.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 820 330 81C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_289 10 588.6 20 790.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 821 330 81C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 823 330 822 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL180 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL180 1 0 INSERT 5 824 330 822 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1151 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 825 330 822 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 826 330 822 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_291 10 591.3999999999999 20 793.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 827 330 822 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 829 330 828 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R70 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R70 1 0 INSERT 5 82A 330 828 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1164 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 82B 330 828 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 590.1 20 767.3 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 82C 330 828 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1685 10 590.1 20 770.1 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 82D 330 828 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 82F 330 82E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R72 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R72 1 0 INSERT 5 830 330 82E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1174 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 831 330 82E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 592.7999999999999 20 767.3 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 832 330 82E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1698 10 592.7999999999999 20 770.1 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 833 330 82E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 835 330 834 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R81 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R81 1 0 INSERT 5 836 330 834 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1184 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 837 330 834 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 595.3999999999999 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 838 330 834 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16129 10 598.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 839 330 834 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 83B 330 83A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL198 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL198 1 0 INSERT 5 83C 330 83A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1194 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 83D 330 83A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2103 10 600.8 20 761.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 83E 330 83A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2108 10 597.7999999999999 20 761.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 83F 330 83A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 841 330 840 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R76 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R76 1 0 INSERT 5 842 330 840 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1207 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 843 330 840 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16111 10 596.3999999999999 20 752.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 844 330 840 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16110 10 596.3999999999999 20 755.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 845 330 840 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 847 330 846 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL204 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL204 1 0 INSERT 5 848 330 846 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1217 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 849 330 846 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2125 10 608.6 20 731.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 84A 330 846 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2126 10 605.6 20 731.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 84B 330 846 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 84D 330 84C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL187 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL187 1 0 INSERT 5 84E 330 84C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1230 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 84F 330 84C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2120 10 603.2 20 740.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 850 330 84C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2114 10 606.2 20 740.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 851 330 84C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 853 330 852 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL73 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL73 1 0 INSERT 5 854 330 852 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1243 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 855 330 852 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2185 10 605.5000099999999 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 856 330 852 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2186 10 608.50001 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 857 330 852 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 859 330 858 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL83 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL83 1 0 INSERT 5 85A 330 858 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1256 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 85B 330 858 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2177 10 605.3686299999999 20 790.8686299999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 85C 330 858 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 607.48995 20 792.98995 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 85D 330 858 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 85F 330 85E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R83 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R83 1 0 INSERT 5 860 330 85E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1269 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 861 330 85E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16131 10 615.0 20 750.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 862 330 85E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16130 10 615.0 20 747.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 863 330 85E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 865 330 864 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R85 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R85 1 0 INSERT 5 866 330 864 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1279 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 867 330 864 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16136 10 621.0 20 739.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 868 330 864 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16137 10 621.0 20 742.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 869 330 864 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 86B 330 86A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL137 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL137 1 0 INSERT 5 86C 330 86A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1289 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 86D 330 86A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2170 10 620.76863 20 784.0686299999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 86E 330 86A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2169 10 622.8899499999999 20 786.1899499999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 86F 330 86A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 871 330 870 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R95 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R95 1 0 INSERT 5 872 330 870 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1302 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 873 330 870 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16171 10 620.6 20 777.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 874 330 870 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16170 10 620.6 20 780.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 875 330 870 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 877 330 876 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL57 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL57 1 0 INSERT 5 878 330 876 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1312 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 879 330 876 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2141 10 628.06863 20 740.2313699999999 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 87A 330 876 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2140 10 630.1899499999999 20 738.11005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 87B 330 876 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 87D 330 87C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R87 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R87 1 0 INSERT 5 87E 330 87C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1325 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 87F 330 87C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16142 10 630.4 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 880 330 87C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16143 10 630.4 20 750.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 881 330 87C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 883 330 882 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL140 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL140 1 0 INSERT 5 884 330 882 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1335 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 885 330 882 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2168 10 626.76863 20 781.26863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 886 330 882 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2167 10 628.88995 20 783.38995 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 887 330 882 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 889 330 888 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R93 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R93 1 0 INSERT 5 88A 330 888 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1348 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 88B 330 888 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16165 10 629.8 20 770.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 88C 330 888 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 627.0 20 770.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 88D 330 888 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 88F 330 88E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL151 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL151 1 0 INSERT 5 890 330 88E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1358 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 891 330 88E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2145 10 635.46863 20 746.33137 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 892 330 88E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2144 10 637.58995 20 744.21005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 893 330 88E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 895 330 894 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL146 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL146 1 0 INSERT 5 896 330 894 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1371 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 897 330 894 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2164 10 635.76863 20 777.06863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 898 330 894 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2163 10 637.88995 20 779.1899499999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 899 330 894 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 89B 330 89A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL144 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL144 1 0 INSERT 5 89C 330 89A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1384 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 89D 330 89A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2162 10 641.76863 20 774.26863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 89E 330 89A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2161 10 643.8899499999999 20 776.3899499999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 89F 330 89A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8A1 330 8A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL48 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL48 1 0 INSERT 5 8A2 330 8A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1397 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8A3 330 8A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_237 10 552.2 20 769.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 8A4 330 8A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_235 10 552.2 20 766.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8A5 330 8A0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8A7 330 8A6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL22 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL22 1 0 INSERT 5 8A8 330 8A6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1410 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8A9 330 8A6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_239 10 561.7999999999999 20 766.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 8AA 330 8A6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_238 10 561.7999999999999 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8AB 330 8A6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8AD 330 8AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL23 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL23 1 0 INSERT 5 8AE 330 8AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1423 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8AF 330 8AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_238 10 558.6 20 769.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 8B0 330 8AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2100 10 558.6 20 766.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8B1 330 8AC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8B3 330 8B2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL121 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL121 1 0 INSERT 5 8B4 330 8B2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1436 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8B5 330 8B2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2121 10 582.6 20 735.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 8B6 330 8B2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2119 10 582.6 20 738.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8B7 330 8B2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8B9 330 8B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL128 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL128 1 0 INSERT 5 8BA 330 8B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1449 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8BB 330 8B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2117 10 591.5 20 738.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 8BC 330 8B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_274 10 591.5 20 735.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8BD 330 8B8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8BF 330 8BE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL127 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL127 1 0 INSERT 5 8C0 330 8BE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1462 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8C1 330 8BE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2118 10 588.4999999999999 20 735.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 8C2 330 8BE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2117 10 588.4999999999999 20 738.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8C3 330 8BE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8C5 330 8C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL125 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL125 1 0 INSERT 5 8C6 330 8C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1475 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8C7 330 8C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2115 10 600.3999999999999 20 735.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 8C8 330 8C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2120 10 600.3999999999999 20 738.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8C9 330 8C4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8CB 330 8CA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL124 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL124 1 0 INSERT 5 8CC 330 8CA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1488 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8CD 330 8CA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2116 10 597.4 20 738.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 8CE 330 8CA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2115 10 597.4 20 735.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8CF 330 8CA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8D1 330 8D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL149 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL149 1 0 INSERT 5 8D2 330 8D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1501 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8D3 330 8D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2138 10 623.03137 20 731.8686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 8D4 330 8D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2136 10 620.9100499999999 20 733.98995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8D5 330 8D0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8D7 330 8D6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL79 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL79 1 0 INSERT 5 8D8 330 8D6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1514 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8D9 330 8D6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 517.8686299999999 20 765.8686299999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 8DA 330 8D6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_215 10 519.9899499999999 20 767.98995 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8DB 330 8D6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8DD 330 8DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL20 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL20 1 0 INSERT 5 8DE 330 8DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1527 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8DF 330 8DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_23 10 527.26863 20 757.66863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 8E0 330 8DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_22 10 529.38995 20 759.7899499999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8E1 330 8DC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8E3 330 8E2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R53 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R53 1 0 INSERT 5 8E4 330 8E2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1540 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8E5 330 8E2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1636 10 548.3999999999999 20 760.4 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8E6 330 8E2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 548.3999999999999 20 757.6 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8E7 330 8E2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8E9 330 8E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R42 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R42 1 0 INSERT 5 8EA 330 8E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1550 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8EB 330 8E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X161 10 533.6 20 758.3999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8EC 330 8E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X162 10 533.6 20 755.6 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8ED 330 8E8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8EF 330 8EE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R44 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R44 1 0 INSERT 5 8F0 330 8EE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1560 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8F1 330 8EE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X167 10 533.6 20 766.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8F2 330 8EE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 533.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8F3 330 8EE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8F5 330 8F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL52 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL52 1 0 INSERT 5 8F6 330 8F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1570 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8F7 330 8F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_210 10 531.26863 20 774.3313699999999 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 8F8 330 8F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_211 10 533.38995 20 772.21005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8F9 330 8F4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 8FB 330 8FA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL53 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL53 1 0 INSERT 5 8FC 330 8FA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1583 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 8FD 330 8FA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_211 10 536.53137 20 773.4686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 8FE 330 8FA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 534.4100499999999 20 775.58995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 8FF 330 8FA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 901 330 900 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL55 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL55 1 0 INSERT 5 902 330 900 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1596 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 903 330 900 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_217 10 546.66863 20 781.33137 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 904 330 900 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_218 10 548.78995 20 779.21005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 905 330 900 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 907 330 906 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL160 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL160 1 0 INSERT 5 908 330 906 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1609 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 909 330 906 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_260 10 570.6 20 728.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 90A 330 906 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_261 10 573.6 20 728.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 90B 330 906 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 90D 330 90C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL27 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL27 1 0 INSERT 5 90E 330 90C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1622 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 90F 330 90C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_257 10 557.53137 20 736.3313699999999 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 910 330 90C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_256 10 555.4100499999999 20 734.21005 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 911 330 90C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 913 330 912 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL33 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL33 1 0 INSERT 5 914 330 912 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1635 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 915 330 912 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_250 10 565.3999999999999 20 734.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 916 330 912 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_251 10 562.3999999999999 20 734.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 917 330 912 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 919 330 918 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL162 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL162 1 0 INSERT 5 91A 330 918 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1648 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 91B 330 918 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_262 10 572.2 20 734.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 91C 330 918 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_263 10 575.2 20 734.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 91D 330 918 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 91F 330 91E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL31 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL31 1 0 INSERT 5 920 330 91E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1661 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 921 330 91E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_248 10 567.2 20 741.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 922 330 91E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_249 10 564.2 20 741.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 923 330 91E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 925 330 924 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL30 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL30 1 0 INSERT 5 926 330 924 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1674 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 927 330 924 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_246 10 564.7999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 928 330 924 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_248 10 567.7999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 929 330 924 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 92B 330 92A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL164 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL164 1 0 INSERT 5 92C 330 92A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1687 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 92D 330 92A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_269 10 580.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 92E 330 92A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 577.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 92F 330 92A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 931 330 930 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL165 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL165 1 0 INSERT 5 932 330 930 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1700 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 933 330 930 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_268 10 576.0 20 749.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 934 330 930 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_269 10 579.0 20 749.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 935 330 930 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 937 330 936 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R57 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R57 1 0 INSERT 5 938 330 936 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1713 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 939 330 936 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 557.3999999999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 93A 330 936 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1647 10 557.3999999999999 20 749.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 93B 330 936 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 93D 330 93C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL36 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL36 1 0 INSERT 5 93E 330 93C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1723 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 93F 330 93C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_242 10 571.3999999999999 20 757.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 940 330 93C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_243 10 568.4 20 757.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 941 330 93C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 943 330 942 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL37 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL37 1 0 INSERT 5 944 330 942 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1736 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 945 330 942 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_240 10 569.0 20 760.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 946 330 942 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_242 10 572.0 20 760.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 947 330 942 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 949 330 948 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL172 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL172 1 0 INSERT 5 94A 330 948 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1749 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 94B 330 948 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_272 10 578.3999999999999 20 758.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 94C 330 948 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_273 10 581.4 20 758.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 94D 330 948 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 94F 330 94E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R56 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R56 1 0 INSERT 5 950 330 94E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1762 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 951 330 94E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1641 10 564.2 20 757.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 952 330 94E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1640 10 564.2 20 760.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 953 330 94E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 955 330 954 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL44 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL44 1 0 INSERT 5 956 330 954 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1772 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 957 330 954 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_229 10 567.7999999999999 20 772.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 958 330 954 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_295 10 570.7999999999999 20 772.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 959 330 954 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 95B 330 95A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R52 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R52 1 0 INSERT 5 95C 330 95A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1785 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 95D 330 95A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1632 10 570.7999999999999 20 783.8 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 95E 330 95A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1633 10 570.7999999999999 20 781.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 95F 330 95A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 961 330 960 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R50 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R50 1 0 INSERT 5 962 330 960 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1795 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 963 330 960 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1625 10 563.0 20 778.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 964 330 960 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1687 10 563.0 20 781.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 965 330 960 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 967 330 966 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL41 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL41 1 0 INSERT 5 968 330 966 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1805 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 969 330 966 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_228 10 576.0 20 787.8 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 96A 330 966 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_227 10 579.0 20 787.8 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 96B 330 966 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 96D 330 96C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL205 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL205 1 0 INSERT 5 96E 330 96C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1818 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 96F 330 96C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2127 10 609.4 20 728.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 970 330 96C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2126 10 606.4 20 728.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 971 330 96C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 973 330 972 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL188 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL188 1 0 INSERT 5 974 330 972 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1831 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 975 330 972 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2114 10 605.6 20 743.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 976 330 972 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2112 10 602.6 20 743.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 977 330 972 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 979 330 978 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R80 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R80 1 0 INSERT 5 97A 330 978 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1844 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 97B 330 978 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 587.2999999999999 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 97C 330 978 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16123 10 584.4999999999999 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 97D 330 978 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 97F 330 97E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R78 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R78 1 0 INSERT 5 980 330 97E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1854 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 981 330 97E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16113 10 595.7 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 982 330 97E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 592.9 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 983 330 97E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 985 330 984 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL191 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL191 1 0 INSERT 5 986 330 984 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1864 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 987 330 984 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2106 10 603.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 988 330 984 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2105 10 600.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 989 330 984 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 98B 330 98A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL192 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL192 1 0 INSERT 5 98C 330 98A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1877 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 98D 330 98A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2107 10 600.8 20 749.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 98E 330 98A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2106 10 603.7999999999999 20 749.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 98F 330 98A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 991 330 990 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R75 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R75 1 0 INSERT 5 992 330 990 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1890 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 993 330 990 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16111 10 596.3999999999999 20 748.7999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 994 330 990 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 593.5999999999999 20 748.7999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 995 330 990 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 997 330 996 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R65 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R65 1 0 INSERT 5 998 330 996 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1900 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 999 330 996 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 587.7999999999999 20 749.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 99A 330 996 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1671 10 587.7999999999999 20 752.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 99B 330 996 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 99D 330 99C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL189 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL189 1 0 INSERT 5 99E 330 99C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1910 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 99F 330 99C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2104 10 601.6 20 758.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9A0 330 99C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2110 10 598.6 20 758.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9A1 330 99C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9A3 330 9A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R73 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R73 1 0 INSERT 5 9A4 330 9A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_1923 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9A5 330 9A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16109 10 594.6 20 758.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 9A6 330 9A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16108 10 594.6 20 761.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9A7 330 9A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9A9 330 9A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL72 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL72 1 0 INSERT 5 9AA 330 9A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1933 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9AB 330 9A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2186 10 609.7 20 766.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9AC 330 9A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2187 10 606.7 20 766.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9AD 330 9A8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9AF 330 9AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL194 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL194 1 0 INSERT 5 9B0 330 9AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1946 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9B1 330 9AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 597.7999999999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9B2 330 9AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_299 10 594.7999999999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9B3 330 9AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9B5 330 9B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL201 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL201 1 0 INSERT 5 9B6 330 9B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1959 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9B7 330 9B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_293 10 595.3999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9B8 330 9B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_294 10 592.3999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9B9 330 9B4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9BB 330 9BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL174 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL174 1 0 INSERT 5 9BC 330 9BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1972 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9BD 330 9BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_283 10 587.7999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9BE 330 9BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9BF 330 9BA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9C1 330 9C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL202 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL202 1 0 INSERT 5 9C2 330 9C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1985 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9C3 330 9C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_294 10 593.0 20 779.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 9C4 330 9C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_296 10 596.0 20 779.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9C5 330 9C0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9C7 330 9C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL175 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL175 1 0 INSERT 5 9C8 330 9C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_1998 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9C9 330 9C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_282 10 584.0 20 779.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 9CA 330 9C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_283 10 587.0 20 779.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9CB 330 9C6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9CD 330 9CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL66 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL66 1 0 INSERT 5 9CE 330 9CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2011 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9CF 330 9CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2180 10 605.4999999999999 20 782.3999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9D0 330 9CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2181 10 602.5 20 782.3999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9D1 330 9CC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9D3 330 9D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL182 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL182 1 0 INSERT 5 9D4 330 9D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2024 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9D5 330 9D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_288 10 586.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 9D6 330 9D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_289 10 589.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9D7 330 9D2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9D9 330 9D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL199 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL199 1 0 INSERT 5 9DA 330 9D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2037 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9DB 330 9D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 594.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9DC 330 9D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_292 10 591.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9DD 330 9D8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9DF 330 9DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL69 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL69 1 0 INSERT 5 9E0 330 9DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2050 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9E1 330 9DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2178 10 603.7 20 788.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9E2 330 9DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2179 10 600.7 20 788.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9E3 330 9DE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9E5 330 9E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL76 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL76 1 0 INSERT 5 9E6 330 9E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2063 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9E7 330 9E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 616.1 20 729.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 9E8 330 9E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2135 10 619.1 20 729.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9E9 330 9E4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9EB 330 9EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL77 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL77 1 0 INSERT 5 9EC 330 9EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2076 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9ED 330 9EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2135 10 618.5 20 733.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9EE 330 9EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2134 10 615.5 20 733.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9EF 330 9EA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9F1 330 9F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL148 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL148 1 0 INSERT 5 9F2 330 9F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2089 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9F3 330 9F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2139 10 623.1686299999999 20 736.1313700000001 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 9F4 330 9F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2138 10 625.2899499999999 20 734.01005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9F5 330 9F0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9F7 330 9F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL150 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL150 1 0 INSERT 5 9F8 330 9F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2102 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9F9 330 9F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2144 10 635.13137 20 742.26863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 9FA 330 9F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2142 10 633.01005 20 744.38995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 9FB 330 9F6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 9FD 330 9FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R86 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R86 1 0 INSERT 5 9FE 330 9FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2115 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 9FF 330 9FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 624.6 20 745.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A00 330 9FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16137 10 624.6 20 742.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A01 330 9FC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A03 330 A02 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL84 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL84 1 0 INSERT 5 A04 330 A02 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2125 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A05 330 A02 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2157 10 633.7 20 764.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 A06 330 A02 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2156 10 633.7 20 767.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A07 330 A02 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A09 330 A08 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL132 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL132 1 0 INSERT 5 A0A 330 A08 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2138 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A0B 330 A08 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2159 10 640.1 20 764.4 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 A0C 330 A08 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2158 10 640.1 20 767.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A0D 330 A08 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A0F 330 A0E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R94 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R94 1 0 INSERT 5 A10 330 A0E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2151 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A11 330 A0E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16164 10 632.6 20 774.0 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 A12 330 A0E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16165 10 629.8 20 774.0 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A13 330 A0E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A15 330 A14 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R97 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R97 1 0 INSERT 5 A16 330 A14 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2161 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A17 330 A14 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 617.6 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 A18 330 A14 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16173 10 617.6 20 776.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A19 330 A14 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A1B 330 A1A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL139 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL139 1 0 INSERT 5 A1C 330 A1A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2171 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A1D 330 A1A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2167 10 632.03137 20 782.1313700000001 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 A1E 330 A1A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2166 10 629.9100499999999 20 780.01005 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A1F 330 A1A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A21 330 A20 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL19 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL19 1 0 INSERT 5 A22 330 A20 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2184 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A23 330 A20 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_24 10 527.13137 20 761.93137 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 A24 330 A20 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_23 10 525.01005 20 759.8100500000001 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A25 330 A20 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A27 330 A26 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL21 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL21 1 0 INSERT 5 A28 330 A26 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2197 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A29 330 A26 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_254 10 548.26863 20 740.26863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 A2A 330 A26 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_252 10 550.38995 20 742.38995 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A2B 330 A26 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A2D 330 A2C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL43 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL43 1 0 INSERT 5 A2E 330 A2C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2210 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A2F 330 A2C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_28 10 525.26863 20 771.53137 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 A30 330 A2C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_29 10 527.3899499999999 20 769.4100499999999 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A31 330 A2C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A33 330 A32 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL58 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL58 1 0 INSERT 5 A34 330 A32 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2223 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A35 330 A32 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_214 10 540.66863 20 778.53137 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 A36 330 A32 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_216 10 542.7899499999999 20 776.4100499999999 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A37 330 A32 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A39 330 A38 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL59 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL59 1 0 INSERT 5 A3A 330 A38 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2236 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A3B 330 A38 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_212 10 539.7313699999999 20 774.8686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 A3C 330 A38 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_214 10 537.6100499999999 20 776.98995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A3D 330 A38 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A3F 330 A3E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R45 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R45 1 0 INSERT 5 A40 330 A3E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2249 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A41 330 A3E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1613 10 542.2 20 769.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 A42 330 A3E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1612 10 542.2 20 772.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A43 330 A3E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A45 330 A44 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL68 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL68 1 0 INSERT 5 A46 330 A44 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2259 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A47 330 A44 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 A48 330 A44 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_251 10 562.6 20 731.6 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A49 330 A44 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A4B 330 A4A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL161 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL161 1 0 INSERT 5 A4C 330 A4A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2272 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A4D 330 A4A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_261 10 574.6 20 731.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A4E 330 A4A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_262 10 571.6 20 731.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A4F 330 A4A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A51 330 A50 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL129 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL129 1 0 INSERT 5 A52 330 A50 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2285 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A53 330 A50 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_258 10 573.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A54 330 A50 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_260 10 570.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A55 330 A50 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A57 330 A56 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R61 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R61 1 0 INSERT 5 A58 330 A56 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2298 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A59 330 A56 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1658 10 576.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 A5A 330 A56 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1659 10 578.7999999999999 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A5B 330 A56 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A5D 330 A5C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL32 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL32 1 0 INSERT 5 A5E 330 A5C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2308 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A5F 330 A5C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_249 10 563.00001 20 738.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 A60 330 A5C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_250 10 566.0000099999999 20 738.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A61 330 A5C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A63 330 A62 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL173 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL173 1 0 INSERT 5 A64 330 A62 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2321 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A65 330 A62 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_270 10 580.7999999999999 20 755.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A66 330 A62 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_272 10 577.7999999999999 20 755.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A67 330 A62 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A69 330 A68 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL166 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL166 1 0 INSERT 5 A6A 330 A68 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2334 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A6B 330 A68 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_267 10 578.6 20 746.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A6C 330 A68 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_268 10 575.6 20 746.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A6D 330 A68 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A6F 330 A6E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL45 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL45 1 0 INSERT 5 A70 330 A6E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2347 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A71 330 A6E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 578.3999999999999 20 784.6 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A72 330 A6E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_228 10 575.3999999999999 20 784.6 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A73 330 A6E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A75 330 A74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL63 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL63 1 0 INSERT 5 A76 330 A74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2360 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A77 330 A74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_221 10 556.0686299999999 20 785.7313699999999 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 A78 330 A74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_222 10 558.1899499999999 20 783.61005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A79 330 A74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A7B 330 A7A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL40 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL40 1 0 INSERT 5 A7C 330 A7A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2373 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A7D 330 A7A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_226 10 577.7999999999999 20 793.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 A7E 330 A7A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_227 10 577.7999999999999 20 790.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A7F 330 A7A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A81 330 A80 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL13 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL13 1 0 INSERT 5 A82 330 A80 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2386 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A83 330 A80 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_226 10 574.3313699999999 20 790.8686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 A84 330 A80 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_286 10 572.21005 20 792.98995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A85 330 A80 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A87 330 A86 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL12 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL12 1 0 INSERT 5 A88 330 A86 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2399 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A89 330 A86 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_286 10 568.8686299999999 20 791.53137 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 A8A 330 A86 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_287 10 570.98995 20 789.4100499999999 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A8B 330 A86 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A8D 330 A8C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL61 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL61 1 0 INSERT 5 A8E 330 A8C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2412 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A8F 330 A8C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_223 10 562.26863 20 788.53137 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 A90 330 A8C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_224 10 564.3899499999999 20 786.41005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A91 330 A8C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A93 330 A92 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL184 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL184 1 0 INSERT 5 A94 330 A92 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2425 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A95 330 A92 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2128 10 607.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 A96 330 A92 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2127 10 610.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A97 330 A92 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A99 330 A98 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R82 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R82 1 0 INSERT 5 A9A 330 A98 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2438 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 A9B 330 A98 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16129 10 601.4 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 A9C 330 A98 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16128 10 604.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 A9D 330 A98 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 A9F 330 A9E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL190 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL190 1 0 INSERT 5 AA0 330 A9E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2448 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AA1 330 A9E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2105 10 599.2 20 755.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 AA2 330 A9E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2104 10 602.2 20 755.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AA3 330 A9E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AA5 330 AA4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL193 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL193 1 0 INSERT 5 AA6 330 AA4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2461 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AA7 330 AA4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 604.8 20 746.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AA8 330 AA4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2107 10 601.7999999999999 20 746.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AA9 330 AA4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AAB 330 AAA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL71 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL71 1 0 INSERT 5 AAC 330 AAA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2474 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AAD 330 AAA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2187 10 607.2999999999999 20 762.8 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 AAE 330 AAA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2188 10 610.2999999999999 20 762.8 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AAF 330 AAA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AB1 330 AB0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R67 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R67 1 0 INSERT 5 AB2 330 AB0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2487 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AB3 330 AB0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 586.3999999999999 20 760.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 AB4 330 AB0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1679 10 586.3999999999999 20 763.4 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AB5 330 AB0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AB7 330 AB6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL183 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL183 1 0 INSERT 5 AB8 330 AB6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2497 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AB9 330 AB6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_284 10 588.3999999999999 20 785.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 ABA 330 AB6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_288 10 585.4 20 785.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 ABB 330 AB6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 ABD 330 ABC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL200 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL200 1 0 INSERT 5 ABE 330 ABC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2510 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 ABF 330 ABC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_292 10 591.6 20 785.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 AC0 330 ABC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_293 10 594.6 20 785.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AC1 330 ABC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AC3 330 AC2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL203 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL203 1 0 INSERT 5 AC4 330 AC2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2523 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AC5 330 AC2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_296 10 597.0 20 776.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AC6 330 AC2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_297 10 594.0 20 776.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AC7 330 AC2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AC9 330 AC8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL195 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL195 1 0 INSERT 5 ACA 330 AC8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2536 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 ACB 330 AC8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_299 10 595.2 20 770.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 ACC 330 AC8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2101 10 598.2 20 770.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 ACD 330 AC8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 ACF 330 ACE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL70 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL70 1 0 INSERT 5 AD0 330 ACE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2549 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AD1 330 ACE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 599.7 20 792.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 AD2 330 ACE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2178 10 602.7000000000001 20 792.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AD3 330 ACE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AD5 330 AD4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL67 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL67 1 0 INSERT 5 AD6 330 AD4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2562 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AD7 330 AD4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2179 10 601.3000099999999 20 785.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 AD8 330 AD4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2180 10 604.3000099999999 20 785.6 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AD9 330 AD4 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 ADB 330 ADA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL133 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL133 1 0 INSERT 5 ADC 330 ADA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2575 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 ADD 330 ADA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2176 10 610.83137 20 791.93137 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 ADE 330 ADA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2177 10 608.71005 20 789.81005 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 ADF 330 ADA 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AE1 330 AE0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R99 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R99 1 0 INSERT 5 AE2 330 AE0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2588 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AE3 330 AE0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16183 10 610.2 20 776.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 AE4 330 AE0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16182 10 610.2 20 779.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AE5 330 AE0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AE7 330 AE6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R68 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R68 1 0 INSERT 5 AE8 330 AE6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2598 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AE9 330 AE6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1678 10 587.3999999999999 20 770.1 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AEA 330 AE6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X1679 10 587.3999999999999 20 767.3 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AEB 330 AE6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AED 330 AEC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL51 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL51 1 0 INSERT 5 AEE 330 AEC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2608 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AEF 330 AEC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 632.7313699999999 20 739.9686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 AF0 330 AEC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2141 10 630.61005 20 742.08995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AF1 330 AEC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AF3 330 AF2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL152 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL152 1 0 INSERT 5 AF4 330 AF2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2621 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AF5 330 AF2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2146 10 640.1313700000001 20 746.16863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 AF6 330 AF2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2145 10 638.01005 20 748.28995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AF7 330 AF2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AF9 330 AF8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R102 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R102 1 0 INSERT 5 AFA 330 AF8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2634 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AFB 330 AF8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 616.0 20 761.7999999999999 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 AFC 330 AF8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16189 10 616.0 20 759.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 AFD 330 AF8 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 AFF 330 AFE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL145 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL145 1 0 INSERT 5 B00 330 AFE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2644 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B01 330 AFE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2163 10 641.03137 20 777.93137 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 B02 330 AFE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2162 10 638.9100499999999 20 775.81005 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B03 330 AFE 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B05 330 B04 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL138 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL138 1 0 INSERT 5 B06 330 B04 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2657 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B07 330 B04 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2166 10 632.76863 20 778.4686299999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 B08 330 B04 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 634.8899499999999 20 780.58995 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B09 330 B04 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B0B 330 B0A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL141 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL141 1 0 INSERT 5 B0C 330 B0A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2670 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B0D 330 B0A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2169 10 626.03137 20 784.93137 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 B0E 330 B0A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2168 10 623.9100499999999 20 782.81005 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B0F 330 B0A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B11 330 B10 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL136 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL136 1 0 INSERT 5 B12 330 B10 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2683 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B13 330 B10 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2172 10 617.76863 20 785.46863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 B14 330 B10 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2174 10 619.88995 20 787.58995 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B15 330 B10 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B17 330 B16 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 R96 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 R96 1 0 INSERT 5 B18 330 B16 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R1206_2696 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B19 330 B16 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16171 10 624.3999999999999 20 777.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B1A 330 B16 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 S12X16191 10 624.3999999999999 20 774.3999999999999 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B1B 330 B16 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B1D 330 B1C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL155 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL155 1 0 INSERT 5 B1E 330 B1C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2706 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B1F 330 B1C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2151 10 647.5686299999999 20 756.43137 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 B20 330 B1C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2150 10 649.6899499999999 20 754.31005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B21 330 B1C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B23 330 B22 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL157 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL157 1 0 INSERT 5 B24 330 B22 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2719 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B25 330 B22 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2153 10 652.4686299999999 20 760.6313700000001 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 B26 330 B22 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2152 10 654.58995 20 758.51005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B27 330 B22 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B29 330 B28 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL158 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL158 1 0 INSERT 5 B2A 330 B28 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2732 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B2B 330 B28 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2153 10 649.2999999999999 20 763.2 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B2C 330 B28 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 646.3 20 763.2 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B2D 330 B28 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B2F 330 B2E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL142 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL142 1 0 INSERT 5 B30 330 B2E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2745 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B31 330 B2E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2160 10 646.1 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 B32 330 B2E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 649.1 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B33 330 B2E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B35 330 B34 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL28 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL28 1 0 INSERT 5 B36 330 B34 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2758 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B37 330 B34 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 557.66863 20 732.06863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 B38 330 B34 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_257 10 559.7899499999999 20 734.1899499999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B39 330 B34 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B3B 330 B3A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL120 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL120 1 0 INSERT 5 B3C 330 B3A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2771 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B3D 330 B3A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2122 10 579.6 20 738.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 B3E 330 B3A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2121 10 579.6 20 735.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B3F 330 B3A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B41 330 B40 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL38 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL38 1 0 INSERT 5 B42 330 B40 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2784 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B43 330 B40 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_229 10 564.7999999999999 20 769.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 B44 330 B40 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B45 330 B40 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B47 330 B46 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL24 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL24 1 0 INSERT 5 B48 330 B46 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2797 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B49 330 B46 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2100 10 555.4 20 766.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 B4A 330 B46 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_237 10 555.4 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B4B 330 B46 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B4D 330 B4C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL122 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL122 1 0 INSERT 5 B4E 330 B4C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2810 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B4F 330 B4C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2119 10 585.5 20 738.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 B50 330 B4C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2118 10 585.5 20 735.6 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B51 330 B4C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B53 330 B52 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL123 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL123 1 0 INSERT 5 B54 330 B52 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2823 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B55 330 B52 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_274 10 594.3999999999999 20 735.6 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 B56 330 B52 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2116 10 594.3999999999999 20 738.6 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B57 330 B52 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B59 330 B58 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL147 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL147 1 0 INSERT 5 B5A 330 B58 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2836 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B5B 330 B58 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2140 10 627.7313699999999 20 735.9686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 B5C 330 B58 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2139 10 625.61005 20 738.08995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B5D 330 B58 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B5F 330 B5E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL78 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL78 1 0 INSERT 5 B60 330 B5E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2849 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B61 330 B5E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2134 10 614.3000099999999 20 736.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 B62 330 B5E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2133 10 617.3000099999999 20 736.2 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B63 330 B5E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B65 330 B64 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL170 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL170 1 0 INSERT 5 B66 330 B64 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2862 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B67 330 B64 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_276 10 580.0 20 764.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 INSERT 5 B68 330 B64 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_277 10 583.0 20 764.0 30 0.0 50 180.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B69 330 B64 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B6B 330 B6A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL54 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL54 1 0 INSERT 5 B6C 330 B6A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2875 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B6D 330 B6A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_218 10 551.93137 20 780.46863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 B6E 330 B6A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2 10 549.81005 20 782.58995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B6F 330 B6A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B71 330 B70 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL135 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL135 1 0 INSERT 5 B72 330 B70 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2888 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B73 330 B70 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2174 10 617.03137 20 789.13137 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 B74 330 B70 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2175 10 614.9100499999999 20 787.01005 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B75 330 B70 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B77 330 B76 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL143 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL143 1 0 INSERT 5 B78 330 B76 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2901 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B79 330 B76 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2161 10 647.03137 20 775.13137 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 INSERT 5 B7A 330 B76 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2160 10 644.91005 20 773.0100499999999 30 0.0 50 45.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B7B 330 B76 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B7D 330 B7C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL18 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL18 1 0 INSERT 5 B7E 330 B7C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2914 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B7F 330 B7C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_25 10 522.46863 20 761.66863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 B80 330 B7C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_24 10 524.58995 20 763.7899499999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B81 330 B7C 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B83 330 B82 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL171 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL171 1 0 INSERT 5 B84 330 B82 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2927 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B85 330 B82 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_273 10 582.3999999999999 20 761.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B86 330 B82 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_276 10 579.3999999999999 20 761.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B87 330 B82 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B89 330 B88 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL81 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL81 1 0 INSERT 5 B8A 330 B88 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2940 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B8B 330 B88 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2133 10 616.7 20 739.4 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B8C 330 B88 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2132 10 613.7 20 739.4 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B8D 330 B88 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B8F 330 B8E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL42 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL42 1 0 INSERT 5 B90 330 B8E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2953 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B91 330 B8E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_26 10 524.3313699999999 20 767.8686299999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 B92 330 B8E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_28 10 522.21005 20 769.98995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B93 330 B8E 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B95 330 B94 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL64 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL64 1 0 INSERT 5 B96 330 B94 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2966 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B97 330 B94 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_219 10 555.13137 20 782.06863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 B98 330 B94 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_221 10 553.0100499999999 20 784.1899499999999 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B99 330 B94 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 B9B 330 B9A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL176 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL176 1 0 INSERT 5 B9C 330 B9A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2979 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B9D 330 B9A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_281 10 586.2 20 776.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 B9E 330 B9A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_282 10 583.2 20 776.0 30 0.0 0 ENDBLK 5 B9F 330 B9A 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 BA1 330 BA0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL130 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL130 1 0 INSERT 5 BA2 330 BA0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_2992 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BA3 330 BA0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2147 10 640.4686299999999 20 750.4313699999999 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 INSERT 5 BA4 330 BA0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2146 10 642.58995 20 748.31005 30 0.0 50 135.0 0 ENDBLK 5 BA5 330 BA0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 BA7 330 BA6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL154 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL154 1 0 INSERT 5 BA8 330 BA6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_3005 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BA9 330 BA6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2150 10 647.2313699999999 20 752.26863 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 INSERT 5 BAA 330 BA6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_2148 10 645.1100499999999 20 754.38995 30 0.0 50 315.0 0 ENDBLK 5 BAB 330 BA6 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 BAD 330 BAC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 HL26 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 HL26 1 0 INSERT 5 BAE 330 BAC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 STD_SMD_3DOT5X2DOT8_3018 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BAF 330 BAC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_256 10 552.8686299999999 20 736.06863 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 INSERT 5 BB0 330 BAC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 TR1_5X2_255 10 554.98995 20 738.1899499999999 30 0.0 50 225.0 0 ENDBLK 5 BB1 330 BAC 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 INSERT 5 BB2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL17 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R43 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R59 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT191 10 544.5 20 764.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 BB6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R47 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL34 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BB8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL39 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R51 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BBA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL60 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL163 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BBC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL167 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL50 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BBE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL46 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT74 10 583.6 20 721.2 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 BC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT74 10 583.7 20 728.7 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 BC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R79 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BC2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL169 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL177 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BC4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT191 10 590.0 20 742.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 BC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT191 10 590.0 20 759.4999999999999 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 BC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT191 10 590.0 20 764.0 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 BC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R71 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BC8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R69 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL179 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BCA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R77 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL196 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BCC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL197 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL186 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BCE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL185 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL75 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL74 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL65 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL82 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R101 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R100 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R98 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL134 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R84 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BD8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT191 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 BD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R88 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BDA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R91 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R92 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BDC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL80 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R89 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BDE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL131 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL153 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R90 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL159 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL156 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL47 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R41 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R46 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R60 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL56 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL25 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R54 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R48 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R55 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BEC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R58 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL62 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BEE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R49 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL29 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL35 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL168 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL49 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R62 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R64 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R63 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R66 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL178 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BF8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT191 10 592.0 20 722.5999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 BF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT191 10 590.0 20 730.4999999999999 30 0.0 50 90.0 0 INSERT 5 BFA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 KONT74 10 588.0 20 722.5999999999999 30 0.0 50 270.0 0 INSERT 5 BFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R74 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL181 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL180 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BFE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R70 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 BFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R72 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C00 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R81 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL198 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C02 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R76 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL204 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C04 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL187 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL73 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C06 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL83 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R83 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C08 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R85 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL137 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C0A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R95 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL57 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C0C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R87 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL140 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C0E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R93 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL151 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C10 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL146 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL144 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C12 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL48 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL22 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C14 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL23 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL121 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C16 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL128 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL127 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C18 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL125 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL124 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C1A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL149 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL79 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C1C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL20 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R53 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C1E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R42 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R44 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C20 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL52 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL53 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C22 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL55 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL160 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C24 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL27 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL33 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C26 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL162 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL31 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C28 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL30 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL164 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C2A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL165 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R57 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C2C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL36 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL37 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C2E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL172 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R56 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C30 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL44 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R52 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C32 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R50 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL41 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C34 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL205 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL188 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C36 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R80 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R78 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C38 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL191 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL192 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C3A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R75 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R65 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C3C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL189 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R73 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C3E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL72 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL194 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C40 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL201 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL174 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C42 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL202 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL175 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C44 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL66 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL182 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C46 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL199 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL69 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C48 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL76 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL77 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C4A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL148 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL150 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C4C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R86 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL84 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C4E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL132 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R94 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C50 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R97 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL139 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C52 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL19 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL21 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C54 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL43 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL58 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C56 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL59 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R45 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C58 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL68 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL161 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C5A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL129 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R61 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C5C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL32 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL173 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C5E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL166 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL45 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C60 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL63 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL40 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C62 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL13 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL12 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C64 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL61 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL184 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C66 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R82 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL190 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C68 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL193 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL71 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C6A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R67 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL183 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C6C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL200 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL203 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C6E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL195 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL70 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C70 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL67 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL133 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C72 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R99 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R68 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C74 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL51 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL152 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R102 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL145 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C78 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL138 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL141 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C7A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL136 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 R96 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C7C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL155 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL157 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C7E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL158 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL142 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C80 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL28 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL120 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C82 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL38 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL24 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C84 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL122 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL123 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C86 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL147 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL78 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C88 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL170 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL54 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C8A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL135 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL143 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C8C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL18 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL171 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C8E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL81 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL42 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C90 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL64 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL176 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C92 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL130 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL154 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C94 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 HL26 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 C95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 525.1272299999999 20 759.8100500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 C96 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 525.01005 20 759.8100500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 C97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 525.1272299999999 20 759.8100500000001 10 525.01005 20 759.8100500000001 0 INSERT 5 C9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 519.9899499999999 20 767.98995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 C9C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 519.98996 20 767.9899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 C9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 519.9899499999999 20 767.98995 10 519.98996 20 767.9899599999999 0 INSERT 5 CA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 519.98996 20 767.9899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CA2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.0485499999999 20 765.93137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 519.98996 20 767.9899599999999 10 522.0485499999999 20 765.93137 0 INSERT 5 CA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.0485499999999 20 765.93137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CA8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.33137 20 765.93137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 522.0485499999999 20 765.93137 10 522.33137 20 765.93137 0 INSERT 5 CAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 523.7999999999999 20 770.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CAE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 524.0 20 770.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 523.7999999999999 20 770.7999999999999 10 524.0 20 770.6 0 INSERT 5 CB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 524.0 20 770.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 524.3372599999999 20 770.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 524.0 20 770.6 10 524.3372599999999 20 770.6 0 INSERT 5 CB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 524.3372599999999 20 770.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CBA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 525.26863 20 771.53137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 524.3372599999999 20 770.6 10 525.26863 20 771.53137 0 INSERT 5 CBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 523.0201 20 770.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 523.7999999999999 20 770.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 523.0201 20 770.7999999999999 10 523.7999999999999 20 770.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 CC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 529.38995 20 759.7899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 529.3899599999999 20 759.7899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 529.38995 20 759.7899499999999 10 529.3899599999999 20 759.7899599999999 0 INSERT 5 CCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 529.3899599999999 20 759.7899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CCC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 530.2 20 760.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 529.3899599999999 20 759.7899599999999 10 530.2 20 760.6 0 INSERT 5 CD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 530.2 20 760.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CD2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 530.7999999999999 20 760.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 530.2 20 760.6 10 530.7999999999999 20 760.6 0 INSERT 5 CD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 530.7999999999999 20 760.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CD8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 531.7 20 759.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 530.7999999999999 20 760.6 10 531.7 20 759.7 0 INSERT 5 CDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 531.7 20 756.0999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CDE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 532.2 20 755.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 531.7 20 756.0999999999999 10 532.2 20 755.6 0 INSERT 5 CE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 531.7 20 759.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 531.7 20 756.0999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 531.7 20 759.7 10 531.7 20 756.0999999999999 0 INSERT 5 CE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.26863 20 757.66863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.26864 20 757.6686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 527.26863 20 757.66863 10 527.26864 20 757.6686399999999 0 INSERT 5 CEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 529.8 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.2 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 529.8 20 764.0 10 528.2 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 CF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.00002 20 768.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.6627399999999 20 768.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 528.00002 20 768.7999999999999 10 528.6627399999999 20 768.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 CFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.41005 20 772.78995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 CFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.4100599999999 20 772.7899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 CFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 528.41005 20 772.78995 10 528.4100599999999 20 772.7899599999999 0 INSERT 5 D01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.4100599999999 20 772.7899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D02 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 529.3201 20 773.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 528.4100599999999 20 772.7899599999999 10 529.3201 20 773.7 0 INSERT 5 D07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 530.6372599999999 20 773.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D08 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 531.26863 20 774.3313699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 530.6372599999999 20 773.7 10 531.26863 20 774.3313699999999 0 INSERT 5 D0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 529.3201 20 773.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D0E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 530.6372599999999 20 773.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 529.3201 20 773.7 10 530.6372599999999 20 773.7 0 INSERT 5 D13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.2999999999999 20 761.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D14 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.3999999999999 20 761.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 537.2999999999999 20 761.2999999999999 10 537.3999999999999 20 761.2 0 INSERT 5 D19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.2999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D1A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 538.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 537.2999999999999 20 764.0 10 538.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 D1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 538.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D20 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 538.6 20 766.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 538.6 20 764.0 10 538.6 20 766.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 D25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 535.2727999999999 20 772.21006 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D26 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 536.53137 20 773.4686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 535.2727999999999 20 772.21006 10 536.53137 20 773.4686299999999 0 INSERT 5 D2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 540.6 20 774.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D2C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 539.7313699999999 20 774.8686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 540.6 20 774.0 10 539.7313699999999 20 774.8686299999999 0 INSERT 5 D31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 546.9 20 748.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D32 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2999999999999 20 748.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 546.9 20 748.7 10 543.2999999999999 20 748.7 0 INSERT 5 D37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2999999999999 20 748.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D38 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 748.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.2999999999999 20 748.7 10 543.2 20 748.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 D3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 757.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D3E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 759.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.2 20 757.6 10 543.2 20 759.9 0 INSERT 5 D43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 759.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D44 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.5 20 761.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.2 20 759.9 10 544.5 20 761.2 0 INSERT 5 D49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.5 20 767.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D4A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.5 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 544.5 20 767.3 10 544.5 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 D4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.2 20 772.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D50 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.1 20 772.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 542.2 20 772.4 10 542.1 20 772.5 0 INSERT 5 D55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.1 20 772.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D56 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.1 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 542.1 20 772.5 10 542.1 20 773.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 D5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.1 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D5C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 541.5 20 774.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 542.1 20 773.3999999999999 10 541.5 20 774.0 0 INSERT 5 D61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.7899499999999 20 776.4100499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D62 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.7899599999999 20 776.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 542.7899499999999 20 776.4100499999999 10 542.7899599999999 20 776.4100599999999 0 INSERT 5 D67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.7899599999999 20 776.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D68 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.6728 20 776.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 542.7899599999999 20 776.4100599999999 10 544.6728 20 776.4100599999999 0 INSERT 5 D6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.81005 20 779.7899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D6E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.8100599999999 20 779.78996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.81005 20 779.7899499999999 10 543.8100599999999 20 779.78996 0 INSERT 5 D73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.8100599999999 20 779.78996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D74 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 545.12722 20 779.78996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.8100599999999 20 779.78996 10 545.12722 20 779.78996 0 INSERT 5 D79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 545.12722 20 779.78996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D7A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 546.66863 20 781.33137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 545.12722 20 779.78996 10 546.66863 20 781.33137 0 INSERT 5 D7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.8728099999999 20 738.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D80 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.98995 20 738.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 554.8728099999999 20 738.1899499999999 10 554.98995 20 738.1899499999999 0 INSERT 5 D85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.8686299999999 20 736.06863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D86 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.86864 20 736.06864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 552.8686299999999 20 736.06863 10 552.86864 20 736.06864 0 INSERT 5 D8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.86864 20 736.06864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D8C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 553.5514599999999 20 736.06864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 552.86864 20 736.06864 10 553.5514599999999 20 736.06864 0 INSERT 5 D91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 553.5514599999999 20 736.06864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D92 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.4100499999999 20 734.21005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 553.5514599999999 20 736.06864 10 555.4100499999999 20 734.21005 0 INSERT 5 D97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.2999999999999 20 743.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D98 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 550.38995 20 742.38995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 551.2999999999999 20 743.2999999999999 10 550.38995 20 742.38995 0 INSERT 5 D9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 549.7 20 745.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 D9E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.2999999999999 20 744.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 D9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 549.7 20 745.8999999999999 10 551.2999999999999 20 744.2999999999999 0 INSERT 5 DA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.2999999999999 20 744.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DA4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.2999999999999 20 743.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 551.2999999999999 20 744.2999999999999 10 551.2999999999999 20 743.2999999999999 0 INSERT 5 DA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.7313699999999 20 740.3313699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DAA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.7313799999999 20 740.3313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 552.7313699999999 20 740.3313699999999 10 552.7313799999999 20 740.3313799999999 0 INSERT 5 DAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.2 20 763.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DB0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.2 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 552.2 20 763.2 10 552.2 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 DB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.6 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DB6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.4 20 766.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 555.6 20 766.6 10 555.4 20 766.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 DBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.8 20 775.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DBC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.2 20 775.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 554.8 20 775.8 10 551.2 20 775.8 0 INSERT 5 DC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.2 20 771.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DC2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 550.6 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 551.2 20 771.9 10 550.6 20 771.3 0 INSERT 5 DC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.2 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DC8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.2 20 771.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 551.2 20 773.0 10 551.2 20 771.9 0 INSERT 5 DCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 550.6728 20 779.21006 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DCE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 551.93137 20 780.46863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 550.6728 20 779.21006 10 551.93137 20 780.46863 0 INSERT 5 DD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.13137 20 782.06863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DD4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.13138 20 782.06864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 555.13137 20 782.06863 10 555.13138 20 782.06864 0 INSERT 5 DD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.13138 20 782.06864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DDA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.8 20 781.7372599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 555.13138 20 782.06864 10 554.8 20 781.7372599999999 0 INSERT 5 DDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.8 20 781.7372599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DE0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.8 20 778.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 554.8 20 781.7372599999999 10 554.8 20 778.6 0 INSERT 5 DE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 553.0100499999999 20 784.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DE6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 553.0100599999999 20 784.1899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 553.0100499999999 20 784.1899499999999 10 553.0100599999999 20 784.1899599999999 0 INSERT 5 DEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 553.0100599999999 20 784.1899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DEC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.52722 20 784.1899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 553.0100599999999 20 784.1899599999999 10 554.52722 20 784.1899599999999 0 INSERT 5 DF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DF2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 728.6 10 562.6 20 726.6 0 INSERT 5 DF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DF8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 728.6 10 562.6 20 726.6 0 INSERT 5 DFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 DFE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 DFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 728.6 10 562.6 20 726.6 0 INSERT 5 E03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E04 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 728.6 10 562.6 20 726.6 0 INSERT 5 E09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E0A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 728.6 10 562.6 20 726.6 0 INSERT 5 E0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E10 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 728.6 10 562.6 20 726.6 0 INSERT 5 E15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E16 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 728.6 10 562.6 20 726.6 0 INSERT 5 E1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E1C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 726.6 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 E21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E22 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E28 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 726.6 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 E2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E2E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E34 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 726.6 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 E39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E3A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E40 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 726.6 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 E45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E46 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E4C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 726.6 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 E51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E52 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E58 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 726.6 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 E5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E5E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E64 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 726.6 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 E69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E6A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 728.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E70 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 728.6 10 562.6 20 726.6 0 INSERT 5 E75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 726.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 726.6 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 E7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E7C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 561.0 20 724.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.53137 20 736.3313699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E82 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.5313799999999 20 736.33138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 557.53137 20 736.3313699999999 10 557.5313799999999 20 736.33138 0 INSERT 5 E87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.5313799999999 20 736.33138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E88 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.6485199999999 20 736.33138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 557.5313799999999 20 736.33138 10 557.6485199999999 20 736.33138 0 INSERT 5 E8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.6485199999999 20 736.33138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E8E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.7899499999999 20 734.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 557.6485199999999 20 736.33138 10 559.7899499999999 20 734.1899499999999 0 INSERT 5 E93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 734.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E94 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.3999999999999 20 734.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 734.6 10 562.3999999999999 20 734.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 E99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.00001 20 738.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 E9A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.00002 20 738.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 E9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 563.00001 20 738.0 10 563.00002 20 738.0 0 INSERT 5 E9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.8999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EA0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.2 20 745.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.8999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 10 561.2 20 745.1 0 INSERT 5 EA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.3999999999999 20 749.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EA6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.2 20 749.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 557.3999999999999 20 749.2 10 561.2 20 749.2 0 INSERT 5 EAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.2 20 754.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EAC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 560.4 20 754.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 557.2 20 754.8 10 560.4 20 754.8 0 INSERT 5 EB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.7999999999999 20 765.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EB2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.7999999999999 20 766.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.7999999999999 20 765.0 10 561.7999999999999 20 766.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 EB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.7999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EB8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.7999999999999 20 765.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.7999999999999 20 764.0 10 561.7999999999999 20 765.0 0 INSERT 5 EBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.1 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EBE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.7999999999999 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 559.1 20 771.3 10 559.7999999999999 20 772.0 0 INSERT 5 EC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.2 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EC4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.1 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 563.2 20 771.3 10 559.1 20 771.3 0 INSERT 5 EC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.7999999999999 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 ECA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.7999999999999 20 775.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 ECB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 559.7999999999999 20 772.0 10 559.7999999999999 20 775.8 0 INSERT 5 ECF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.7999999999999 20 778.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 ED0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.0 20 778.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 ED1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 559.7999999999999 20 778.6 10 563.0 20 778.6 0 INSERT 5 ED5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.0 20 781.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 ED6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.0 20 782.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 ED7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 563.0 20 781.4 10 563.0 20 782.6 0 INSERT 5 EDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 558.1899499999999 20 783.61005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EDC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 558.1899599999998 20 783.6100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 558.1899499999999 20 783.61005 10 558.1899599999998 20 783.6100599999999 0 INSERT 5 EE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 558.1899599999998 20 783.6100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EE2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 560.0728 20 783.6100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 558.1899599999998 20 783.6100599999999 10 560.0728 20 783.6100599999999 0 INSERT 5 EE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.2100499999999 20 786.98995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EE8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.21006 20 786.98996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 559.2100499999999 20 786.98995 10 559.21006 20 786.98996 0 INSERT 5 EED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.21006 20 786.98996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EEE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 560.75147 20 788.53137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 559.21006 20 786.98996 10 560.75147 20 788.53137 0 INSERT 5 EF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 560.75147 20 788.53137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EF4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.26863 20 788.53137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 560.75147 20 788.53137 10 562.26863 20 788.53137 0 INSERT 5 EF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 EFA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 EFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 0 INSERT 5 EFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F00 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 F05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F06 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 0 INSERT 5 F0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F0C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 F11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F12 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 0 INSERT 5 F17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F18 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 0 INSERT 5 F1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F1E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 0 INSERT 5 F23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F24 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 F29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F2A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 0 INSERT 5 F2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F30 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 F35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F36 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 F3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F3C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 F41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F42 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 F47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F48 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 F4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F4E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 F53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F54 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 F59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F5A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 0 INSERT 5 F5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 F60 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 F65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F66 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.0 20 727.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 570.0 20 725.0 10 570.0 20 727.4 0 INSERT 5 F6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.0 20 727.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F6C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.6 20 728.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 570.0 20 727.4 10 570.6 20 728.0 0 INSERT 5 F71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3999999999999 20 734.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F72 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.0000099999999 20 735.4000099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.3999999999999 20 734.7999999999999 10 566.0000099999999 20 735.4000099999999 0 INSERT 5 F77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.0000099999999 20 735.4000099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F78 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.0000099999999 20 738.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 566.0000099999999 20 735.4000099999999 10 566.0000099999999 20 738.0 0 INSERT 5 F7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.2 20 741.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F7E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.7999999999999 20 741.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.2 20 741.2 10 567.7999999999999 20 741.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 F83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.7999999999999 20 741.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F84 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.7999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.7999999999999 20 741.7999999999999 10 567.7999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 F89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.7999999999999 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F8A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.7999999999999 20 750.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.7999999999999 20 747.5999999999999 10 565.7999999999999 20 750.0 0 INSERT 5 F8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.7999999999999 20 750.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F90 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.6 20 750.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.7999999999999 20 750.0 10 566.6 20 750.8 0 INSERT 5 F95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 750.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F96 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.40001 20 751.60001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 750.8 10 570.40001 20 751.60001 0 INSERT 5 F9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.40002 20 756.2000199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 F9C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 568.4 20 757.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 F9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.40002 20 756.2000199999999 10 568.4 20 757.2 0 INSERT 5 FA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.7999999999999 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FA2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.0 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.7999999999999 20 772.0 10 566.0 20 772.0 0 INSERT 5 FA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.0 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FA8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7 20 770.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 566.0 20 772.0 10 564.7 20 770.7 0 INSERT 5 FAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.2999999999999 20 783.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FAE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.1 20 783.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.2999999999999 20 783.8999999999999 10 567.1 20 783.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 FB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.6 20 781.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.7999999999999 20 781.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.6 20 781.0 10 570.7999999999999 20 781.0 0 INSERT 5 FB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.3899499999999 20 786.41005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FBA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.38996 20 786.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.3899499999999 20 786.41005 10 564.38996 20 786.4100599999999 0 INSERT 5 FBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.38996 20 786.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.2727999999999 20 786.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.38996 20 786.4100599999999 10 566.2727999999999 20 786.4100599999999 0 INSERT 5 FC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.2727999999999 20 786.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.73137 20 787.8686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 566.2727999999999 20 786.4100599999999 10 567.73137 20 787.8686299999999 0 INSERT 5 FCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 568.8686299999999 20 791.53137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FCC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 568.86864 20 791.53138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 568.8686299999999 20 791.53137 10 568.86864 20 791.53138 0 INSERT 5 FD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 568.86864 20 791.53138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FD2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.75148 20 791.53138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 568.86864 20 791.53138 10 570.75148 20 791.53138 0 INSERT 5 FD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FD8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.0 20 725.0 10 573.0 20 725.0 0 INSERT 5 FDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.6 20 728.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FDE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.6 20 729.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.6 20 728.0 10 574.6 20 729.0 0 INSERT 5 FE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.6 20 729.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.6 20 731.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 574.6 20 729.0 10 574.6 20 731.0 0 INSERT 5 FE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 575.2 20 734.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.2 20 735.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 575.2 20 734.0 10 576.2 20 735.0 0 INSERT 5 FEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.2 20 735.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.2 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.2 20 735.0 10 576.2 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 FF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.0 20 740.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.4 20 740.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.0 20 740.0 10 577.4 20 740.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 FFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.4 20 740.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 FFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 578.1 20 740.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 FFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.4 20 740.3999999999999 10 578.1 20 740.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 1001 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.0 20 740.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1002 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.0 20 742.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1003 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 574.0 20 740.0 10 574.0 20 742.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 1007 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.0 20 742.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1008 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.6 20 743.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1009 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 574.0 20 742.3999999999999 10 574.6 20 743.0 0 INSERT 5 100D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.6 20 743.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 100E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 578.6 20 744.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 100F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.6 20 743.0 10 578.6 20 744.0 0 INSERT 5 1013 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 578.6 20 744.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1014 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 578.6 20 746.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1015 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 578.6 20 744.0 10 578.6 20 746.0 0 INSERT 5 1019 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 575.6 20 748.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 101A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.0 20 749.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 101B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 575.6 20 748.6 10 576.0 20 749.0 0 INSERT 5 101F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1020 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1021 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2 20 752.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 1025 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1026 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1027 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 102B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 102C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 102D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2 20 752.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 1031 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1032 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1033 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 1037 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1038 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1039 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2 20 752.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 103D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 103E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 103F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 1043 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1044 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1045 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2 20 752.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 1049 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 104A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 104B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 104F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1050 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1051 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2 20 752.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 1055 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1056 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1057 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 105B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 105C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 105D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2 20 752.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 1061 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1062 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1063 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 573.3999999999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 1067 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 572.0 20 757.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1068 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 572.0 20 760.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1069 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 572.0 20 757.7999999999999 10 572.0 20 760.4 0 INSERT 5 106D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.7999999999999 20 755.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 106E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.7999999999999 20 757.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 106F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.7999999999999 20 755.0 10 577.7999999999999 20 757.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 1073 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.7999999999999 20 757.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1074 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 578.3999999999999 20 758.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1075 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.7999999999999 20 757.3999999999999 10 578.3999999999999 20 758.0 0 INSERT 5 1079 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 107A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2915699999999 20 766.6900799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 107B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 10 577.2915699999999 20 766.6900799999999 0 INSERT 5 107F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1080 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1081 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 0 INSERT 5 1085 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1086 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1087 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 0 INSERT 5 108B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 108C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932499999999 20 766.6964799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 108D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 10 577.2932499999999 20 766.6964799999999 0 INSERT 5 1091 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932499999999 20 766.6964799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1092 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1093 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2932499999999 20 766.6964799999999 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 0 INSERT 5 1097 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1098 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1099 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 0 INSERT 5 109D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2915699999999 20 766.6900799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 109E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29074 20 766.68693 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 109F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2915699999999 20 766.6900799999999 10 577.29074 20 766.68693 0 INSERT 5 10A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 0 INSERT 5 10A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932099999999 20 766.6963299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 10 577.2932099999999 20 766.6963299999999 0 INSERT 5 10AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932099999999 20 766.6963299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29219 20 766.69244 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2932099999999 20 766.6963299999999 10 577.29219 20 766.69244 0 INSERT 5 10B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29219 20 766.69244 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29149 20 766.68979 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29219 20 766.69244 10 577.29149 20 766.68979 0 INSERT 5 10BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 0 INSERT 5 10C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 0 INSERT 5 10C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 0 INSERT 5 10CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29122 20 766.6887599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29122 20 766.6887599999999 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 0 INSERT 5 10D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29149 20 766.68979 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28976 20 766.6832 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29149 20 766.68979 10 577.28976 20 766.6832 0 INSERT 5 10D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29086 20 766.68737 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29086 20 766.68737 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 0 INSERT 5 10DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29086 20 766.68737 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 10 577.29086 20 766.68737 0 INSERT 5 10E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 0 INSERT 5 10EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 0 INSERT 5 10F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 0 INSERT 5 10F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 0 INSERT 5 10FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 10FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 10FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 0 INSERT 5 1103 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1104 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1105 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 0 INSERT 5 1109 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 110A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 110B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 0 INSERT 5 110F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1110 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29122 20 766.6887599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1111 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 10 577.29122 20 766.6887599999999 0 INSERT 5 1115 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1116 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1117 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 0 INSERT 5 111B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3003499999999 20 766.7234499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 111C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 111D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3003499999999 20 766.7234499999999 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 0 INSERT 5 1121 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1122 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1123 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 0 INSERT 5 1127 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1128 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1129 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 0 INSERT 5 112D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 112E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 112F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 0 INSERT 5 1133 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1134 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1135 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 0 INSERT 5 1139 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 113A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 113B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 0 INSERT 5 113F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1140 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3003499999999 20 766.7234499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1141 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.3003499999999 20 766.7234499999999 0 INSERT 5 1145 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1146 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1147 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 0 INSERT 5 114B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 114C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 114D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 0 INSERT 5 1151 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1152 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1153 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 1157 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1158 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1159 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 115D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 115E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 115F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 1163 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1164 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1165 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 1169 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 116A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 116B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 116F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1170 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1171 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 0 INSERT 5 1175 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1176 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1177 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 117B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 117C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 117D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1181 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1182 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1183 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1187 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29074 20 766.68693 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1188 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1189 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29074 20 766.68693 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 118D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 118E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 118F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1193 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1194 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1195 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1199 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28976 20 766.6832 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 119A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 119B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28976 20 766.6832 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 119F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 0 INSERT 5 11ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3731 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3731 20 767.0 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 0 INSERT 5 11F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3731 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 10 577.3731 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 11F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 11FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 11FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 11FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1200 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1201 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 576.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1205 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1206 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1207 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 120B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 120C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 120D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 576.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1211 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1212 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1213 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1217 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1218 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1219 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 576.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 121D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 121E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 121F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 576.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1223 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1224 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1225 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1229 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 122A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 122B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 122F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1230 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1231 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 576.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1235 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1236 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1237 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 123B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 123C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 123D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 576.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1241 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1242 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1243 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1247 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1248 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3731 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1249 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 10 577.3731 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 124D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29227 20 766.69274 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 124E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2915699999999 20 766.6900799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 124F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29227 20 766.69274 10 577.2915699999999 20 766.6900799999999 0 INSERT 5 1253 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1254 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29227 20 766.69274 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1255 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 10 577.29227 20 766.69274 0 INSERT 5 1259 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29723 20 766.7116 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 125A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 125B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29723 20 766.7116 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 0 INSERT 5 125F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983299999999 20 766.71578 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1260 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29723 20 766.7116 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1261 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2983299999999 20 766.71578 10 577.29723 20 766.7116 0 INSERT 5 1265 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29125 20 766.6888700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1266 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1267 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29125 20 766.6888700000001 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 0 INSERT 5 126B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 126C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29125 20 766.6888700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 126D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 10 577.29125 20 766.6888700000001 0 INSERT 5 1271 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2909099999999 20 766.68757 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1272 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2882799999999 20 766.6775499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1273 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2909099999999 20 766.68757 10 577.2882799999999 20 766.6775499999999 0 INSERT 5 1277 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2922599999999 20 766.6926999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1278 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2909099999999 20 766.68757 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1279 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2922599999999 20 766.6926999999999 10 577.2909099999999 20 766.68757 0 INSERT 5 127D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932400000001 20 766.69643 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 127E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29212 20 766.6921599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 127F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2932400000001 20 766.69643 10 577.29212 20 766.6921599999999 0 INSERT 5 1283 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2939700000001 20 766.6992099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1284 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932400000001 20 766.69643 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1285 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2939700000001 20 766.6992099999999 10 577.2932400000001 20 766.69643 0 INSERT 5 1289 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28755 20 766.67477 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 128A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28463 20 766.66367 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 128B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28755 20 766.67477 10 577.28463 20 766.66367 0 INSERT 5 128F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2882799999999 20 766.6775499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1290 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28755 20 766.67477 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1291 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2882799999999 20 766.6775499999999 10 577.28755 20 766.67477 0 INSERT 5 1295 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2954499999999 20 766.70483 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1296 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1297 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2954499999999 20 766.70483 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 0 INSERT 5 129B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29651 20 766.7088399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 129C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2954499999999 20 766.70483 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 129D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29651 20 766.7088399999999 10 577.2954499999999 20 766.70483 0 INSERT 5 12A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29668 20 766.70948 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29668 20 766.70948 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 0 INSERT 5 12A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29744 20 766.7123799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29668 20 766.70948 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29744 20 766.7123799999999 10 577.29668 20 766.70948 0 INSERT 5 12AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2975399999999 20 766.7127699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29651 20 766.7088399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2975399999999 20 766.7127699999999 10 577.29651 20 766.7088399999999 0 INSERT 5 12B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2975399999999 20 766.7127699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 10 577.2975399999999 20 766.7127699999999 0 INSERT 5 12B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2955299999999 20 766.70509 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29222 20 766.69253 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2955299999999 20 766.70509 10 577.29222 20 766.69253 0 INSERT 5 12BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3250199999999 20 766.8172099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2955299999999 20 766.70509 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3250199999999 20 766.8172099999999 10 577.2955299999999 20 766.70509 0 INSERT 5 12C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29279 20 766.6947099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29212 20 766.6921599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29279 20 766.6947099999999 10 577.29212 20 766.6921599999999 0 INSERT 5 12CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2935599999999 20 766.6976400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29279 20 766.6947099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2935599999999 20 766.6976400000001 10 577.29279 20 766.6947099999999 0 INSERT 5 12D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.292 20 766.69172 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29122 20 766.6887599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.292 20 766.69172 10 577.29122 20 766.6887599999999 0 INSERT 5 12D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.292 20 766.69172 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 10 577.292 20 766.69172 0 INSERT 5 12DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29995 20 766.72194 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29876 20 766.7174099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29995 20 766.72194 10 577.29876 20 766.7174099999999 0 INSERT 5 12E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29995 20 766.72194 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.29995 20 766.72194 0 INSERT 5 12E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29609 20 766.70727 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29609 20 766.70727 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 0 INSERT 5 12EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2968599999999 20 766.7101999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29609 20 766.70727 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2968599999999 20 766.7101999999999 10 577.29609 20 766.70727 0 INSERT 5 12F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2974 20 766.71225 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2939700000001 20 766.6992099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2974 20 766.71225 10 577.2939700000001 20 766.6992099999999 0 INSERT 5 12FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2981999999999 20 766.71528 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 12FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2974 20 766.71225 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 12FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2981999999999 20 766.71528 10 577.2974 20 766.71225 0 INSERT 5 1301 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29822 20 766.71537 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1302 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29712 20 766.7111999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1303 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29822 20 766.71537 10 577.29712 20 766.7111999999999 0 INSERT 5 1307 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2996099999999 20 766.72066 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1308 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29822 20 766.71537 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1309 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2996099999999 20 766.72066 10 577.29822 20 766.71537 0 INSERT 5 130D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29828 20 766.7156099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 130E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29763 20 766.7131099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 130F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29828 20 766.7156099999999 10 577.29763 20 766.7131099999998 0 INSERT 5 1313 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29959 20 766.7205899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1314 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29828 20 766.7156099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1315 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29959 20 766.7205899999999 10 577.29828 20 766.7156099999999 0 INSERT 5 1319 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29763 20 766.7131099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 131A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2968599999999 20 766.7101999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 131B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29763 20 766.7131099999998 10 577.2968599999999 20 766.7101999999999 0 INSERT 5 131F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29744 20 766.7124099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1320 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1321 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29744 20 766.7124099999999 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 0 INSERT 5 1325 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29898 20 766.71825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1326 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29744 20 766.7124099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1327 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29898 20 766.71825 10 577.29744 20 766.7124099999999 0 INSERT 5 132B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 132C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2996099999999 20 766.72066 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 132D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2996099999999 20 766.72066 0 INSERT 5 1331 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1332 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29959 20 766.7205899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1333 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 10 577.29959 20 766.7205899999999 0 INSERT 5 1337 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2891599999999 20 766.6808900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1338 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28777 20 766.6756 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1339 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2891599999999 20 766.6808900000001 10 577.28777 20 766.6756 0 INSERT 5 133D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921099999999 20 766.6921 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 133E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2891599999999 20 766.6808900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 133F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2921099999999 20 766.6921 10 577.2891599999999 20 766.6808900000001 0 INSERT 5 1343 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28984 20 766.6834599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1344 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28857 20 766.6786499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1345 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28984 20 766.6834599999999 10 577.28857 20 766.6786499999999 0 INSERT 5 1349 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921099999999 20 766.6921 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 134A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28984 20 766.6834599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 134B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2921099999999 20 766.6921 10 577.28984 20 766.6834599999999 0 INSERT 5 134F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28984 20 766.6834599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1350 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28777 20 766.6756 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1351 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28984 20 766.6834599999999 10 577.28777 20 766.6756 0 INSERT 5 1355 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29222 20 766.69253 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1356 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28984 20 766.6834599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1357 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29222 20 766.69253 10 577.28984 20 766.6834599999999 0 INSERT 5 135B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2929299999999 20 766.6952099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 135C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921099999999 20 766.6921 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 135D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2929299999999 20 766.6952099999999 10 577.2921099999999 20 766.6921 0 INSERT 5 1361 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.30514 20 766.7416199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1362 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921099999999 20 766.6921 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1363 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.30514 20 766.7416199999999 10 577.2921099999999 20 766.6921 0 INSERT 5 1367 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28857 20 766.6786499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1368 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1369 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28857 20 766.6786499999999 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 0 INSERT 5 136D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28857 20 766.6786499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 136E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2873599999999 20 766.67404 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 136F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28857 20 766.6786499999999 10 577.2873599999999 20 766.67404 0 INSERT 5 1373 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29043 20 766.68572 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1374 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28857 20 766.6786499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1375 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29043 20 766.68572 10 577.28857 20 766.6786499999999 0 INSERT 5 1379 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3250199999999 20 766.8172099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 137A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.30514 20 766.7416199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 137B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3250199999999 20 766.8172099999999 10 577.30514 20 766.7416199999999 0 INSERT 5 137F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1380 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3250199999999 20 766.8172099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1381 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.3250199999999 20 766.8172099999999 0 INSERT 5 1385 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3731 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1386 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3250199999999 20 766.8172099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1387 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3731 20 767.0 10 577.3250199999999 20 766.8172099999999 0 INSERT 5 138B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.30514 20 766.7416199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 138C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2929299999999 20 766.6952099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 138D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.30514 20 766.7416199999999 10 577.2929299999999 20 766.6952099999999 0 INSERT 5 1391 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3731 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1392 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.30514 20 766.7416199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1393 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3731 20 767.0 10 577.30514 20 766.7416199999999 0 INSERT 5 1397 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.30014 20 766.7226799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1398 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29874 20 766.71734 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1399 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.30014 20 766.7226799999999 10 577.29874 20 766.71734 0 INSERT 5 139D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 139E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.30014 20 766.7226799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 139F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.30014 20 766.7226799999999 0 INSERT 5 13A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29874 20 766.71734 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29744 20 766.7123799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29874 20 766.71734 10 577.29744 20 766.7123799999999 0 INSERT 5 13A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29638 20 766.70837 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2956999999999 20 766.7057999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29638 20 766.70837 10 577.2956999999999 20 766.7057999999999 0 INSERT 5 13AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29712 20 766.7111999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29638 20 766.70837 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29712 20 766.7111999999999 10 577.29638 20 766.70837 0 INSERT 5 13B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2956999999999 20 766.7057999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2956999999999 20 766.7057999999999 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 0 INSERT 5 13BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2956999999999 20 766.7057999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29459 20 766.70157 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2956999999999 20 766.7057999999999 10 577.29459 20 766.70157 0 INSERT 5 13C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2956999999999 20 766.7057999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 10 577.2956999999999 20 766.7057999999999 0 INSERT 5 13C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29712 20 766.7111999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29712 20 766.7111999999999 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 0 INSERT 5 13CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983299999999 20 766.71578 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29712 20 766.7111999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2983299999999 20 766.71578 10 577.29712 20 766.7111999999999 0 INSERT 5 13D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28307 20 766.6577599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28307 20 766.6577599999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 13D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2890599999999 20 766.68053 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28307 20 766.6577599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2890599999999 20 766.68053 10 577.28307 20 766.6577599999999 0 INSERT 5 13DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28295 20 766.6572999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28295 20 766.6572999999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 13E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28463 20 766.66367 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28295 20 766.6572999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28463 20 766.66367 10 577.28295 20 766.6572999999999 0 INSERT 5 13EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28493 20 766.6648 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28312 20 766.65792 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28493 20 766.6648 10 577.28312 20 766.65792 0 INSERT 5 13F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872599999999 20 766.6736799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28493 20 766.6648 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2872599999999 20 766.6736799999999 10 577.28493 20 766.6648 0 INSERT 5 13F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28463 20 766.66367 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 10 577.28463 20 766.66367 0 INSERT 5 13FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28463 20 766.66367 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 13FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28229 20 766.6547699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 13FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28463 20 766.66367 10 577.28229 20 766.6547699999999 0 INSERT 5 1403 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28204 20 766.65383 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1404 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1405 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28204 20 766.65383 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 0 INSERT 5 1409 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28292 20 766.65717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 140A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28204 20 766.65383 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 140B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28292 20 766.65717 10 577.28204 20 766.65383 0 INSERT 5 140F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28777 20 766.6756 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1410 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28292 20 766.65717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1411 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28777 20 766.6756 10 577.28292 20 766.65717 0 INSERT 5 1415 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28312 20 766.65792 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1416 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2822099999999 20 766.6544700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1417 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28312 20 766.65792 10 577.2822099999999 20 766.6544700000001 0 INSERT 5 141B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2873599999999 20 766.67404 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 141C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28312 20 766.65792 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 141D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2873599999999 20 766.67404 10 577.28312 20 766.65792 0 INSERT 5 1421 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28312 20 766.65792 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1422 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28229 20 766.6547699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1423 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28312 20 766.65792 10 577.28229 20 766.6547699999999 0 INSERT 5 1427 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2822099999999 20 766.6544700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1428 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1429 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2822099999999 20 766.6544700000001 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 142D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2822099999999 20 766.6544700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 142E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 142F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2822099999999 20 766.6544700000001 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 0 INSERT 5 1433 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1434 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2822099999999 20 766.6544700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1435 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 10 577.2822099999999 20 766.6544700000001 0 INSERT 5 1439 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2922599999999 20 766.6926999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 143A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29043 20 766.68572 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 143B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2922599999999 20 766.6926999999999 10 577.29043 20 766.68572 0 INSERT 5 143F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1440 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2922599999999 20 766.6926999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1441 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 10 577.2922599999999 20 766.6926999999999 0 INSERT 5 1445 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2942099999998 20 766.7000999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1446 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2922599999999 20 766.6926999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1447 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2942099999998 20 766.7000999999999 10 577.2922599999999 20 766.6926999999999 0 INSERT 5 144B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29043 20 766.68572 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 144C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2882799999999 20 766.6775499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 144D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29043 20 766.68572 10 577.2882799999999 20 766.6775499999999 0 INSERT 5 1451 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29285 20 766.69492 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1452 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29043 20 766.68572 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1453 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29285 20 766.69492 10 577.29043 20 766.68572 0 INSERT 5 1457 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1458 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1459 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 0 INSERT 5 145D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2894599999999 20 766.68206 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 145E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 145F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2894599999999 20 766.68206 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1463 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2913499999999 20 766.68924 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1464 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2894599999999 20 766.68206 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1465 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2913499999999 20 766.68924 10 577.2894599999999 20 766.68206 0 INSERT 5 1469 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2994899999999 20 766.72019 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 146A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2981999999999 20 766.71528 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 146B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2994899999999 20 766.72019 10 577.2981999999999 20 766.71528 0 INSERT 5 146F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1470 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2994899999999 20 766.72019 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1471 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 10 577.2994899999999 20 766.72019 0 INSERT 5 1475 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29212 20 766.6921599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1476 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2913499999999 20 766.68924 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1477 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29212 20 766.6921599999999 10 577.2913499999999 20 766.68924 0 INSERT 5 147B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29212 20 766.6921599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 147C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29106 20 766.6881400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 147D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29212 20 766.6921599999999 10 577.29106 20 766.6881400000001 0 INSERT 5 1481 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2917599999999 20 766.69082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1482 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29071 20 766.68682 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1483 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2917599999999 20 766.69082 10 577.29071 20 766.68682 0 INSERT 5 1487 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1488 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2917599999999 20 766.69082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1489 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 10 577.2917599999999 20 766.69082 0 INSERT 5 148D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29071 20 766.68682 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 148E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2900599999998 20 766.6843599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 148F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29071 20 766.68682 10 577.2900599999998 20 766.6843599999999 0 INSERT 5 1493 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2900599999998 20 766.6843599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1494 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1495 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2900599999998 20 766.6843599999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1499 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2915199999999 20 766.6898999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 149A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29062 20 766.68649 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 149B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2915199999999 20 766.6898999999999 10 577.29062 20 766.68649 0 INSERT 5 149F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2923900000001 20 766.6932 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2915199999999 20 766.6898999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2923900000001 20 766.6932 10 577.2915199999999 20 766.6898999999999 0 INSERT 5 14A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29062 20 766.68649 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2894299999999 20 766.68195 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29062 20 766.68649 10 577.2894299999999 20 766.68195 0 INSERT 5 14AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2894299999999 20 766.68195 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2894299999999 20 766.68195 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 14B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 0 INSERT 5 14B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.69587 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2923900000001 20 766.6932 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29309 20 766.69587 10 577.2923900000001 20 766.6932 0 INSERT 5 14BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29469 20 766.7019599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.69587 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29469 20 766.7019599999999 10 577.29309 20 766.69587 0 INSERT 5 14C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29469 20 766.7019599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2963599999999 20 766.70831 10 577.29469 20 766.7019599999999 0 INSERT 5 14C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932499999999 20 766.6964799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 10 577.2932499999999 20 766.6964799999999 0 INSERT 5 14CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932499999999 20 766.6964799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2932499999999 20 766.6964799999999 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 0 INSERT 5 14D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2901599999999 20 766.6847199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2890599999999 20 766.68053 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2901599999999 20 766.6847199999999 10 577.2890599999999 20 766.68053 0 INSERT 5 14DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 0 INSERT 5 14E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2915699999999 20 766.6900799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29074 20 766.68693 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2915699999999 20 766.6900799999999 10 577.29074 20 766.68693 0 INSERT 5 14E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29153 20 766.6899400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2901599999999 20 766.6847199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29153 20 766.6899400000001 10 577.2901599999999 20 766.6847199999999 0 INSERT 5 14ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 0 INSERT 5 14F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29459 20 766.70157 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931699999999 20 766.69617 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29459 20 766.70157 10 577.2931699999999 20 766.69617 0 INSERT 5 14F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 14FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932099999999 20 766.6963299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 14FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29476 20 766.7022199999999 10 577.2932099999999 20 766.6963299999999 0 INSERT 5 14FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931699999999 20 766.69617 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1500 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29153 20 766.6899400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1501 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2931699999999 20 766.69617 10 577.29153 20 766.6899400000001 0 INSERT 5 1505 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2932099999999 20 766.6963299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1506 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29219 20 766.69244 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1507 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2932099999999 20 766.6963299999999 10 577.29219 20 766.69244 0 INSERT 5 150B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29219 20 766.69244 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 150C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29149 20 766.68979 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 150D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29219 20 766.69244 10 577.29149 20 766.68979 0 INSERT 5 1511 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29898 20 766.71825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1512 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983299999999 20 766.71578 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1513 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29898 20 766.71825 10 577.2983299999999 20 766.71578 0 INSERT 5 1517 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1518 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983299999999 20 766.71578 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1519 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 10 577.2983299999999 20 766.71578 0 INSERT 5 151D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2997799999999 20 766.7213 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 151E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29898 20 766.71825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 151F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2997799999999 20 766.7213 10 577.29898 20 766.71825 0 INSERT 5 1523 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1524 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2997799999999 20 766.7213 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1525 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2997799999999 20 766.7213 0 INSERT 5 1529 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28229 20 766.6547699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 152A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 152B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28229 20 766.6547699999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 152F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28229 20 766.6547699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1530 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1531 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28229 20 766.6547699999999 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 0 INSERT 5 1535 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2882799999999 20 766.6775499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1536 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872599999999 20 766.6736799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1537 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2882799999999 20 766.6775499999999 10 577.2872599999999 20 766.6736799999999 0 INSERT 5 153B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2953 20 766.7042299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 153C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2942099999998 20 766.7000999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 153D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2953 20 766.7042299999999 10 577.2942099999998 20 766.7000999999999 0 INSERT 5 1541 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29718 20 766.71138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1542 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2953 20 766.7042299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1543 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29718 20 766.71138 10 577.2953 20 766.7042299999999 0 INSERT 5 1547 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29745 20 766.71242 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1548 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2964599999999 20 766.70865 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1549 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29745 20 766.71242 10 577.2964599999999 20 766.70865 0 INSERT 5 154D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29853 20 766.71652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 154E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29745 20 766.71242 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 154F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29853 20 766.71652 10 577.29745 20 766.71242 0 INSERT 5 1553 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2977099999999 20 766.7133999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1554 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2970299999999 20 766.7108299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1555 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2977099999999 20 766.7133999999999 10 577.2970299999999 20 766.7108299999999 0 INSERT 5 1559 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29853 20 766.71652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 155A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2977099999999 20 766.7133999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 155B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29853 20 766.71652 10 577.2977099999999 20 766.7133999999999 0 INSERT 5 155F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.298 20 766.71452 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1560 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29718 20 766.71138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1561 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.298 20 766.71452 10 577.29718 20 766.71138 0 INSERT 5 1565 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29876 20 766.7174099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1566 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.298 20 766.71452 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1567 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29876 20 766.7174099999999 10 577.298 20 766.71452 0 INSERT 5 156B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 156C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 156D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 0 INSERT 5 1571 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29122 20 766.6887599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1572 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1573 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29122 20 766.6887599999999 10 577.29032 20 766.68533 0 INSERT 5 1577 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29047 20 766.6858900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1578 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28976 20 766.6832 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1579 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29047 20 766.6858900000001 10 577.28976 20 766.6832 0 INSERT 5 157D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29149 20 766.68979 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 157E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29047 20 766.6858900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 157F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29149 20 766.68979 10 577.29047 20 766.6858900000001 0 INSERT 5 1583 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28997 20 766.6840099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1584 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1585 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28997 20 766.6840099999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1589 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29106 20 766.6881400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 158A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28997 20 766.6840099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 158B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29106 20 766.6881400000001 10 577.28997 20 766.6840099999999 0 INSERT 5 158F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29086 20 766.68737 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1590 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1591 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29086 20 766.68737 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 0 INSERT 5 1595 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1596 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29086 20 766.68737 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1597 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2921 20 766.6921099999999 10 577.29086 20 766.68737 0 INSERT 5 159B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29606 20 766.7071499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 159C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29489 20 766.70267 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 159D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29606 20 766.7071499999999 10 577.29489 20 766.70267 0 INSERT 5 15A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2970299999999 20 766.7108299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29606 20 766.7071499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2970299999999 20 766.7108299999999 10 577.29606 20 766.7071499999999 0 INSERT 5 15A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2964599999999 20 766.70865 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2935599999999 20 766.6976400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2964599999999 20 766.70865 10 577.2935599999999 20 766.6976400000001 0 INSERT 5 15AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29853 20 766.71652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.29853 20 766.71652 0 INSERT 5 15B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29937 20 766.71973 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29853 20 766.71652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29937 20 766.71973 10 577.29853 20 766.71652 0 INSERT 5 15B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 10 577.29309 20 766.6958599999999 0 INSERT 5 15BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29389 20 766.6988899999999 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 0 INSERT 5 15C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 10 577.2872399999999 20 766.6735899999999 0 INSERT 5 15CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 0 INSERT 5 15D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2970299999999 20 766.7108299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2970299999999 20 766.7108299999999 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 0 INSERT 5 15D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2970299999999 20 766.7108299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 10 577.2970299999999 20 766.7108299999999 0 INSERT 5 15DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29489 20 766.70267 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29285 20 766.69492 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29489 20 766.70267 10 577.29285 20 766.69492 0 INSERT 5 15E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29489 20 766.70267 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29489 20 766.70267 10 577.2931599999999 20 766.6961099999999 0 INSERT 5 15E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29489 20 766.70267 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29565 20 766.7055699999999 10 577.29489 20 766.70267 0 INSERT 5 15EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 0 INSERT 5 15F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29937 20 766.71973 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 10 577.29937 20 766.71973 0 INSERT 5 15FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3003499999999 20 766.7234499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 15FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 15FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.3003499999999 20 766.7234499999999 10 577.29921 20 766.7191299999999 0 INSERT 5 1601 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1602 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1603 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.2983 20 766.7156499999999 0 INSERT 5 1607 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1608 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3003499999999 20 766.7234499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1609 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.3003499999999 20 766.7234499999999 0 INSERT 5 160D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 160E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 160F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.37309 20 767.0 10 577.3005699999999 20 766.7243 0 INSERT 5 1613 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.29074 20 766.68693 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1614 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1615 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.29074 20 766.68693 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1619 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 161A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 161B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28879 20 766.6795099999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 161F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1620 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1621 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.2896599999999 20 766.68282 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1625 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.28976 20 766.6832 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1626 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1627 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.28976 20 766.6832 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 162B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 162C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 162D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1631 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1632 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1633 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.27249 20 766.6175099999999 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 1637 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1638 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1639 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 576.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 163D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 163E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 163F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.26788 20 766.6 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 1643 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.6 20 775.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1644 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.0 20 775.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1645 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.6 20 775.6 10 573.0 20 775.0 0 INSERT 5 1649 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.0 20 775.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 164A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.0 20 773.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 164B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.0 20 775.0 10 576.0 20 773.1 0 INSERT 5 164F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.0 20 773.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1650 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.8999999999999 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1651 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.0 20 773.1 10 574.8999999999999 20 772.0 0 INSERT 5 1655 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.0 20 782.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1656 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.0 20 781.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1657 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.0 20 782.8999999999999 10 573.0 20 781.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 165B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.0 20 781.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 165C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.5 20 781.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 165D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.0 20 781.8999999999999 10 573.5 20 781.4 0 INSERT 5 1661 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.5 20 781.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1662 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.40001 20 781.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1663 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.5 20 781.4 10 574.40001 20 781.4 0 INSERT 5 1667 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 572.1 20 783.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1668 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.0 20 782.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1669 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 572.1 20 783.8 10 573.0 20 782.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 166D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.4000099999999 20 781.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 166E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.40002 20 781.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 166F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.4000099999999 20 781.4 10 577.40002 20 781.4 0 INSERT 5 1673 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.40002 20 781.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1674 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 780.5999799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1675 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.40002 20 781.4 10 576.6 20 780.5999799999999 0 INSERT 5 1679 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 780.5999799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 167A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 778.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 167B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.6 20 780.5999799999999 10 576.6 20 778.2 0 INSERT 5 167F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.9 20 787.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1680 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.9 20 788.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1681 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 571.9 20 787.3999999999999 10 571.9 20 788.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 1685 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.0 20 787.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1686 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.0 20 786.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1687 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.0 20 787.8 10 576.0 20 786.6 0 INSERT 5 168B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.0 20 786.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 168C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 575.3999999999999 20 786.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 168D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.0 20 786.6 10 575.3999999999999 20 786.0 0 INSERT 5 1691 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.7999999999999 20 793.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1692 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.0627400000001 20 793.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1693 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.7999999999999 20 793.6 10 577.0627400000001 20 793.6 0 INSERT 5 1697 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.7999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1698 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.7999999999999 20 718.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1699 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 585.7999999999999 20 721.1 10 585.7999999999999 20 718.4 0 INSERT 5 169D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 583.7 20 731.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 169E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 583.7 20 728.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 169F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 583.7 20 731.0 10 583.7 20 728.7 0 INSERT 5 16A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.6 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.8 20 735.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 579.6 20 735.6 10 579.8 20 735.4 0 INSERT 5 16A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.8 20 735.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.6 20 735.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 579.8 20 735.4 10 582.6 20 735.4 0 INSERT 5 16AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.6 20 738.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.7999999999999 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 582.6 20 738.4 10 582.7999999999999 20 738.6 0 INSERT 5 16B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.7999999999999 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.5 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 582.7999999999999 20 738.6 10 585.5 20 738.6 0 INSERT 5 16BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.6 20 741.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.4999999999999 20 741.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.6 20 741.1 10 580.4999999999999 20 741.1 0 INSERT 5 16C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.4999999999999 20 741.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.6 20 740.2000000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 580.4999999999999 20 741.1 10 579.6 20 740.2000000000001 0 INSERT 5 16C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.8999999999999 20 742.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.8999999999999 20 743.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 579.8999999999999 20 742.2 10 579.8999999999999 20 743.1 0 INSERT 5 16CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.8999999999999 20 743.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.7 20 743.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 579.8999999999999 20 743.1 10 580.7 20 743.9 0 INSERT 5 16D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.7 20 743.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.4 20 743.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 580.7 20 743.9 10 581.4 20 743.9 0 INSERT 5 16D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.4999999999999 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.4999999999999 20 741.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.4999999999999 20 743.7999999999999 10 584.4999999999999 20 741.2 0 INSERT 5 16DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.4999999999999 20 741.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.4 20 741.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.4999999999999 20 741.2 10 584.4 20 741.1 0 INSERT 5 16E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.2 20 750.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 580.2 20 750.2 10 580.2 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 16EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.4 20 755.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.7999999999999 20 755.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.4 20 755.0 10 580.7999999999999 20 755.0 0 INSERT 5 16F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.4 20 758.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.3999999999999 20 759.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.4 20 758.0 10 582.3999999999999 20 759.0 0 INSERT 5 16F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.3999999999999 20 759.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.3999999999999 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 582.3999999999999 20 759.0 10 582.3999999999999 20 761.0 0 INSERT 5 16FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 583.0 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 16FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.0 20 765.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 16FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 583.0 20 764.0 10 584.0 20 765.0 0 INSERT 5 1703 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.0 20 765.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1704 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1705 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.0 20 765.0 10 584.0 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 1709 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.2 20 776.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 170A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.2 20 773.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 170B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.2 20 776.0 10 586.2 20 773.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 170F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.2 20 773.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1710 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.4 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1711 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.2 20 773.7999999999999 10 585.4 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 1715 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.3999999999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1716 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.7999999999999 20 772.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1717 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 582.3999999999999 20 773.0 10 581.7999999999999 20 772.4 0 INSERT 5 171B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.0 20 779.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 171C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 583.2 20 778.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 171D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.0 20 779.0 10 583.2 20 778.2 0 INSERT 5 1721 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1722 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1723 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 1727 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1728 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1729 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 172D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 172E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 172F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 1733 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1734 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1735 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 1739 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 173A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 173B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 173F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1740 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1741 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 1745 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1746 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1747 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 174B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 174C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 174D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 1751 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1752 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1753 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 581.2999999999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 1757 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1758 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1759 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.7999999999999 20 782.0 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 175D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 175E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.0 20 785.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 175F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.0 20 788.0 10 586.0 20 785.6 0 INSERT 5 1763 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1764 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.0 20 728.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1765 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.0 20 725.0 10 592.0 20 728.5 0 INSERT 5 1769 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.0 20 728.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 176A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 730.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 176B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.0 20 728.5 10 590.0 20 730.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 176F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.3 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1770 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.4999999999999 20 735.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1771 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.3 20 735.6 10 588.4999999999999 20 735.4 0 INSERT 5 1775 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.4999999999999 20 738.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1776 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.7 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1777 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.4999999999999 20 738.4 10 588.7 20 738.6 0 INSERT 5 177B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.7 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 177C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.5 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 177D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.7 20 738.6 10 591.5 20 738.6 0 INSERT 5 1781 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.5 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1782 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.2999999999999 20 735.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1783 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.5 20 735.6 10 591.2999999999999 20 735.7 0 INSERT 5 1787 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.5 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1788 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.5 20 733.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1789 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.5 20 735.6 10 591.5 20 733.8 0 INSERT 5 178D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.5 20 733.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 178E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.8999999999999 20 733.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 178F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.5 20 733.8 10 590.8999999999999 20 733.2 0 INSERT 5 1793 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.2999999999999 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1794 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1795 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.2999999999999 20 743.7999999999999 10 590.0 20 743.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 1799 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 179A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 742.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 179B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 743.7999999999999 10 590.0 20 742.0 0 INSERT 5 179F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.9 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.9 20 743.7999999999999 10 590.0 20 743.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 748.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.5999999999999 20 748.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.1 20 748.7999999999999 10 593.5999999999999 20 748.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 748.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 748.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 748.7 10 590.1 20 748.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.8999999999999 20 749.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.7999999999999 20 749.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.8999999999999 20 749.2999999999999 10 587.7999999999999 20 749.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 749.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.8999999999999 20 749.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 749.2999999999999 10 587.8999999999999 20 749.2999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 748.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 749.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 748.7 10 590.0 20 749.2999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 752.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.6 20 752.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.1 20 752.1 10 592.6 20 752.1 0 INSERT 5 17C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 752.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 752.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 752.2 10 590.1 20 752.1 0 INSERT 5 17CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 749.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 752.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 749.2999999999999 10 590.0 20 752.2 0 INSERT 5 17D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.7 20 749.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.7999999999999 20 749.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.7 20 749.5 10 587.7999999999999 20 749.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.6 20 754.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.7 20 755.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.6 20 754.8999999999999 10 592.7 20 755.0 0 INSERT 5 17E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.7 20 755.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.7 20 756.0999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.7 20 755.0 10 592.7 20 756.0999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.7 20 756.0999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2 20 756.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.7 20 756.0999999999999 10 593.2 20 756.6 0 INSERT 5 17ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 757.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.2 20 757.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 757.2 10 588.2 20 757.2 0 INSERT 5 17F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 757.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 759.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 757.2 10 590.0 20 759.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 17F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.7999999999999 20 767.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 17FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 767.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 17FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.7999999999999 20 767.3 10 590.1 20 767.3 0 INSERT 5 17FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 767.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1800 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 767.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1801 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.1 20 767.3 10 590.0 20 767.2 0 INSERT 5 1805 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 767.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1806 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1807 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 767.2 10 590.0 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 180B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.3999999999999 20 767.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 180C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.3999999999999 20 765.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 180D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.3999999999999 20 767.3 10 587.3999999999999 20 765.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 1811 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.7999999999999 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1812 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1813 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.7999999999999 20 776.2 10 591.3999999999999 20 776.2 0 INSERT 5 1817 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1818 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 772.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1819 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.6 20 773.3999999999999 10 588.6 20 772.7 0 INSERT 5 181D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 771.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 181E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 770.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 181F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.1 20 771.2 10 590.1 20 770.1 0 INSERT 5 1823 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 772.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1824 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.1 20 771.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1825 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.6 20 772.7 10 590.1 20 771.2 0 INSERT 5 1829 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 182A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 772.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 182B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.3999999999999 20 773.3999999999999 10 591.3999999999999 20 772.2999999999999 0 INSERT 5 182F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 772.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1830 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.7999999999999 20 771.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1831 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.3999999999999 20 772.2999999999999 10 591.7999999999999 20 771.9 0 INSERT 5 1835 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.7999999999999 20 771.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1836 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.2 20 771.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1837 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.7999999999999 20 771.9 10 592.2 20 771.9 0 INSERT 5 183B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.7999999999999 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 183C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.7999999999999 20 770.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 183D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.7999999999999 20 771.3 10 592.7999999999999 20 770.1 0 INSERT 5 1841 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.2 20 771.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1842 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.7999999999999 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1843 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.2 20 771.9 10 592.7999999999999 20 771.3 0 INSERT 5 1847 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.0 20 779.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1848 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.3999999999999 20 779.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1849 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.0 20 779.0 10 592.3999999999999 20 779.6 0 INSERT 5 184D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.3999999999999 20 779.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 184E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.3999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 184F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.3999999999999 20 779.6 10 592.3999999999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 1853 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 589.7 20 783.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1854 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 589.7 20 779.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1855 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 589.7 20 783.7 10 589.7 20 779.2 0 INSERT 5 1859 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 589.7 20 779.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 185A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 778.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 185B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 589.7 20 779.2 10 588.6 20 778.1 0 INSERT 5 185F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.7999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1860 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.7999999999999 20 779.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1861 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.7999999999999 20 782.0 10 587.7999999999999 20 779.8 0 INSERT 5 1865 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.6 20 787.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1866 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1867 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.6 20 787.3999999999999 10 591.0 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 186B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 790.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 186C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 788.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 186D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.6 20 790.6 10 588.6 20 788.4 0 INSERT 5 1871 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 788.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1872 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 589.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1873 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.6 20 788.4 10 589.0 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 1877 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 793.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1878 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 796.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1879 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.3999999999999 20 793.4 10 591.3999999999999 20 796.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 187D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 796.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 187E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.6 20 796.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 187F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.3999999999999 20 796.3999999999999 10 591.6 20 796.6 0 INSERT 5 1883 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 796.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1884 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 793.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1885 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.6 20 796.6 10 588.6 20 793.6 0 INSERT 5 1889 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.7 20 721.7 30 0.0 41 0.2 42 0.2 43 0.2 0 INSERT 5 188A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.7 20 722.7 30 0.0 41 0.2 42 0.2 43 0.2 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 188B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.2 10 594.7 20 721.7 10 594.7 20 722.7 0 INSERT 5 188F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1890 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1891 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.2 20 725.0 10 601.4 20 725.0 0 INSERT 5 1895 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1896 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.2 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1897 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4 20 735.6 10 600.2 20 735.6 0 INSERT 5 189B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.2 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 189C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.3999999999999 20 735.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 189D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.2 20 735.6 10 600.3999999999999 20 735.4 0 INSERT 5 18A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.7 20 741.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5 20 741.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.7 20 741.1 10 598.5 20 741.1 0 INSERT 5 18A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 595.7 20 741.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 595.7 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 595.7 20 741.1 10 595.7 20 743.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 18AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2 20 753.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.2 20 752.0 10 599.2 20 753.0 0 INSERT 5 18B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3999999999999 20 752.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3999999999999 20 748.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3999999999999 20 752.2 10 596.3999999999999 20 748.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 18B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6 20 758.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7 20 758.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.6 20 758.0 10 597.7 20 758.0 0 INSERT 5 18BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.4999999999999 20 756.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.4999999999999 20 755.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.4999999999999 20 756.7999999999999 10 596.4999999999999 20 755.1 0 INSERT 5 18C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.4999999999999 20 755.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3999999999999 20 755.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.4999999999999 20 755.1 10 596.3999999999999 20 755.0 0 INSERT 5 18CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7 20 758.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.4999999999999 20 756.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7 20 758.0 10 596.4999999999999 20 756.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 18D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8 20 763.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.8 20 763.0 10 599.7999999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 18D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.2 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7999999999999 20 764.0 10 596.2 20 764.6 0 INSERT 5 18DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.2 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.2 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.2 20 764.6 10 596.2 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 18E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2 20 769.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.2 20 767.0 10 599.2 20 769.0 0 INSERT 5 18E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.7999999999999 20 770.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.7999999999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.7999999999999 20 770.3999999999999 10 594.7999999999999 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 18EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7999999999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.2999999999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7999999999999 20 773.0 10 601.2999999999999 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 18F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0966699999999 20 773.85832 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.2307599999999 20 773.3485099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.0966699999999 20 773.85832 10 601.2307599999999 20 773.3485099999999 0 INSERT 5 18FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0747999999999 20 773.94147 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 18FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0966699999999 20 773.85832 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 18FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.0747999999999 20 773.94147 10 601.0966699999999 20 773.85832 0 INSERT 5 1901 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0966699999999 20 773.85832 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1902 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.37049 20 772.81729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1903 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.0966699999999 20 773.85832 10 601.37049 20 772.81729 0 INSERT 5 1907 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0574 20 774.0076199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1908 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0966699999999 20 773.85832 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1909 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.0574 20 774.0076199999999 10 601.0966699999999 20 773.85832 0 INSERT 5 190D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0574 20 774.0076199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 190E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0747999999999 20 773.94147 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 190F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.0574 20 774.0076199999999 10 601.0747999999999 20 773.94147 0 INSERT 5 1913 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0747999999999 20 773.94147 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1914 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4808 20 772.3979299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1915 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.0747999999999 20 773.94147 10 601.4808 20 772.3979299999999 0 INSERT 5 1919 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.9951499999999 20 774.24428 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 191A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0747999999999 20 773.94147 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 191B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.9951499999999 20 774.24428 10 601.0747999999999 20 773.94147 0 INSERT 5 191F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.9951499999999 20 774.24428 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1920 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0574 20 774.0076199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1921 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.9951499999999 20 774.24428 10 601.0574 20 774.0076199999999 0 INSERT 5 1925 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.90403 20 774.5906999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1926 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.0574 20 774.0076199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1927 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.90403 20 774.5906999999999 10 601.0574 20 774.0076199999999 0 INSERT 5 192B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.92334 20 774.51729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 192C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.9951499999999 20 774.24428 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 192D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.92334 20 774.51729 10 600.9951499999999 20 774.24428 0 INSERT 5 1931 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.9938099999999 20 774.2493699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1932 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.9951499999999 20 774.24428 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1933 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.9938099999999 20 774.2493699999999 10 600.9951499999999 20 774.24428 0 INSERT 5 1937 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.90403 20 774.5906999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1938 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.92334 20 774.51729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1939 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.90403 20 774.5906999999999 10 600.92334 20 774.51729 0 INSERT 5 193D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.92334 20 774.51729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 193E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.9938099999999 20 774.2493699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 193F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.92334 20 774.51729 10 600.9938099999999 20 774.2493699999999 0 INSERT 5 1943 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8339399999999 20 774.85717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1944 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.92334 20 774.51729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1945 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.8339399999999 20 774.85717 10 600.92334 20 774.51729 0 INSERT 5 1949 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8339399999999 20 774.85717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 194A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.90403 20 774.5906999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 194B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.8339399999999 20 774.85717 10 600.90403 20 774.5906999999999 0 INSERT 5 194F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8185099999999 20 774.91583 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1950 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.90403 20 774.5906999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1951 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.8185099999999 20 774.91583 10 600.90403 20 774.5906999999999 0 INSERT 5 1955 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.83375 20 774.85787 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1956 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.9938099999999 20 774.2493699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1957 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.83375 20 774.85787 10 600.9938099999999 20 774.2493699999999 0 INSERT 5 195B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8185099999999 20 774.91583 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 195C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8339399999999 20 774.85717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 195D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.8185099999999 20 774.91583 10 600.8339399999999 20 774.85717 0 INSERT 5 1961 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.52383 20 776.03615 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1962 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8339399999999 20 774.85717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1963 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.52383 20 776.03615 10 600.8339399999999 20 774.85717 0 INSERT 5 1967 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.52383 20 776.03615 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1968 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8185099999999 20 774.91583 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1969 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.52383 20 776.03615 10 600.8185099999999 20 774.91583 0 INSERT 5 196D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.2307599999999 20 773.3485099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 196E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224299999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 196F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.2307599999999 20 773.3485099999999 10 601.3224299999999 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 1973 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.2307599999999 20 773.3485099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1974 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.40654 20 772.6802199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1975 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.2307599999999 20 773.3485099999999 10 601.40654 20 772.6802199999999 0 INSERT 5 1979 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.9938099999999 20 774.2493699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 197A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.2307599999999 20 773.3485099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 197B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.9938099999999 20 774.2493699999999 10 601.2307599999999 20 773.3485099999999 0 INSERT 5 197F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1980 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.51827 20 772.2554099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1981 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 10 601.51827 20 772.2554099999999 0 INSERT 5 1985 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4326900000001 20 772.58082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1986 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4808 20 772.3979299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1987 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.4326900000001 20 772.58082 10 601.4808 20 772.3979299999999 0 INSERT 5 198B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.40654 20 772.6802199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 198C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4326900000001 20 772.58082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 198D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.40654 20 772.6802199999999 10 601.4326900000001 20 772.58082 0 INSERT 5 1991 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.37049 20 772.81729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1992 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4326900000001 20 772.58082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1993 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.37049 20 772.81729 10 601.4326900000001 20 772.58082 0 INSERT 5 1997 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.37049 20 772.81729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1998 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.40654 20 772.6802199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1999 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.37049 20 772.81729 10 601.40654 20 772.6802199999999 0 INSERT 5 199D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224299999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 199E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.37049 20 772.81729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 199F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.3224299999999 20 773.0 10 601.37049 20 772.81729 0 INSERT 5 19A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0 20 778.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.0 20 779.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0 20 778.0 10 596.0 20 779.0 0 INSERT 5 19A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6249599999999 20 779.45348 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6343 20 779.41796 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6249599999999 20 779.45348 10 599.6343 20 779.41796 0 INSERT 5 19AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6050199999999 20 779.52929 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6249599999999 20 779.45348 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6050199999999 20 779.52929 10 599.6249599999999 20 779.45348 0 INSERT 5 19B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6016299999999 20 779.54217 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6249599999999 20 779.45348 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6016299999999 20 779.54217 10 599.6249599999999 20 779.45348 0 INSERT 5 19BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6012599999999 20 779.54358 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.60268 20 779.53818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6012599999999 20 779.54358 10 599.60268 20 779.53818 0 INSERT 5 19C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5900299999999 20 779.58628 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6012599999999 20 779.54358 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5900299999999 20 779.58628 10 599.6012599999999 20 779.54358 0 INSERT 5 19C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6013299999999 20 779.5433 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6343 20 779.41796 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6013299999999 20 779.5433 10 599.6343 20 779.41796 0 INSERT 5 19CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5305 20 779.8126099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6013299999999 20 779.5433 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5305 20 779.8126099999999 10 599.6013299999999 20 779.5433 0 INSERT 5 19D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6016299999999 20 779.54217 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.60268 20 779.53818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6016299999999 20 779.54217 10 599.60268 20 779.53818 0 INSERT 5 19D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6005299999999 20 779.5463599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6016299999999 20 779.54217 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6005299999999 20 779.5463599999999 10 599.6016299999999 20 779.54217 0 INSERT 5 19DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.8350699999999 20 782.4565200000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6016299999999 20 779.54217 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.8350699999999 20 782.4565200000001 10 599.6016299999999 20 779.54217 0 INSERT 5 19E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59078 20 779.5834499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59316 20 779.5744099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.59078 20 779.5834499999999 10 599.59316 20 779.5744099999999 0 INSERT 5 19EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59264 20 779.5763799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6005299999999 20 779.5463599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.59264 20 779.5763799999999 10 599.6005299999999 20 779.5463599999999 0 INSERT 5 19F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6005299999999 20 779.5463599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6050199999999 20 779.52929 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6005299999999 20 779.5463599999999 10 599.6050199999999 20 779.52929 0 INSERT 5 19F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.8350699999999 20 782.4565200000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6005299999999 20 779.5463599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.8350699999999 20 782.4565200000001 10 599.6005299999999 20 779.5463599999999 0 INSERT 5 19FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.60268 20 779.53818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 19FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6050199999999 20 779.52929 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 19FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.60268 20 779.53818 10 599.6050199999999 20 779.52929 0 INSERT 5 1A03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.60268 20 779.53818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A04 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.60444 20 779.5315 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.60268 20 779.53818 10 599.60444 20 779.5315 0 INSERT 5 1A09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59078 20 779.5834499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A0A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59264 20 779.5763799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.59078 20 779.5834499999999 10 599.59264 20 779.5763799999999 0 INSERT 5 1A0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59264 20 779.5763799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A10 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7182299999999 20 779.09889 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.59264 20 779.5763799999999 10 599.7182299999999 20 779.09889 0 INSERT 5 1A15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59044 20 779.58474 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A16 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59264 20 779.5763799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.59044 20 779.58474 10 599.59264 20 779.5763799999999 0 INSERT 5 1A1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.60444 20 779.5315 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A1C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.0360099999999 20 777.89075 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.60444 20 779.5315 10 600.0360099999999 20 777.89075 0 INSERT 5 1A21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5718 20 779.6556 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A22 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59044 20 779.58474 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5718 20 779.6556 10 599.59044 20 779.58474 0 INSERT 5 1A27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5900299999999 20 779.58628 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A28 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59078 20 779.5834499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5900299999999 20 779.58628 10 599.59078 20 779.5834499999999 0 INSERT 5 1A2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5718 20 779.6556 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A2E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5900299999999 20 779.58628 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5718 20 779.6556 10 599.5900299999999 20 779.58628 0 INSERT 5 1A33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5582299999999 20 779.7072 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A34 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5900299999999 20 779.58628 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5582299999999 20 779.7072 10 599.5900299999999 20 779.58628 0 INSERT 5 1A39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5305 20 779.8126099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A3A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59078 20 779.5834499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5305 20 779.8126099999999 10 599.59078 20 779.5834499999999 0 INSERT 5 1A3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5582299999999 20 779.7072 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A40 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5718 20 779.6556 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5582299999999 20 779.7072 10 599.5718 20 779.6556 0 INSERT 5 1A45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.53766 20 779.7854 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A46 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5718 20 779.6556 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.53766 20 779.7854 10 599.5718 20 779.6556 0 INSERT 5 1A4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5305099999999 20 779.81259 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A4C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.53448 20 779.79749 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5305099999999 20 779.81259 10 599.53448 20 779.79749 0 INSERT 5 1A51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.52222 20 779.84412 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A52 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5305099999999 20 779.81259 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.52222 20 779.84412 10 599.5305099999999 20 779.81259 0 INSERT 5 1A57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5305099999999 20 779.81259 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A58 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.53766 20 779.7854 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5305099999999 20 779.81259 10 599.53766 20 779.7854 0 INSERT 5 1A5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.52088 20 779.8492099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A5E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5305099999999 20 779.81259 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.52088 20 779.8492099999999 10 599.5305099999999 20 779.81259 0 INSERT 5 1A63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.53448 20 779.79749 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A64 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.53766 20 779.7854 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.53448 20 779.79749 10 599.53766 20 779.7854 0 INSERT 5 1A69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.53448 20 779.79749 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A6A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5582299999999 20 779.7072 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.53448 20 779.79749 10 599.5582299999999 20 779.7072 0 INSERT 5 1A6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5171 20 779.86357 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A70 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.53448 20 779.79749 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5171 20 779.86357 10 599.53448 20 779.79749 0 INSERT 5 1A75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.53766 20 779.7854 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5582299999999 20 779.7072 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.53766 20 779.7854 10 599.5582299999999 20 779.7072 0 INSERT 5 1A7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.16112 20 781.21698 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A7C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51873 20 779.8574099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.16112 20 781.21698 10 599.51873 20 779.8574099999999 0 INSERT 5 1A81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5174599999999 20 779.86221 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A82 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5189 20 779.85673 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5174599999999 20 779.86221 10 599.5189 20 779.85673 0 INSERT 5 1A87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51569 20 779.86894 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A88 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5174599999999 20 779.86221 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51569 20 779.86894 10 599.5174599999999 20 779.86221 0 INSERT 5 1A8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5180299999999 20 779.86005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A8E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51875 20 779.85732 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5180299999999 20 779.86005 10 599.51875 20 779.85732 0 INSERT 5 1A93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5171 20 779.86357 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A94 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5180299999999 20 779.86005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5171 20 779.86357 10 599.5180299999999 20 779.86005 0 INSERT 5 1A99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5180299999999 20 779.86005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1A9A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51949 20 779.8545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1A9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5180299999999 20 779.86005 10 599.51949 20 779.8545 0 INSERT 5 1A9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5154499999999 20 779.86985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AA0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5180299999999 20 779.86005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5154499999999 20 779.86985 10 599.5180299999999 20 779.86005 0 INSERT 5 1AA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51875 20 779.85732 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AA6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51949 20 779.8545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51875 20 779.85732 10 599.51949 20 779.8545 0 INSERT 5 1AAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51875 20 779.85732 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AAC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.52088 20 779.8492099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51875 20 779.85732 10 599.52088 20 779.8492099999999 0 INSERT 5 1AB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.49987 20 779.92909 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AB2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51875 20 779.85732 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.49987 20 779.92909 10 599.51875 20 779.85732 0 INSERT 5 1AB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5189 20 779.85673 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AB8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.52222 20 779.84412 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5189 20 779.85673 10 599.52222 20 779.84412 0 INSERT 5 1ABD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51949 20 779.8545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1ABE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.52088 20 779.8492099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1ABF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51949 20 779.8545 10 599.52088 20 779.8492099999999 0 INSERT 5 1AC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51949 20 779.8545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AC4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.0342 20 777.89764 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51949 20 779.8545 10 600.0342 20 777.89764 0 INSERT 5 1AC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.52088 20 779.8492099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1ACA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.52222 20 779.84412 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1ACB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.52088 20 779.8492099999999 10 599.52222 20 779.84412 0 INSERT 5 1ACF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.52222 20 779.84412 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AD0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5305 20 779.8126099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.52222 20 779.84412 10 599.5305 20 779.8126099999999 0 INSERT 5 1AD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51534 20 779.87025 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AD6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5171 20 779.86357 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51534 20 779.87025 10 599.5171 20 779.86357 0 INSERT 5 1ADB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15447 20 781.24222 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1ADC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51534 20 779.87025 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1ADD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15447 20 781.24222 10 599.51534 20 779.87025 0 INSERT 5 1AE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5001799999999 20 779.9279 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AE2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5154499999999 20 779.86985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.5001799999999 20 779.9279 10 599.5154499999999 20 779.86985 0 INSERT 5 1AE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51569 20 779.86894 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AE8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5171 20 779.86357 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51569 20 779.86894 10 599.5171 20 779.86357 0 INSERT 5 1AED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51467 20 779.87279 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AEE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51569 20 779.86894 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51467 20 779.87279 10 599.51569 20 779.86894 0 INSERT 5 1AF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.50073 20 779.9258 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AF4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51569 20 779.86894 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.50073 20 779.9258 10 599.51569 20 779.86894 0 INSERT 5 1AF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.50073 20 779.9258 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1AFA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51467 20 779.87279 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1AFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.50073 20 779.9258 10 599.51467 20 779.87279 0 INSERT 5 1AFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51467 20 779.87279 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B00 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5305 20 779.8126099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51467 20 779.87279 10 599.5305 20 779.8126099999999 0 INSERT 5 1B05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.4999799999999 20 779.92867 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B06 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51467 20 779.87279 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.4999799999999 20 779.92867 10 599.51467 20 779.87279 0 INSERT 5 1B0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6343 20 779.41796 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B0C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.81463 20 778.73238 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6343 20 779.41796 10 599.81463 20 778.73238 0 INSERT 5 1B11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6343 20 779.41796 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B12 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7182299999999 20 779.09889 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6343 20 779.41796 10 599.7182299999999 20 779.09889 0 INSERT 5 1B17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.81463 20 778.73238 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B18 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.0342 20 777.89764 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.81463 20 778.73238 10 600.0342 20 777.89764 0 INSERT 5 1B1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7182299999999 20 779.09889 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B1E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.81463 20 778.73238 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7182299999999 20 779.09889 10 599.81463 20 778.73238 0 INSERT 5 1B23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2180499999999 20 781.00052 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B24 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.5001799999999 20 779.9279 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.2180499999999 20 781.00052 10 599.5001799999999 20 779.9279 0 INSERT 5 1B29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.4982099999999 20 779.9354 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B2A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.4999799999999 20 779.92867 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.4982099999999 20 779.9354 10 599.4999799999999 20 779.92867 0 INSERT 5 1B2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.49987 20 779.92909 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B30 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.50073 20 779.9258 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.49987 20 779.92909 10 599.50073 20 779.9258 0 INSERT 5 1B35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.4982099999999 20 779.9354 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B36 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.49987 20 779.92909 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.4982099999999 20 779.9354 10 599.49987 20 779.92909 0 INSERT 5 1B3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.46657 20 780.0556799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B3C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.49987 20 779.92909 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.46657 20 780.0556799999999 10 599.49987 20 779.92909 0 INSERT 5 1B41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2180499999999 20 781.00052 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B42 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.3672199999999 20 780.4333999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.2180499999999 20 781.00052 10 599.3672199999999 20 780.4333999999999 0 INSERT 5 1B47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1753 20 781.16304 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B48 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2180499999999 20 781.00052 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1753 20 781.16304 10 599.2180499999999 20 781.00052 0 INSERT 5 1B4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1742799999999 20 781.1669199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B4E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2180499999999 20 781.00052 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1742799999999 20 781.1669199999999 10 599.2180499999999 20 781.00052 0 INSERT 5 1B53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.3672199999999 20 780.4333999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B54 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.4982099999999 20 779.9354 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.3672199999999 20 780.4333999999999 10 599.4982099999999 20 779.9354 0 INSERT 5 1B59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.3672199999999 20 780.4333999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B5A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.46657 20 780.0556799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.3672199999999 20 780.4333999999999 10 599.46657 20 780.0556799999999 0 INSERT 5 1B5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.17289 20 781.17222 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B60 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.3672199999999 20 780.4333999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.17289 20 781.17222 10 599.3672199999999 20 780.4333999999999 0 INSERT 5 1B65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.46657 20 780.0556799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B66 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.4982099999999 20 779.9354 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.46657 20 780.0556799999999 10 599.4982099999999 20 779.9354 0 INSERT 5 1B6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1742799999999 20 781.1669199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B6C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1753 20 781.16304 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1742799999999 20 781.1669199999999 10 599.1753 20 781.16304 0 INSERT 5 1B71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.17289 20 781.17222 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B72 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1742799999999 20 781.1669199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.17289 20 781.17222 10 599.1742799999999 20 781.1669199999999 0 INSERT 5 1B77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15659 20 781.23418 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B78 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1742799999999 20 781.1669199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15659 20 781.23418 10 599.1742799999999 20 781.1669199999999 0 INSERT 5 1B7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.16112 20 781.21698 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B7E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.17289 20 781.17222 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.16112 20 781.21698 10 599.17289 20 781.17222 0 INSERT 5 1B83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15804 20 781.2286699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B84 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.16112 20 781.21698 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15804 20 781.2286699999999 10 599.16112 20 781.21698 0 INSERT 5 1B89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15132 20 781.25422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B8A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.16112 20 781.21698 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15132 20 781.25422 10 599.16112 20 781.21698 0 INSERT 5 1B8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15541 20 781.2386599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B90 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.17289 20 781.17222 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15541 20 781.2386599999999 10 599.17289 20 781.17222 0 INSERT 5 1B95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1550599999999 20 781.2399799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B96 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1595499999999 20 781.2229099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1550599999999 20 781.2399799999999 10 599.1595499999999 20 781.2229099999999 0 INSERT 5 1B9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15384 20 781.24463 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1B9C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1550599999999 20 781.2399799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1B9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15384 20 781.24463 10 599.1550599999999 20 781.2399799999999 0 INSERT 5 1BA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1040599999999 20 781.4338700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BA2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15384 20 781.24463 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1040599999999 20 781.4338700000001 10 599.15384 20 781.24463 0 INSERT 5 1BA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15447 20 781.24222 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BA8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15552 20 781.23825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15447 20 781.24222 10 599.15552 20 781.23825 0 INSERT 5 1BAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15323 20 781.24694 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BAE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15447 20 781.24222 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15323 20 781.24694 10 599.15447 20 781.24222 0 INSERT 5 1BB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1169499999999 20 781.3848799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15447 20 781.24222 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1169499999999 20 781.3848799999999 10 599.15447 20 781.24222 0 INSERT 5 1BB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15537 20 781.2388099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BBA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15659 20 781.23418 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15537 20 781.2388099999999 10 599.15659 20 781.23418 0 INSERT 5 1BBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15132 20 781.25422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15537 20 781.2388099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15132 20 781.25422 10 599.15537 20 781.2388099999999 0 INSERT 5 1BC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15552 20 781.23825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15804 20 781.2286699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15552 20 781.23825 10 599.15804 20 781.2286699999999 0 INSERT 5 1BCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15214 20 781.2510900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BCC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15323 20 781.24694 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15214 20 781.2510900000001 10 599.15323 20 781.24694 0 INSERT 5 1BD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15323 20 781.24694 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BD2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15541 20 781.2386599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15323 20 781.24694 10 599.15541 20 781.2386599999999 0 INSERT 5 1BD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.07482 20 781.5450499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BD8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15323 20 781.24694 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.07482 20 781.5450499999999 10 599.15323 20 781.24694 0 INSERT 5 1BDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.14499 20 781.27827 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BDE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15214 20 781.2510900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.14499 20 781.27827 10 599.15214 20 781.2510900000001 0 INSERT 5 1BE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15214 20 781.2510900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15541 20 781.2386599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15214 20 781.2510900000001 10 599.15541 20 781.2386599999999 0 INSERT 5 1BE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.14467 20 781.2795 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15214 20 781.2510900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.14467 20 781.2795 10 599.15214 20 781.2510900000001 0 INSERT 5 1BEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1040599999999 20 781.4338700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.14499 20 781.27827 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1040599999999 20 781.4338700000001 10 599.14499 20 781.27827 0 INSERT 5 1BF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.8526799999999 20 782.38958 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1040599999999 20 781.4338700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.8526799999999 20 782.38958 10 599.1040599999999 20 781.4338700000001 0 INSERT 5 1BFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.75103 20 782.7760699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1BFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1040599999999 20 781.4338700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1BFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.75103 20 782.7760699999999 10 599.1040599999999 20 781.4338700000001 0 INSERT 5 1C01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15804 20 781.2286699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C02 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1595499999999 20 781.2229099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15804 20 781.2286699999999 10 599.1595499999999 20 781.2229099999999 0 INSERT 5 1C07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15659 20 781.23418 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C08 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15804 20 781.2286699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15659 20 781.23418 10 599.15804 20 781.2286699999999 0 INSERT 5 1C0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1753 20 781.16304 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C0E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.46657 20 780.0556799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1753 20 781.16304 10 599.46657 20 780.0556799999999 0 INSERT 5 1C13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1595499999999 20 781.2229099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C14 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1753 20 781.16304 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1595499999999 20 781.2229099999999 10 599.1753 20 781.16304 0 INSERT 5 1C19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1595499999999 20 781.2229099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C1A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.50073 20 779.9258 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1595499999999 20 781.2229099999999 10 599.50073 20 779.9258 0 INSERT 5 1C1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.71907 20 782.8975299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C20 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.8526799999999 20 782.38958 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.71907 20 782.8975299999999 10 598.8526799999999 20 782.38958 0 INSERT 5 1C25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7094599999998 20 782.9340599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C26 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.71907 20 782.8975299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7094599999998 20 782.9340599999999 10 598.71907 20 782.8975299999999 0 INSERT 5 1C2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.71907 20 782.8975299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C2C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7301 20 782.85558 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.71907 20 782.8975299999999 10 598.7301 20 782.85558 0 INSERT 5 1C31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.71057 20 782.92985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C32 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.71907 20 782.8975299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.71057 20 782.92985 10 598.71907 20 782.8975299999999 0 INSERT 5 1C37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.62158 20 783.26818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C38 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7094599999998 20 782.9340599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.62158 20 783.26818 10 598.7094599999998 20 782.9340599999999 0 INSERT 5 1C3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7094599999998 20 782.9340599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C3E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.71057 20 782.92985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7094599999998 20 782.9340599999999 10 598.71057 20 782.92985 0 INSERT 5 1C43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7068299999999 20 782.94409 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C44 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7094599999998 20 782.9340599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7068299999999 20 782.94409 10 598.7094599999998 20 782.9340599999999 0 INSERT 5 1C49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.61177 20 783.30548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C4A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.62158 20 783.26818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.61177 20 783.30548 10 598.62158 20 783.26818 0 INSERT 5 1C4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47627 20 783.8206 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C50 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4789599999999 20 783.81039 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47627 20 783.8206 10 598.4789599999999 20 783.81039 0 INSERT 5 1C55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46967 20 783.8457099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C56 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47627 20 783.8206 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46967 20 783.8457099999999 10 598.47627 20 783.8206 0 INSERT 5 1C5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47612 20 783.82119 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C5C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47678 20 783.81867 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47612 20 783.82119 10 598.47678 20 783.81867 0 INSERT 5 1C61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4753699999999 20 783.82405 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C62 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47612 20 783.82119 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4753699999999 20 783.82405 10 598.47612 20 783.82119 0 INSERT 5 1C67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47612 20 783.82119 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C68 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5771599999999 20 783.4370999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47612 20 783.82119 10 598.5771599999999 20 783.4370999999999 0 INSERT 5 1C6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4748699999999 20 783.82594 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C6E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47612 20 783.82119 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4748699999999 20 783.82594 10 598.47612 20 783.82119 0 INSERT 5 1C73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47678 20 783.81867 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C74 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4789599999999 20 783.81039 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47678 20 783.81867 10 598.4789599999999 20 783.81039 0 INSERT 5 1C79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47678 20 783.81867 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C7A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.73007 20 782.85568 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47678 20 783.81867 10 598.73007 20 782.85568 0 INSERT 5 1C7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47019 20 783.84374 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C80 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47678 20 783.81867 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47019 20 783.84374 10 598.47678 20 783.81867 0 INSERT 5 1C85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4789599999999 20 783.81039 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C86 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.61177 20 783.30548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4789599999999 20 783.81039 10 598.61177 20 783.30548 0 INSERT 5 1C8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4789599999999 20 783.81039 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C8C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.48096 20 783.8028 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4789599999999 20 783.81039 10 598.48096 20 783.8028 0 INSERT 5 1C91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.61177 20 783.30548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C92 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6211099999999 20 783.26997 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.61177 20 783.30548 10 598.6211099999999 20 783.26997 0 INSERT 5 1C97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5718900000001 20 783.4570999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C98 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.61177 20 783.30548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5718900000001 20 783.4570999999999 10 598.61177 20 783.30548 0 INSERT 5 1C9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.8526799999999 20 782.38958 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1C9E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.01057 20 781.78932 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1C9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.8526799999999 20 782.38958 10 599.01057 20 781.78932 0 INSERT 5 1CA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.75254 20 782.7702799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CA4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.8526799999999 20 782.38958 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.75254 20 782.7702799999999 10 598.8526799999999 20 782.38958 0 INSERT 5 1CA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47174 20 783.83785 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CAA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4748699999999 20 783.82594 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47174 20 783.83785 10 598.4748699999999 20 783.82594 0 INSERT 5 1CAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46213 20 783.87439 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CB0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46967 20 783.8457099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46213 20 783.87439 10 598.46967 20 783.8457099999999 0 INSERT 5 1CB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4693299999999 20 783.847 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CB6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47019 20 783.84374 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4693299999999 20 783.847 10 598.47019 20 783.84374 0 INSERT 5 1CBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46397 20 783.86738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CBC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4693299999999 20 783.847 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46397 20 783.86738 10 598.4693299999999 20 783.847 0 INSERT 5 1CC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4624099999999 20 783.87333 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CC2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4675799999999 20 783.8536799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4624099999999 20 783.87333 10 598.4675799999999 20 783.8536799999999 0 INSERT 5 1CC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46 20 783.88248 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CC8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4624099999999 20 783.87333 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46 20 783.88248 10 598.4624099999999 20 783.87333 0 INSERT 5 1CCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46185 20 783.87545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CCE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4675799999999 20 783.8536799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46185 20 783.87545 10 598.4675799999999 20 783.8536799999999 0 INSERT 5 1CD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4604299999999 20 783.88086 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CD4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46185 20 783.87545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4604299999999 20 783.88086 10 598.46185 20 783.87545 0 INSERT 5 1CD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46213 20 783.87439 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CDA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46397 20 783.86738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46213 20 783.87439 10 598.46397 20 783.86738 0 INSERT 5 1CDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4613699999999 20 783.8772999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CE0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46213 20 783.87439 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4613699999999 20 783.8772999999999 10 598.46213 20 783.87439 0 INSERT 5 1CE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4606099999999 20 783.8801799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CE6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46213 20 783.87439 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4606099999999 20 783.8801799999999 10 598.46213 20 783.87439 0 INSERT 5 1CEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4606099999999 20 783.8801799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CEC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4613699999999 20 783.8772999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4606099999999 20 783.8801799999999 10 598.4613699999999 20 783.8772999999999 0 INSERT 5 1CF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4613699999999 20 783.8772999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CF2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4677099999999 20 783.8531799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4613699999999 20 783.8772999999999 10 598.4677099999999 20 783.8531799999999 0 INSERT 5 1CF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.45978 20 783.88333 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CF8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4613699999999 20 783.8772999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.45978 20 783.88333 10 598.4613699999999 20 783.8772999999999 0 INSERT 5 1CFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4101099999999 20 784.0721499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1CFE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46 20 783.88248 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1CFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4101099999999 20 784.0721499999999 10 598.46 20 783.88248 0 INSERT 5 1D03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.45978 20 783.88333 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D04 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4606099999999 20 783.8801799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.45978 20 783.88333 10 598.4606099999999 20 783.8801799999999 0 INSERT 5 1D09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.45682 20 783.89458 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D0A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4606099999999 20 783.8801799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.45682 20 783.89458 10 598.4606099999999 20 783.8801799999999 0 INSERT 5 1D0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.45682 20 783.89458 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D10 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.45978 20 783.88333 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.45682 20 783.89458 10 598.45978 20 783.88333 0 INSERT 5 1D15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4563699999999 20 783.8962799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D16 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.45978 20 783.88333 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4563699999999 20 783.8962799999999 10 598.45978 20 783.88333 0 INSERT 5 1D1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46397 20 783.86738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D1C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46911 20 783.84784 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46397 20 783.86738 10 598.46911 20 783.84784 0 INSERT 5 1D21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4325299999999 20 783.98692 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D22 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46397 20 783.86738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4325299999999 20 783.98692 10 598.46397 20 783.86738 0 INSERT 5 1D27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.42042 20 784.03296 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D28 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4563699999999 20 783.8962799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.42042 20 784.03296 10 598.4563699999999 20 783.8962799999999 0 INSERT 5 1D2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4325299999999 20 783.98692 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D2E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.45682 20 783.89458 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4325299999999 20 783.98692 10 598.45682 20 783.89458 0 INSERT 5 1D33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4320499999999 20 783.98873 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D34 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.45682 20 783.89458 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4320499999999 20 783.98873 10 598.45682 20 783.89458 0 INSERT 5 1D39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46911 20 783.84784 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D3A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46979 20 783.84527 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46911 20 783.84784 10 598.46979 20 783.84527 0 INSERT 5 1D3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46911 20 783.84784 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D40 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47019 20 783.84374 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46911 20 783.84784 10 598.47019 20 783.84374 0 INSERT 5 1D45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46845 20 783.85037 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D46 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46911 20 783.84784 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46845 20 783.85037 10 598.46911 20 783.84784 0 INSERT 5 1D4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46979 20 783.84527 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D4C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4753699999999 20 783.82405 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46979 20 783.84527 10 598.4753699999999 20 783.82405 0 INSERT 5 1D51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3829099999999 20 784.1755599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D52 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4320499999999 20 783.98873 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3829099999999 20 784.1755599999999 10 598.4320499999999 20 783.98873 0 INSERT 5 1D57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.427 20 784.0079199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D58 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4325299999999 20 783.98692 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.427 20 784.0079199999999 10 598.4325299999999 20 783.98692 0 INSERT 5 1D5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4101099999999 20 784.0721499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D5E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.427 20 784.0079199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4101099999999 20 784.0721499999999 10 598.427 20 784.0079199999999 0 INSERT 5 1D63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.427 20 784.0079199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D64 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46973 20 783.84548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.427 20 784.0079199999999 10 598.46973 20 783.84548 0 INSERT 5 1D69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.42042 20 784.03296 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D6A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.427 20 784.0079199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.42042 20 784.03296 10 598.427 20 784.0079199999999 0 INSERT 5 1D6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3887599999999 20 784.15332 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D70 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4325299999999 20 783.98692 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3887599999999 20 784.15332 10 598.4325299999999 20 783.98692 0 INSERT 5 1D75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38274 20 784.1762099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38539 20 784.1661199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.38274 20 784.1762099999999 10 598.38539 20 784.1661199999999 0 INSERT 5 1D7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3784299999999 20 784.1926099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D7C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38274 20 784.1762099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3784299999999 20 784.1926099999999 10 598.38274 20 784.1762099999999 0 INSERT 5 1D81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3793799999999 20 784.18898 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D82 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3829099999999 20 784.1755599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3793799999999 20 784.18898 10 598.3829099999999 20 784.1755599999999 0 INSERT 5 1D87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37628 20 784.2007599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D88 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3793799999999 20 784.18898 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.37628 20 784.2007599999999 10 598.3793799999999 20 784.18898 0 INSERT 5 1D8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3797599999999 20 784.18753 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D8E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3829099999999 20 784.1755599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3797599999999 20 784.18753 10 598.3829099999999 20 784.1755599999999 0 INSERT 5 1D93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37762 20 784.1956799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D94 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3797599999999 20 784.18753 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.37762 20 784.1956799999999 10 598.3797599999999 20 784.18753 0 INSERT 5 1D99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3797599999999 20 784.18753 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1D9A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38803 20 784.15611 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1D9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3797599999999 20 784.18753 10 598.38803 20 784.15611 0 INSERT 5 1D9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3775 20 784.1961299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DA0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3797599999999 20 784.18753 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3775 20 784.1961299999999 10 598.3797599999999 20 784.18753 0 INSERT 5 1DA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3829099999999 20 784.1755599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DA6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38539 20 784.1661199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3829099999999 20 784.1755599999999 10 598.38539 20 784.1661199999999 0 INSERT 5 1DAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38539 20 784.1661199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DAC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4101099999999 20 784.0721499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.38539 20 784.1661199999999 10 598.4101099999999 20 784.0721499999999 0 INSERT 5 1DB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38539 20 784.1661199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DB2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3887599999999 20 784.15332 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.38539 20 784.1661199999999 10 598.3887599999999 20 784.15332 0 INSERT 5 1DB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37758 20 784.1958400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DB8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3784299999999 20 784.1926099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.37758 20 784.1958400000001 10 598.3784299999999 20 784.1926099999999 0 INSERT 5 1DBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37609 20 784.2014799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DBE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37758 20 784.1958400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.37609 20 784.2014799999999 10 598.37758 20 784.1958400000001 0 INSERT 5 1DC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37547 20 784.20385 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DC4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37762 20 784.1956799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.37547 20 784.20385 10 598.37762 20 784.1956799999999 0 INSERT 5 1DC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37539 20 784.20415 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DCA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37609 20 784.2014799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.37539 20 784.20415 10 598.37609 20 784.2014799999999 0 INSERT 5 1DCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3654099999999 20 784.2420900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DD0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3775 20 784.1961299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3654099999999 20 784.2420900000001 10 598.3775 20 784.1961299999999 0 INSERT 5 1DD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36509 20 784.24331 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DD6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36726 20 784.23507 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.36509 20 784.24331 10 598.36726 20 784.23507 0 INSERT 5 1DDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36252 20 784.25307 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DDC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36509 20 784.24331 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.36252 20 784.25307 10 598.36509 20 784.24331 0 INSERT 5 1DE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36509 20 784.24331 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DE2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37539 20 784.20415 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.36509 20 784.24331 10 598.37539 20 784.20415 0 INSERT 5 1DE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3576 20 784.27177 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DE8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36252 20 784.25307 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3576 20 784.27177 10 598.36252 20 784.25307 0 INSERT 5 1DED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36252 20 784.25307 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DEE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37628 20 784.2007599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.36252 20 784.25307 10 598.37628 20 784.2007599999999 0 INSERT 5 1DF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.35707 20 784.2738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DF4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36252 20 784.25307 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.35707 20 784.2738 10 598.36252 20 784.25307 0 INSERT 5 1DF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3502999999999 20 784.29953 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1DFA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3576 20 784.27177 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1DFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3502999999999 20 784.29953 10 598.3576 20 784.27177 0 INSERT 5 1DFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36726 20 784.23507 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E00 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37547 20 784.20385 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.36726 20 784.23507 10 598.37547 20 784.20385 0 INSERT 5 1E05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36726 20 784.23507 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E06 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37539 20 784.20415 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.36726 20 784.23507 10 598.37539 20 784.20415 0 INSERT 5 1E0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.35707 20 784.2738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E0C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36726 20 784.23507 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.35707 20 784.2738 10 598.36726 20 784.23507 0 INSERT 5 1E11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.34718 20 784.3114 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E12 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3502999999999 20 784.29953 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.34718 20 784.3114 10 598.3502999999999 20 784.29953 0 INSERT 5 1E17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3502999999999 20 784.29953 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E18 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.35707 20 784.2738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3502999999999 20 784.29953 10 598.35707 20 784.2738 0 INSERT 5 1E1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.34718 20 784.3114 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E1E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.35707 20 784.2738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.34718 20 784.3114 10 598.35707 20 784.2738 0 INSERT 5 1E23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4017999999999 20 784.1037499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E24 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4101099999999 20 784.0721499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4017999999999 20 784.1037499999999 10 598.4101099999999 20 784.0721499999999 0 INSERT 5 1E29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4753699999999 20 783.82405 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E2A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.48096 20 783.8028 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4753699999999 20 783.82405 10 598.48096 20 783.8028 0 INSERT 5 1E2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47174 20 783.83785 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E30 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4753699999999 20 783.82405 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47174 20 783.83785 10 598.4753699999999 20 783.82405 0 INSERT 5 1E35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.0342 20 777.89764 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E36 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.0360099999999 20 777.89075 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.0342 20 777.89764 10 600.0360099999999 20 777.89075 0 INSERT 5 1E3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1360099999999 20 781.3124299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E3C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15132 20 781.25422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1360099999999 20 781.3124299999999 10 599.15132 20 781.25422 0 INSERT 5 1E41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.14467 20 781.2795 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E42 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15132 20 781.25422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.14467 20 781.2795 10 599.15132 20 781.25422 0 INSERT 5 1E47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.75103 20 782.7760699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E48 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.81749 20 782.5234 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.75103 20 782.7760699999999 10 598.81749 20 782.5234 0 INSERT 5 1E4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7414099999999 20 782.81263 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E4E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.75103 20 782.7760699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7414099999999 20 782.81263 10 598.75103 20 782.7760699999999 0 INSERT 5 1E53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.73625 20 782.83225 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E54 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.75103 20 782.7760699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.73625 20 782.83225 10 598.75103 20 782.7760699999999 0 INSERT 5 1E59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7321099999999 20 782.84797 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E5A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.73625 20 782.83225 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7321099999999 20 782.84797 10 598.73625 20 782.83225 0 INSERT 5 1E5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.71057 20 782.92985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E60 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7321099999999 20 782.84797 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.71057 20 782.92985 10 598.7321099999999 20 782.84797 0 INSERT 5 1E65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7321099999999 20 782.84797 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E66 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7414099999999 20 782.81263 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7321099999999 20 782.84797 10 598.7414099999999 20 782.81263 0 INSERT 5 1E6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70825 20 782.9386900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E6C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7321099999999 20 782.84797 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.70825 20 782.9386900000001 10 598.7321099999999 20 782.84797 0 INSERT 5 1E71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.73625 20 782.83225 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E72 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7414099999999 20 782.81263 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.73625 20 782.83225 10 598.7414099999999 20 782.81263 0 INSERT 5 1E77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7067099999999 20 782.94455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E78 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.73625 20 782.83225 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7067099999999 20 782.94455 10 598.73625 20 782.83225 0 INSERT 5 1E7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70388 20 782.95532 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E7E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7067099999999 20 782.94455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.70388 20 782.95532 10 598.7067099999999 20 782.94455 0 INSERT 5 1E83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70825 20 782.9386900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E84 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.71057 20 782.92985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.70825 20 782.9386900000001 10 598.71057 20 782.92985 0 INSERT 5 1E89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7065999999999 20 782.9449799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E8A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70825 20 782.9386900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7065999999999 20 782.9449799999999 10 598.70825 20 782.9386900000001 0 INSERT 5 1E8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7068299999999 20 782.94409 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E90 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70825 20 782.9386900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7068299999999 20 782.94409 10 598.70825 20 782.9386900000001 0 INSERT 5 1E95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70388 20 782.95532 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E96 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7065999999999 20 782.9449799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.70388 20 782.95532 10 598.7065999999999 20 782.9449799999999 0 INSERT 5 1E9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70137 20 782.9648499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1E9C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70388 20 782.95532 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1E9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.70137 20 782.9648499999999 10 598.70388 20 782.95532 0 INSERT 5 1EA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.69908 20 782.97355 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EA2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70388 20 782.95532 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.69908 20 782.97355 10 598.70388 20 782.95532 0 INSERT 5 1EA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70032 20 782.96884 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EA8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70137 20 782.9648499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.70032 20 782.96884 10 598.70137 20 782.9648499999999 0 INSERT 5 1EAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.69908 20 782.97355 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EAE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70032 20 782.96884 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.69908 20 782.97355 10 598.70032 20 782.96884 0 INSERT 5 1EB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70032 20 782.96884 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7068299999999 20 782.94409 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.70032 20 782.96884 10 598.7068299999999 20 782.94409 0 INSERT 5 1EB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6222599999999 20 783.2656 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EBA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70032 20 782.96884 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.6222599999999 20 783.2656 10 598.70032 20 782.96884 0 INSERT 5 1EBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70137 20 782.9648499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7068299999999 20 782.94409 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.70137 20 782.9648499999999 10 598.7068299999999 20 782.94409 0 INSERT 5 1EC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.69786 20 782.97818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.70137 20 782.9648499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.69786 20 782.97818 10 598.70137 20 782.9648499999999 0 INSERT 5 1ECB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.69786 20 782.97818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1ECC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.69908 20 782.97355 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1ECD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.69786 20 782.97818 10 598.69908 20 782.97355 0 INSERT 5 1ED1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6211099999999 20 783.26997 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1ED2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.69908 20 782.97355 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1ED3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.6211099999999 20 783.26997 10 598.69908 20 782.97355 0 INSERT 5 1ED7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7414099999999 20 782.81263 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1ED8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.07482 20 781.5450499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1ED9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7414099999999 20 782.81263 10 599.07482 20 781.5450499999999 0 INSERT 5 1EDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6222599999999 20 783.2656 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EDE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.69786 20 782.97818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.6222599999999 20 783.2656 10 598.69786 20 782.97818 0 INSERT 5 1EE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.59775 20 783.35881 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.69786 20 782.97818 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.59775 20 783.35881 10 598.69786 20 782.97818 0 INSERT 5 1EE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.61725 20 783.2846599999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6211099999999 20 783.26997 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.61725 20 783.2846599999998 10 598.6211099999999 20 783.26997 0 INSERT 5 1EEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.59775 20 783.35881 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.61725 20 783.2846599999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.59775 20 783.35881 10 598.61725 20 783.2846599999998 0 INSERT 5 1EF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.61725 20 783.2846599999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6222599999999 20 783.2656 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.61725 20 783.2846599999998 10 598.6222599999999 20 783.2656 0 INSERT 5 1EFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.57763 20 783.4353 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1EFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.61725 20 783.2846599999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1EFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.57763 20 783.4353 10 598.61725 20 783.2846599999998 0 INSERT 5 1F01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6211099999999 20 783.26997 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F02 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.6222599999999 20 783.2656 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.6211099999999 20 783.26997 10 598.6222599999999 20 783.2656 0 INSERT 5 1F07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5771599999999 20 783.4370999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F08 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.59775 20 783.35881 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5771599999999 20 783.4370999999999 10 598.59775 20 783.35881 0 INSERT 5 1F0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.57763 20 783.4353 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F0E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.59775 20 783.35881 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.57763 20 783.4353 10 598.59775 20 783.35881 0 INSERT 5 1F13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5718900000001 20 783.4570999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F14 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.57763 20 783.4353 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5718900000001 20 783.4570999999999 10 598.57763 20 783.4353 0 INSERT 5 1F19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.56817 20 783.4712500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F1A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.57763 20 783.4353 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.56817 20 783.4712500000001 10 598.57763 20 783.4353 0 INSERT 5 1F1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.56817 20 783.4712500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F20 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5718900000001 20 783.4570999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.56817 20 783.4712500000001 10 598.5718900000001 20 783.4570999999999 0 INSERT 5 1F25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5673 20 783.4745599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F26 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5718900000001 20 783.4570999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5673 20 783.4745599999999 10 598.5718900000001 20 783.4570999999999 0 INSERT 5 1F2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5673 20 783.4745599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F2C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.56817 20 783.4712500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5673 20 783.4745599999999 10 598.56817 20 783.4712500000001 0 INSERT 5 1F31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5236999999999 20 783.6403299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F32 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.56817 20 783.4712500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5236999999999 20 783.6403299999999 10 598.56817 20 783.4712500000001 0 INSERT 5 1F37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.81749 20 782.5234 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F38 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.0375199999999 20 781.6868799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.81749 20 782.5234 10 599.0375199999999 20 781.6868799999999 0 INSERT 5 1F3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.81749 20 782.5234 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F3E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.01057 20 781.78932 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.81749 20 782.5234 10 599.01057 20 781.78932 0 INSERT 5 1F43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.51958 20 783.6560099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F44 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.81749 20 782.5234 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.51958 20 783.6560099999999 10 598.81749 20 782.5234 0 INSERT 5 1F49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.0375199999999 20 781.6868799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F4A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1360099999999 20 781.3124299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.0375199999999 20 781.6868799999999 10 599.1360099999999 20 781.3124299999999 0 INSERT 5 1F4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.0375199999999 20 781.6868799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F50 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.14467 20 781.2795 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.0375199999999 20 781.6868799999999 10 599.14467 20 781.2795 0 INSERT 5 1F55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5158299999999 20 783.67027 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F56 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.0375199999999 20 781.6868799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5158299999999 20 783.67027 10 599.0375199999999 20 781.6868799999999 0 INSERT 5 1F5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5228400000001 20 783.64359 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F5C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5673 20 783.4745599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5228400000001 20 783.64359 10 598.5673 20 783.4745599999999 0 INSERT 5 1F61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.50084 20 783.72725 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F62 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5228400000001 20 783.64359 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.50084 20 783.72725 10 598.5228400000001 20 783.64359 0 INSERT 5 1F67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5228400000001 20 783.64359 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F68 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5236999999999 20 783.6403299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5228400000001 20 783.64359 10 598.5236999999999 20 783.6403299999999 0 INSERT 5 1F6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.51958 20 783.6560099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F6E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5228400000001 20 783.64359 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.51958 20 783.6560099999999 10 598.5228400000001 20 783.64359 0 INSERT 5 1F73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4842999999999 20 783.7901099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F74 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.50084 20 783.72725 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4842999999999 20 783.7901099999998 10 598.50084 20 783.72725 0 INSERT 5 1F79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46845 20 783.85037 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F7A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4842999999999 20 783.7901099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46845 20 783.85037 10 598.4842999999999 20 783.7901099999998 0 INSERT 5 1F7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4842999999999 20 783.7901099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F80 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.48645 20 783.7819599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4842999999999 20 783.7901099999998 10 598.48645 20 783.7819599999999 0 INSERT 5 1F85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.48096 20 783.8028 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F86 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4842999999999 20 783.7901099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.48096 20 783.8028 10 598.4842999999999 20 783.7901099999998 0 INSERT 5 1F8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.50084 20 783.72725 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F8C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5236999999999 20 783.6403299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.50084 20 783.72725 10 598.5236999999999 20 783.6403299999999 0 INSERT 5 1F91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.48096 20 783.8028 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F92 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.50084 20 783.72725 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.48096 20 783.8028 10 598.50084 20 783.72725 0 INSERT 5 1F97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4677099999999 20 783.8531799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F98 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46845 20 783.85037 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4677099999999 20 783.8531799999999 10 598.46845 20 783.85037 0 INSERT 5 1F9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4675799999999 20 783.8536799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1F9E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46845 20 783.85037 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1F9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4675799999999 20 783.8536799999999 10 598.46845 20 783.85037 0 INSERT 5 1FA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4017999999999 20 784.1037499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FA4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.42042 20 784.03296 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4017999999999 20 784.1037499999999 10 598.42042 20 784.03296 0 INSERT 5 1FA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38468 20 784.16885 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FAA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.42042 20 784.03296 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.38468 20 784.16885 10 598.42042 20 784.03296 0 INSERT 5 1FAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38803 20 784.15611 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FB0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3887599999999 20 784.15332 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.38803 20 784.15611 10 598.3887599999999 20 784.15332 0 INSERT 5 1FB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38468 20 784.16885 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FB6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38803 20 784.15611 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.38468 20 784.16885 10 598.38803 20 784.15611 0 INSERT 5 1FBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38803 20 784.15611 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FBC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4017999999999 20 784.1037499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.38803 20 784.15611 10 598.4017999999999 20 784.1037499999999 0 INSERT 5 1FC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3887599999999 20 784.15332 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FC2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4017999999999 20 784.1037499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3887599999999 20 784.15332 10 598.4017999999999 20 784.1037499999999 0 INSERT 5 1FC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3775 20 784.1961299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FC8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3784299999999 20 784.1926099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3775 20 784.1961299999999 10 598.3784299999999 20 784.1926099999999 0 INSERT 5 1FCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37628 20 784.2007599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FCE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3775 20 784.1961299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.37628 20 784.2007599999999 10 598.3775 20 784.1961299999999 0 INSERT 5 1FD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3784299999999 20 784.1926099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FD4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38468 20 784.16885 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.3784299999999 20 784.1926099999999 10 598.38468 20 784.16885 0 INSERT 5 1FD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37539 20 784.20415 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FDA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.37628 20 784.2007599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.37539 20 784.20415 10 598.37628 20 784.2007599999999 0 INSERT 5 1FDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5236999999999 20 783.6403299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FE0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5673 20 783.4745599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5236999999999 20 783.6403299999999 10 598.5673 20 783.4745599999999 0 INSERT 5 1FE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1360099999999 20 781.3124299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FE6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.14467 20 781.2795 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1360099999999 20 781.3124299999999 10 599.14467 20 781.2795 0 INSERT 5 1FEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1169499999999 20 781.3848799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FEC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1360099999999 20 781.3124299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.1169499999999 20 781.3848799999999 10 599.1360099999999 20 781.3124299999999 0 INSERT 5 1FF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15541 20 781.2386599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FF2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.15659 20 781.23418 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.15541 20 781.2386599999999 10 599.15659 20 781.23418 0 INSERT 5 1FF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.73007 20 782.85568 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FF8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7353 20 782.8358099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.73007 20 782.85568 10 598.7353 20 782.8358099999999 0 INSERT 5 1FFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7301 20 782.85558 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 1FFE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7353 20 782.8358099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 1FFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7301 20 782.85558 10 598.7353 20 782.8358099999999 0 INSERT 5 2003 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7301 20 782.85558 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2004 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7425799999999 20 782.8081400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2005 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7301 20 782.85558 10 598.7425799999999 20 782.8081400000001 0 INSERT 5 2009 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7353 20 782.8358099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 200A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7425799999999 20 782.8081400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 200B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7353 20 782.8358099999999 10 598.7425799999999 20 782.8081400000001 0 INSERT 5 200F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7353 20 782.8358099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2010 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.75254 20 782.7702799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2011 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7353 20 782.8358099999999 10 598.75254 20 782.7702799999999 0 INSERT 5 2015 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7425799999999 20 782.8081400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2016 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.75254 20 782.7702799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2017 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7425799999999 20 782.8081400000001 10 598.75254 20 782.7702799999999 0 INSERT 5 201B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7425799999999 20 782.8081400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 201C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.8350699999999 20 782.4565200000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 201D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.7425799999999 20 782.8081400000001 10 598.8350699999999 20 782.4565200000001 0 INSERT 5 2021 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.75254 20 782.7702799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2022 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.8350699999999 20 782.4565200000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2023 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.75254 20 782.7702799999999 10 598.8350699999999 20 782.4565200000001 0 INSERT 5 2027 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5158299999999 20 783.67027 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2028 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.51958 20 783.6560099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2029 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.5158299999999 20 783.67027 10 598.51958 20 783.6560099999999 0 INSERT 5 202D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.48645 20 783.7819599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 202E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.51958 20 783.6560099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 202F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.48645 20 783.7819599999999 10 598.51958 20 783.6560099999999 0 INSERT 5 2033 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.48645 20 783.7819599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2034 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5158299999999 20 783.67027 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2035 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.48645 20 783.7819599999999 10 598.5158299999999 20 783.67027 0 INSERT 5 2039 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4675799999999 20 783.8536799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 203A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.48645 20 783.7819599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 203B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.4675799999999 20 783.8536799999999 10 598.48645 20 783.7819599999999 0 INSERT 5 203F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.46973 20 783.84548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2040 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47174 20 783.83785 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2041 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.46973 20 783.84548 10 598.47174 20 783.83785 0 INSERT 5 2045 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47019 20 783.84374 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2046 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.47174 20 783.83785 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2047 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.47019 20 783.84374 10 598.47174 20 783.83785 0 INSERT 5 204B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.01057 20 781.78932 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 204C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.07482 20 781.5450499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 204D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.01057 20 781.78932 10 599.07482 20 781.5450499999999 0 INSERT 5 2051 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.07482 20 781.5450499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2052 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1169499999999 20 781.3848799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2053 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.07482 20 781.5450499999999 10 599.1169499999999 20 781.3848799999999 0 INSERT 5 2057 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.01057 20 781.78932 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2058 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.1169499999999 20 781.3848799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2059 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.01057 20 781.78932 10 599.1169499999999 20 781.3848799999999 0 INSERT 5 205D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3000099999999 20 785.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 205E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.30002 20 785.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 205F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.3000099999999 20 785.6 10 601.30002 20 785.6 0 INSERT 5 2063 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.30002 20 785.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2064 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.30002 20 788.19998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2065 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.30002 20 785.6 10 601.30002 20 788.19998 0 INSERT 5 2069 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.30002 20 788.19998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 206A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.7 20 788.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 206B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.30002 20 788.19998 10 600.7 20 788.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 206F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2070 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2071 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 2075 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2076 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2077 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 207B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 207C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 207D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 2081 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2082 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2083 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 2087 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2088 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2089 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.3 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 208D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 208E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 208F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7 20 792.0 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 2093 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2094 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2095 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 2099 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 209A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 209B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 209F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.3 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7 20 792.0 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.3 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7 20 792.0 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7 20 792.0 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.3 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7 20 792.0 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.3 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7 20 792.0 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.3 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 20DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 20E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.4 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 20E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 20ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.4 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 20F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8561 20 789.9802799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.8561 20 789.9802799999999 0 INSERT 5 20F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 20FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8604299999999 20 789.96379 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 20FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.8604299999999 20 789.96379 0 INSERT 5 20FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7293099999999 20 790.4623 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2100 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2101 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7293099999999 20 790.4623 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 2105 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2106 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3988900000001 20 787.9166599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2107 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.3988900000001 20 787.9166599999999 0 INSERT 5 210B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.345 20 788.12153 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 210C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 210D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.345 20 788.12153 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 2111 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.89303 20 786.038 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2112 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9782700000001 20 785.71392 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2113 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.89303 20 786.038 10 597.9782700000001 20 785.71392 0 INSERT 5 2117 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8938199999999 20 786.0349999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2118 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9782700000001 20 785.71392 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2119 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8938199999999 20 786.0349999999999 10 597.9782700000001 20 785.71392 0 INSERT 5 211D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8830699999999 20 786.0758699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 211E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.89303 20 786.038 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 211F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8830699999999 20 786.0758699999999 10 597.89303 20 786.038 0 INSERT 5 2123 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.89303 20 786.038 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2124 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8938199999999 20 786.0349999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2125 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.89303 20 786.038 10 597.8938199999999 20 786.0349999999999 0 INSERT 5 2129 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.88942 20 786.05173 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 212A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.89303 20 786.038 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 212B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.88942 20 786.05173 10 597.89303 20 786.038 0 INSERT 5 212F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8792399999999 20 786.0904299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2130 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8830699999999 20 786.0758699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2131 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8792399999999 20 786.0904299999999 10 597.8830699999999 20 786.0758699999999 0 INSERT 5 2135 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8830699999999 20 786.0758699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2136 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.88942 20 786.05173 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2137 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8830699999999 20 786.0758699999999 10 597.88942 20 786.05173 0 INSERT 5 213B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84853 20 786.20717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 213C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8830699999999 20 786.0758699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 213D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.84853 20 786.20717 10 597.8830699999999 20 786.0758699999999 0 INSERT 5 2141 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.86794 20 786.1334199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2142 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.87153 20 786.1197699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2143 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.86794 20 786.1334199999999 10 597.87153 20 786.1197699999999 0 INSERT 5 2147 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85877 20 786.1682799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2148 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.86794 20 786.1334199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2149 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.85877 20 786.1682799999999 10 597.86794 20 786.1334199999999 0 INSERT 5 214D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.86839 20 786.1317 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 214E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.87174 20 786.11896 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 214F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.86839 20 786.1317 10 597.87174 20 786.11896 0 INSERT 5 2153 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8676199999999 20 786.13464 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2154 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.86839 20 786.1317 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2155 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8676199999999 20 786.13464 10 597.86839 20 786.1317 0 INSERT 5 2159 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.86839 20 786.1317 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 215A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9278099999999 20 785.90579 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 215B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.86839 20 786.1317 10 597.9278099999999 20 785.90579 0 INSERT 5 215F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8633399999999 20 786.15091 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2160 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.86839 20 786.1317 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2161 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8633399999999 20 786.15091 10 597.86839 20 786.1317 0 INSERT 5 2165 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.87153 20 786.1197699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2166 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8938199999999 20 786.0349999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2167 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.87153 20 786.1197699999999 10 597.8938199999999 20 786.0349999999999 0 INSERT 5 216B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8633399999999 20 786.15091 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 216C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8676199999999 20 786.13464 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 216D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8633399999999 20 786.15091 10 597.8676199999999 20 786.13464 0 INSERT 5 2171 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85877 20 786.1682799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2172 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8633399999999 20 786.15091 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2173 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.85877 20 786.1682799999999 10 597.8633399999999 20 786.15091 0 INSERT 5 2177 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8550099999999 20 786.18258 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2178 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8633399999999 20 786.15091 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2179 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8550099999999 20 786.18258 10 597.8633399999999 20 786.15091 0 INSERT 5 217D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.858 20 786.1711999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 217E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8676199999999 20 786.13464 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 217F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.858 20 786.1711999999999 10 597.8676199999999 20 786.13464 0 INSERT 5 2183 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.87174 20 786.11896 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2184 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8765599999999 20 786.10062 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2185 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.87174 20 786.11896 10 597.8765599999999 20 786.10062 0 INSERT 5 2189 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8572999999999 20 786.17385 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 218A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.87174 20 786.11896 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 218B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8572999999999 20 786.17385 10 597.87174 20 786.11896 0 INSERT 5 218F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8566099999999 20 786.17649 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2190 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8585799999999 20 786.1690099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2191 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8566099999999 20 786.17649 10 597.8585799999999 20 786.1690099999999 0 INSERT 5 2195 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.858 20 786.1711999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2196 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85877 20 786.1682799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2197 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.858 20 786.1711999999999 10 597.85877 20 786.1682799999999 0 INSERT 5 219B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85699 20 786.17504 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 219C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85877 20 786.1682799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 219D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.85699 20 786.17504 10 597.85877 20 786.1682799999999 0 INSERT 5 21A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85699 20 786.17504 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.858 20 786.1711999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.85699 20 786.17504 10 597.858 20 786.1711999999999 0 INSERT 5 21A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85644 20 786.17713 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.858 20 786.1711999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.85644 20 786.17713 10 597.858 20 786.1711999999999 0 INSERT 5 21AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8525499999999 20 786.1919199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8572999999999 20 786.17385 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8525499999999 20 786.1919199999999 10 597.8572999999999 20 786.17385 0 INSERT 5 21B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8765599999999 20 786.10062 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8792399999999 20 786.0904299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8765599999999 20 786.10062 10 597.8792399999999 20 786.0904299999999 0 INSERT 5 21B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8765599999999 20 786.10062 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.88942 20 786.05173 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8765599999999 20 786.10062 10 597.88942 20 786.05173 0 INSERT 5 21BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84734 20 786.2117099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8765599999999 20 786.10062 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.84734 20 786.2117099999999 10 597.8765599999999 20 786.10062 0 INSERT 5 21C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85445 20 786.1847 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85644 20 786.17713 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.85445 20 786.1847 10 597.85644 20 786.17713 0 INSERT 5 21CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85496 20 786.1827599999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8566099999999 20 786.17649 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.85496 20 786.1827599999998 10 597.8566099999999 20 786.17649 0 INSERT 5 21D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5871599999999 20 787.20089 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85445 20 786.1847 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5871599999999 20 787.20089 10 597.85445 20 786.1847 0 INSERT 5 21D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85303 20 786.1901 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85496 20 786.1827599999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.85303 20 786.1901 10 597.85496 20 786.1827599999998 0 INSERT 5 21DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60395 20 787.13706 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85303 20 786.1901 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.60395 20 787.13706 10 597.85303 20 786.1901 0 INSERT 5 21E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8525499999999 20 786.1919199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8550099999999 20 786.18258 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8525499999999 20 786.1919199999999 10 597.8550099999999 20 786.18258 0 INSERT 5 21E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84878 20 786.2062400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8525499999999 20 786.1919199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.84878 20 786.2062400000001 10 597.8525499999999 20 786.1919199999999 0 INSERT 5 21EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60204 20 787.14433 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8525499999999 20 786.1919199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.60204 20 787.14433 10 597.8525499999999 20 786.1919199999999 0 INSERT 5 21F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8550099999999 20 786.18258 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85699 20 786.17504 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8550099999999 20 786.18258 10 597.85699 20 786.17504 0 INSERT 5 21FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.68961 20 786.81139 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 21FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8550099999999 20 786.18258 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 21FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.68961 20 786.81139 10 597.8550099999999 20 786.18258 0 INSERT 5 2201 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8493900000001 20 786.20392 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2202 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.85699 20 786.17504 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2203 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8493900000001 20 786.20392 10 597.85699 20 786.17504 0 INSERT 5 2207 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8792399999999 20 786.0904299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2208 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.90358 20 785.9979 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2209 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8792399999999 20 786.0904299999999 10 597.90358 20 785.9979 0 INSERT 5 220D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8493900000001 20 786.20392 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 220E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8792399999999 20 786.0904299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 220F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8493900000001 20 786.20392 10 597.8792399999999 20 786.0904299999999 0 INSERT 5 2213 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84853 20 786.2071799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2214 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8493900000001 20 786.20392 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2215 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.84853 20 786.2071799999999 10 597.8493900000001 20 786.20392 0 INSERT 5 2219 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.82975 20 786.27859 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 221A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84853 20 786.2071799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 221B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.82975 20 786.27859 10 597.84853 20 786.2071799999999 0 INSERT 5 221F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84734 20 786.2117099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2220 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84878 20 786.2062400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2221 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.84734 20 786.2117099999999 10 597.84878 20 786.2062400000001 0 INSERT 5 2225 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84097 20 786.2359099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2226 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84734 20 786.2117099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2227 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.84097 20 786.2359099999999 10 597.84734 20 786.2117099999999 0 INSERT 5 222B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8300299999999 20 786.2775199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 222C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84734 20 786.2117099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 222D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8300299999999 20 786.2775199999999 10 597.84734 20 786.2117099999999 0 INSERT 5 2231 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.83691 20 786.25134 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2232 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84097 20 786.2359099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2233 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.83691 20 786.25134 10 597.84097 20 786.2359099999999 0 INSERT 5 2237 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84097 20 786.2359099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2238 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84853 20 786.20717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2239 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.84097 20 786.2359099999999 10 597.84853 20 786.20717 0 INSERT 5 223D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.83064 20 786.2751900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 223E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84097 20 786.2359099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 223F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.83064 20 786.2751900000001 10 597.84097 20 786.2359099999999 0 INSERT 5 2243 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.83064 20 786.2751900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2244 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.83691 20 786.25134 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2245 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.83064 20 786.2751900000001 10 597.83691 20 786.25134 0 INSERT 5 2249 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.83691 20 786.25134 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 224A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84853 20 786.20717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 224B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.83691 20 786.25134 10 597.84853 20 786.20717 0 INSERT 5 224F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8295199999999 20 786.2794599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2250 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.83691 20 786.25134 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2251 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8295199999999 20 786.2794599999999 10 597.83691 20 786.25134 0 INSERT 5 2255 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80524 20 786.37176 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2256 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.82975 20 786.27859 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2257 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.80524 20 786.37176 10 597.82975 20 786.27859 0 INSERT 5 225B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.81149 20 786.348 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 225C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8300299999999 20 786.2775199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 225D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.81149 20 786.348 10 597.8300299999999 20 786.2775199999999 0 INSERT 5 2261 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.81525 20 786.33372 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2262 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8295199999999 20 786.2794599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2263 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.81525 20 786.33372 10 597.8295199999999 20 786.2794599999999 0 INSERT 5 2267 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8083999999999 20 786.35975 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2268 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.81525 20 786.33372 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2269 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8083999999999 20 786.35975 10 597.81525 20 786.33372 0 INSERT 5 226D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.81525 20 786.33372 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 226E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.83064 20 786.2751900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 226F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.81525 20 786.33372 10 597.83064 20 786.2751900000001 0 INSERT 5 2273 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80483 20 786.37333 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2274 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.81525 20 786.33372 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2275 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.80483 20 786.37333 10 597.81525 20 786.33372 0 INSERT 5 2279 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80519 20 786.37195 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 227A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8083999999999 20 786.35975 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 227B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.80519 20 786.37195 10 597.8083999999999 20 786.35975 0 INSERT 5 227F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7997199999999 20 786.39274 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2280 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80519 20 786.37195 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2281 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7997199999999 20 786.39274 10 597.80519 20 786.37195 0 INSERT 5 2285 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7997299999999 20 786.3927099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2286 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80483 20 786.37333 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2287 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7997299999999 20 786.3927099999999 10 597.80483 20 786.37333 0 INSERT 5 228B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80471 20 786.3737599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 228C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.81149 20 786.348 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 228D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.80471 20 786.3737599999999 10 597.81149 20 786.348 0 INSERT 5 2291 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8004399999999 20 786.3900099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2292 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80471 20 786.3737599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2293 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8004399999999 20 786.3900099999999 10 597.80471 20 786.3737599999999 0 INSERT 5 2297 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79773 20 786.4003199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2298 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7997199999999 20 786.39274 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2299 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79773 20 786.4003199999999 10 597.7997199999999 20 786.39274 0 INSERT 5 229D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79773 20 786.4003199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 229E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7997299999999 20 786.3927099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 229F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79773 20 786.4003199999999 10 597.7997299999999 20 786.3927099999999 0 INSERT 5 22A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79689 20 786.4035 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79689 20 786.4035 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 0 INSERT 5 22A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8001299999999 20 786.3912 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 10 597.8001299999999 20 786.3912 0 INSERT 5 22AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7970599999999 20 786.4028599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7970599999999 20 786.4028599999999 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 0 INSERT 5 22B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8004399999999 20 786.3900099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 10 597.8004399999999 20 786.3900099999999 0 INSERT 5 22BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79619 20 786.40619 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79619 20 786.40619 10 597.79904 20 786.3953299999999 0 INSERT 5 22C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8001299999999 20 786.3912 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80524 20 786.37176 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8001299999999 20 786.3912 10 597.80524 20 786.37176 0 INSERT 5 22C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7960099999998 20 786.40685 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7970599999999 20 786.4028599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7960099999998 20 786.40685 10 597.7970599999999 20 786.4028599999999 0 INSERT 5 22CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79471 20 786.41179 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7960099999998 20 786.40685 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79471 20 786.41179 10 597.7960099999998 20 786.40685 0 INSERT 5 22D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80524 20 786.37176 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8083999999999 20 786.35975 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.80524 20 786.37176 10 597.8083999999999 20 786.35975 0 INSERT 5 22D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8004399999999 20 786.3900099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.80524 20 786.37176 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8004399999999 20 786.3900099999999 10 597.80524 20 786.37176 0 INSERT 5 22DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7200599999999 20 786.6955799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79471 20 786.41179 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7200599999999 20 786.6955799999999 10 597.79471 20 786.41179 0 INSERT 5 22E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79471 20 786.41179 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79689 20 786.4035 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79471 20 786.41179 10 597.79689 20 786.4035 0 INSERT 5 22EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.78667 20 786.4423799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79471 20 786.41179 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.78667 20 786.4423799999999 10 597.79471 20 786.41179 0 INSERT 5 22F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8083999999999 20 786.35975 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.81149 20 786.348 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8083999999999 20 786.35975 10 597.81149 20 786.348 0 INSERT 5 22F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.62896 20 787.0419400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7200599999999 20 786.6955799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.62896 20 787.0419400000001 10 597.7200599999999 20 786.6955799999999 0 INSERT 5 22FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7200599999999 20 786.6955799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 22FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.72379 20 786.68142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 22FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7200599999999 20 786.6955799999999 10 597.72379 20 786.68142 0 INSERT 5 2303 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7066999999999 20 786.74639 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2304 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7200599999999 20 786.6955799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2305 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7066999999999 20 786.74639 10 597.7200599999999 20 786.6955799999999 0 INSERT 5 2309 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8295199999999 20 786.2794599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 230A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.83064 20 786.2751900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 230B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8295199999999 20 786.2794599999999 10 597.83064 20 786.2751900000001 0 INSERT 5 230F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.81149 20 786.348 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2310 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8295199999999 20 786.2794599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2311 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.81149 20 786.348 10 597.8295199999999 20 786.2794599999999 0 INSERT 5 2315 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.61 20 787.1140299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2316 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.61275 20 787.10357 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2317 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.61 20 787.1140299999999 10 597.61275 20 787.10357 0 INSERT 5 231B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6010099999999 20 787.14822 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 231C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.61 20 787.1140299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 231D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.6010099999999 20 787.14822 10 597.61 20 787.1140299999999 0 INSERT 5 2321 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.61 20 787.1140299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2322 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.62896 20 787.0419400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2323 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.61 20 787.1140299999999 10 597.62896 20 787.0419400000001 0 INSERT 5 2327 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5937299999999 20 787.1758899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2328 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.61 20 787.1140299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2329 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5937299999999 20 787.1758899999999 10 597.61 20 787.1140299999999 0 INSERT 5 232D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.61275 20 787.10357 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 232E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.62896 20 787.0419400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 232F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.61275 20 787.10357 10 597.62896 20 787.0419400000001 0 INSERT 5 2333 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.61275 20 787.10357 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2334 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.64215 20 786.99181 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2335 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.61275 20 787.10357 10 597.64215 20 786.99181 0 INSERT 5 2339 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5889099999999 20 787.19421 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 233A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.61275 20 787.10357 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 233B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5889099999999 20 787.19421 10 597.61275 20 787.10357 0 INSERT 5 233F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.62896 20 787.0419400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2340 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.68961 20 786.81139 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2341 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.62896 20 787.0419400000001 10 597.68961 20 786.81139 0 INSERT 5 2345 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6001099999999 20 787.15164 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2346 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6010099999999 20 787.14822 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2347 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.6001099999999 20 787.15164 10 597.6010099999999 20 787.14822 0 INSERT 5 234B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5973599999999 20 787.1621 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 234C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6001099999999 20 787.15164 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 234D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5973599999999 20 787.1621 10 597.6001099999999 20 787.15164 0 INSERT 5 2351 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6001099999999 20 787.15164 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2352 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6009499999999 20 787.14845 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2353 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.6001099999999 20 787.15164 10 597.6009499999999 20 787.14845 0 INSERT 5 2357 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5937299999999 20 787.1758899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2358 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6001099999999 20 787.15164 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2359 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5937299999999 20 787.1758899999999 10 597.6001099999999 20 787.15164 0 INSERT 5 235D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5871599999999 20 787.20089 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 235E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59361 20 787.1763599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 235F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5871599999999 20 787.20089 10 597.59361 20 787.1763599999999 0 INSERT 5 2363 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5801999999999 20 787.2273599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2364 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5871599999999 20 787.20089 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2365 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5801999999999 20 787.2273599999999 10 597.5871599999999 20 787.20089 0 INSERT 5 2369 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42863 20 787.80359 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 236A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5871599999999 20 787.20089 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 236B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42863 20 787.80359 10 597.5871599999999 20 787.20089 0 INSERT 5 236F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59361 20 787.1763599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2370 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59479 20 787.17187 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2371 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.59361 20 787.1763599999999 10 597.59479 20 787.17187 0 INSERT 5 2375 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59361 20 787.1763599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2376 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6009499999999 20 787.14845 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2377 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.59361 20 787.1763599999999 10 597.6009499999999 20 787.14845 0 INSERT 5 237B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.54919 20 787.3452499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 237C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59361 20 787.1763599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 237D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.54919 20 787.3452499999999 10 597.59361 20 787.1763599999999 0 INSERT 5 2381 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59479 20 787.17187 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2382 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5973599999999 20 787.1621 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2383 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.59479 20 787.17187 10 597.5973599999999 20 787.1621 0 INSERT 5 2387 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59479 20 787.17187 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2388 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6015099999999 20 787.14633 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2389 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.59479 20 787.17187 10 597.6015099999999 20 787.14633 0 INSERT 5 238D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5911499999999 20 787.1857099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 238E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59479 20 787.17187 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 238F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5911499999999 20 787.1857099999999 10 597.59479 20 787.17187 0 INSERT 5 2393 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5049 20 787.51364 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2394 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5801999999999 20 787.2273599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2395 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5049 20 787.51364 10 597.5801999999999 20 787.2273599999999 0 INSERT 5 2399 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5801999999999 20 787.2273599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 239A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59134 20 787.1849999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 239B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5801999999999 20 787.2273599999999 10 597.59134 20 787.1849999999999 0 INSERT 5 239F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.57028 20 787.2650499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5801999999999 20 787.2273599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.57028 20 787.2650499999999 10 597.5801999999999 20 787.2273599999999 0 INSERT 5 23A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5973599999999 20 787.1621 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60208 20 787.14418 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5973599999999 20 787.1621 10 597.60208 20 787.14418 0 INSERT 5 23AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.59134 20 787.1849999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5973599999999 20 787.1621 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.59134 20 787.1849999999999 10 597.5973599999999 20 787.1621 0 INSERT 5 23B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42695 20 787.8099900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42863 20 787.80359 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42695 20 787.8099900000001 10 597.42863 20 787.80359 0 INSERT 5 23B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42919 20 787.8014799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4319299999999 20 787.7910799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42919 20 787.8014799999999 10 597.4319299999999 20 787.7910799999999 0 INSERT 5 23BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42713 20 787.80931 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42919 20 787.8014799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42713 20 787.80931 10 597.42919 20 787.8014799999999 0 INSERT 5 23C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4295699999999 20 787.80005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4319299999999 20 787.7910799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4295699999999 20 787.80005 10 597.4319299999999 20 787.7910799999999 0 INSERT 5 23C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42839 20 787.8045099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4295699999999 20 787.80005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42839 20 787.8045099999999 10 597.4295699999999 20 787.80005 0 INSERT 5 23CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4295699999999 20 787.80005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4345900000001 20 787.7809599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4295699999999 20 787.80005 10 597.4345900000001 20 787.7809599999999 0 INSERT 5 23D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42711 20 787.80938 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4295699999999 20 787.80005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42711 20 787.80938 10 597.4295699999999 20 787.80005 0 INSERT 5 23DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4319299999999 20 787.7910799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4345900000001 20 787.7809599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4319299999999 20 787.7910799999999 10 597.4345900000001 20 787.7809599999999 0 INSERT 5 23E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4319299999999 20 787.7910799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4438899999999 20 787.7455999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4319299999999 20 787.7910799999999 10 597.4438899999999 20 787.7455999999999 0 INSERT 5 23E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4345900000001 20 787.7809599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4438899999999 20 787.7455999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4345900000001 20 787.7809599999999 10 597.4438899999999 20 787.7455999999999 0 INSERT 5 23ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4345900000001 20 787.7809599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4585199999999 20 787.68998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4345900000001 20 787.7809599999999 10 597.4585199999999 20 787.68998 0 INSERT 5 23F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4438899999999 20 787.7455999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4585199999999 20 787.68998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4438899999999 20 787.7455999999999 10 597.4585199999999 20 787.68998 0 INSERT 5 23F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4438899999999 20 787.7455999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 23FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.48314 20 787.5963699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 23FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4438899999999 20 787.7455999999999 10 597.48314 20 787.5963699999999 0 INSERT 5 23FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4585199999999 20 787.68998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2400 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.48314 20 787.5963699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2401 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4585199999999 20 787.68998 10 597.48314 20 787.5963699999999 0 INSERT 5 2405 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4585199999999 20 787.68998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2406 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.54929 20 787.34488 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2407 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4585199999999 20 787.68998 10 597.54929 20 787.34488 0 INSERT 5 240B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.48314 20 787.5963699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 240C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5049 20 787.51364 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 240D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.48314 20 787.5963699999999 10 597.5049 20 787.51364 0 INSERT 5 2411 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.48314 20 787.5963699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2412 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.54919 20 787.3452499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2413 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.48314 20 787.5963699999999 10 597.54919 20 787.3452499999999 0 INSERT 5 2417 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5049 20 787.51364 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2418 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.54919 20 787.3452499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2419 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5049 20 787.51364 10 597.54919 20 787.3452499999999 0 INSERT 5 241D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4290299999999 20 787.8020700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 241E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5049 20 787.51364 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 241F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4290299999999 20 787.8020700000001 10 597.5049 20 787.51364 0 INSERT 5 2423 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42503 20 787.81729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2424 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42695 20 787.8099900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2425 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42503 20 787.81729 10 597.42695 20 787.8099900000001 0 INSERT 5 2429 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42722 20 787.80896 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 242A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42839 20 787.8045099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 242B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42722 20 787.80896 10 597.42839 20 787.8045099999999 0 INSERT 5 242F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4260199999999 20 787.8135399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2430 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42722 20 787.80896 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2431 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4260199999999 20 787.8135399999999 10 597.42722 20 787.80896 0 INSERT 5 2435 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42419 20 787.82049 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2436 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42503 20 787.81729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2437 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42419 20 787.82049 10 597.42503 20 787.81729 0 INSERT 5 243B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4249499999999 20 787.8175999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 243C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4260199999999 20 787.8135399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 243D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4249499999999 20 787.8175999999999 10 597.4260199999999 20 787.8135399999999 0 INSERT 5 2441 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42413 20 787.82071 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2442 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4249499999999 20 787.8175999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2443 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42413 20 787.82071 10 597.4249499999999 20 787.8175999999999 0 INSERT 5 2447 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4237 20 787.82237 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2448 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4247 20 787.8185499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2449 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4237 20 787.82237 10 597.4247 20 787.8185499999999 0 INSERT 5 244D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4225799999999 20 787.8266099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 244E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4237 20 787.82237 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 244F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4225799999999 20 787.8266099999999 10 597.4237 20 787.82237 0 INSERT 5 2453 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42325 20 787.82407 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2454 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42413 20 787.82071 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2455 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42325 20 787.82407 10 597.42413 20 787.82071 0 INSERT 5 2459 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4208599999999 20 787.83317 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 245A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42325 20 787.82407 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 245B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4208599999999 20 787.83317 10 597.42325 20 787.82407 0 INSERT 5 245F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42325 20 787.82407 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2460 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42419 20 787.82049 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2461 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42325 20 787.82407 10 597.42419 20 787.82049 0 INSERT 5 2465 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4225799999999 20 787.8266099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2466 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42325 20 787.82407 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2467 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4225799999999 20 787.8266099999999 10 597.42325 20 787.82407 0 INSERT 5 246B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41673 20 787.8488599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 246C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4208599999999 20 787.83317 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 246D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41673 20 787.8488599999999 10 597.4208599999999 20 787.83317 0 INSERT 5 2471 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4208599999999 20 787.83317 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2472 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4225799999999 20 787.8266099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2473 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4208599999999 20 787.83317 10 597.4225799999999 20 787.8266099999999 0 INSERT 5 2477 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41521 20 787.8546299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2478 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4208599999999 20 787.83317 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2479 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41521 20 787.8546299999999 10 597.4208599999999 20 787.83317 0 INSERT 5 247D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4144299999998 20 787.85762 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 247E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41673 20 787.8488599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 247F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4144299999998 20 787.85762 10 597.41673 20 787.8488599999999 0 INSERT 5 2483 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41259 20 787.86459 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2484 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4144299999998 20 787.85762 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2485 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41259 20 787.86459 10 597.4144299999998 20 787.85762 0 INSERT 5 2489 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4144299999998 20 787.85762 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 248A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41521 20 787.8546299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 248B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4144299999998 20 787.85762 10 597.41521 20 787.8546299999999 0 INSERT 5 248F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41232 20 787.86563 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2490 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4144299999998 20 787.85762 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2491 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41232 20 787.86563 10 597.4144299999998 20 787.85762 0 INSERT 5 2495 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41673 20 787.8488599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2496 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4225799999999 20 787.8266099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2497 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41673 20 787.8488599999999 10 597.4225799999999 20 787.8266099999999 0 INSERT 5 249B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41523 20 787.85455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 249C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41673 20 787.8488599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 249D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41523 20 787.85455 10 597.41673 20 787.8488599999999 0 INSERT 5 24A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4122399999999 20 787.8659200000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4194599999999 20 787.8384399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4122399999999 20 787.8659200000001 10 597.4194599999999 20 787.8384399999999 0 INSERT 5 24A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4087599999998 20 787.8791599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4122399999999 20 787.8659200000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4087599999998 20 787.8791599999999 10 597.4122399999999 20 787.8659200000001 0 INSERT 5 24AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4106 20 787.87215 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41232 20 787.86563 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4106 20 787.87215 10 597.41232 20 787.86563 0 INSERT 5 24B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41108 20 787.87032 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4123099999999 20 787.86563 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41108 20 787.87032 10 597.4123099999999 20 787.86563 0 INSERT 5 24B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4095 20 787.87634 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41108 20 787.87032 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4095 20 787.87634 10 597.41108 20 787.87032 0 INSERT 5 24BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4111299999999 20 787.8701099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41309 20 787.8626699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4111299999999 20 787.8701099999999 10 597.41309 20 787.8626699999999 0 INSERT 5 24C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4099599999999 20 787.87458 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4111299999999 20 787.8701099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4099599999999 20 787.87458 10 597.4111299999999 20 787.8701099999999 0 INSERT 5 24CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4115900000001 20 787.86838 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41259 20 787.86459 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4115900000001 20 787.86838 10 597.41259 20 787.86459 0 INSERT 5 24D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41049 20 787.8725599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4115900000001 20 787.86838 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41049 20 787.8725599999999 10 597.4115900000001 20 787.86838 0 INSERT 5 24D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40975 20 787.87539 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4106 20 787.87215 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40975 20 787.87539 10 597.4106 20 787.87215 0 INSERT 5 24DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4090499999999 20 787.87805 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40975 20 787.87539 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4090499999999 20 787.87805 10 597.40975 20 787.87539 0 INSERT 5 24E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4082799999999 20 787.8809599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4095 20 787.87634 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4082799999999 20 787.8809599999999 10 597.4095 20 787.87634 0 INSERT 5 24E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4071999999999 20 787.88507 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4082799999999 20 787.8809599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4071999999999 20 787.88507 10 597.4082799999999 20 787.8809599999999 0 INSERT 5 24EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40818 20 787.8813599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4099599999999 20 787.87458 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40818 20 787.8813599999999 10 597.4099599999999 20 787.87458 0 INSERT 5 24F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4005599999999 20 787.9103200000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40818 20 787.8813599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4005599999999 20 787.9103200000001 10 597.40818 20 787.8813599999999 0 INSERT 5 24FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4087599999998 20 787.8791599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 24FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4095 20 787.87634 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 24FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4087599999998 20 787.8791599999999 10 597.4095 20 787.87634 0 INSERT 5 2501 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4079699999999 20 787.88214 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2502 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4087599999998 20 787.8791599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2503 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4079699999999 20 787.88214 10 597.4087599999998 20 787.8791599999999 0 INSERT 5 2507 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4057199999999 20 787.89071 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2508 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4087599999998 20 787.8791599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2509 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4057199999999 20 787.89071 10 597.4087599999998 20 787.8791599999999 0 INSERT 5 250D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40732 20 787.8846 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 250E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4079699999999 20 787.88214 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 250F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40732 20 787.8846 10 597.4079699999999 20 787.88214 0 INSERT 5 2513 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4079699999999 20 787.88214 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2514 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4098099999999 20 787.8751499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2515 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4079699999999 20 787.88214 10 597.4098099999999 20 787.8751499999999 0 INSERT 5 2519 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4060099999999 20 787.88958 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 251A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4079699999999 20 787.88214 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 251B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4060099999999 20 787.88958 10 597.4079699999999 20 787.88214 0 INSERT 5 251F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39886 20 787.9167999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2520 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4090499999999 20 787.87805 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2521 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.39886 20 787.9167999999999 10 597.4090499999999 20 787.87805 0 INSERT 5 2525 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4095 20 787.87634 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2526 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41049 20 787.8725599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2527 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4095 20 787.87634 10 597.41049 20 787.8725599999999 0 INSERT 5 252B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41049 20 787.8725599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 252C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4121 20 787.8664399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 252D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41049 20 787.8725599999999 10 597.4121 20 787.8664399999999 0 INSERT 5 2531 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4098099999999 20 787.8751499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2532 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41049 20 787.8725599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2533 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4098099999999 20 787.8751499999999 10 597.41049 20 787.8725599999999 0 INSERT 5 2537 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4029699999999 20 787.90115 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2538 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4057199999999 20 787.89071 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2539 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4029699999999 20 787.90115 10 597.4057199999999 20 787.89071 0 INSERT 5 253D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4029299999999 20 787.90129 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 253E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4060099999999 20 787.88958 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 253F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4029299999999 20 787.90129 10 597.4060099999999 20 787.88958 0 INSERT 5 2543 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40545 20 787.89172 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2544 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40732 20 787.8846 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2545 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40545 20 787.89172 10 597.40732 20 787.8846 0 INSERT 5 2549 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4032099999999 20 787.90024 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 254A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40545 20 787.89172 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 254B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4032099999999 20 787.90024 10 597.40545 20 787.89172 0 INSERT 5 254F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40545 20 787.89172 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2550 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4071999999999 20 787.88507 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2551 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40545 20 787.89172 10 597.4071999999999 20 787.88507 0 INSERT 5 2555 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4036899999999 20 787.8984 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2556 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40545 20 787.89172 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2557 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4036899999999 20 787.8984 10 597.40545 20 787.89172 0 INSERT 5 255B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40097 20 787.90875 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 255C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4029699999999 20 787.90115 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 255D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40097 20 787.90875 10 597.4029699999999 20 787.90115 0 INSERT 5 2561 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40282 20 787.9017 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2562 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4036899999999 20 787.8984 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2563 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40282 20 787.9017 10 597.4036899999999 20 787.8984 0 INSERT 5 2567 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40133 20 787.90738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2568 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40282 20 787.9017 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2569 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40133 20 787.90738 10 597.40282 20 787.9017 0 INSERT 5 256D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40165 20 787.9061599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 256E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4029299999999 20 787.90129 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 256F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40165 20 787.9061599999999 10 597.4029299999999 20 787.90129 0 INSERT 5 2573 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40234 20 787.90352 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2574 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4032099999999 20 787.90024 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2575 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40234 20 787.90352 10 597.4032099999999 20 787.90024 0 INSERT 5 2579 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40165 20 787.9061599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 257A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40234 20 787.90352 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 257B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40165 20 787.9061599999999 10 597.40234 20 787.90352 0 INSERT 5 257F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40234 20 787.90352 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2580 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4036899999999 20 787.8984 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2581 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40234 20 787.90352 10 597.4036899999999 20 787.8984 0 INSERT 5 2585 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4011299999999 20 787.9081499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2586 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40234 20 787.90352 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2587 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4011299999999 20 787.9081499999999 10 597.40234 20 787.90352 0 INSERT 5 258B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40313 20 787.9005599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 258C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40732 20 787.8846 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 258D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40313 20 787.9005599999999 10 597.40732 20 787.8846 0 INSERT 5 2591 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.91272 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2592 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40313 20 787.9005599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2593 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.91272 10 597.40313 20 787.9005599999999 0 INSERT 5 2597 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39972 20 787.91351 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2598 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40097 20 787.90875 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2599 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.39972 20 787.91351 10 597.40097 20 787.90875 0 INSERT 5 259D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.9127099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 259E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40133 20 787.90738 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 259F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.9127099999999 10 597.40133 20 787.90738 0 INSERT 5 25A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40017 20 787.9118 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4011299999999 20 787.9081499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40017 20 787.9118 10 597.4011299999999 20 787.9081499999999 0 INSERT 5 25A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40066 20 787.90994 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40165 20 787.9061599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40066 20 787.90994 10 597.40165 20 787.9061599999999 0 INSERT 5 25AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40017 20 787.9118 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40165 20 787.9061599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40017 20 787.9118 10 597.40165 20 787.9061599999999 0 INSERT 5 25B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40732 20 787.8846 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4098099999999 20 787.8751499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.40732 20 787.8846 10 597.4098099999999 20 787.8751499999999 0 INSERT 5 25BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.38905 20 787.9540900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4005599999999 20 787.9103200000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.38905 20 787.9540900000001 10 597.4005599999999 20 787.9103200000001 0 INSERT 5 25C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.9127099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40066 20 787.90994 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.9127099999999 10 597.40066 20 787.90994 0 INSERT 5 25C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3988900000001 20 787.9166599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39972 20 787.91351 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3988900000001 20 787.9166599999999 10 597.39972 20 787.91351 0 INSERT 5 25CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3990200000001 20 787.91615 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.9127099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3990200000001 20 787.91615 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.9127099999999 0 INSERT 5 25D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39687 20 787.92434 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3990200000001 20 787.91615 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.39687 20 787.92434 10 597.3990200000001 20 787.91615 0 INSERT 5 25D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3992799999999 20 787.9151799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.9127099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3992799999999 20 787.9151799999999 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.9127099999999 0 INSERT 5 25DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3951900000001 20 787.9307299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39687 20 787.92434 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3951900000001 20 787.9307299999999 10 597.39687 20 787.92434 0 INSERT 5 25E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3951900000001 20 787.9307299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.3951900000001 20 787.9307299999999 0 INSERT 5 25EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3951900000001 20 787.9307299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3992799999999 20 787.9151799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3951900000001 20 787.9307299999999 10 597.3992799999999 20 787.9151799999999 0 INSERT 5 25F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3855900000001 20 787.9672199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3951900000001 20 787.9307299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3855900000001 20 787.9672199999999 10 597.3951900000001 20 787.9307299999999 0 INSERT 5 25F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39687 20 787.92434 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40017 20 787.9118 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.39687 20 787.92434 10 597.40017 20 787.9118 0 INSERT 5 25FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3855900000001 20 787.9672199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 25FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39687 20 787.92434 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 25FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3855900000001 20 787.9672199999999 10 597.39687 20 787.92434 0 INSERT 5 2603 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42824 20 787.8050599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2604 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4290299999999 20 787.8020700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2605 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42824 20 787.8050599999999 10 597.4290299999999 20 787.8020700000001 0 INSERT 5 2609 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42713 20 787.80931 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 260A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42824 20 787.8050599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 260B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42713 20 787.80931 10 597.42824 20 787.8050599999999 0 INSERT 5 260F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9735699999999 20 785.7318199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2610 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0934399999999 20 785.27609 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2611 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.9735699999999 20 785.7318199999999 10 598.0934399999999 20 785.27609 0 INSERT 5 2615 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0930299999999 20 785.27765 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2616 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0965599999999 20 785.26422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2617 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.0930299999999 20 785.27765 10 598.0965599999999 20 785.26422 0 INSERT 5 261B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9735699999999 20 785.7318199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 261C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0930299999999 20 785.27765 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 261D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.9735699999999 20 785.7318199999999 10 598.0930299999999 20 785.27765 0 INSERT 5 2621 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9475899999999 20 785.8305799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2622 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0930299999999 20 785.27765 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2623 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.9475899999999 20 785.8305799999999 10 598.0930299999999 20 785.27765 0 INSERT 5 2627 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9278099999999 20 785.90579 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2628 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9735699999999 20 785.7318199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2629 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.9278099999999 20 785.90579 10 597.9735699999999 20 785.7318199999999 0 INSERT 5 262D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.90358 20 785.9979 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 262E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9278099999999 20 785.90579 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 262F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.90358 20 785.9979 10 597.9278099999999 20 785.90579 0 INSERT 5 2633 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9278099999999 20 785.90579 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2634 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0965599999999 20 785.26422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2635 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.9278099999999 20 785.90579 10 598.0965599999999 20 785.26422 0 INSERT 5 2639 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9475899999999 20 785.8305799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 263A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9735699999999 20 785.7318199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 263B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.9475899999999 20 785.8305799999999 10 597.9735699999999 20 785.7318199999999 0 INSERT 5 263F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.89764 20 786.0204799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2640 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.90358 20 785.9979 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2641 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.89764 20 786.0204799999999 10 597.90358 20 785.9979 0 INSERT 5 2645 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8938199999999 20 786.0349999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2646 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.89764 20 786.0204799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2647 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8938199999999 20 786.0349999999999 10 597.89764 20 786.0204799999999 0 INSERT 5 264B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.89764 20 786.0204799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 264C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9475899999999 20 785.8305799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 264D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.89764 20 786.0204799999999 10 597.9475899999999 20 785.8305799999999 0 INSERT 5 2651 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.88942 20 786.05173 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2652 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.89764 20 786.0204799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2653 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.88942 20 786.05173 10 597.89764 20 786.0204799999999 0 INSERT 5 2657 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7965 20 786.40498 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2658 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79773 20 786.4003199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2659 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7965 20 786.40498 10 597.79773 20 786.4003199999999 0 INSERT 5 265D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7950299999999 20 786.4105900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 265E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7965 20 786.40498 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 265F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7950299999999 20 786.4105900000001 10 597.7965 20 786.40498 0 INSERT 5 2663 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79619 20 786.40619 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2664 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79689 20 786.4035 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2665 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79619 20 786.40619 10 597.79689 20 786.4035 0 INSERT 5 2669 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7950299999999 20 786.4105900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 266A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79619 20 786.40619 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 266B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7950299999999 20 786.4105900000001 10 597.79619 20 786.40619 0 INSERT 5 266F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.74429 20 786.60349 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2670 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79619 20 786.40619 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2671 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.74429 20 786.60349 10 597.79619 20 786.40619 0 INSERT 5 2675 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79689 20 786.4035 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2676 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.79773 20 786.4003199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2677 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.79689 20 786.4035 10 597.79773 20 786.4003199999999 0 INSERT 5 267B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.78667 20 786.4423799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 267C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7950299999999 20 786.4105900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 267D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.78667 20 786.4423799999999 10 597.7950299999999 20 786.4105900000001 0 INSERT 5 2681 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7650599999999 20 786.52453 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2682 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7950299999999 20 786.4105900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2683 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7650599999999 20 786.52453 10 597.7950299999999 20 786.4105900000001 0 INSERT 5 2687 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7650599999999 20 786.52453 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2688 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.78667 20 786.4423799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2689 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7650599999999 20 786.52453 10 597.78667 20 786.4423799999999 0 INSERT 5 268D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7066999999999 20 786.74639 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 268E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.78667 20 786.4423799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 268F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.7066999999999 20 786.74639 10 597.78667 20 786.4423799999999 0 INSERT 5 2693 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.74429 20 786.60349 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2694 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7650599999999 20 786.52453 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2695 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.74429 20 786.60349 10 597.7650599999999 20 786.52453 0 INSERT 5 2699 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.72379 20 786.68142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 269A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7650599999999 20 786.52453 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 269B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.72379 20 786.68142 10 597.7650599999999 20 786.52453 0 INSERT 5 269F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.84853 20 786.20717 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8493900000001 20 786.20392 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.84853 20 786.20717 10 597.8493900000001 20 786.20392 0 INSERT 5 26A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.90358 20 785.9979 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9475899999999 20 785.8305799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.90358 20 785.9979 10 597.9475899999999 20 785.8305799999999 0 INSERT 5 26AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.69747 20 786.7815000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.74429 20 786.60349 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.69747 20 786.7815000000001 10 597.74429 20 786.60349 0 INSERT 5 26B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.672 20 786.87833 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.69747 20 786.7815000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.672 20 786.87833 10 597.69747 20 786.7815000000001 0 INSERT 5 26B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.69747 20 786.7815000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.70319 20 786.7597400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.69747 20 786.7815000000001 10 597.70319 20 786.7597400000001 0 INSERT 5 26BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.68961 20 786.81139 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.69747 20 786.7815000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.68961 20 786.81139 10 597.69747 20 786.7815000000001 0 INSERT 5 26C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5673699999999 20 787.2761 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5889099999999 20 787.19421 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5673699999999 20 787.2761 10 597.5889099999999 20 787.19421 0 INSERT 5 26C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5889099999999 20 787.19421 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5937299999999 20 787.1758899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5889099999999 20 787.19421 10 597.5937299999999 20 787.1758899999999 0 INSERT 5 26CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5650099999999 20 787.2850599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5889099999999 20 787.19421 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5650099999999 20 787.2850599999999 10 597.5889099999999 20 787.19421 0 INSERT 5 26D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.64215 20 786.99181 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.672 20 786.87833 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.64215 20 786.99181 10 597.672 20 786.87833 0 INSERT 5 26DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.64215 20 786.99181 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.70319 20 786.7597400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.64215 20 786.99181 10 597.70319 20 786.7597400000001 0 INSERT 5 26E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6009499999999 20 787.14845 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.64215 20 786.99181 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.6009499999999 20 787.14845 10 597.64215 20 786.99181 0 INSERT 5 26E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.672 20 786.87833 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7066999999999 20 786.74639 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.672 20 786.87833 10 597.7066999999999 20 786.74639 0 INSERT 5 26ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6050199999999 20 787.1329799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.672 20 786.87833 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.6050199999999 20 787.1329799999999 10 597.672 20 786.87833 0 INSERT 5 26F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.72379 20 786.68142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.74429 20 786.60349 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.72379 20 786.68142 10 597.74429 20 786.60349 0 INSERT 5 26F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5650099999999 20 787.2850599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 26FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5673699999999 20 787.2761 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 26FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5650099999999 20 787.2850599999999 10 597.5673699999999 20 787.2761 0 INSERT 5 26FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5562599999999 20 787.3183299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2700 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5650099999999 20 787.2850599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2701 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5562599999999 20 787.3183299999999 10 597.5650099999999 20 787.2850599999999 0 INSERT 5 2705 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5563400000001 20 787.31803 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2706 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5650099999999 20 787.2850599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2707 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5563400000001 20 787.31803 10 597.5650099999999 20 787.2850599999999 0 INSERT 5 270B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5546099999998 20 787.3246199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 270C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5562599999999 20 787.3183299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 270D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5546099999998 20 787.3246199999999 10 597.5562599999999 20 787.3183299999999 0 INSERT 5 2711 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55369 20 787.32812 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2712 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5546099999998 20 787.3246199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2713 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.55369 20 787.32812 10 597.5546099999998 20 787.3246199999999 0 INSERT 5 2717 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55083 20 787.3390099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2718 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55369 20 787.32812 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2719 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.55083 20 787.3390099999999 10 597.55369 20 787.32812 0 INSERT 5 271D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4631099999998 20 787.6725 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 271E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55083 20 787.3390099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 271F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4631099999998 20 787.6725 10 597.55083 20 787.3390099999999 0 INSERT 5 2723 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5509599999999 20 787.3384900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2724 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55263 20 787.3321499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2725 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5509599999999 20 787.3384900000001 10 597.55263 20 787.3321499999999 0 INSERT 5 2729 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.46099 20 787.68055 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 272A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5509599999999 20 787.3384900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 272B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.46099 20 787.68055 10 597.5509599999999 20 787.3384900000001 0 INSERT 5 272F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55499 20 787.3231699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2730 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5562599999999 20 787.3183299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2731 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.55499 20 787.3231699999999 10 597.5562599999999 20 787.3183299999999 0 INSERT 5 2735 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5507099999999 20 787.33945 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2736 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55499 20 787.3231699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2737 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5507099999999 20 787.33945 10 597.55499 20 787.3231699999999 0 INSERT 5 273B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55499 20 787.3231699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 273C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5563400000001 20 787.31803 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 273D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.55499 20 787.3231699999999 10 597.5563400000001 20 787.31803 0 INSERT 5 2741 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.46325 20 787.6719699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2742 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55499 20 787.3231699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2743 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.46325 20 787.6719699999999 10 597.55499 20 787.3231699999999 0 INSERT 5 2747 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5562599999999 20 787.3183299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2748 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5575499999999 20 787.31344 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2749 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5562599999999 20 787.3183299999999 10 597.5575499999999 20 787.31344 0 INSERT 5 274D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5673699999999 20 787.2761 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 274E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.57028 20 787.2650499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 274F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5673699999999 20 787.2761 10 597.57028 20 787.2650499999999 0 INSERT 5 2753 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5575499999999 20 787.31344 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2754 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5673699999999 20 787.2761 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2755 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5575499999999 20 787.31344 10 597.5673699999999 20 787.2761 0 INSERT 5 2759 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.46325 20 787.6719699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 275A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5507099999999 20 787.33945 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 275B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.46325 20 787.6719699999999 10 597.5507099999999 20 787.33945 0 INSERT 5 275F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5507099999999 20 787.33945 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2760 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55263 20 787.3321499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2761 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5507099999999 20 787.33945 10 597.55263 20 787.3321499999999 0 INSERT 5 2765 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.54919 20 787.3452499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2766 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5507099999999 20 787.33945 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2767 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.54919 20 787.3452499999999 10 597.5507099999999 20 787.33945 0 INSERT 5 276B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4475499999999 20 787.7316599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 276C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4631099999998 20 787.6725 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 276D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4475499999999 20 787.7316599999999 10 597.4631099999998 20 787.6725 0 INSERT 5 2771 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.46099 20 787.68055 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2772 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.46325 20 787.6719699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2773 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.46099 20 787.68055 10 597.46325 20 787.6719699999999 0 INSERT 5 2777 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4323 20 787.7896299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2778 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.46099 20 787.68055 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2779 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4323 20 787.7896299999999 10 597.46099 20 787.68055 0 INSERT 5 277D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4475499999999 20 787.7316599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 277E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.46099 20 787.68055 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 277F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4475499999999 20 787.7316599999999 10 597.46099 20 787.68055 0 INSERT 5 2783 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4474199999999 20 787.73215 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2784 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.46325 20 787.6719699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2785 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4474199999999 20 787.73215 10 597.46325 20 787.6719699999999 0 INSERT 5 2789 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4195499999999 20 787.8381 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 278A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42109 20 787.83224 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 278B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4195499999999 20 787.8381 10 597.42109 20 787.83224 0 INSERT 5 278F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4169 20 787.8481799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2790 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4195499999999 20 787.8381 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2791 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4169 20 787.8481799999999 10 597.4195499999999 20 787.8381 0 INSERT 5 2795 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41587 20 787.8521 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2796 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42328 20 787.82394 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2797 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41587 20 787.8521 10 597.42328 20 787.82394 0 INSERT 5 279B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4143 20 787.85807 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 279C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41587 20 787.8521 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 279D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4143 20 787.85807 10 597.41587 20 787.8521 0 INSERT 5 27A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4160799999999 20 787.8513 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4169 20 787.8481799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4160799999999 20 787.8513 10 597.4169 20 787.8481799999999 0 INSERT 5 27A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41523 20 787.85455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4160799999999 20 787.8513 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41523 20 787.85455 10 597.4160799999999 20 787.8513 0 INSERT 5 27AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4160799999999 20 787.8513 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4234799999999 20 787.82318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4160799999999 20 787.8513 10 597.4234799999999 20 787.82318 0 INSERT 5 27B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4139299999999 20 787.85948 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4160799999999 20 787.8513 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4139299999999 20 787.85948 10 597.4160799999999 20 787.8513 0 INSERT 5 27B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4169 20 787.8481799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42419 20 787.82049 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4169 20 787.8481799999999 10 597.42419 20 787.82049 0 INSERT 5 27BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41309 20 787.8626699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4169 20 787.8481799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41309 20 787.8626699999999 10 597.4169 20 787.8481799999999 0 INSERT 5 27C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42062 20 787.83404 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4247699999999 20 787.81825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42062 20 787.83404 10 597.4247699999999 20 787.81825 0 INSERT 5 27CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4194599999999 20 787.8384399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42062 20 787.83404 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4194599999999 20 787.8384399999999 10 597.42062 20 787.83404 0 INSERT 5 27D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42109 20 787.83224 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4247699999999 20 787.81825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42109 20 787.83224 10 597.4247699999999 20 787.81825 0 INSERT 5 27D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42109 20 787.83224 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4234799999999 20 787.82318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42109 20 787.83224 10 597.4234799999999 20 787.82318 0 INSERT 5 27DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4194599999999 20 787.8384399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42109 20 787.83224 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4194599999999 20 787.8384399999999 10 597.42109 20 787.83224 0 INSERT 5 27E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4121 20 787.8664399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4143 20 787.85807 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4121 20 787.8664399999999 10 597.4143 20 787.85807 0 INSERT 5 27E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4139299999999 20 787.85948 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41523 20 787.85455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4139299999999 20 787.85948 10 597.41523 20 787.85455 0 INSERT 5 27EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41309 20 787.8626699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4139299999999 20 787.85948 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41309 20 787.8626699999999 10 597.4139299999999 20 787.85948 0 INSERT 5 27F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41296 20 787.8631699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4139299999999 20 787.85948 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.41296 20 787.8631699999999 10 597.4139299999999 20 787.85948 0 INSERT 5 27FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4123099999999 20 787.86563 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 27FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41296 20 787.8631699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 27FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4123099999999 20 787.86563 10 597.41296 20 787.8631699999999 0 INSERT 5 2801 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4116299999999 20 787.8682299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2802 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41523 20 787.85455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2803 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4116299999999 20 787.8682299999999 10 597.41523 20 787.85455 0 INSERT 5 2807 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4098099999999 20 787.8751499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2808 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4116299999999 20 787.8682299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2809 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4098099999999 20 787.8751499999999 10 597.4116299999999 20 787.8682299999999 0 INSERT 5 280D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4121 20 787.8664399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 280E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.41309 20 787.8626699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 280F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4121 20 787.8664399999999 10 597.41309 20 787.8626699999999 0 INSERT 5 2813 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4102699999999 20 787.87342 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2814 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4121 20 787.8664399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2815 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4102699999999 20 787.87342 10 597.4121 20 787.8664399999999 0 INSERT 5 2819 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39886 20 787.9167999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 281A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4102699999999 20 787.87342 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 281B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.39886 20 787.9167999999999 10 597.4102699999999 20 787.87342 0 INSERT 5 281F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.38905 20 787.9540900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2820 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39886 20 787.9167999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2821 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.38905 20 787.9540900000001 10 597.39886 20 787.9167999999999 0 INSERT 5 2825 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2826 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.39886 20 787.9167999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2827 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.39886 20 787.9167999999999 0 INSERT 5 282B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3863299999999 20 787.96442 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 282C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.38905 20 787.9540900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 282D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3863299999999 20 787.96442 10 597.38905 20 787.9540900000001 0 INSERT 5 2831 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2832 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.38905 20 787.9540900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2833 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.38905 20 787.9540900000001 0 INSERT 5 2837 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2838 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3863299999999 20 787.96442 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2839 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.3863299999999 20 787.96442 0 INSERT 5 283D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3863299999999 20 787.96442 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 283E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3992799999999 20 787.9151799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 283F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3863299999999 20 787.96442 10 597.3992799999999 20 787.9151799999999 0 INSERT 5 2843 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.30055 20 788.2905099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2844 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3863299999999 20 787.96442 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2845 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.30055 20 788.2905099999999 10 597.3863299999999 20 787.96442 0 INSERT 5 2849 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4247699999999 20 787.81825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 284A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4323 20 787.7896299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 284B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4247699999999 20 787.81825 10 597.4323 20 787.7896299999999 0 INSERT 5 284F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4247699999999 20 787.81825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2850 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4290299999999 20 787.8020700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2851 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4247699999999 20 787.81825 10 597.4290299999999 20 787.8020700000001 0 INSERT 5 2855 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4323 20 787.7896299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2856 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4475499999999 20 787.7316599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2857 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4323 20 787.7896299999999 10 597.4475499999999 20 787.7316599999999 0 INSERT 5 285B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 285C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4323 20 787.7896299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 285D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 10 597.4323 20 787.7896299999999 0 INSERT 5 2861 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.70319 20 786.7597400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2862 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7066999999999 20 786.74639 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2863 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.70319 20 786.7597400000001 10 597.7066999999999 20 786.74639 0 INSERT 5 2867 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.70319 20 786.7597400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2868 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.72379 20 786.68142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2869 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.70319 20 786.7597400000001 10 597.72379 20 786.68142 0 INSERT 5 286D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6050199999999 20 787.1329799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 286E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.68961 20 786.81139 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 286F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.6050199999999 20 787.1329799999999 10 597.68961 20 786.81139 0 INSERT 5 2873 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.54929 20 787.34488 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2874 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60204 20 787.14433 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2875 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.54929 20 787.34488 10 597.60204 20 787.14433 0 INSERT 5 2879 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6015099999999 20 787.14633 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 287A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60395 20 787.13706 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 287B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.6015099999999 20 787.14633 10 597.60395 20 787.13706 0 INSERT 5 287F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60208 20 787.14418 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2880 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60395 20 787.13706 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2881 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.60208 20 787.14418 10 597.60395 20 787.13706 0 INSERT 5 2885 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6009499999999 20 787.14845 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2886 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60208 20 787.14418 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2887 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.6009499999999 20 787.14845 10 597.60208 20 787.14418 0 INSERT 5 288B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60208 20 787.14418 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 288C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6050199999999 20 787.1329799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 288D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.60208 20 787.14418 10 597.6050199999999 20 787.1329799999999 0 INSERT 5 2891 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.60395 20 787.13706 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2892 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.6050199999999 20 787.1329799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2893 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.60395 20 787.13706 10 597.6050199999999 20 787.1329799999999 0 INSERT 5 2897 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5911499999999 20 787.1857099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2898 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5937299999999 20 787.1758899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2899 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5911499999999 20 787.1857099999999 10 597.5937299999999 20 787.1758899999999 0 INSERT 5 289D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.57028 20 787.2650499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 289E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5911499999999 20 787.1857099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 289F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.57028 20 787.2650499999999 10 597.5911499999999 20 787.1857099999999 0 INSERT 5 28A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5575499999999 20 787.31344 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5911499999999 20 787.1857099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5575499999999 20 787.31344 10 597.5911499999999 20 787.1857099999999 0 INSERT 5 28A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55369 20 787.32812 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5563400000001 20 787.31803 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.55369 20 787.32812 10 597.5563400000001 20 787.31803 0 INSERT 5 28AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55263 20 787.3321499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55369 20 787.32812 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.55263 20 787.3321499999999 10 597.55369 20 787.32812 0 INSERT 5 28B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.55263 20 787.3321499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.57028 20 787.2650499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.55263 20 787.3321499999999 10 597.57028 20 787.2650499999999 0 INSERT 5 28BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5563400000001 20 787.31803 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.5575499999999 20 787.31344 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.5563400000001 20 787.31803 10 597.5575499999999 20 787.31344 0 INSERT 5 28C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42597 20 787.81372 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42711 20 787.80938 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42597 20 787.81372 10 597.42711 20 787.80938 0 INSERT 5 28C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4261199999999 20 787.81313 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4475499999999 20 787.7316599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4261199999999 20 787.81313 10 597.4475499999999 20 787.7316599999999 0 INSERT 5 28CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4234799999999 20 787.82318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4261199999999 20 787.81313 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4234799999999 20 787.82318 10 597.4261199999999 20 787.81313 0 INSERT 5 28D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42475 20 787.81834 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42475 20 787.81834 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 0 INSERT 5 28D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42328 20 787.82394 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42328 20 787.82394 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 0 INSERT 5 28DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4234799999999 20 787.82318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42475 20 787.81834 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4234799999999 20 787.82318 10 597.42475 20 787.81834 0 INSERT 5 28E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4036899999999 20 787.8984 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4194599999999 20 787.8384399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4036899999999 20 787.8984 10 597.4194599999999 20 787.8384399999999 0 INSERT 5 28EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.91272 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.3999299999999 20 787.91272 0 INSERT 5 28F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3992799999999 20 787.9151799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.40017 20 787.9118 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.3992799999999 20 787.9151799999999 10 597.40017 20 787.9118 0 INSERT 5 28F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.3855900000001 20 787.9672199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.3855900000001 20 787.9672199999999 0 INSERT 5 28FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 28FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42713 20 787.80931 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 28FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 10 597.42713 20 787.80931 0 INSERT 5 2903 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2614499999999 20 788.43921 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2904 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26278 20 788.4341400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2905 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2614499999999 20 788.43921 10 597.26278 20 788.4341400000001 0 INSERT 5 2909 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26067 20 788.44218 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 290A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2614499999999 20 788.43921 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 290B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.26067 20 788.44218 10 597.2614499999999 20 788.43921 0 INSERT 5 290F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26102 20 788.44084 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2910 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26239 20 788.43564 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2911 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.26102 20 788.44084 10 597.26239 20 788.43564 0 INSERT 5 2915 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25418 20 788.46684 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2916 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26102 20 788.44084 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2917 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.25418 20 788.46684 10 597.26102 20 788.44084 0 INSERT 5 291B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26239 20 788.43564 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 291C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 291D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.26239 20 788.43564 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 2921 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25112 20 788.4784699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2922 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25418 20 788.46684 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2923 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.25112 20 788.4784699999999 10 597.25418 20 788.46684 0 INSERT 5 2927 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2489099999998 20 788.4868599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2928 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25112 20 788.4784699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2929 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2489099999998 20 788.4868599999999 10 597.25112 20 788.4784699999999 0 INSERT 5 292D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25112 20 788.4784699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 292E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25473 20 788.46474 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 292F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.25112 20 788.4784699999999 10 597.25473 20 788.46474 0 INSERT 5 2933 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24918 20 788.4858299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2934 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25112 20 788.4784699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2935 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24918 20 788.4858299999999 10 597.25112 20 788.4784699999999 0 INSERT 5 2939 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24539 20 788.5002599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 293A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2489099999998 20 788.4868599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 293B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24539 20 788.5002599999999 10 597.2489099999998 20 788.4868599999999 0 INSERT 5 293F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2403099999999 20 788.5195599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2940 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24539 20 788.5002599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2941 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2403099999999 20 788.5195599999999 10 597.24539 20 788.5002599999999 0 INSERT 5 2945 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24567 20 788.49917 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2946 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2489099999998 20 788.4868599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2947 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24567 20 788.49917 10 597.2489099999998 20 788.4868599999999 0 INSERT 5 294B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.245 20 788.50174 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 294C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24567 20 788.49917 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 294D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.245 20 788.50174 10 597.24567 20 788.49917 0 INSERT 5 2951 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24422 20 788.50473 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2952 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.245 20 788.50174 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2953 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24422 20 788.50473 10 597.245 20 788.50174 0 INSERT 5 2957 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24324 20 788.50845 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2958 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24422 20 788.50473 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2959 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24324 20 788.50845 10 597.24422 20 788.50473 0 INSERT 5 295D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24143 20 788.5153 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 295E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.245 20 788.50174 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 295F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24143 20 788.5153 10 597.245 20 788.50174 0 INSERT 5 2963 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23866 20 788.52586 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2964 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24143 20 788.5153 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2965 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.23866 20 788.52586 10 597.24143 20 788.5153 0 INSERT 5 2969 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2409299999999 20 788.51722 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 296A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24324 20 788.50845 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 296B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2409299999999 20 788.51722 10 597.24324 20 788.50845 0 INSERT 5 296F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23849 20 788.52647 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2970 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24045 20 788.5190299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2971 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.23849 20 788.52647 10 597.24045 20 788.5190299999999 0 INSERT 5 2975 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.22617 20 788.5733299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2976 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23849 20 788.52647 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2977 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.22617 20 788.5733299999999 10 597.23849 20 788.52647 0 INSERT 5 297B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23849 20 788.5264799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 297C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24489 20 788.50215 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 297D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.23849 20 788.5264799999999 10 597.24489 20 788.50215 0 INSERT 5 2981 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2190799999999 20 788.6002799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2982 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23849 20 788.5264799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2983 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2190799999999 20 788.6002799999999 10 597.23849 20 788.5264799999999 0 INSERT 5 2987 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2271400000001 20 788.56963 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2988 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23866 20 788.52586 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2989 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2271400000001 20 788.56963 10 597.23866 20 788.52586 0 INSERT 5 298D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2388900000001 20 788.5249700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 298E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2409299999999 20 788.51722 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 298F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2388900000001 20 788.5249700000001 10 597.2409299999999 20 788.51722 0 INSERT 5 2993 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23788 20 788.52879 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2994 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2388900000001 20 788.5249700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2995 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.23788 20 788.52879 10 597.2388900000001 20 788.5249700000001 0 INSERT 5 2999 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2388900000001 20 788.5249700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 299A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2403099999999 20 788.5195599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 299B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2388900000001 20 788.5249700000001 10 597.2403099999999 20 788.5195599999999 0 INSERT 5 299F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2271400000001 20 788.56963 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2388900000001 20 788.5249700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2271400000001 20 788.56963 10 597.2388900000001 20 788.5249700000001 0 INSERT 5 29A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24045 20 788.5190299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24322 20 788.50851 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24045 20 788.5190299999999 10 597.24322 20 788.50851 0 INSERT 5 29AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24489 20 788.50215 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2460099999999 20 788.4978999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24489 20 788.50215 10 597.2460099999999 20 788.4978999999999 0 INSERT 5 29B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21982 20 788.59744 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23788 20 788.52879 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21982 20 788.59744 10 597.23788 20 788.52879 0 INSERT 5 29B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23788 20 788.52879 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2403099999999 20 788.5195599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.23788 20 788.52879 10 597.2403099999999 20 788.5195599999999 0 INSERT 5 29BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.22617 20 788.5733299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.23788 20 788.52879 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.22617 20 788.5733299999999 10 597.23788 20 788.52879 0 INSERT 5 29C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.245 20 788.50174 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24918 20 788.4858299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.245 20 788.50174 10 597.24918 20 788.4858299999999 0 INSERT 5 29C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21478 20 788.6165999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21982 20 788.59744 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21478 20 788.6165999999999 10 597.21982 20 788.59744 0 INSERT 5 29CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2126799999999 20 788.62459 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21478 20 788.6165999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2126799999999 20 788.62459 10 597.21478 20 788.6165999999999 0 INSERT 5 29D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21478 20 788.6165999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21635 20 788.6106499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21478 20 788.6165999999999 10 597.21635 20 788.6106499999999 0 INSERT 5 29DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2141299999999 20 788.61907 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21478 20 788.6165999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2141299999999 20 788.61907 10 597.21478 20 788.6165999999999 0 INSERT 5 29E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2118299999999 20 788.62782 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2126799999999 20 788.62459 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2118299999999 20 788.62782 10 597.2126799999999 20 788.62459 0 INSERT 5 29E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2100199999999 20 788.6346999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2118299999999 20 788.62782 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2100199999999 20 788.6346999999999 10 597.2118299999999 20 788.62782 0 INSERT 5 29ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20605 20 788.6498099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2100199999999 20 788.6346999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.20605 20 788.6498099999999 10 597.2100199999999 20 788.6346999999999 0 INSERT 5 29F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.18281 20 788.73816 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20605 20 788.6498099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.18281 20 788.73816 10 597.20605 20 788.6498099999999 0 INSERT 5 29F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1805999999999 20 788.74657 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 29FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.18281 20 788.73816 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 29FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.1805999999999 20 788.74657 10 597.18281 20 788.73816 0 INSERT 5 29FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.18281 20 788.73816 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A00 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20158 20 788.6667899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.18281 20 788.73816 10 597.20158 20 788.6667899999999 0 INSERT 5 2A05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1797799999999 20 788.74969 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A06 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.18281 20 788.73816 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.1797799999999 20 788.74969 10 597.18281 20 788.73816 0 INSERT 5 2A0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20605 20 788.6498099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A0C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20992 20 788.63509 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.20605 20 788.6498099999999 10 597.20992 20 788.63509 0 INSERT 5 2A11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20158 20 788.6667899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A12 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20605 20 788.6498099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.20158 20 788.6667899999999 10 597.20605 20 788.6498099999999 0 INSERT 5 2A17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21982 20 788.59744 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A18 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2271400000001 20 788.56963 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21982 20 788.59744 10 597.2271400000001 20 788.56963 0 INSERT 5 2A1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21635 20 788.6106499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A1E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21982 20 788.59744 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21635 20 788.6106499999999 10 597.21982 20 788.59744 0 INSERT 5 2A23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1797799999999 20 788.74969 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A24 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1805999999999 20 788.74657 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.1797799999999 20 788.74969 10 597.1805999999999 20 788.74657 0 INSERT 5 2A29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1805999999999 20 788.74657 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A2A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.18833 20 788.7171900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.1805999999999 20 788.74657 10 597.18833 20 788.7171900000001 0 INSERT 5 2A2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.17174 20 788.78025 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A30 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1805999999999 20 788.74657 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.17174 20 788.78025 10 597.1805999999999 20 788.74657 0 INSERT 5 2A35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24844 20 788.48865 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A36 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24918 20 788.4858299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24844 20 788.48865 10 597.24918 20 788.4858299999999 0 INSERT 5 2A3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2458699999999 20 788.49843 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A3C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24844 20 788.48865 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2458699999999 20 788.49843 10 597.24844 20 788.48865 0 INSERT 5 2A41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2489099999998 20 788.4868599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A42 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26278 20 788.4341400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2489099999998 20 788.4868599999999 10 597.26278 20 788.4341400000001 0 INSERT 5 2A47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.15929 20 788.82758 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A48 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1797799999999 20 788.74969 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.15929 20 788.82758 10 597.1797799999999 20 788.74969 0 INSERT 5 2A4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0936 20 789.0773199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A4E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.15929 20 788.82758 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0936 20 789.0773199999999 10 597.15929 20 788.82758 0 INSERT 5 2A53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.15929 20 788.82758 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A54 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.17174 20 788.78025 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.15929 20 788.82758 10 597.17174 20 788.78025 0 INSERT 5 2A59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.12327 20 788.96454 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A5A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.15929 20 788.82758 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.12327 20 788.96454 10 597.15929 20 788.82758 0 INSERT 5 2A5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.17174 20 788.78025 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A60 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1797799999999 20 788.74969 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.17174 20 788.78025 10 597.1797799999999 20 788.74969 0 INSERT 5 2A65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04358 20 789.2675099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A66 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0444399999999 20 789.26422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.04358 20 789.2675099999999 10 597.0444399999999 20 789.26422 0 INSERT 5 2A6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0377299999999 20 789.2897699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A6C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04358 20 789.2675099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0377299999999 20 789.2897699999999 10 597.04358 20 789.2675099999999 0 INSERT 5 2A71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04358 20 789.2675099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A72 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04521 20 789.2612999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.04358 20 789.2675099999999 10 597.04521 20 789.2612999999999 0 INSERT 5 2A77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0311799999999 20 789.31462 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A78 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04358 20 789.2675099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0311799999999 20 789.31462 10 597.04358 20 789.2675099999999 0 INSERT 5 2A7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04413 20 789.2654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A7E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04521 20 789.2612999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.04413 20 789.2654 10 597.04521 20 789.2612999999999 0 INSERT 5 2A83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0422099999999 20 789.27269 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A84 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04413 20 789.2654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0422099999999 20 789.27269 10 597.04413 20 789.2654 0 INSERT 5 2A89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0444399999999 20 789.26422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A8A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04516 20 789.2615 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0444399999999 20 789.26422 10 597.04516 20 789.2615 0 INSERT 5 2A8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0444399999999 20 789.26422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A90 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0453899999999 20 789.2606299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0444399999999 20 789.26422 10 597.0453899999999 20 789.2606299999999 0 INSERT 5 2A95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0311799999999 20 789.31462 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A96 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0444399999999 20 789.26422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0311799999999 20 789.31462 10 597.0444399999999 20 789.26422 0 INSERT 5 2A9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04516 20 789.2615 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2A9C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0465199999999 20 789.2563299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2A9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.04516 20 789.2615 10 597.0465199999999 20 789.2563299999999 0 INSERT 5 2AA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0266999999999 20 789.33169 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AA2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0377299999999 20 789.2897699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0266999999999 20 789.33169 10 597.0377299999999 20 789.2897699999999 0 INSERT 5 2AA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0377299999999 20 789.2897699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AA8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0453899999999 20 789.2606299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0377299999999 20 789.2897699999999 10 597.0453899999999 20 789.2606299999999 0 INSERT 5 2AAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02612 20 789.3338899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AAE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0377299999999 20 789.2897699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02612 20 789.3338899999999 10 597.0377299999999 20 789.2897699999999 0 INSERT 5 2AB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0216699999999 20 789.35082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02259 20 789.3473199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0216699999999 20 789.35082 10 597.02259 20 789.3473199999999 0 INSERT 5 2AB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02029 20 789.35607 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2ABA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0216699999999 20 789.35082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2ABB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02029 20 789.35607 10 597.0216699999999 20 789.35082 0 INSERT 5 2ABF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0216699999999 20 789.35082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02242 20 789.34797 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0216699999999 20 789.35082 10 597.02242 20 789.34797 0 INSERT 5 2AC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01957 20 789.3588 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0216699999999 20 789.35082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01957 20 789.3588 10 597.0216699999999 20 789.35082 0 INSERT 5 2ACB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0190299999999 20 789.36085 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2ACC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02088 20 789.3538099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2ACD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0190299999999 20 789.36085 10 597.02088 20 789.3538099999999 0 INSERT 5 2AD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01792 20 789.3650700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AD2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0190299999999 20 789.36085 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01792 20 789.3650700000001 10 597.0190299999999 20 789.36085 0 INSERT 5 2AD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01957 20 789.3588 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AD8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02029 20 789.35607 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01957 20 789.3588 10 597.02029 20 789.35607 0 INSERT 5 2ADD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0176499999999 20 789.36608 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2ADE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01957 20 789.3588 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2ADF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0176499999999 20 789.36608 10 597.01957 20 789.3588 0 INSERT 5 2AE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01792 20 789.3650700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01957 20 789.3588 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01792 20 789.3650700000001 10 597.01957 20 789.3588 0 INSERT 5 2AE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02259 20 789.3473199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0242099999999 20 789.34117 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02259 20 789.3473199999999 10 597.0242099999999 20 789.34117 0 INSERT 5 2AEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02383 20 789.3426299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24414 20 788.50503 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02383 20 789.3426299999999 10 597.24414 20 788.50503 0 INSERT 5 2AF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0178099999999 20 789.3654999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02383 20 789.3426299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0178099999999 20 789.3654999999999 10 597.02383 20 789.3426299999999 0 INSERT 5 2AFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0242099999999 20 789.34117 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2AFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0266999999999 20 789.33169 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2AFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0242099999999 20 789.34117 10 597.0266999999999 20 789.33169 0 INSERT 5 2B01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0242099999999 20 789.34117 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B02 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02666 20 789.33182 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0242099999999 20 789.34117 10 597.02666 20 789.33182 0 INSERT 5 2B07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02242 20 789.34797 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B08 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0242099999999 20 789.34117 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02242 20 789.34797 10 597.0242099999999 20 789.34117 0 INSERT 5 2B0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0266999999999 20 789.33169 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B0E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0291099999999 20 789.3225099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0266999999999 20 789.33169 10 597.0291099999999 20 789.3225099999999 0 INSERT 5 2B13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0238199999999 20 789.3426299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B14 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0266999999999 20 789.33169 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0238199999999 20 789.3426299999999 10 597.0266999999999 20 789.33169 0 INSERT 5 2B19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0465199999999 20 789.2563299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B1A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0936 20 789.0773199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0465199999999 20 789.2563299999999 10 597.0936 20 789.0773199999999 0 INSERT 5 2B1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0465199999999 20 789.2563299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B20 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.05199 20 789.2355099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0465199999999 20 789.2563299999999 10 597.05199 20 789.2355099999999 0 INSERT 5 2B25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04521 20 789.2612999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B26 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0465199999999 20 789.2563299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.04521 20 789.2612999999999 10 597.0465199999999 20 789.2563299999999 0 INSERT 5 2B2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0936 20 789.0773199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B2C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.11306 20 789.0033499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0936 20 789.0773199999999 10 597.11306 20 789.0033499999999 0 INSERT 5 2B31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.06633 20 789.181 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B32 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0936 20 789.0773199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.06633 20 789.181 10 597.0936 20 789.0773199999999 0 INSERT 5 2B37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01734 20 789.36725 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B38 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0180799999999 20 789.36444 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01734 20 789.36725 10 597.0180799999999 20 789.36444 0 INSERT 5 2B3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01366 20 789.38126 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B3E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01734 20 789.36725 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01366 20 789.38126 10 597.01734 20 789.36725 0 INSERT 5 2B43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01712 20 789.3680799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B44 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02859 20 789.3244599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01712 20 789.3680799999999 10 597.02859 20 789.3244599999999 0 INSERT 5 2B49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0162499999999 20 789.3714 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B4A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01712 20 789.3680799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0162499999999 20 789.3714 10 597.01712 20 789.3680799999999 0 INSERT 5 2B4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00733 20 789.4053 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B50 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01366 20 789.38126 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.00733 20 789.4053 10 597.01366 20 789.38126 0 INSERT 5 2B55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0137799999999 20 789.3807699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B56 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0145099999999 20 789.378 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0137799999999 20 789.3807699999999 10 597.0145099999999 20 789.378 0 INSERT 5 2B5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0117799999999 20 789.3884 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B5C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0137799999999 20 789.3807699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0117799999999 20 789.3884 10 597.0137799999999 20 789.3807699999999 0 INSERT 5 2B61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0140599999999 20 789.3797099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B62 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0161 20 789.3719599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0140599999999 20 789.3797099999999 10 597.0161 20 789.3719599999999 0 INSERT 5 2B67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0132599999999 20 789.3827700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B68 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0140599999999 20 789.3797099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0132599999999 20 789.3827700000001 10 597.0140599999999 20 789.3797099999999 0 INSERT 5 2B6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0161 20 789.3719599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B6E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0176499999999 20 789.36608 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0161 20 789.3719599999999 10 597.0176499999999 20 789.36608 0 INSERT 5 2B73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0126299999999 20 789.38518 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B74 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01455 20 789.3778599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0126299999999 20 789.38518 10 597.01455 20 789.3778599999999 0 INSERT 5 2B79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0106099999999 20 789.3928499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B7A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0126299999999 20 789.38518 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0106099999999 20 789.3928499999999 10 597.0126299999999 20 789.38518 0 INSERT 5 2B7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01277 20 789.38462 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B80 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01399 20 789.37999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01277 20 789.38462 10 597.01399 20 789.37999 0 INSERT 5 2B85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0117799999999 20 789.3884 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B86 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01277 20 789.38462 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0117799999999 20 789.3884 10 597.01277 20 789.38462 0 INSERT 5 2B8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0106599999999 20 789.39266 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B8C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01165 20 789.3888900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0106599999999 20 789.39266 10 597.01165 20 789.3888900000001 0 INSERT 5 2B91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00964 20 789.39654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B92 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0106599999999 20 789.39266 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.00964 20 789.39654 10 597.0106599999999 20 789.39266 0 INSERT 5 2B97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0106599999999 20 789.39266 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B98 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0117799999999 20 789.3884 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0106599999999 20 789.39266 10 597.0117799999999 20 789.3884 0 INSERT 5 2B9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9650299999999 20 789.5661299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2B9E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0106599999999 20 789.39266 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2B9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9650299999999 20 789.5661299999999 10 597.0106599999999 20 789.39266 0 INSERT 5 2BA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01165 20 789.3888900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BA4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0132599999999 20 789.3827700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01165 20 789.3888900000001 10 597.0132599999999 20 789.3827700000001 0 INSERT 5 2BA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0132599999999 20 789.3827700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BAA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01531 20 789.37499 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0132599999999 20 789.3827700000001 10 597.01531 20 789.37499 0 INSERT 5 2BAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0084099999999 20 789.40119 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BB0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0132599999999 20 789.3827700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0084099999999 20 789.40119 10 597.0132599999999 20 789.3827700000001 0 INSERT 5 2BB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0087499999999 20 789.39992 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BB6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00964 20 789.39654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0087499999999 20 789.39992 10 597.00964 20 789.39654 0 INSERT 5 2BBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00964 20 789.39654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BBC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0106099999999 20 789.3928499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.00964 20 789.39654 10 597.0106099999999 20 789.3928499999999 0 INSERT 5 2BC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0087599999999 20 789.3998799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BC2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00964 20 789.39654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0087599999999 20 789.3998799999999 10 597.00964 20 789.39654 0 INSERT 5 2BC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0070299999999 20 789.40647 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BC8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0087499999999 20 789.39992 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0070299999999 20 789.40647 10 597.0087499999999 20 789.39992 0 INSERT 5 2BCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0038699999999 20 789.4184899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BCE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0070299999999 20 789.40647 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0038699999999 20 789.4184899999999 10 597.0070299999999 20 789.40647 0 INSERT 5 2BD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0070299999999 20 789.40647 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BD4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0106099999999 20 789.3928499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0070299999999 20 789.40647 10 597.0106099999999 20 789.3928499999999 0 INSERT 5 2BD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00548 20 789.4123599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BDA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0070299999999 20 789.40647 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.00548 20 789.4123599999999 10 597.0070299999999 20 789.40647 0 INSERT 5 2BDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.95853 20 789.59085 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BE0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0038699999999 20 789.4184899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.95853 20 789.59085 10 597.0038699999999 20 789.4184899999999 0 INSERT 5 2BE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9534799999999 20 789.61004 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BE6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.95853 20 789.59085 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9534799999999 20 789.61004 10 596.95853 20 789.59085 0 INSERT 5 2BEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.95853 20 789.59085 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BEC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9650299999999 20 789.5661299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.95853 20 789.59085 10 596.9650299999999 20 789.5661299999999 0 INSERT 5 2BF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.94038 20 789.65985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BF2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.95853 20 789.59085 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.94038 20 789.65985 10 596.95853 20 789.59085 0 INSERT 5 2BF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.94038 20 789.65985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BF8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9534799999999 20 789.61004 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.94038 20 789.65985 10 596.9534799999999 20 789.61004 0 INSERT 5 2BFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9534799999999 20 789.61004 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2BFE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9650299999999 20 789.5661299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2BFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9534799999999 20 789.61004 10 596.9650299999999 20 789.5661299999999 0 INSERT 5 2C03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9402099999999 20 789.6605099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C04 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9534799999999 20 789.61004 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9402099999999 20 789.6605099999999 10 596.9534799999999 20 789.61004 0 INSERT 5 2C09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0038699999999 20 789.4184899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C0A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00548 20 789.4123599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0038699999999 20 789.4184899999999 10 597.00548 20 789.4123599999999 0 INSERT 5 2C0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00046 20 789.43142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C10 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0038699999999 20 789.4184899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.00046 20 789.43142 10 597.0038699999999 20 789.4184899999999 0 INSERT 5 2C15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92255 20 789.7276699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C16 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.93241 20 789.6901699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92255 20 789.7276699999999 10 596.93241 20 789.6901699999999 0 INSERT 5 2C1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92122 20 789.73271 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C1C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92255 20 789.7276699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92122 20 789.73271 10 596.92255 20 789.7276699999999 0 INSERT 5 2C21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92214 20 789.72922 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C22 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92364 20 789.72349 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92214 20 789.72922 10 596.92364 20 789.72349 0 INSERT 5 2C27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92122 20 789.73271 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C28 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92214 20 789.72922 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92122 20 789.73271 10 596.92214 20 789.72922 0 INSERT 5 2C2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92214 20 789.72922 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C2E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9402099999999 20 789.6605099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92214 20 789.72922 10 596.9402099999999 20 789.6605099999999 0 INSERT 5 2C33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90896 20 789.77931 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C34 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92214 20 789.72922 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90896 20 789.77931 10 596.92214 20 789.72922 0 INSERT 5 2C39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92364 20 789.72349 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C3A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.94038 20 789.65985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92364 20 789.72349 10 596.94038 20 789.65985 0 INSERT 5 2C3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92364 20 789.72349 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C40 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.93241 20 789.6901699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92364 20 789.72349 10 596.93241 20 789.6901699999999 0 INSERT 5 2C45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8832899999999 20 789.87689 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C46 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92364 20 789.72349 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8832899999999 20 789.87689 10 596.92364 20 789.72349 0 INSERT 5 2C4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.93241 20 789.6901699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C4C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.94038 20 789.65985 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.93241 20 789.6901699999999 10 596.94038 20 789.65985 0 INSERT 5 2C51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9102699999999 20 789.77434 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C52 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92122 20 789.73271 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9102699999999 20 789.77434 10 596.92122 20 789.73271 0 INSERT 5 2C57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.91584 20 789.7531599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C58 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92122 20 789.73271 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.91584 20 789.7531599999999 10 596.92122 20 789.73271 0 INSERT 5 2C5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9062 20 789.7898299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C5E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90896 20 789.77931 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9062 20 789.7898299999999 10 596.90896 20 789.77931 0 INSERT 5 2C63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90204 20 789.80564 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C64 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9062 20 789.7898299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90204 20 789.80564 10 596.9062 20 789.7898299999999 0 INSERT 5 2C69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90025 20 789.81245 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C6A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90204 20 789.80564 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90025 20 789.81245 10 596.90204 20 789.80564 0 INSERT 5 2C6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9027099999999 20 789.80307 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C70 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90355 20 789.79988 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9027099999999 20 789.80307 10 596.90355 20 789.79988 0 INSERT 5 2C75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9016199999999 20 789.8072499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9027099999999 20 789.80307 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9016199999999 20 789.8072499999999 10 596.9027099999999 20 789.80307 0 INSERT 5 2C7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90025 20 789.81245 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C7C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9016199999999 20 789.8072499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90025 20 789.81245 10 596.9016199999999 20 789.8072499999999 0 INSERT 5 2C81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9016199999999 20 789.8072499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C82 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90262 20 789.8034299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9016199999999 20 789.8072499999999 10 596.90262 20 789.8034299999999 0 INSERT 5 2C87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.89375 20 789.8371499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C88 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9016199999999 20 789.8072499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.89375 20 789.8371499999999 10 596.9016199999999 20 789.8072499999999 0 INSERT 5 2C8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90355 20 789.79988 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C8E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90589 20 789.7909900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90355 20 789.79988 10 596.90589 20 789.7909900000001 0 INSERT 5 2C93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90355 20 789.79988 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C94 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.91584 20 789.7531599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90355 20 789.79988 10 596.91584 20 789.7531599999999 0 INSERT 5 2C99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90262 20 789.8034299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2C9A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90355 20 789.79988 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2C9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90262 20 789.8034299999999 10 596.90355 20 789.79988 0 INSERT 5 2C9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8949299999999 20 789.83267 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CA0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90025 20 789.81245 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8949299999999 20 789.83267 10 596.90025 20 789.81245 0 INSERT 5 2CA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.89375 20 789.8371499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CA6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8949299999999 20 789.83267 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.89375 20 789.8371499999999 10 596.8949299999999 20 789.83267 0 INSERT 5 2CAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8949299999999 20 789.83267 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CAC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90262 20 789.8034299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8949299999999 20 789.83267 10 596.90262 20 789.8034299999999 0 INSERT 5 2CB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87845 20 789.89532 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CB2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8949299999999 20 789.83267 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.87845 20 789.89532 10 596.8949299999999 20 789.83267 0 INSERT 5 2CB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8833099999999 20 789.8768099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CB8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.921 20 789.7335099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8833099999999 20 789.8768099999999 10 596.921 20 789.7335099999999 0 INSERT 5 2CBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8603400000001 20 789.96415 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CBE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8833099999999 20 789.8768099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8603400000001 20 789.96415 10 596.8833099999999 20 789.8768099999999 0 INSERT 5 2CC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8832899999999 20 789.87689 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CC4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.89375 20 789.8371499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8832899999999 20 789.87689 10 596.89375 20 789.8371499999999 0 INSERT 5 2CC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87772 20 789.8980599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CCA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8832899999999 20 789.87689 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.87772 20 789.8980599999999 10 596.8832899999999 20 789.87689 0 INSERT 5 2CCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87012 20 789.92696 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CD0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8832899999999 20 789.87689 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.87012 20 789.92696 10 596.8832899999999 20 789.87689 0 INSERT 5 2CD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86978 20 789.92825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CD6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87772 20 789.8980599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86978 20 789.92825 10 596.87772 20 789.8980599999999 0 INSERT 5 2CDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87772 20 789.8980599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CDC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9154099999999 20 789.7547799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.87772 20 789.8980599999999 10 596.9154099999999 20 789.7547799999999 0 INSERT 5 2CE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8731599999999 20 789.9154099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CE2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87772 20 789.8980599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8731599999999 20 789.9154099999999 10 596.87772 20 789.8980599999999 0 INSERT 5 2CE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86294 20 789.95429 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CE8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.89375 20 789.8371499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86294 20 789.95429 10 596.89375 20 789.8371499999999 0 INSERT 5 2CED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87845 20 789.89532 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CEE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90025 20 789.81245 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.87845 20 789.89532 10 596.90025 20 789.81245 0 INSERT 5 2CF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8661400000001 20 789.9420899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CF4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86978 20 789.92825 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8661400000001 20 789.9420899999999 10 596.86978 20 789.92825 0 INSERT 5 2CF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90589 20 789.7909900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2CFA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9102699999999 20 789.77434 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2CFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90589 20 789.7909900000001 10 596.9102699999999 20 789.77434 0 INSERT 5 2CFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90589 20 789.7909900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D00 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90896 20 789.77931 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90589 20 789.7909900000001 10 596.90896 20 789.77931 0 INSERT 5 2D05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90262 20 789.8034299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D06 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90589 20 789.7909900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90262 20 789.8034299999999 10 596.90589 20 789.7909900000001 0 INSERT 5 2D0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8662199999999 20 789.94178 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D0C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8672599999999 20 789.93784 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8662199999999 20 789.94178 10 596.8672599999999 20 789.93784 0 INSERT 5 2D11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8655599999999 20 789.94429 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D12 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8662199999999 20 789.94178 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8655599999999 20 789.94429 10 596.8662199999999 20 789.94178 0 INSERT 5 2D17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8649699999999 20 789.94654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D18 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8661400000001 20 789.9420899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8649699999999 20 789.94654 10 596.8661400000001 20 789.9420899999999 0 INSERT 5 2D1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8646599999999 20 789.94772 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D1E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8655599999999 20 789.94429 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8646599999999 20 789.94772 10 596.8655599999999 20 789.94429 0 INSERT 5 2D23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8623499999999 20 789.95652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D24 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8646599999999 20 789.94772 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8623499999999 20 789.95652 10 596.8646599999999 20 789.94772 0 INSERT 5 2D29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86243 20 789.9561999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D2A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8649699999999 20 789.94654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86243 20 789.9561999999999 10 596.8649699999999 20 789.94654 0 INSERT 5 2D2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8649699999999 20 789.94654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D30 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8661799999999 20 789.94194 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8649699999999 20 789.94654 10 596.8661799999999 20 789.94194 0 INSERT 5 2D35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86202 20 789.95777 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D36 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8649699999999 20 789.94654 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86202 20 789.95777 10 596.8649699999999 20 789.94654 0 INSERT 5 2D3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86095 20 789.96183 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D3C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8623499999999 20 789.95652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86095 20 789.96183 10 596.8623499999999 20 789.95652 0 INSERT 5 2D41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85979 20 789.96623 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D42 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86095 20 789.96183 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85979 20 789.96623 10 596.86095 20 789.96183 0 INSERT 5 2D47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8582599999999 20 789.9720599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D48 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85979 20 789.96623 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8582599999999 20 789.9720599999999 10 596.85979 20 789.96623 0 INSERT 5 2D4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8589299999999 20 789.9695299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D4E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8603400000001 20 789.96415 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8589299999999 20 789.9695299999999 10 596.8603400000001 20 789.96415 0 INSERT 5 2D53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8561 20 789.9802799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D54 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8589299999999 20 789.9695299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8561 20 789.9802799999999 10 596.8589299999999 20 789.9695299999999 0 INSERT 5 2D59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8595599999999 20 789.96712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D5A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86089 20 789.9620399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8595599999999 20 789.96712 10 596.86089 20 789.9620399999999 0 INSERT 5 2D5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8582599999999 20 789.9720599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D60 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8595599999999 20 789.96712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8582599999999 20 789.9720599999999 10 596.8595599999999 20 789.96712 0 INSERT 5 2D65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8595599999999 20 789.96712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D66 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8656499999999 20 789.94398 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8595599999999 20 789.96712 10 596.8656499999999 20 789.94398 0 INSERT 5 2D6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8566099999999 20 789.9783099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D6C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8595599999999 20 789.96712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8566099999999 20 789.9783099999999 10 596.8595599999999 20 789.96712 0 INSERT 5 2D71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85563 20 789.9820499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D72 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8566099999999 20 789.9783099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85563 20 789.9820499999999 10 596.8566099999999 20 789.9783099999999 0 INSERT 5 2D77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85613 20 789.98014 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D78 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8582599999999 20 789.9720599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85613 20 789.98014 10 596.8582599999999 20 789.9720599999999 0 INSERT 5 2D7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85245 20 789.99414 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D7E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85613 20 789.98014 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85245 20 789.99414 10 596.85613 20 789.98014 0 INSERT 5 2D83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85454 20 789.9862099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D84 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85563 20 789.9820499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85454 20 789.9862099999999 10 596.85563 20 789.9820499999999 0 INSERT 5 2D89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8563299999999 20 789.97939 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D8A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8582599999999 20 789.9720599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8563299999999 20 789.97939 10 596.8582599999999 20 789.9720599999999 0 INSERT 5 2D8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8554199999999 20 789.98287 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D90 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8563299999999 20 789.97939 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8554199999999 20 789.98287 10 596.8563299999999 20 789.97939 0 INSERT 5 2D95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8563299999999 20 789.97939 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D96 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86007 20 789.96519 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8563299999999 20 789.97939 10 596.86007 20 789.96519 0 INSERT 5 2D9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85474 20 789.98545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2D9C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8563299999999 20 789.97939 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2D9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85474 20 789.98545 10 596.8563299999999 20 789.97939 0 INSERT 5 2DA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8604299999999 20 789.96379 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DA2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92575 20 789.71545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8604299999999 20 789.96379 10 596.92575 20 789.71545 0 INSERT 5 2DA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86089 20 789.9620399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DA8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86243 20 789.9561999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86089 20 789.9620399999999 10 596.86243 20 789.9561999999999 0 INSERT 5 2DAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8551599999999 20 789.9838599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DAE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86007 20 789.96519 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8551599999999 20 789.9838599999999 10 596.86007 20 789.96519 0 INSERT 5 2DB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8496299999999 20 790.0048799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8551599999999 20 789.9838599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8496299999999 20 790.0048799999999 10 596.8551599999999 20 789.9838599999999 0 INSERT 5 2DB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.84942 20 790.00567 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DBA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85454 20 789.9862099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.84942 20 790.00567 10 596.85454 20 789.9862099999999 0 INSERT 5 2DBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85474 20 789.98545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8554199999999 20 789.98287 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85474 20 789.98545 10 596.8554199999999 20 789.98287 0 INSERT 5 2DC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85245 20 789.99414 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85474 20 789.98545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85245 20 789.99414 10 596.85474 20 789.98545 0 INSERT 5 2DCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85167 20 789.99712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DCC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85474 20 789.98545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85167 20 789.99712 10 596.85474 20 789.98545 0 INSERT 5 2DD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.84949 20 790.00542 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DD2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85245 20 789.99414 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.84949 20 790.00542 10 596.85245 20 789.99414 0 INSERT 5 2DD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8443499999999 20 790.02497 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DD8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.84949 20 790.00542 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8443499999999 20 790.02497 10 596.84949 20 790.00542 0 INSERT 5 2DDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85007 20 790.00319 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DDE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85245 20 789.99414 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85007 20 790.00319 10 596.85245 20 789.99414 0 INSERT 5 2DE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8491199999999 20 790.00682 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85007 20 790.00319 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8491199999999 20 790.00682 10 596.85007 20 790.00319 0 INSERT 5 2DE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85007 20 790.00319 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85167 20 789.99712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85007 20 790.00319 10 596.85167 20 789.99712 0 INSERT 5 2DEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8004099999999 20 790.19199 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85007 20 790.00319 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8004099999999 20 790.19199 10 596.85007 20 790.00319 0 INSERT 5 2DF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8327099999998 20 790.0692 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.84942 20 790.00567 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8327099999998 20 790.0692 10 596.84942 20 790.00567 0 INSERT 5 2DFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8327099999998 20 790.0692 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2DFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8496299999999 20 790.0048799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2DFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8327099999998 20 790.0692 10 596.8496299999999 20 790.0048799999999 0 INSERT 5 2E01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8554199999999 20 789.98287 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E02 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86294 20 789.95429 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8554199999999 20 789.98287 10 596.86294 20 789.95429 0 INSERT 5 2E07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85167 20 789.99712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E08 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8554199999999 20 789.98287 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.85167 20 789.99712 10 596.8554199999999 20 789.98287 0 INSERT 5 2E0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83073 20 790.07672 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E0E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83957 20 790.04313 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.83073 20 790.07672 10 596.83957 20 790.04313 0 INSERT 5 2E13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8262499999999 20 790.09377 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E14 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83073 20 790.07672 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8262499999999 20 790.09377 10 596.83073 20 790.07672 0 INSERT 5 2E19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8310199999999 20 790.07564 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E1A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8443499999999 20 790.02497 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8310199999999 20 790.07564 10 596.8443499999999 20 790.02497 0 INSERT 5 2E1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83004 20 790.0793499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E20 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8310199999999 20 790.07564 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.83004 20 790.0793499999999 10 596.8310199999999 20 790.07564 0 INSERT 5 2E25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8310199999999 20 790.07564 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E26 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8327099999998 20 790.0692 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8310199999999 20 790.07564 10 596.8327099999998 20 790.0692 0 INSERT 5 2E2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8274499999999 20 790.0891999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E2C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8310199999999 20 790.07564 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8274499999999 20 790.0891999999999 10 596.8310199999999 20 790.07564 0 INSERT 5 2E31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82954 20 790.0812499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E32 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83957 20 790.04313 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.82954 20 790.0812499999999 10 596.83957 20 790.04313 0 INSERT 5 2E37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82627 20 790.0936799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E38 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82954 20 790.0812499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.82627 20 790.0936799999999 10 596.82954 20 790.0812499999999 0 INSERT 5 2E3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8274499999999 20 790.0891999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E3E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83004 20 790.0793499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8274499999999 20 790.0891999999999 10 596.83004 20 790.0793499999999 0 INSERT 5 2E43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83004 20 790.0793499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E44 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8327099999998 20 790.0692 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.83004 20 790.0793499999999 10 596.8327099999998 20 790.0692 0 INSERT 5 2E49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82659 20 790.09248 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E4A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83004 20 790.0793499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.82659 20 790.09248 10 596.83004 20 790.0793499999999 0 INSERT 5 2E4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8443499999999 20 790.02497 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E50 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8491199999999 20 790.00682 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8443499999999 20 790.02497 10 596.8491199999999 20 790.00682 0 INSERT 5 2E55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83957 20 790.04313 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E56 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8443499999999 20 790.02497 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.83957 20 790.04313 10 596.8443499999999 20 790.02497 0 INSERT 5 2E5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8491199999999 20 790.00682 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E5C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.85167 20 789.99712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8491199999999 20 790.00682 10 596.85167 20 789.99712 0 INSERT 5 2E61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.83957 20 790.04313 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E62 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8491199999999 20 790.00682 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.83957 20 790.04313 10 596.8491199999999 20 790.00682 0 INSERT 5 2E67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8246099999999 20 790.10001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E68 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8262499999999 20 790.09377 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8246099999999 20 790.10001 10 596.8262499999999 20 790.09377 0 INSERT 5 2E6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82525 20 790.09758 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E6E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82659 20 790.09248 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.82525 20 790.09758 10 596.82659 20 790.09248 0 INSERT 5 2E73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8208499999999 20 790.11432 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E74 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82525 20 790.09758 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8208499999999 20 790.11432 10 596.82525 20 790.09758 0 INSERT 5 2E79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8208499999999 20 790.11432 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E7A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82172 20 790.111 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8208499999999 20 790.11432 10 596.82172 20 790.111 0 INSERT 5 2E7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8196299999999 20 790.11894 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E80 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8208499999999 20 790.11432 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8196299999999 20 790.11894 10 596.8208499999999 20 790.11432 0 INSERT 5 2E85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81961 20 790.11902 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E86 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8208499999999 20 790.11432 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.81961 20 790.11902 10 596.8208499999999 20 790.11432 0 INSERT 5 2E8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82172 20 790.111 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E8C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8238 20 790.10308 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.82172 20 790.111 10 596.8238 20 790.10308 0 INSERT 5 2E91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82172 20 790.111 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E92 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8246099999999 20 790.10001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.82172 20 790.111 10 596.8246099999999 20 790.10001 0 INSERT 5 2E97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81887 20 790.12182 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E98 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82172 20 790.111 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.81887 20 790.12182 10 596.82172 20 790.111 0 INSERT 5 2E9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81887 20 790.12182 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2E9E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8196299999999 20 790.11894 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2E9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.81887 20 790.12182 10 596.8196299999999 20 790.11894 0 INSERT 5 2EA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8181499999999 20 790.1245499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EA4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81887 20 790.12182 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8181499999999 20 790.1245499999999 10 596.81887 20 790.12182 0 INSERT 5 2EA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81487 20 790.13702 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EAA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81887 20 790.12182 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.81487 20 790.13702 10 596.81887 20 790.12182 0 INSERT 5 2EAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81487 20 790.13702 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EB0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8181499999999 20 790.1245499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.81487 20 790.13702 10 596.8181499999999 20 790.1245499999999 0 INSERT 5 2EB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8181499999999 20 790.1245499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EB6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8238 20 790.10308 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8181499999999 20 790.1245499999999 10 596.8238 20 790.10308 0 INSERT 5 2EBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7973299999999 20 790.2037199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EBC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8181499999999 20 790.1245499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7973299999999 20 790.2037199999999 10 596.8181499999999 20 790.1245499999999 0 INSERT 5 2EC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.80092 20 790.1900699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EC2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81961 20 790.11902 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.80092 20 790.1900699999999 10 596.81961 20 790.11902 0 INSERT 5 2EC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8196299999999 20 790.11894 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EC8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82627 20 790.0936799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8196299999999 20 790.11894 10 596.82627 20 790.0936799999999 0 INSERT 5 2ECD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7978099999998 20 790.2019 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2ECE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8196299999999 20 790.11894 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2ECF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7978099999998 20 790.2019 10 596.8196299999999 20 790.11894 0 INSERT 5 2ED3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8238 20 790.10308 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2ED4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8255 20 790.09663 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2ED5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8238 20 790.10308 10 596.8255 20 790.09663 0 INSERT 5 2ED9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8238 20 790.10308 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EDA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8246099999999 20 790.10001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8238 20 790.10308 10 596.8246099999999 20 790.10001 0 INSERT 5 2EDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8255 20 790.09663 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EE0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82659 20 790.09248 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8255 20 790.09663 10 596.82659 20 790.09248 0 INSERT 5 2EE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8255 20 790.09663 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EE6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8274499999999 20 790.0891999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8255 20 790.09663 10 596.8274499999999 20 790.0891999999999 0 INSERT 5 2EEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8246099999999 20 790.10001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EEC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8255 20 790.09663 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8246099999999 20 790.10001 10 596.8255 20 790.09663 0 INSERT 5 2EF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.82659 20 790.09248 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EF2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8274499999999 20 790.0891999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.82659 20 790.09248 10 596.8274499999999 20 790.0891999999999 0 INSERT 5 2EF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.80092 20 790.1900699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EF8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81487 20 790.13702 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.80092 20 790.1900699999999 10 596.81487 20 790.13702 0 INSERT 5 2EFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7995499999999 20 790.1952599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2EFE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.81487 20 790.13702 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2EFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7995499999999 20 790.1952599999999 10 596.81487 20 790.13702 0 INSERT 5 2F03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7982799999999 20 790.2001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F04 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8004099999999 20 790.19199 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7982799999999 20 790.2001 10 596.8004099999999 20 790.19199 0 INSERT 5 2F09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.79755 20 790.20289 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F0A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.80092 20 790.1900699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.79755 20 790.20289 10 596.80092 20 790.1900699999999 0 INSERT 5 2F0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7855400000001 20 790.24854 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F10 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.79755 20 790.20289 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7855400000001 20 790.24854 10 596.79755 20 790.20289 0 INSERT 5 2F15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F16 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7978099999998 20 790.2019 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7978099999998 20 790.2019 0 INSERT 5 2F1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7982799999999 20 790.2001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F1C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7995499999999 20 790.1952599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7982799999999 20 790.2001 10 596.7995499999999 20 790.1952599999999 0 INSERT 5 2F21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7973299999999 20 790.2037199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F22 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7982799999999 20 790.2001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7973299999999 20 790.2037199999999 10 596.7982799999999 20 790.2001 0 INSERT 5 2F27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F28 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7982799999999 20 790.2001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7982799999999 20 790.2001 0 INSERT 5 2F2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7995499999999 20 790.1952599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F2E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.80092 20 790.1900699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7995499999999 20 790.1952599999999 10 596.80092 20 790.1900699999999 0 INSERT 5 2F33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7855400000001 20 790.24854 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F34 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7995499999999 20 790.1952599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7855400000001 20 790.24854 10 596.7995499999999 20 790.1952599999999 0 INSERT 5 2F39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.78399 20 790.25444 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F3A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7973299999999 20 790.2037199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.78399 20 790.25444 10 596.7973299999999 20 790.2037199999999 0 INSERT 5 2F3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F40 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7973299999999 20 790.2037199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7973299999999 20 790.2037199999999 0 INSERT 5 2F45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F46 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.78399 20 790.25444 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.78399 20 790.25444 0 INSERT 5 2F4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.78399 20 790.25444 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F4C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7855400000001 20 790.24854 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.78399 20 790.25444 10 596.7855400000001 20 790.24854 0 INSERT 5 2F51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9102699999999 20 789.77434 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F52 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9154099999999 20 789.7547799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9102699999999 20 789.77434 10 596.9154099999999 20 789.7547799999999 0 INSERT 5 2F57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.90896 20 789.77931 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F58 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9102699999999 20 789.77434 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.90896 20 789.77931 10 596.9102699999999 20 789.77434 0 INSERT 5 2F5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2793 20 788.37131 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F5E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.29369 20 788.3166099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2793 20 788.37131 10 597.29369 20 788.3166099999999 0 INSERT 5 2F63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24918 20 788.4858299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F64 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2793 20 788.37131 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24918 20 788.4858299999999 10 597.2793 20 788.37131 0 INSERT 5 2F69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2793 20 788.37131 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F6A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.30055 20 788.2905099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2793 20 788.37131 10 597.30055 20 788.2905099999999 0 INSERT 5 2F6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26278 20 788.4341400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F70 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2793 20 788.37131 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.26278 20 788.4341400000001 10 597.2793 20 788.37131 0 INSERT 5 2F75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.29369 20 788.3166099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.29369 20 788.3166099999999 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 2F7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.29369 20 788.3166099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F7C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.345 20 788.12153 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.29369 20 788.3166099999999 10 597.345 20 788.12153 0 INSERT 5 2F81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25473 20 788.46474 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F82 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.29369 20 788.3166099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.25473 20 788.46474 10 597.29369 20 788.3166099999999 0 INSERT 5 2F87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2136599999999 20 788.62085 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F88 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.30055 20 788.2905099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2136599999999 20 788.62085 10 597.30055 20 788.2905099999999 0 INSERT 5 2F8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21122 20 788.63013 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F8E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2136599999999 20 788.62085 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21122 20 788.63013 10 597.2136599999999 20 788.62085 0 INSERT 5 2F93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2104999999999 20 788.63287 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F94 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21222 20 788.62634 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2104999999999 20 788.63287 10 597.21222 20 788.62634 0 INSERT 5 2F99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20229 20 788.66408 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2F9A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2104999999999 20 788.63287 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2F9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.20229 20 788.66408 10 597.2104999999999 20 788.63287 0 INSERT 5 2F9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20992 20 788.63509 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FA0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21122 20 788.63013 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.20992 20 788.63509 10 597.21122 20 788.63013 0 INSERT 5 2FA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2070999999999 20 788.6458299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FA6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20992 20 788.63509 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2070999999999 20 788.6458299999999 10 597.20992 20 788.63509 0 INSERT 5 2FAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20992 20 788.63509 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FAC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21222 20 788.62634 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.20992 20 788.63509 10 597.21222 20 788.62634 0 INSERT 5 2FB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21122 20 788.63013 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FB2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21228 20 788.62609 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21122 20 788.63013 10 597.21228 20 788.62609 0 INSERT 5 2FB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20229 20 788.66408 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FB8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21122 20 788.63013 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.20229 20 788.66408 10 597.21122 20 788.63013 0 INSERT 5 2FBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21228 20 788.62609 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FBE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2141299999999 20 788.61907 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21228 20 788.62609 10 597.2141299999999 20 788.61907 0 INSERT 5 2FC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2141299999999 20 788.61907 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FC4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21585 20 788.61254 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2141299999999 20 788.61907 10 597.21585 20 788.61254 0 INSERT 5 2FC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21222 20 788.62634 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FCA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2141299999999 20 788.61907 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21222 20 788.62634 10 597.2141299999999 20 788.61907 0 INSERT 5 2FCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21585 20 788.61254 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FD0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21916 20 788.5999599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21585 20 788.61254 10 597.21916 20 788.5999599999999 0 INSERT 5 2FD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21222 20 788.62634 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FD6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2190799999999 20 788.6002799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21222 20 788.62634 10 597.2190799999999 20 788.6002799999999 0 INSERT 5 2FDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.18833 20 788.7171900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FDC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2070999999999 20 788.6458299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.18833 20 788.7171900000001 10 597.2070999999999 20 788.6458299999999 0 INSERT 5 2FE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2070999999999 20 788.6458299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FE2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21635 20 788.6106499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2070999999999 20 788.6458299999999 10 597.21635 20 788.6106499999999 0 INSERT 5 2FE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.11306 20 789.0033499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FE8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2070999999999 20 788.6458299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.11306 20 789.0033499999999 10 597.2070999999999 20 788.6458299999999 0 INSERT 5 2FED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21916 20 788.5999599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FEE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2271400000001 20 788.56963 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21916 20 788.5999599999999 10 597.2271400000001 20 788.56963 0 INSERT 5 2FF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21916 20 788.5999599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FF4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.22617 20 788.5733299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21916 20 788.5999599999999 10 597.22617 20 788.5733299999999 0 INSERT 5 2FF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21635 20 788.6106499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 2FFA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.21916 20 788.5999599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 2FFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.21635 20 788.6106499999999 10 597.21916 20 788.5999599999999 0 INSERT 5 2FFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.12327 20 788.96454 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3000 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.18833 20 788.7171900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3001 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.12327 20 788.96454 10 597.18833 20 788.7171900000001 0 INSERT 5 3005 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.18833 20 788.7171900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3006 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.22617 20 788.5733299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3007 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.18833 20 788.7171900000001 10 597.22617 20 788.5733299999999 0 INSERT 5 300B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0285200000001 20 789.3247299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 300C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.03026 20 789.3181099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 300D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0285200000001 20 789.3247299999999 10 597.03026 20 789.3181099999999 0 INSERT 5 3011 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0175799999999 20 789.36633 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3012 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0285200000001 20 789.3247299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3013 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0175799999999 20 789.36633 10 597.0285200000001 20 789.3247299999999 0 INSERT 5 3017 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02859 20 789.3244599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3018 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0301599999999 20 789.31848 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3019 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02859 20 789.3244599999999 10 597.0301599999999 20 789.31848 0 INSERT 5 301D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02666 20 789.33182 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 301E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02859 20 789.3244599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 301F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02666 20 789.33182 10 597.02859 20 789.3244599999999 0 INSERT 5 3023 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02859 20 789.3244599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3024 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0308099999999 20 789.3160199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3025 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02859 20 789.3244599999999 10 597.0308099999999 20 789.3160199999999 0 INSERT 5 3029 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0301599999999 20 789.31848 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 302A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0311799999999 20 789.31462 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 302B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0301599999999 20 789.31848 10 597.0311799999999 20 789.31462 0 INSERT 5 302F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0301599999999 20 789.31848 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3030 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0308099999999 20 789.3160199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3031 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0301599999999 20 789.31848 10 597.0308099999999 20 789.3160199999999 0 INSERT 5 3035 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0291099999999 20 789.3225099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3036 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0301599999999 20 789.31848 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3037 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0291099999999 20 789.3225099999999 10 597.0301599999999 20 789.31848 0 INSERT 5 303B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0291099999999 20 789.3225099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 303C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0311799999999 20 789.31462 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 303D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0291099999999 20 789.3225099999999 10 597.0311799999999 20 789.31462 0 INSERT 5 3041 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02358 20 789.34353 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3042 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02612 20 789.3338899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3043 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02358 20 789.34353 10 597.02612 20 789.3338899999999 0 INSERT 5 3047 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02088 20 789.3538099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3048 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02358 20 789.34353 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3049 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02088 20 789.3538099999999 10 597.02358 20 789.34353 0 INSERT 5 304D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0180799999999 20 789.36444 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 304E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0238199999999 20 789.3426299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 304F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0180799999999 20 789.36444 10 597.0238199999999 20 789.3426299999999 0 INSERT 5 3053 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02088 20 789.3538099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3054 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02242 20 789.34797 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3055 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02088 20 789.3538099999999 10 597.02242 20 789.34797 0 INSERT 5 3059 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01766 20 789.3660399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 305A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02088 20 789.3538099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 305B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01766 20 789.3660399999999 10 597.02088 20 789.3538099999999 0 INSERT 5 305F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02242 20 789.34797 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3060 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0238199999999 20 789.3426299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3061 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02242 20 789.34797 10 597.0238199999999 20 789.3426299999999 0 INSERT 5 3065 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0238199999999 20 789.3426299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3066 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02666 20 789.33182 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3067 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0238199999999 20 789.3426299999999 10 597.02666 20 789.33182 0 INSERT 5 306B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.02666 20 789.33182 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 306C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0291099999999 20 789.3225099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 306D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.02666 20 789.33182 10 597.0291099999999 20 789.3225099999999 0 INSERT 5 3071 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0171099999999 20 789.36814 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3072 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01792 20 789.3650700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3073 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0171099999999 20 789.36814 10 597.01792 20 789.3650700000001 0 INSERT 5 3077 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01399 20 789.37999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3078 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0171099999999 20 789.36814 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3079 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01399 20 789.37999 10 597.0171099999999 20 789.36814 0 INSERT 5 307D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0166299999999 20 789.3699599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 307E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0175799999999 20 789.36633 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 307F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0166299999999 20 789.3699599999999 10 597.0175799999999 20 789.36633 0 INSERT 5 3083 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0167899999999 20 789.36937 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3084 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01766 20 789.3660399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3085 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0167899999999 20 789.36937 10 597.01766 20 789.3660399999999 0 INSERT 5 3089 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01531 20 789.37499 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 308A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0167899999999 20 789.36937 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 308B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01531 20 789.37499 10 597.0167899999999 20 789.36937 0 INSERT 5 308F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0453899999999 20 789.2606299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3090 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.12327 20 788.96454 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3091 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0453899999999 20 789.2606299999999 10 597.12327 20 788.96454 0 INSERT 5 3095 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0453899999999 20 789.2606299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3096 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.11306 20 789.0033499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3097 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0453899999999 20 789.2606299999999 10 597.11306 20 789.0033499999999 0 INSERT 5 309B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0145099999999 20 789.378 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 309C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0166299999999 20 789.3699599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 309D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0145099999999 20 789.378 10 597.0166299999999 20 789.3699599999999 0 INSERT 5 30A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01455 20 789.3778599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0166299999999 20 789.3699599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01455 20 789.3778599999999 10 597.0166299999999 20 789.3699599999999 0 INSERT 5 30A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01399 20 789.37999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01531 20 789.37499 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01399 20 789.37999 10 597.01531 20 789.37499 0 INSERT 5 30AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01531 20 789.37499 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0162499999999 20 789.3714 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.01531 20 789.37499 10 597.0162499999999 20 789.3714 0 INSERT 5 30B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0106099999999 20 789.3928499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0117799999999 20 789.3884 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0106099999999 20 789.3928499999999 10 597.0117799999999 20 789.3884 0 INSERT 5 30B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9650299999999 20 789.5661299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00548 20 789.4123599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9650299999999 20 789.5661299999999 10 597.00548 20 789.4123599999999 0 INSERT 5 30BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00548 20 789.4123599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0087599999999 20 789.3998799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.00548 20 789.4123599999999 10 597.0087599999999 20 789.3998799999999 0 INSERT 5 30C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.93241 20 789.6901699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0178099999999 20 789.3654999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.93241 20 789.6901699999999 10 597.0178099999999 20 789.3654999999999 0 INSERT 5 30CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8731599999999 20 789.9154099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87845 20 789.89532 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8731599999999 20 789.9154099999999 10 596.87845 20 789.89532 0 INSERT 5 30D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87012 20 789.92696 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8731599999999 20 789.9154099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.87012 20 789.92696 10 596.8731599999999 20 789.9154099999999 0 INSERT 5 30D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8696599999999 20 789.9287199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8731599999999 20 789.9154099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8696599999999 20 789.9287199999999 10 596.8731599999999 20 789.9154099999999 0 INSERT 5 30DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86772 20 789.93609 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87845 20 789.89532 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86772 20 789.93609 10 596.87845 20 789.89532 0 INSERT 5 30E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8661799999999 20 789.94194 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8696599999999 20 789.9287199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8661799999999 20 789.94194 10 596.8696599999999 20 789.9287199999999 0 INSERT 5 30E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86772 20 789.93609 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87012 20 789.92696 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86772 20 789.93609 10 596.87012 20 789.92696 0 INSERT 5 30EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8672599999999 20 789.93784 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.87012 20 789.92696 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8672599999999 20 789.93784 10 596.87012 20 789.92696 0 INSERT 5 30F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8656499999999 20 789.94398 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86772 20 789.93609 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8656499999999 20 789.94398 10 596.86772 20 789.93609 0 INSERT 5 30FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8661799999999 20 789.94194 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 30FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86772 20 789.93609 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 30FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.8661799999999 20 789.94194 10 596.86772 20 789.93609 0 INSERT 5 3101 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86294 20 789.95429 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3102 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.8661799999999 20 789.94194 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3103 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86294 20 789.95429 10 596.8661799999999 20 789.94194 0 INSERT 5 3107 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86202 20 789.95777 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3108 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86294 20 789.95429 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3109 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86202 20 789.95777 10 596.86294 20 789.95429 0 INSERT 5 310D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86095 20 789.96183 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 310E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86202 20 789.95777 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 310F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86095 20 789.96183 10 596.86202 20 789.95777 0 INSERT 5 3113 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86007 20 789.96519 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3114 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86202 20 789.95777 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3115 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86007 20 789.96519 10 596.86202 20 789.95777 0 INSERT 5 3119 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86007 20 789.96519 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 311A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.86095 20 789.96183 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 311B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.86007 20 789.96519 10 596.86095 20 789.96183 0 INSERT 5 311F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3120 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7855400000001 20 790.24854 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3121 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7855400000001 20 790.24854 0 INSERT 5 3125 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0087599999999 20 789.3998799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3126 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01399 20 789.37999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3127 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0087599999999 20 789.3998799999999 10 597.01399 20 789.37999 0 INSERT 5 312B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.11306 20 789.0033499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 312C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.12327 20 788.96454 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 312D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.11306 20 789.0033499999999 10 597.12327 20 788.96454 0 INSERT 5 3131 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2532999999999 20 788.47019 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3132 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26067 20 788.44218 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3133 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2532999999999 20 788.47019 10 597.26067 20 788.44218 0 INSERT 5 3137 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26067 20 788.44218 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3138 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3139 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.26067 20 788.44218 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 313D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2460099999999 20 788.4978999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 313E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26067 20 788.44218 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 313F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2460099999999 20 788.4978999999999 10 597.26067 20 788.44218 0 INSERT 5 3143 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24414 20 788.50503 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3144 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.245 20 788.50176 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3145 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24414 20 788.50503 10 597.245 20 788.50176 0 INSERT 5 3149 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24322 20 788.50851 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 314A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24414 20 788.50503 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 314B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24322 20 788.50851 10 597.24414 20 788.50503 0 INSERT 5 314F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24414 20 788.50503 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3150 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24479 20 788.50255 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3151 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24414 20 788.50503 10 597.24479 20 788.50255 0 INSERT 5 3155 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.245 20 788.50176 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3156 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2456499999999 20 788.49928 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3157 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.245 20 788.50176 10 597.2456499999999 20 788.49928 0 INSERT 5 315B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2456499999999 20 788.49928 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 315C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2532999999999 20 788.47019 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 315D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2456499999999 20 788.49928 10 597.2532999999999 20 788.47019 0 INSERT 5 3161 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24322 20 788.50851 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3162 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24479 20 788.50255 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3163 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24322 20 788.50851 10 597.24479 20 788.50255 0 INSERT 5 3167 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2403099999999 20 788.5195599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3168 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24322 20 788.50851 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3169 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2403099999999 20 788.5195599999999 10 597.24322 20 788.50851 0 INSERT 5 316D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20158 20 788.6667899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 316E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20229 20 788.66408 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 316F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.20158 20 788.6667899999999 10 597.20229 20 788.66408 0 INSERT 5 3173 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.15214 20 788.8547599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3174 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20229 20 788.66408 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3175 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.15214 20 788.8547599999999 10 597.20229 20 788.66408 0 INSERT 5 3179 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2532999999999 20 788.47019 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 317A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25473 20 788.46474 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 317B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2532999999999 20 788.47019 10 597.25473 20 788.46474 0 INSERT 5 317F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2460099999999 20 788.4978999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3180 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2532999999999 20 788.47019 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3181 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.2460099999999 20 788.4978999999999 10 597.2532999999999 20 788.47019 0 INSERT 5 3185 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.26278 20 788.4341400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3186 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3187 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.26278 20 788.4341400000001 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 318B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1537099999999 20 788.84879 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 318C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.20158 20 788.6667899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 318D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.1537099999999 20 788.84879 10 597.20158 20 788.6667899999999 0 INSERT 5 3191 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.15214 20 788.8547599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3192 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1537099999999 20 788.84879 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3193 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.15214 20 788.8547599999999 10 597.1537099999999 20 788.84879 0 INSERT 5 3197 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1537099999999 20 788.84879 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3198 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.17174 20 788.78025 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3199 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.1537099999999 20 788.84879 10 597.17174 20 788.78025 0 INSERT 5 319D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.11139 20 789.00967 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 319E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.1537099999999 20 788.84879 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 319F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.11139 20 789.00967 10 597.1537099999999 20 788.84879 0 INSERT 5 31A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.11139 20 789.00967 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.15214 20 788.8547599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.11139 20 789.00967 10 597.15214 20 788.8547599999999 0 INSERT 5 31A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.08794 20 789.09883 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.15214 20 788.8547599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.08794 20 789.09883 10 597.15214 20 788.8547599999999 0 INSERT 5 31AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.06633 20 789.181 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.08794 20 789.09883 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.06633 20 789.181 10 597.08794 20 789.09883 0 INSERT 5 31B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.04521 20 789.2612999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.06633 20 789.181 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.04521 20 789.2612999999999 10 597.06633 20 789.181 0 INSERT 5 31BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0422099999999 20 789.27269 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.06633 20 789.181 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0422099999999 20 789.27269 10 597.06633 20 789.181 0 INSERT 5 31C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.08794 20 789.09883 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.11139 20 789.00967 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.08794 20 789.09883 10 597.11139 20 789.00967 0 INSERT 5 31C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.05199 20 789.2355099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.08794 20 789.09883 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.05199 20 789.2355099999999 10 597.08794 20 789.09883 0 INSERT 5 31CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.03026 20 789.3181099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.03311 20 789.3072799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.03026 20 789.3181099999999 10 597.03311 20 789.3072799999999 0 INSERT 5 31D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0308099999999 20 789.3160199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.03311 20 789.3072799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0308099999999 20 789.3160199999999 10 597.03311 20 789.3072799999999 0 INSERT 5 31D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0308099999999 20 789.3160199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0422099999999 20 789.27269 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0308099999999 20 789.3160199999999 10 597.0422099999999 20 789.27269 0 INSERT 5 31DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.03311 20 789.3072799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0422099999999 20 789.27269 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.03311 20 789.3072799999999 10 597.0422099999999 20 789.27269 0 INSERT 5 31E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.03311 20 789.3072799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.05199 20 789.2355099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.03311 20 789.3072799999999 10 597.05199 20 789.2355099999999 0 INSERT 5 31EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0166299999999 20 789.3699599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.01792 20 789.3650700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0166299999999 20 789.3699599999999 10 597.01792 20 789.3650700000001 0 INSERT 5 31F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9154099999999 20 789.7547799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0084099999999 20 789.40119 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9154099999999 20 789.7547799999999 10 597.0084099999999 20 789.40119 0 INSERT 5 31F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00733 20 789.4053 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0087599999999 20 789.3998799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.00733 20 789.4053 10 597.0087599999999 20 789.3998799999999 0 INSERT 5 31FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00046 20 789.43142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 31FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00733 20 789.4053 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 31FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.00046 20 789.43142 10 597.00733 20 789.4053 0 INSERT 5 3203 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92575 20 789.71545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3204 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00733 20 789.4053 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3205 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92575 20 789.71545 10 597.00733 20 789.4053 0 INSERT 5 3209 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.921 20 789.7335099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 320A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92575 20 789.71545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 320B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.921 20 789.7335099999999 10 596.92575 20 789.71545 0 INSERT 5 320F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.9154099999999 20 789.7547799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3210 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.921 20 789.7335099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3211 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.9154099999999 20 789.7547799999999 10 596.921 20 789.7335099999999 0 INSERT 5 3215 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.921 20 789.7335099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3216 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00046 20 789.43142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3217 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.921 20 789.7335099999999 10 597.00046 20 789.43142 0 INSERT 5 321B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.92575 20 789.71545 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 321C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.00046 20 789.43142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 321D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.92575 20 789.71545 10 597.00046 20 789.43142 0 INSERT 5 3221 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.05199 20 789.2355099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3222 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.11139 20 789.00967 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3223 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.05199 20 789.2355099999999 10 597.11139 20 789.00967 0 INSERT 5 3227 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.25473 20 788.46474 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3228 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3229 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.25473 20 788.46474 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 322D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4247 20 787.8185499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 322E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42597 20 787.81372 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 322F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4247 20 787.8185499999999 10 597.42597 20 787.81372 0 INSERT 5 3233 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24479 20 788.50255 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3234 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2458699999999 20 788.49843 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3235 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24479 20 788.50255 10 597.2458699999999 20 788.49843 0 INSERT 5 3239 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.24479 20 788.50255 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 323A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.2460099999999 20 788.4978999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 323B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.24479 20 788.50255 10 597.2460099999999 20 788.4978999999999 0 INSERT 5 323F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.42419 20 787.82049 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3240 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3241 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.42419 20 787.82049 10 597.4261099999999 20 787.81318 0 INSERT 5 3245 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.30055 20 788.2905099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3246 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.345 20 788.12153 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3247 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.30055 20 788.2905099999999 10 597.345 20 788.12153 0 INSERT 5 324B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4290299999999 20 787.8020700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 324C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4474199999999 20 787.73215 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 324D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.4290299999999 20 787.8020700000001 10 597.4474199999999 20 787.73215 0 INSERT 5 3251 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3252 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7293099999999 20 790.4623 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3253 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.7293099999999 20 790.4623 0 INSERT 5 3257 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3258 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3259 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 325D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 325E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 325F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3263 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3264 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3265 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7 20 792.0 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 3269 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 326A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 326B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 596.3 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 326F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3270 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3271 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 597.4 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 3275 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3276 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3277 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.2 20 725.0 10 607.2 20 725.0 0 INSERT 5 327B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.4 20 728.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 327C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.6 20 728.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 327D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.4 20 728.0 10 605.6 20 728.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3281 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.6 20 728.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3282 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.6 20 731.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3283 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.6 20 728.7999999999999 10 605.6 20 731.0 0 INSERT 5 3287 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.6 20 733.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3288 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.7999999999999 20 734.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3289 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 608.6 20 733.2 10 607.7999999999999 20 734.0 0 INSERT 5 328D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.8 20 734.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 328E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.2 20 734.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 328F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.8 20 734.0 10 604.2 20 734.6 0 INSERT 5 3293 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.2 20 734.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3294 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.2 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3295 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.2 20 734.6 10 604.2 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 3299 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2 20 740.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 329A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2 20 742.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 329B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2 20 740.0 10 606.2 20 742.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 329F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2 20 742.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.6 20 743.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2 20 742.3999999999999 10 605.6 20 743.0 0 INSERT 5 32A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.8 20 746.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.1 20 746.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.8 20 746.0 10 608.1 20 746.0 0 INSERT 5 32AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.7999999999999 20 749.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.7999999999999 20 751.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.7999999999999 20 749.0 10 603.7999999999999 20 751.4 0 INSERT 5 32B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.7999999999999 20 751.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.2 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.7999999999999 20 751.4 10 603.2 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 32B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34284 20 753.9131499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34414 20 753.9082099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34284 20 753.9131499999999 10 606.34414 20 753.9082099999999 0 INSERT 5 32BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34414 20 753.9082099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.35041 20 753.8843799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34414 20 753.9082099999999 10 606.35041 20 753.8843799999999 0 INSERT 5 32C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3425999999999 20 753.9140599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34414 20 753.9082099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3425999999999 20 753.9140599999999 10 606.34414 20 753.9082099999999 0 INSERT 5 32C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34244 20 753.9146699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3435099999999 20 753.9106099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34244 20 753.9146699999999 10 606.3435099999999 20 753.9106099999998 0 INSERT 5 32CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34097 20 753.92027 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34244 20 753.9146699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34097 20 753.92027 10 606.34244 20 753.9146699999999 0 INSERT 5 32D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3408299999999 20 753.92082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3415499999999 20 753.9180700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3408299999999 20 753.92082 10 606.3415499999999 20 753.9180700000001 0 INSERT 5 32DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.33719 20 753.93466 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3408299999999 20 753.92082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.33719 20 753.93466 10 606.3408299999999 20 753.92082 0 INSERT 5 32E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3412499999999 20 753.9192299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3421599999998 20 753.9157499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3412499999999 20 753.9192299999999 10 606.3421599999998 20 753.9157499999999 0 INSERT 5 32E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34054 20 753.9219199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3412499999999 20 753.9192299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34054 20 753.9219199999999 10 606.3412499999999 20 753.9192299999999 0 INSERT 5 32ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3412499999999 20 753.9192299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.03314 20 747.4869099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3412499999999 20 753.9192299999999 10 608.03314 20 747.4869099999999 0 INSERT 5 32F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34011 20 753.92355 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3412499999999 20 753.9192299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34011 20 753.92355 10 606.3412499999999 20 753.9192299999999 0 INSERT 5 32F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.33857 20 753.9294099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 32FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34054 20 753.9219199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 32FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.33857 20 753.9294099999999 10 606.34054 20 753.9219199999999 0 INSERT 5 32FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.32773 20 753.97062 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3300 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.33857 20 753.9294099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3301 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.32773 20 753.97062 10 606.33857 20 753.9294099999999 0 INSERT 5 3305 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.33857 20 753.9294099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3306 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34011 20 753.92355 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3307 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.33857 20 753.9294099999999 10 606.34011 20 753.92355 0 INSERT 5 330B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.33719 20 753.93466 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 330C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.33857 20 753.9294099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 330D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.33719 20 753.93466 10 606.33857 20 753.9294099999999 0 INSERT 5 3311 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3421599999998 20 753.9157499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3312 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34284 20 753.9131499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3313 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3421599999998 20 753.9157499999999 10 606.34284 20 753.9131499999999 0 INSERT 5 3317 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.32773 20 753.97062 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3318 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34011 20 753.92355 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3319 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.32773 20 753.97062 10 606.34011 20 753.92355 0 INSERT 5 331D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.2320599999999 20 750.5324799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 331E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.03314 20 747.4869099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 331F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 607.2320599999999 20 750.5324799999999 10 608.03314 20 747.4869099999999 0 INSERT 5 3323 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.64925 20 752.74823 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3324 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.2320599999999 20 750.5324799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3325 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.64925 20 752.74823 10 607.2320599999999 20 750.5324799999999 0 INSERT 5 3329 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.35041 20 753.8843799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 332A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.2320599999999 20 750.5324799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 332B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.35041 20 753.8843799999999 10 607.2320599999999 20 750.5324799999999 0 INSERT 5 332F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34011 20 753.92355 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3330 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34097 20 753.92027 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3331 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34011 20 753.92355 10 606.34097 20 753.92027 0 INSERT 5 3335 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34097 20 753.92027 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3336 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3425999999999 20 753.9140599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3337 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34097 20 753.92027 10 606.3425999999999 20 753.9140599999999 0 INSERT 5 333B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3425999999999 20 753.9140599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 333C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3435099999999 20 753.9106099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 333D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3425999999999 20 753.9140599999999 10 606.3435099999999 20 753.9106099999998 0 INSERT 5 3341 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3435099999999 20 753.9106099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3342 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.35041 20 753.8843799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3343 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3435099999999 20 753.9106099999998 10 606.35041 20 753.8843799999999 0 INSERT 5 3347 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3435099999999 20 753.9106099999998 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3348 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.64925 20 752.74823 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3349 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3435099999999 20 753.9106099999998 10 606.64925 20 752.74823 0 INSERT 5 334D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.35041 20 753.8843799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 334E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.64925 20 752.74823 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 334F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.35041 20 753.8843799999999 10 606.64925 20 752.74823 0 INSERT 5 3353 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.0883 20 754.88089 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3354 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11198 20 754.79087 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3355 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.0883 20 754.88089 10 606.11198 20 754.79087 0 INSERT 5 3359 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.04362 20 755.05075 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 335A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.0883 20 754.88089 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 335B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.04362 20 755.05075 10 606.0883 20 754.88089 0 INSERT 5 335F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.32488 20 757.78327 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3360 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.0883 20 754.88089 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3361 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.32488 20 757.78327 10 606.0883 20 754.88089 0 INSERT 5 3365 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.4428 20 761.1368399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3366 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11198 20 754.79087 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3367 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.4428 20 761.1368399999999 10 606.11198 20 754.79087 0 INSERT 5 336B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.8777 20 755.68156 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 336C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.0429799999999 20 755.0531799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 336D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.8777 20 755.68156 10 606.0429799999999 20 755.0531799999999 0 INSERT 5 3371 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.03474 20 755.0844900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3372 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.04362 20 755.05075 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3373 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.03474 20 755.0844900000001 10 606.04362 20 755.05075 0 INSERT 5 3377 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.2727499999999 20 757.98145 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3378 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.03474 20 755.0844900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3379 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.2727499999999 20 757.98145 10 606.03474 20 755.0844900000001 0 INSERT 5 337D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.8777 20 755.68156 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 337E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.03474 20 755.0844900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 337F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.8777 20 755.68156 10 606.03474 20 755.0844900000001 0 INSERT 5 3383 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.6380599999999 20 756.59263 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3384 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.04362 20 755.05075 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3385 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.6380599999999 20 756.59263 10 606.04362 20 755.05075 0 INSERT 5 3389 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.23407 20 758.12849 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 338A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.2727499999999 20 757.98145 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 338B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.23407 20 758.12849 10 605.2727499999999 20 757.98145 0 INSERT 5 338F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.0041499999999 20 759.00264 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3390 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.23407 20 758.12849 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3391 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.0041499999999 20 759.00264 10 605.23407 20 758.12849 0 INSERT 5 3395 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.5409499999999 20 760.76364 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3396 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.23407 20 758.12849 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3397 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.5409499999999 20 760.76364 10 605.23407 20 758.12849 0 INSERT 5 339B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.97601 20 759.1096299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 339C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.0041499999999 20 759.00264 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 339D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.97601 20 759.1096299999999 10 605.0041499999999 20 759.00264 0 INSERT 5 33A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.0041499999999 20 759.00264 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.0480499999999 20 758.8357499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.0041499999999 20 759.00264 10 605.0480499999999 20 758.8357499999999 0 INSERT 5 33A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9627799999999 20 759.15992 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.0041499999999 20 759.00264 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.9627799999999 20 759.15992 10 605.0041499999999 20 759.00264 0 INSERT 5 33AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9627799999999 20 759.15992 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.97601 20 759.1096299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.9627799999999 20 759.15992 10 604.97601 20 759.1096299999999 0 INSERT 5 33B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.97601 20 759.1096299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.0480499999999 20 758.8357499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.97601 20 759.1096299999999 10 605.0480499999999 20 758.8357499999999 0 INSERT 5 33B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9282599999998 20 759.29115 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.97601 20 759.1096299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.9282599999998 20 759.29115 10 604.97601 20 759.1096299999999 0 INSERT 5 33BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.2727499999999 20 757.98145 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.32488 20 757.78327 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.2727499999999 20 757.98145 10 605.32488 20 757.78327 0 INSERT 5 33C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.0480499999999 20 758.8357499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.2727499999999 20 757.98145 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.0480499999999 20 758.8357499999999 10 605.2727499999999 20 757.98145 0 INSERT 5 33CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.93979 20 759.24733 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.94853 20 759.21411 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.93979 20 759.24733 10 604.94853 20 759.21411 0 INSERT 5 33D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9282599999998 20 759.29115 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.93979 20 759.24733 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.9282599999998 20 759.29115 10 604.93979 20 759.24733 0 INSERT 5 33D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.93979 20 759.24733 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9627799999999 20 759.15992 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.93979 20 759.24733 10 604.9627799999999 20 759.15992 0 INSERT 5 33DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.84692 20 759.60042 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.93979 20 759.24733 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.84692 20 759.60042 10 604.93979 20 759.24733 0 INSERT 5 33E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.94853 20 759.21411 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9627799999999 20 759.15992 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.94853 20 759.21411 10 604.9627799999999 20 759.15992 0 INSERT 5 33E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.94853 20 759.21411 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.32488 20 757.78327 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.94853 20 759.21411 10 605.32488 20 757.78327 0 INSERT 5 33EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9041099999999 20 759.38297 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.94853 20 759.21411 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.9041099999999 20 759.38297 10 604.94853 20 759.21411 0 INSERT 5 33F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.84692 20 759.60042 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9041099999999 20 759.38297 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.84692 20 759.60042 10 604.9041099999999 20 759.38297 0 INSERT 5 33FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.52695 20 760.81689 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 33FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.84692 20 759.60042 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 33FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.52695 20 760.81689 10 604.84692 20 759.60042 0 INSERT 5 3401 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.5233099999999 20 760.8307099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3402 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.84692 20 759.60042 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3403 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.5233099999999 20 760.8307099999999 10 604.84692 20 759.60042 0 INSERT 5 3407 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9041099999999 20 759.38297 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3408 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9282599999998 20 759.29115 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3409 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.9041099999999 20 759.38297 10 604.9282599999998 20 759.29115 0 INSERT 5 340D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.82642 20 759.6783299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 340E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9041099999999 20 759.38297 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 340F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.82642 20 759.6783299999999 10 604.9041099999999 20 759.38297 0 INSERT 5 3413 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.82642 20 759.6783299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3414 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.9282599999998 20 759.29115 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3415 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.82642 20 759.6783299999999 10 604.9282599999998 20 759.29115 0 INSERT 5 3419 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51817 20 760.8502399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 341A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.5233099999999 20 760.8307099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 341B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.51817 20 760.8502399999999 10 604.5233099999999 20 760.8307099999999 0 INSERT 5 341F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51936 20 760.84574 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3420 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.52695 20 760.81689 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3421 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.51936 20 760.84574 10 604.52695 20 760.81689 0 INSERT 5 3425 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51778 20 760.8517299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3426 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51936 20 760.84574 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3427 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.51778 20 760.8517299999999 10 604.51936 20 760.84574 0 INSERT 5 342B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51936 20 760.84574 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 342C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.5233099999999 20 760.8307099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 342D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.51936 20 760.84574 10 604.5233099999999 20 760.8307099999999 0 INSERT 5 3431 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.50419 20 760.9034 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3432 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51936 20 760.84574 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3433 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.50419 20 760.9034 10 604.51936 20 760.84574 0 INSERT 5 3437 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.50419 20 760.9034 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3438 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51778 20 760.8517299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3439 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.50419 20 760.9034 10 604.51778 20 760.8517299999999 0 INSERT 5 343D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51778 20 760.8517299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 343E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.82642 20 759.6783299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 343F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.51778 20 760.8517299999999 10 604.82642 20 759.6783299999999 0 INSERT 5 3443 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.49494 20 760.93858 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3444 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51778 20 760.8517299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3445 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.49494 20 760.93858 10 604.51778 20 760.8517299999999 0 INSERT 5 3449 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.52695 20 760.81689 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 344A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.5409499999999 20 760.76364 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 344B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.52695 20 760.81689 10 604.5409499999999 20 760.76364 0 INSERT 5 344F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.5233099999999 20 760.8307099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3450 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.52695 20 760.81689 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3451 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.5233099999999 20 760.8307099999999 10 604.52695 20 760.81689 0 INSERT 5 3455 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.49494 20 760.93858 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3456 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.50419 20 760.9034 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3457 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.49494 20 760.93858 10 604.50419 20 760.9034 0 INSERT 5 345B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.6380599999999 20 756.59263 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 345C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.8777 20 755.68156 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 345D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.6380599999999 20 756.59263 10 605.8777 20 755.68156 0 INSERT 5 3461 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.32488 20 757.78327 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3462 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.6380599999999 20 756.59263 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3463 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.32488 20 757.78327 10 605.6380599999999 20 756.59263 0 INSERT 5 3467 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.0480499999999 20 758.8357499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3468 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.6380599999999 20 756.59263 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3469 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.0480499999999 20 758.8357499999999 10 605.6380599999999 20 756.59263 0 INSERT 5 346D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.5409499999999 20 760.76364 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 346E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.82642 20 759.6783299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 346F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.5409499999999 20 760.76364 10 604.82642 20 759.6783299999999 0 INSERT 5 3473 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.7 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3474 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.7 20 763.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3475 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.7 20 766.2 10 606.7 20 763.4 0 INSERT 5 3479 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.7 20 763.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 347A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.2999999999999 20 762.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 347B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.7 20 763.4 10 607.2999999999999 20 762.8 0 INSERT 5 347F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.4094299999999 20 768.86735 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3480 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.58298 20 768.2075499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3481 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.4094299999999 20 768.86735 10 602.58298 20 768.2075499999999 0 INSERT 5 3485 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.4094299999999 20 768.86735 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3486 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.81842 20 767.31244 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3487 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.4094299999999 20 768.86735 10 602.81842 20 767.31244 0 INSERT 5 348B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.58298 20 768.2075499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 348C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.81842 20 767.31244 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 348D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.58298 20 768.2075499999999 10 602.81842 20 767.31244 0 INSERT 5 3491 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.8715 20 767.1106999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3492 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.4515999999999 20 764.90524 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3493 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.8715 20 767.1106999999999 10 603.4515999999999 20 764.90524 0 INSERT 5 3497 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.2001700000001 20 765.86114 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3498 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.4515999999999 20 764.90524 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3499 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.2001700000001 20 765.86114 10 603.4515999999999 20 764.90524 0 INSERT 5 349D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.38057 20 768.97714 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 349E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.8715 20 767.1106999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 349F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.38057 20 768.97714 10 602.8715 20 767.1106999999999 0 INSERT 5 34A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.38057 20 768.97714 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.2001700000001 20 765.86114 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.38057 20 768.97714 10 603.2001700000001 20 765.86114 0 INSERT 5 34A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.8715 20 767.1106999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.2001700000001 20 765.86114 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.8715 20 767.1106999999999 10 603.2001700000001 20 765.86114 0 INSERT 5 34AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.8999999999999 20 775.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.8999999999999 20 774.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.8999999999999 20 775.8 10 607.8999999999999 20 774.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 34B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.8999999999999 20 774.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.8999999999999 20 772.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 607.8999999999999 20 774.7999999999999 10 607.8999999999999 20 772.5999999999999 0 INSERT 5 34BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.1 20 779.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.5 20 779.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.1 20 779.0 10 602.5 20 779.6 0 INSERT 5 34C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.5 20 779.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.5 20 782.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.5 20 779.6 10 602.5 20 782.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 34C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.4999999999999 20 782.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.4999999999999 20 784.4000099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.4999999999999 20 782.3999999999999 10 605.4999999999999 20 784.4000099999999 0 INSERT 5 34CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.7 20 788.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.7000000000001 20 789.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.7 20 788.7999999999999 10 602.7000000000001 20 789.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 34D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.7000000000001 20 789.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.7000000000001 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.7000000000001 20 789.7999999999999 10 602.7000000000001 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 34D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.3686299999999 20 790.8686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.36864 20 790.86864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.3686299999999 20 790.8686299999999 10 605.36864 20 790.86864 0 INSERT 5 34DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.36864 20 790.86864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.6514599999999 20 790.86864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.36864 20 790.86864 10 607.6514599999999 20 790.86864 0 INSERT 5 34E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.6514599999999 20 790.86864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.71005 20 789.81005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 607.6514599999999 20 790.86864 10 608.71005 20 789.81005 0 INSERT 5 34EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 721.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 615.0 20 721.0 0 INSERT 5 34F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 34F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 34F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 34F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 721.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 615.0 20 721.0 0 INSERT 5 34FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 34FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 34FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 3503 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3504 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 721.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3505 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 615.0 20 721.0 0 INSERT 5 3509 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 350A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 721.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 350B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 615.0 20 721.0 0 INSERT 5 350F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 3510 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3511 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 3515 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 3516 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3517 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 351B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 351C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 721.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 351D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 615.0 20 721.0 0 INSERT 5 3521 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 3522 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3523 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 3527 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3528 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 721.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3529 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 615.0 20 721.0 0 INSERT 5 352D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 352E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 352F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 3533 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3534 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 721.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3535 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 615.0 20 721.0 0 INSERT 5 3539 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 353A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 353B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 353F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3540 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.2 20 727.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3541 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.2 20 725.0 10 610.2 20 727.2 0 INSERT 5 3545 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 616.0 20 729.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3546 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.8 20 729.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3547 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 616.0 20 729.6 10 612.8 20 729.6 0 INSERT 5 354B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 354C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.47404 20 726.8014799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 354D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 10 613.47404 20 726.8014799999999 0 INSERT 5 3551 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.3000099999999 20 736.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3552 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.30002 20 736.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3553 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.3000099999999 20 736.2 10 614.30002 20 736.2 0 INSERT 5 3557 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.30002 20 736.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3558 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.30002 20 734.1999799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3559 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.30002 20 736.2 10 614.30002 20 734.1999799999999 0 INSERT 5 355D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.30002 20 734.1999799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 355E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.5 20 733.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 355F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.30002 20 734.1999799999999 10 615.5 20 733.0 0 INSERT 5 3563 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3564 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.7999999999999 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3565 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.79151 20 737.0 10 610.7999999999999 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 3569 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.7 20 742.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 356A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.7 20 740.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 356B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 612.7 20 742.6 10 612.7 20 740.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 356F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 616.0 20 759.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3570 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 616.0 20 757.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3571 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 616.0 20 759.0 10 616.0 20 757.0 0 INSERT 5 3575 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 616.0 20 757.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3576 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.7999999999999 20 755.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3577 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 616.0 20 757.0 10 614.7999999999999 20 755.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 357B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.7999999999999 20 755.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 357C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.3999999999999 20 755.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 357D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.7999999999999 20 755.7999999999999 10 612.3999999999999 20 755.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3581 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.3999999999999 20 760.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3582 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.3999999999999 20 758.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3583 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 612.3999999999999 20 760.7 10 612.3999999999999 20 758.6 0 INSERT 5 3587 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.2 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3588 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.2 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3589 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.2 20 776.2 10 610.2 20 776.2 0 INSERT 5 358D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.5 20 778.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 358E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.5 20 780.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 358F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 615.5 20 778.2999999999999 10 615.5 20 780.1 0 INSERT 5 3593 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.83137 20 791.93137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3594 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.8313799999999 20 791.93138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3595 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.83137 20 791.93137 10 610.8313799999999 20 791.93138 0 INSERT 5 3599 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.8313799999999 20 791.93138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 359A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.34852 20 791.93138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 359B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.8313799999999 20 791.93138 10 612.34852 20 791.93138 0 INSERT 5 359F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.34852 20 791.93138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.8899499999999 20 790.38995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 612.34852 20 791.93138 10 613.8899499999999 20 790.38995 0 INSERT 5 35A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.76863 20 788.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.76864 20 788.2686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 611.76863 20 788.26863 10 611.76864 20 788.2686399999999 0 INSERT 5 35AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.76864 20 788.2686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.02723 20 787.01005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 611.76864 20 788.2686399999999 10 613.02723 20 787.01005 0 INSERT 5 35B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.02723 20 787.01005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9100499999999 20 787.01005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 613.02723 20 787.01005 10 614.9100499999999 20 787.01005 0 INSERT 5 35B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 618.5 20 730.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 619.1 20 729.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 618.5 20 730.2 10 619.1 20 729.6 0 INSERT 5 35BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.9100499999999 20 733.98995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.9100599999999 20 733.9899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 620.9100499999999 20 733.98995 10 620.9100599999999 20 733.9899599999999 0 INSERT 5 35C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.1686299999999 20 736.1313700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.16864 20 736.13138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 623.1686299999999 20 736.1313700000001 10 623.16864 20 736.13138 0 INSERT 5 35C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 621.9 20 752.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 618.7999999999999 20 752.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 621.9 20 752.7999999999999 10 618.7999999999999 20 752.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 35CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 752.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 621.9 20 752.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.0 20 752.8999999999999 10 621.9 20 752.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 35D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 752.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.0 20 747.5999999999999 10 622.0 20 752.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 35DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.2999999999999 20 753.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 752.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.2999999999999 20 753.2 10 622.0 20 752.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 35E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.5 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 623.5 20 761.0 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 35E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 765.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 765.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.0 20 765.6 10 622.0 20 765.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 35ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 769.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 765.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.0 20 769.0 10 622.0 20 765.6 0 INSERT 5 35F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 624.3999999999999 20 774.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 624.3999999999999 20 774.3999999999999 10 622.0 20 772.0 0 INSERT 5 35F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.6 20 780.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 35FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.6 20 781.7000000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 35FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 620.6 20 780.0 10 620.6 20 781.7000000000001 0 INSERT 5 35FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 619.8999999999999 20 782.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3600 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 619.8999999999999 20 783.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3601 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 619.8999999999999 20 782.3999999999999 10 619.8999999999999 20 783.2 0 INSERT 5 3605 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 619.8999999999999 20 783.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3606 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.76863 20 784.0686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3607 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 619.8999999999999 20 783.2 10 620.76863 20 784.0686299999999 0 INSERT 5 360B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.6 20 781.7000000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 360C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 619.8999999999999 20 782.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 360D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 620.6 20 781.7000000000001 10 619.8999999999999 20 782.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3611 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.9100499999999 20 782.81005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3612 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.9100599999999 20 782.8100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3613 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 623.9100499999999 20 782.81005 10 623.9100599999999 20 782.8100599999999 0 INSERT 5 3617 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 618.57281 20 787.58995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3618 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 619.88995 20 787.58995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3619 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 618.57281 20 787.58995 10 619.88995 20 787.58995 0 INSERT 5 361D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.8899499999999 20 786.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 361E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.88996 20 786.1899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 361F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.8899499999999 20 786.1899499999999 10 622.88996 20 786.1899599999999 0 INSERT 5 3623 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 627.7313699999999 20 735.9686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3624 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 627.7313799999999 20 735.9686400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3625 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 627.7313699999999 20 735.9686299999999 10 627.7313799999999 20 735.9686400000001 0 INSERT 5 3629 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 627.7313799999999 20 735.9686400000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 362A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.87279 20 738.11005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 362B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 627.7313799999999 20 735.9686400000001 10 629.87279 20 738.11005 0 INSERT 5 362F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.87279 20 738.11005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3630 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.1899499999999 20 738.11005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3631 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 629.87279 20 738.11005 10 630.1899499999999 20 738.11005 0 INSERT 5 3635 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 628.06863 20 740.2313699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3636 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 628.06864 20 740.2313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3637 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 628.06863 20 740.2313699999999 10 628.06864 20 740.2313799999999 0 INSERT 5 363B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 628.06864 20 740.2313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 363C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.9272099999999 20 742.08995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 363D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 628.06864 20 740.2313799999999 10 629.9272099999999 20 742.08995 0 INSERT 5 3641 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.9272099999999 20 742.08995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3642 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.61005 20 742.08995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3643 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 629.9272099999999 20 742.08995 10 630.61005 20 742.08995 0 INSERT 5 3647 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 626.6 20 750.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3648 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.4 20 750.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3649 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 626.6 20 750.3999999999999 10 630.4 20 750.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 364D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 626.7999999999999 20 758.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 364E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.6 20 758.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 364F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 626.7999999999999 20 758.2 10 630.6 20 758.2 0 INSERT 5 3653 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.6 20 764.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3654 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.4999999999999 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3655 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 630.6 20 764.5 10 630.4999999999999 20 764.6 0 INSERT 5 3659 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.7 20 767.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 365A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.4999999999999 20 767.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 365B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 630.7 20 767.3999999999999 10 630.4999999999999 20 767.6 0 INSERT 5 365F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.8 20 774.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3660 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.8 20 770.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3661 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 629.8 20 774.0 10 629.8 20 770.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3665 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 625.45149 20 781.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3666 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 626.76863 20 781.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3667 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 625.45149 20 781.26863 10 626.76863 20 781.26863 0 INSERT 5 366B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 628.88995 20 783.38995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 366C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 628.8899599999999 20 783.3899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 366D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 628.88995 20 783.38995 10 628.8899599999999 20 783.3899599999999 0 INSERT 5 3671 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 628.8899599999999 20 783.3899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3672 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.77278 20 783.3899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3673 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 628.8899599999999 20 783.3899599999999 10 630.77278 20 783.3899599999999 0 INSERT 5 3677 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.77278 20 783.3899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3678 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 632.03137 20 782.1313700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3679 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 630.77278 20 783.3899599999999 10 632.03137 20 782.1313700000001 0 INSERT 5 367D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.9100499999999 20 780.01005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 367E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.9100599999999 20 780.0100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 367F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 629.9100499999999 20 780.01005 10 629.9100599999999 20 780.0100599999999 0 INSERT 5 3683 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 629.9100599999999 20 780.0100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3684 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 631.45149 20 778.4686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3685 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 629.9100599999999 20 780.0100599999999 10 631.45149 20 778.4686299999999 0 INSERT 5 3689 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.13137 20 742.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 368A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.13138 20 742.2686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 368B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 635.13137 20 742.26863 10 635.13138 20 742.2686399999999 0 INSERT 5 368F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.13138 20 742.2686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3690 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.07279 20 744.21005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3691 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 635.13138 20 742.2686399999999 10 637.07279 20 744.21005 0 INSERT 5 3695 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.07279 20 744.21005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3696 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.58995 20 744.21005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3697 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 637.07279 20 744.21005 10 637.58995 20 744.21005 0 INSERT 5 369B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.46863 20 746.33137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 369C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.46864 20 746.3313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 369D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 635.46863 20 746.33137 10 635.46864 20 746.3313799999999 0 INSERT 5 36A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.4272099999999 20 748.28995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 638.01005 20 748.28995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 637.4272099999999 20 748.28995 10 638.01005 20 748.28995 0 INSERT 5 36A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.1 20 767.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 636.8999999999999 20 767.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 637.1 20 767.3999999999999 10 636.8999999999999 20 767.6 0 INSERT 5 36AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 636.8999999999999 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 633.8999999999999 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 636.8999999999999 20 764.6 10 633.8999999999999 20 764.6 0 INSERT 5 36B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 633.8999999999999 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 633.7 20 764.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 633.8999999999999 20 764.6 10 633.7 20 764.4 0 INSERT 5 36B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 634.9 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 634.9 20 775.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 634.9 20 776.2 10 634.9 20 775.0 0 INSERT 5 36BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 634.9 20 775.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 633.8999999999999 20 774.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 634.9 20 775.0 10 633.8999999999999 20 774.0 0 INSERT 5 36C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 634.8899499999999 20 780.58995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.2999999999999 20 783.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 634.8899499999999 20 780.58995 10 637.2999999999999 20 783.0 0 INSERT 5 36CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 642.2727899999999 20 748.31005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 642.58995 20 748.31005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 642.2727899999999 20 748.31005 10 642.58995 20 748.31005 0 INSERT 5 36D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 642.4272099999999 20 752.3899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 642.81005 20 752.3899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 642.4272099999999 20 752.3899499999999 10 642.81005 20 752.3899499999999 0 INSERT 5 36D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.2313699999999 20 752.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.2313799999999 20 752.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 647.2313699999999 20 752.26863 10 647.2313799999999 20 752.26864 0 INSERT 5 36DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 644.93137 20 750.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.7999999999999 20 748.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 644.93137 20 750.26863 10 646.7999999999999 20 748.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 36E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 643.1000199999999 20 756.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 642.2 20 756.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 643.1000199999999 20 756.4 10 642.2 20 756.4 0 INSERT 5 36E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 643.1 20 767.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.0 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 643.1 20 767.6 10 646.0 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 36EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 643.1 20 767.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.0 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 643.1 20 767.6 10 646.0 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 36F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 643.1 20 767.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.0 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 643.1 20 767.6 10 646.0 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 36FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.0 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 36FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.3 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 36FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 646.0 20 766.2 10 646.3 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 3701 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.3 20 763.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3702 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.3 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3703 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 646.3 20 763.2 10 646.3 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 3707 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 644.91005 20 770.5899500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3708 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 644.91005 20 773.0100499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3709 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 644.91005 20 770.5899500000001 10 644.91005 20 773.0100499999999 0 INSERT 5 370D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.03137 20 775.13137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 370E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.03138 20 775.13138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 370F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 647.03137 20 775.13137 10 647.03138 20 775.13138 0 INSERT 5 3713 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.03138 20 775.13138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3714 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 645.7728099999999 20 776.3899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3715 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 647.03138 20 775.13138 10 645.7728099999999 20 776.3899499999999 0 INSERT 5 3719 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 645.7728099999999 20 776.3899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 371A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 643.8899499999999 20 776.3899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 371B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 645.7728099999999 20 776.3899499999999 10 643.8899499999999 20 776.3899499999999 0 INSERT 5 371F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 641.76863 20 774.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3720 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 641.76864 20 774.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3721 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 641.76863 20 774.26863 10 641.76864 20 774.26864 0 INSERT 5 3725 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 641.03137 20 777.93137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3726 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 641.0313799999999 20 777.9313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3727 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 641.03137 20 777.93137 10 641.0313799999999 20 777.9313799999999 0 INSERT 5 372B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 648.15148 20 756.4313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 372C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 650.1100499999999 20 758.38995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 372D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 648.15148 20 756.4313799999999 10 650.1100499999999 20 758.38995 0 INSERT 5 3731 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 652.2313699999999 20 756.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3732 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 652.2313799999999 20 756.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3733 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 652.2313699999999 20 756.26863 10 652.2313799999999 20 756.26864 0 INSERT 5 3737 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 652.2313799999999 20 756.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3738 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 654.47279 20 758.51005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3739 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 652.2313799999999 20 756.26864 10 654.47279 20 758.51005 0 INSERT 5 373D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 654.47279 20 758.51005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 373E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 654.58995 20 758.51005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 373F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 654.47279 20 758.51005 10 654.58995 20 758.51005 0 INSERT 5 3743 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 652.4686299999999 20 760.6313700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3744 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 652.46864 20 760.63138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3745 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 652.4686299999999 20 760.6313700000001 10 652.46864 20 760.63138 0 INSERT 5 3749 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.5 20 762.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 374A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 650.9 20 763.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 374B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 651.5 20 762.6 10 650.9 20 763.2 0 INSERT 5 374F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 650.9 20 763.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3750 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 649.2999999999999 20 763.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3751 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 650.9 20 763.2 10 649.2999999999999 20 763.2 0 INSERT 5 3755 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.46863 20 761.66863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3756 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.46864 20 761.6686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3757 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 522.46863 20 761.66863 10 522.46864 20 761.6686399999999 0 INSERT 5 375B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.46864 20 761.6686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 375C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 520.32723 20 763.81005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 375D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 522.46864 20 761.6686399999999 10 520.32723 20 763.81005 0 INSERT 5 3761 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.21005 20 769.98995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3762 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.21006 20 769.98996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3763 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 522.21005 20 769.98995 10 522.21006 20 769.98996 0 INSERT 5 3767 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 522.21006 20 769.98996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3768 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 523.0201 20 770.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3769 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 522.21006 20 769.98996 10 523.0201 20 770.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 376D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.13137 20 761.93137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 376E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.13138 20 761.93138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 376F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 527.13137 20 761.93137 10 527.13138 20 761.93138 0 INSERT 5 3773 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.13138 20 761.93138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3774 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 526.26276 20 762.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3775 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 527.13138 20 761.93138 10 526.26276 20 762.8 0 INSERT 5 3779 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.3899499999999 20 769.4100499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 377A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.38996 20 769.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 377B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 527.3899499999999 20 769.4100499999999 10 527.38996 20 769.4100599999999 0 INSERT 5 377F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.38996 20 769.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3780 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.00002 20 768.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3781 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 527.38996 20 769.4100599999999 10 528.00002 20 768.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3785 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.6627399999999 20 768.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3786 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 530.53137 20 770.66863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3787 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 528.6627399999999 20 768.7999999999999 10 530.53137 20 770.66863 0 INSERT 5 378B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.2999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 378C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.2999999999999 20 761.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 378D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 537.2999999999999 20 764.0 10 537.2999999999999 20 761.2999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3791 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.6100499999999 20 776.98995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3792 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.61006 20 776.98996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3793 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 537.6100499999999 20 776.98995 10 537.61006 20 776.98996 0 INSERT 5 3797 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.61006 20 776.98996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3798 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 539.1272199999999 20 776.98996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3799 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 537.61006 20 776.98996 10 539.1272199999999 20 776.98996 0 INSERT 5 379D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 751.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 379E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 754.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 379F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.2 20 751.6 10 543.2 20 754.7 0 INSERT 5 37A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 754.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 757.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.2 20 754.7 10 543.2 20 757.6 0 INSERT 5 37A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 754.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2999999999999 20 754.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.2 20 754.7 10 543.2999999999999 20 754.8 0 INSERT 5 37AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.5 20 761.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.5 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 544.5 20 761.2 10 544.5 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 37B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.6728 20 776.4100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 545.93137 20 777.66863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 544.6728 20 776.4100599999999 10 545.93137 20 777.66863 0 INSERT 5 37BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 546.6 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.5 20 767.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 546.6 20 769.3999999999999 10 544.5 20 767.3 0 INSERT 5 37C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.7313799999999 20 740.3313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.8728099999999 20 738.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 552.7313799999999 20 740.3313799999999 10 554.8728099999999 20 738.1899499999999 0 INSERT 5 37C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.4 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.4 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 555.4 20 769.3999999999999 10 552.4 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 37CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.4 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.2 20 769.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 552.4 20 769.3999999999999 10 552.2 20 769.6 0 INSERT 5 37D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 731.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.6 20 734.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 562.6 20 731.6 10 562.6 20 734.6 0 INSERT 5 37D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.00002 20 738.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.00002 20 740.00002 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 563.00002 20 738.0 10 563.00002 20 740.00002 0 INSERT 5 37DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.2 20 745.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.2 20 746.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.2 20 745.1 10 561.2 20 746.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 37E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.2 20 754.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.3999999999999 20 754.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 557.2 20 754.8 10 557.3999999999999 20 754.6 0 INSERT 5 37EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.3999999999999 20 754.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.3999999999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 557.3999999999999 20 754.6 10 557.3999999999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 37F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 560.0728 20 783.6100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.3313699999999 20 784.8686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 560.0728 20 783.6100599999999 10 561.3313699999999 20 784.8686299999999 0 INSERT 5 37F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.7999999999999 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 558.8 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 561.7999999999999 20 769.3999999999999 10 558.8 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 37FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 558.8 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 37FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 558.6 20 769.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 37FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 558.8 20 769.3999999999999 10 558.6 20 769.6 0 INSERT 5 3803 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.40001 20 751.60001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3804 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.40001 20 754.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3805 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 570.40001 20 751.60001 10 570.40001 20 754.0 0 INSERT 5 3809 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.4000099999999 20 754.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 380A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.40002 20 754.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 380B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.4000099999999 20 754.0 10 567.40002 20 754.0 0 INSERT 5 380F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.40002 20 754.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3810 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.40002 20 756.2000199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3811 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.40002 20 754.0 10 567.40002 20 756.2000199999999 0 INSERT 5 3815 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.1 20 783.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3816 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.1 20 786.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3817 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.1 20 783.8999999999999 10 570.1 20 786.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 381B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7 20 770.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 381C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7 20 769.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 381D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7 20 770.7 10 564.7 20 769.7 0 INSERT 5 3821 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7 20 769.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3822 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 769.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3823 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7 20 769.7 10 564.7999999999999 20 769.6 0 INSERT 5 3827 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.6 20 778.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3828 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.6 20 775.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3829 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.6 20 778.2 10 567.6 20 775.7 0 INSERT 5 382D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 575.6 20 746.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 382E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 575.6 20 748.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 382F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 575.6 20 746.0 10 575.6 20 748.6 0 INSERT 5 3833 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3834 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3835 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 3839 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 383A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 383B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 383F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3840 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3841 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 3845 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3846 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3847 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 384B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 384C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 384D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 3851 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3852 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3853 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 0 INSERT 5 3857 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.0627400000001 20 793.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3858 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.3313699999999 20 790.8686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3859 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.0627400000001 20 793.6 10 574.3313699999999 20 790.8686299999999 0 INSERT 5 385D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 575.3999999999999 20 786.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 385E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 575.3999999999999 20 784.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 385F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 575.3999999999999 20 786.0 10 575.3999999999999 20 784.6 0 INSERT 5 3863 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.6 20 778.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3864 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.6 20 775.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3865 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.6 20 778.2 10 573.6 20 775.6 0 INSERT 5 3869 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.8999999999999 20 733.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 386A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 583.7 20 731.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 386B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 585.8999999999999 20 733.2 10 583.7 20 731.0 0 INSERT 5 386F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.6 20 740.2000000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3870 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.6 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3871 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 579.6 20 740.2000000000001 10 579.6 20 738.6 0 INSERT 5 3875 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.6 20 746.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3876 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.4 20 746.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3877 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.6 20 746.7 10 581.4 20 746.7 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 387B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 1 43 2.0 10 580.9 20 784.4999999999999 42 1.0 10 582.8999999999999 20 784.4999999999999 42 1.0 0 INSERT 5 387F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.0 20 785.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3880 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.4 20 785.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3881 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.0 20 785.6 10 585.4 20 785.0 0 INSERT 5 3885 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 583.2 20 778.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3886 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 583.2 20 776.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3887 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 583.2 20 778.2 10 583.2 20 776.0 0 INSERT 5 388B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.7999999999999 20 772.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 388C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.7999999999999 20 770.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 388D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.7999999999999 20 772.4 10 581.7999999999999 20 770.0 0 INSERT 5 3891 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.0 20 722.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3892 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3893 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.0 20 722.5999999999999 10 592.0 20 725.0 0 INSERT 5 3897 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 752.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3898 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 757.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3899 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 752.2 10 590.0 20 757.2 0 INSERT 5 389D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 389E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 759.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 389F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 764.0 10 590.0 20 759.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 38A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 743.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.0 20 748.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.0 20 743.7999999999999 10 590.0 20 748.7 0 INSERT 5 38A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.6 20 785.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.6 20 787.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.6 20 785.0 10 591.6 20 787.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 38AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.3999999999999 20 785.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 589.7 20 783.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.3999999999999 20 785.0 10 589.7 20 783.7 0 INSERT 5 38B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 778.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.6 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.6 20 778.1 10 588.6 20 776.2 0 INSERT 5 38BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.2999999999999 20 770.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.3999999999999 20 770.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.2999999999999 20 770.0 10 587.3999999999999 20 770.1 0 INSERT 5 38C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8 20 747.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8 20 749.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.8 20 747.0 10 600.8 20 749.0 0 INSERT 5 38C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2 20 753.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2 20 755.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.2 20 753.0 10 599.2 20 755.0 0 INSERT 5 38CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8 20 763.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.8 20 761.0 10 600.8 20 763.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 1 43 2.0 10 597.1 20 784.4999999999999 42 1.0 10 599.1 20 784.4999999999999 42 1.0 0 INSERT 5 38D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.2 20 769.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.2 20 770.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.2 20 769.0 10 598.2 20 770.0 0 INSERT 5 38DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 595.2 20 770.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.7999999999999 20 770.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 595.2 20 770.0 10 594.7999999999999 20 770.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 38E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0 20 776.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.0 20 778.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.0 20 776.0 10 597.0 20 778.0 0 INSERT 5 38E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 38EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224299999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 601.3224299999999 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 38F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 38FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.18499 20 777.32433 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 38FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.1864199999999 20 777.3189 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 38FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.18499 20 777.32433 10 600.1864199999999 20 777.3189 0 INSERT 5 3901 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.17373 20 777.36713 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3902 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.18499 20 777.32433 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3903 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.17373 20 777.36713 10 600.18499 20 777.32433 0 INSERT 5 3907 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.18499 20 777.32433 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3908 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.19708 20 777.2783699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3909 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.18499 20 777.32433 10 600.19708 20 777.2783699999999 0 INSERT 5 390D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.59316 20 779.5744099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 390E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.18499 20 777.32433 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 390F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.59316 20 779.5744099999999 10 600.18499 20 777.32433 0 INSERT 5 3913 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.1864199999999 20 777.3189 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3914 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.19708 20 777.2783699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3915 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.1864199999999 20 777.3189 10 600.19708 20 777.2783699999999 0 INSERT 5 3919 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.1864199999999 20 777.3189 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 391A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.51827 20 772.2554099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 391B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.1864199999999 20 777.3189 10 601.51827 20 772.2554099999999 0 INSERT 5 391F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.1721299999999 20 777.37322 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3920 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.1864199999999 20 777.3189 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3921 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.1721299999999 20 777.37322 10 600.1864199999999 20 777.3189 0 INSERT 5 3925 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.1721299999999 20 777.37322 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3926 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.17373 20 777.36713 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3927 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.1721299999999 20 777.37322 10 600.17373 20 777.36713 0 INSERT 5 392B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.17373 20 777.36713 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 392C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.2209299999999 20 777.1876900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 392D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.17373 20 777.36713 10 600.2209299999999 20 777.1876900000001 0 INSERT 5 3931 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6249599999999 20 779.45348 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3932 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.17373 20 777.36713 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3933 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6249599999999 20 779.45348 10 600.17373 20 777.36713 0 INSERT 5 3937 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.81463 20 778.73238 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3938 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.1721299999999 20 777.37322 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3939 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.81463 20 778.73238 10 600.1721299999999 20 777.37322 0 INSERT 5 393D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.6050199999999 20 779.52929 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 393E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.1721299999999 20 777.37322 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 393F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.6050199999999 20 779.52929 10 600.1721299999999 20 777.37322 0 INSERT 5 3943 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.19708 20 777.2783699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3944 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3945 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.19708 20 777.2783699999999 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 3949 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.19708 20 777.2783699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 394A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.2209299999999 20 777.1876900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 394B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.19708 20 777.2783699999999 10 600.2209299999999 20 777.1876900000001 0 INSERT 5 394F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.51873 20 779.8574099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3950 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.83375 20 774.85787 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3951 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.51873 20 779.8574099999999 10 600.83375 20 774.85787 0 INSERT 5 3955 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.2695599999999 20 784.60652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3956 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.4604299999999 20 783.88086 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3957 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.2695599999999 20 784.60652 10 598.4604299999999 20 783.88086 0 INSERT 5 395B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.18104 20 784.9430499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 395C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3654099999999 20 784.2420900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 395D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.18104 20 784.9430499999999 10 598.3654099999999 20 784.2420900000001 0 INSERT 5 3961 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1745400000001 20 784.9677799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3962 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.36509 20 784.24331 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3963 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1745400000001 20 784.9677799999999 10 598.36509 20 784.24331 0 INSERT 5 3967 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.22387 20 784.78021 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3968 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.3502999999999 20 784.29953 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3969 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.22387 20 784.78021 10 598.3502999999999 20 784.29953 0 INSERT 5 396D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9782700000001 20 785.71392 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 396E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.34718 20 784.3114 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 396F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.9782700000001 20 785.71392 10 598.34718 20 784.3114 0 INSERT 5 3973 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.2695599999999 20 784.60652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3974 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.34718 20 784.3114 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3975 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.2695599999999 20 784.60652 10 598.34718 20 784.3114 0 INSERT 5 3979 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.9782700000001 20 785.71392 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 397A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.7301 20 782.85558 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 397B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.9782700000001 20 785.71392 10 598.7301 20 782.85558 0 INSERT 5 397F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8676199999999 20 786.13464 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3980 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.5158299999999 20 783.67027 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3981 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8676199999999 20 786.13464 10 598.5158299999999 20 783.67027 0 INSERT 5 3985 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.87174 20 786.11896 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3986 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.10783 20 785.2213799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3987 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.87174 20 786.11896 10 598.10783 20 785.2213799999999 0 INSERT 5 398B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.8585799999999 20 786.1690099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 398C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1491599999999 20 785.0642799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 398D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.8585799999999 20 786.1690099999999 10 598.1491599999999 20 785.0642799999999 0 INSERT 5 3991 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.0360099999999 20 777.89075 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3992 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8185099999999 20 774.91583 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3993 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.0360099999999 20 777.89075 10 600.8185099999999 20 774.91583 0 INSERT 5 3997 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.0342 20 777.89764 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3998 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.52383 20 776.03615 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3999 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.0342 20 777.89764 10 600.52383 20 776.03615 0 INSERT 5 399D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.0360099999999 20 777.89075 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 399E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.52383 20 776.03615 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 399F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.0360099999999 20 777.89075 10 600.52383 20 776.03615 0 INSERT 5 39A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.23699 20 784.73035 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.38468 20 784.16885 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.23699 20 784.73035 10 598.38468 20 784.16885 0 INSERT 5 39A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1816 20 784.94092 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.19839 20 784.8770799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1816 20 784.94092 10 598.19839 20 784.8770799999999 0 INSERT 5 39AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1791900000001 20 784.9500799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1816 20 784.94092 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1791900000001 20 784.9500799999999 10 598.1816 20 784.94092 0 INSERT 5 39B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.18104 20 784.9430499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1819299999999 20 784.93966 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.18104 20 784.9430499999999 10 598.1819299999999 20 784.93966 0 INSERT 5 39BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1745400000001 20 784.9677799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.18104 20 784.9430499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1745400000001 20 784.9677799999999 10 598.18104 20 784.9430499999999 0 INSERT 5 39C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1791900000001 20 784.9500799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.18104 20 784.9430499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1791900000001 20 784.9500799999999 10 598.18104 20 784.9430499999999 0 INSERT 5 39C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1651099999999 20 785.0036299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1745400000001 20 784.9677799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1651099999999 20 785.0036299999999 10 598.1745400000001 20 784.9677799999999 0 INSERT 5 39CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.13822 20 785.10585 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1745400000001 20 784.9677799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.13822 20 785.10585 10 598.1745400000001 20 784.9677799999999 0 INSERT 5 39D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1819299999999 20 784.93966 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.19839 20 784.8770799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1819299999999 20 784.93966 10 598.19839 20 784.8770799999999 0 INSERT 5 39D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1819299999999 20 784.93966 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.23699 20 784.73035 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1819299999999 20 784.93966 10 598.23699 20 784.73035 0 INSERT 5 39DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0965599999999 20 785.26422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1819299999999 20 784.93966 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.0965599999999 20 785.26422 10 598.1819299999999 20 784.93966 0 INSERT 5 39E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.19839 20 784.8770799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.22387 20 784.78021 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.19839 20 784.8770799999999 10 598.22387 20 784.78021 0 INSERT 5 39EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.19839 20 784.8770799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.22191 20 784.78768 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.19839 20 784.8770799999999 10 598.22191 20 784.78768 0 INSERT 5 39F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.22387 20 784.78021 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.2695599999999 20 784.60652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.22387 20 784.78021 10 598.2695599999999 20 784.60652 0 INSERT 5 39F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.22191 20 784.78768 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.22387 20 784.78021 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.22191 20 784.78768 10 598.22387 20 784.78021 0 INSERT 5 39FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.13822 20 785.10585 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 39FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1491599999999 20 785.0642799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 39FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.13822 20 785.10585 10 598.1491599999999 20 785.0642799999999 0 INSERT 5 3A03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1367099999999 20 785.11159 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A04 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.13822 20 785.10585 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1367099999999 20 785.11159 10 598.13822 20 785.10585 0 INSERT 5 3A09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.11807 20 785.18246 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A0A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.13822 20 785.10585 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.11807 20 785.18246 10 598.13822 20 785.10585 0 INSERT 5 3A0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.13593 20 785.11455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A10 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1367099999999 20 785.11159 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.13593 20 785.11455 10 598.1367099999999 20 785.11159 0 INSERT 5 3A15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1367099999999 20 785.11159 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A16 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1651099999999 20 785.0036299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1367099999999 20 785.11159 10 598.1651099999999 20 785.0036299999999 0 INSERT 5 3A1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1337599999999 20 785.1227999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A1C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1367099999999 20 785.11159 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1337599999999 20 785.1227999999999 10 598.1367099999999 20 785.11159 0 INSERT 5 3A21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1337599999999 20 785.1227999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A22 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.13593 20 785.11455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1337599999999 20 785.1227999999999 10 598.13593 20 785.11455 0 INSERT 5 3A27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.13593 20 785.11455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A28 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1791900000001 20 784.9500799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.13593 20 785.11455 10 598.1791900000001 20 784.9500799999999 0 INSERT 5 3A2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.12889 20 785.14132 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A2E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.13593 20 785.11455 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.12889 20 785.14132 10 598.13593 20 785.11455 0 INSERT 5 3A33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1118299999999 20 785.20618 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A34 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.11807 20 785.18246 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1118299999999 20 785.20618 10 598.11807 20 785.18246 0 INSERT 5 3A39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.10783 20 785.2213799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A3A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1118299999999 20 785.20618 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.10783 20 785.2213799999999 10 598.1118299999999 20 785.20618 0 INSERT 5 3A3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1118299999999 20 785.20618 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A40 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.12889 20 785.14132 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1118299999999 20 785.20618 10 598.12889 20 785.14132 0 INSERT 5 3A45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0934399999999 20 785.27609 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A46 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1118299999999 20 785.20618 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.0934399999999 20 785.27609 10 598.1118299999999 20 785.20618 0 INSERT 5 3A4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0965599999999 20 785.26422 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A4C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.10783 20 785.2213799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.0965599999999 20 785.26422 10 598.10783 20 785.2213799999999 0 INSERT 5 3A51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.10783 20 785.2213799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A52 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1337599999999 20 785.1227999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.10783 20 785.2213799999999 10 598.1337599999999 20 785.1227999999999 0 INSERT 5 3A57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.11807 20 785.18246 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A58 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.12889 20 785.14132 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.11807 20 785.18246 10 598.12889 20 785.14132 0 INSERT 5 3A5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.0930299999999 20 785.27765 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A5E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.11807 20 785.18246 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.0930299999999 20 785.27765 10 598.11807 20 785.18246 0 INSERT 5 3A63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.12889 20 785.14132 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A64 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1337599999999 20 785.1227999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.12889 20 785.14132 10 598.1337599999999 20 785.1227999999999 0 INSERT 5 3A69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1491599999999 20 785.0642799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A6A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1651099999999 20 785.0036299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1491599999999 20 785.0642799999999 10 598.1651099999999 20 785.0036299999999 0 INSERT 5 3A6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1491599999999 20 785.0642799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A70 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.22191 20 784.78768 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1491599999999 20 785.0642799999999 10 598.22191 20 784.78768 0 INSERT 5 3A75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1651099999999 20 785.0036299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.1791900000001 20 784.9500799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.1651099999999 20 785.0036299999999 10 598.1791900000001 20 784.9500799999999 0 INSERT 5 3A7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.2209299999999 20 777.1876900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A7C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.2209299999999 20 777.1876900000001 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 0 INSERT 5 3A81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.22191 20 784.78768 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A82 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.23699 20 784.73035 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.22191 20 784.78768 10 598.23699 20 784.73035 0 INSERT 5 3A87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.23699 20 784.73035 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A88 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 598.2695599999999 20 784.60652 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 598.23699 20 784.73035 10 598.2695599999999 20 784.60652 0 INSERT 5 3A8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.6 20 731.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A8E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.6 20 733.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 608.6 20 731.0 10 608.6 20 733.2 0 INSERT 5 3A93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3415499999999 20 753.9180700000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A94 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.36652 20 746.21945 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3415499999999 20 753.9180700000001 10 608.36652 20 746.21945 0 INSERT 5 3A99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3250400000001 20 753.98084 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3A9A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.32773 20 753.97062 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3A9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3250400000001 20 753.98084 10 606.32773 20 753.97062 0 INSERT 5 3A9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3235499999999 20 753.9864999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AA0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.32773 20 753.97062 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3235499999999 20 753.9864999999999 10 606.32773 20 753.97062 0 INSERT 5 3AA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31808 20 754.00729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AA6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.32057 20 753.99782 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.31808 20 754.00729 10 606.32057 20 753.99782 0 INSERT 5 3AAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31246 20 754.02864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AAC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31808 20 754.00729 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.31246 20 754.02864 10 606.31808 20 754.00729 0 INSERT 5 3AB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3119 20 754.0307799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AB2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3133799999999 20 754.02515 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3119 20 754.0307799999999 10 606.3133799999999 20 754.02515 0 INSERT 5 3AB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30759 20 754.04718 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AB8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3119 20 754.0307799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.30759 20 754.04718 10 606.3119 20 754.0307799999999 0 INSERT 5 3ABD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31178 20 754.03124 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3ABE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31246 20 754.02864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3ABF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.31178 20 754.03124 10 606.31246 20 754.02864 0 INSERT 5 3AC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30971 20 754.03913 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AC4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31178 20 754.03124 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.30971 20 754.03913 10 606.31178 20 754.03124 0 INSERT 5 3AC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31178 20 754.03124 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3ACA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31847 20 754.0058 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3ACB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.31178 20 754.03124 10 606.31847 20 754.0058 0 INSERT 5 3ACF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22292 20 754.3690599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AD0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31178 20 754.03124 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.22292 20 754.3690599999999 10 606.31178 20 754.03124 0 INSERT 5 3AD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31246 20 754.02864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AD6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3133799999999 20 754.02515 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.31246 20 754.02864 10 606.3133799999999 20 754.02515 0 INSERT 5 3ADB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30188 20 754.06888 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3ADC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31246 20 754.02864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3ADD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.30188 20 754.06888 10 606.31246 20 754.02864 0 INSERT 5 3AE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3133799999999 20 754.02515 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AE2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31847 20 754.0058 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3133799999999 20 754.02515 10 606.31847 20 754.0058 0 INSERT 5 3AE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3133799999999 20 754.02515 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AE8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3235499999999 20 753.9864999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3133799999999 20 754.02515 10 606.3235499999999 20 753.9864999999999 0 INSERT 5 3AED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31847 20 754.0058 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AEE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.32057 20 753.99782 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.31847 20 754.0058 10 606.32057 20 753.99782 0 INSERT 5 3AF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.31847 20 754.0058 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AF4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34097 20 753.92027 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.31847 20 754.0058 10 606.34097 20 753.92027 0 INSERT 5 3AF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.32057 20 753.99782 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3AFA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3235499999999 20 753.9864999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3AFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.32057 20 753.99782 10 606.3235499999999 20 753.9864999999999 0 INSERT 5 3AFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3235499999999 20 753.9864999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B00 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3250400000001 20 753.98084 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3235499999999 20 753.9864999999999 10 606.3250400000001 20 753.98084 0 INSERT 5 3B05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3036799999999 20 754.06205 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B06 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30508 20 754.05673 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3036799999999 20 754.06205 10 606.30508 20 754.05673 0 INSERT 5 3B0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30188 20 754.06888 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B0C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3036799999999 20 754.06205 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.30188 20 754.06888 10 606.3036799999999 20 754.06205 0 INSERT 5 3B11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3036799999999 20 754.06205 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B12 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30759 20 754.04718 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3036799999999 20 754.06205 10 606.30759 20 754.04718 0 INSERT 5 3B17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.25932 20 754.2307 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B18 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3036799999999 20 754.06205 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.25932 20 754.2307 10 606.3036799999999 20 754.06205 0 INSERT 5 3B1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30508 20 754.05673 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B1E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30971 20 754.03913 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.30508 20 754.05673 10 606.30971 20 754.03913 0 INSERT 5 3B23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30508 20 754.05673 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B24 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30759 20 754.04718 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.30508 20 754.05673 10 606.30759 20 754.04718 0 INSERT 5 3B29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2813 20 754.14712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B2A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30508 20 754.05673 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2813 20 754.14712 10 606.30508 20 754.05673 0 INSERT 5 3B2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2813 20 754.14712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B30 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30188 20 754.06888 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2813 20 754.14712 10 606.30188 20 754.06888 0 INSERT 5 3B35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2589 20 754.2323 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B36 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30188 20 754.06888 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2589 20 754.2323 10 606.30188 20 754.06888 0 INSERT 5 3B3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2407199999999 20 754.30142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B3C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.25932 20 754.2307 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2407199999999 20 754.30142 10 606.25932 20 754.2307 0 INSERT 5 3B41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2622 20 754.21975 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B42 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2813 20 754.14712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2622 20 754.21975 10 606.2813 20 754.14712 0 INSERT 5 3B47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2589 20 754.2323 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B48 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2622 20 754.21975 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2589 20 754.2323 10 606.2622 20 754.21975 0 INSERT 5 3B4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2622 20 754.21975 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B4E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.33719 20 753.93466 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2622 20 754.21975 10 606.33719 20 753.93466 0 INSERT 5 3B53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.23965 20 754.30548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B54 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2622 20 754.21975 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.23965 20 754.30548 10 606.2622 20 754.21975 0 INSERT 5 3B59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.25283 20 754.25539 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B5A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2589 20 754.2323 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.25283 20 754.25539 10 606.2589 20 754.2323 0 INSERT 5 3B5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2504299999999 20 754.26452 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B60 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.25283 20 754.25539 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2504299999999 20 754.26452 10 606.25283 20 754.25539 0 INSERT 5 3B65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.24652 20 754.2793799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B66 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.25283 20 754.25539 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.24652 20 754.2793799999999 10 606.25283 20 754.25539 0 INSERT 5 3B6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.24652 20 754.2793799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B6C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2504299999999 20 754.26452 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.24652 20 754.2793799999999 10 606.2504299999999 20 754.26452 0 INSERT 5 3B71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2407199999999 20 754.30142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B72 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.24652 20 754.2793799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2407199999999 20 754.30142 10 606.24652 20 754.2793799999999 0 INSERT 5 3B77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.4428 20 761.1368399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B78 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.24652 20 754.2793799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.4428 20 761.1368399999999 10 606.24652 20 754.2793799999999 0 INSERT 5 3B7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.23965 20 754.30548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B7E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2407199999999 20 754.30142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.23965 20 754.30548 10 606.2407199999999 20 754.30142 0 INSERT 5 3B83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2252999999999 20 754.36004 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B84 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2407199999999 20 754.30142 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2252999999999 20 754.36004 10 606.2407199999999 20 754.30142 0 INSERT 5 3B89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2252999999999 20 754.36004 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B8A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.23965 20 754.30548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2252999999999 20 754.36004 10 606.23965 20 754.30548 0 INSERT 5 3B8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.23281 20 754.3314999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B90 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.23965 20 754.30548 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.23281 20 754.3314999999999 10 606.23965 20 754.30548 0 INSERT 5 3B95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2504299999999 20 754.26452 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B96 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2813 20 754.14712 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.2504299999999 20 754.26452 10 606.2813 20 754.14712 0 INSERT 5 3B9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.23281 20 754.3314999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3B9C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2504299999999 20 754.26452 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3B9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.23281 20 754.3314999999999 10 606.2504299999999 20 754.26452 0 INSERT 5 3BA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22355 20 754.3666799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BA2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2589 20 754.2323 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.22355 20 754.3666799999999 10 606.2589 20 754.2323 0 INSERT 5 3BA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22137 20 754.3749599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BA8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22355 20 754.3666799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.22137 20 754.3749599999999 10 606.22355 20 754.3666799999999 0 INSERT 5 3BAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22292 20 754.3690599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BAE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2252999999999 20 754.36004 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.22292 20 754.3690599999999 10 606.2252999999999 20 754.36004 0 INSERT 5 3BB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22137 20 754.3749599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22292 20 754.3690599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.22137 20 754.3749599999999 10 606.22292 20 754.3690599999999 0 INSERT 5 3BB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13504 20 754.70318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BBA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22292 20 754.3690599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.13504 20 754.70318 10 606.22292 20 754.3690599999999 0 INSERT 5 3BBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.16592 20 754.5857599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22137 20 754.3749599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.16592 20 754.5857599999999 10 606.22137 20 754.3749599999999 0 INSERT 5 3BC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1352099999999 20 754.70253 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.16592 20 754.5857599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.1352099999999 20 754.70253 10 606.16592 20 754.5857599999999 0 INSERT 5 3BCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.16592 20 754.5857599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BCC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.2252999999999 20 754.36004 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.16592 20 754.5857599999999 10 606.2252999999999 20 754.36004 0 INSERT 5 3BD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1345099999999 20 754.7051799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BD2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.16592 20 754.5857599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.1345099999999 20 754.7051799999999 10 606.16592 20 754.5857599999999 0 INSERT 5 3BD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13738 20 754.6942999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BD8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.22137 20 754.3749599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.13738 20 754.6942999999999 10 606.22137 20 754.3749599999999 0 INSERT 5 3BDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30971 20 754.03913 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BDE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.33719 20 753.93466 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.30971 20 754.03913 10 606.33719 20 753.93466 0 INSERT 5 3BE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30759 20 754.04718 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.30971 20 754.03913 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.30759 20 754.04718 10 606.30971 20 754.03913 0 INSERT 5 3BE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11679 20 754.7725699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1345099999999 20 754.7051799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11679 20 754.7725699999999 10 606.1345099999999 20 754.7051799999999 0 INSERT 5 3BEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13328 20 754.70987 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13504 20 754.70318 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.13328 20 754.70987 10 606.13504 20 754.70318 0 INSERT 5 3BF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13485 20 754.7039099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.23281 20 754.3314999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.13485 20 754.7039099999999 10 606.23281 20 754.3314999999999 0 INSERT 5 3BFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1335699999999 20 754.70877 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3BFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13485 20 754.7039099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3BFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.1335699999999 20 754.70877 10 606.13485 20 754.7039099999999 0 INSERT 5 3C01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1341200000001 20 754.7066899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C02 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1352099999999 20 754.70253 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.1341200000001 20 754.7066899999999 10 606.1352099999999 20 754.70253 0 INSERT 5 3C07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1309200000001 20 754.7188599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C08 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1341200000001 20 754.7066899999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.1309200000001 20 754.7188599999999 10 606.1341200000001 20 754.7066899999999 0 INSERT 5 3C0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11803 20 754.7678599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C0E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1309200000001 20 754.7188599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11803 20 754.7678599999999 10 606.1309200000001 20 754.7188599999999 0 INSERT 5 3C13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11657 20 754.77343 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C14 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11803 20 754.7678599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11657 20 754.77343 10 606.11803 20 754.7678599999999 0 INSERT 5 3C19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.03474 20 755.0844900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C1A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11657 20 754.77343 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.03474 20 755.0844900000001 10 606.11657 20 754.77343 0 INSERT 5 3C1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11679 20 754.7725699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C20 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11803 20 754.7678599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11679 20 754.7725699999999 10 606.11803 20 754.7678599999999 0 INSERT 5 3C25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11552 20 754.77742 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C26 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11679 20 754.7725699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11552 20 754.77742 10 606.11679 20 754.7725699999999 0 INSERT 5 3C2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11198 20 754.79087 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C2C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11679 20 754.7725699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11198 20 754.79087 10 606.11679 20 754.7725699999999 0 INSERT 5 3C31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11198 20 754.79087 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C32 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11552 20 754.77742 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11198 20 754.79087 10 606.11552 20 754.77742 0 INSERT 5 3C37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11552 20 754.77742 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C38 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13738 20 754.6942999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11552 20 754.77742 10 606.13738 20 754.6942999999999 0 INSERT 5 3C3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.0883 20 754.88089 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C3E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11552 20 754.77742 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.0883 20 754.88089 10 606.11552 20 754.77742 0 INSERT 5 3C43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.11803 20 754.7678599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C44 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1307 20 754.7196799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.11803 20 754.7678599999999 10 606.1307 20 754.7196799999999 0 INSERT 5 3C49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1352099999999 20 754.70253 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C4A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13738 20 754.6942999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.1352099999999 20 754.70253 10 606.13738 20 754.6942999999999 0 INSERT 5 3C4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13328 20 754.70987 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C50 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1352099999999 20 754.70253 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.13328 20 754.70987 10 606.1352099999999 20 754.70253 0 INSERT 5 3C55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.0429799999999 20 755.0531799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C56 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13328 20 754.70987 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.0429799999999 20 755.0531799999999 10 606.13328 20 754.70987 0 INSERT 5 3C5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.04362 20 755.05075 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C5C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1307 20 754.7196799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.04362 20 755.05075 10 606.1307 20 754.7196799999999 0 INSERT 5 3C61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3250400000001 20 753.98084 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C62 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.3425999999999 20 753.9140599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.3250400000001 20 753.98084 10 606.3425999999999 20 753.9140599999999 0 INSERT 5 3C67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.4515999999999 20 764.90524 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C68 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.4428 20 761.1368399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.4515999999999 20 764.90524 10 604.4428 20 761.1368399999999 0 INSERT 5 3C6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.03314 20 747.4869099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C6E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.36652 20 746.21945 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 608.03314 20 747.4869099999999 10 608.36652 20 746.21945 0 INSERT 5 3C73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13738 20 754.6942999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C74 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.23281 20 754.3314999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.13738 20 754.6942999999999 10 606.23281 20 754.3314999999999 0 INSERT 5 3C79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1307 20 754.7196799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C7A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1335699999999 20 754.70877 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.1307 20 754.7196799999999 10 606.1335699999999 20 754.70877 0 INSERT 5 3C7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.1307 20 754.7196799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C80 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.13328 20 754.70987 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.1307 20 754.7196799999999 10 606.13328 20 754.70987 0 INSERT 5 3C85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.8999999999999 20 772.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C86 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.8999999999999 20 770.0000099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.8999999999999 20 772.5999999999999 10 604.8999999999999 20 770.0000099999999 0 INSERT 5 3C8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.8999999999999 20 770.0000099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C8C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.5000099999999 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 604.8999999999999 20 770.0000099999999 10 605.5000099999999 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3C91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.50001 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C92 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.50002 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 608.50001 20 769.3999999999999 10 608.50002 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3C97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.4999999999999 20 784.4000099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C98 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.3000099999999 20 785.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.4999999999999 20 784.4000099999999 10 604.3000099999999 20 785.6 0 INSERT 5 3C9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3C9E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3C9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 3CA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.47404 20 726.8014799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CA4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 613.47404 20 726.8014799999999 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 3CA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 747.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CAA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.7 20 746.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 615.0 20 747.2 10 615.7 20 746.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3CAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.7 20 746.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CB0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.7 20 742.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 615.7 20 746.4999999999999 10 615.7 20 742.6 0 INSERT 5 3CB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.7 20 740.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CB6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.7 20 739.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 612.7 20 740.3999999999999 10 613.7 20 739.4 0 INSERT 5 3CBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.2999999999999 20 762.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CBC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 612.3999999999999 20 760.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.2999999999999 20 762.8 10 612.3999999999999 20 760.7 0 INSERT 5 3CC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 618.5 20 733.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CC2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 618.5 20 730.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 618.5 20 733.0 10 618.5 20 730.2 0 INSERT 5 3CC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.03137 20 731.8686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CC8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.03138 20 731.86864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 623.03137 20 731.8686299999999 10 623.03138 20 731.86864 0 INSERT 5 3CCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.03138 20 731.86864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CCE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.14854 20 731.86864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 623.03138 20 731.86864 10 623.14854 20 731.86864 0 INSERT 5 3CD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.9100599999999 20 739.3100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CD4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 621.0 20 739.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 620.9100599999999 20 739.3100599999999 10 621.0 20 739.4 0 INSERT 5 3CD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 752.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CDA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.0 20 752.8999999999999 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3CDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 619.7 20 761.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CE0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 619.7 20 761.7999999999999 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3CE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 765.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CE6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.0 20 765.3999999999999 10 622.0 20 759.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3CEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.6 20 777.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CEC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 624.3999999999999 20 777.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 620.6 20 777.2 10 624.3999999999999 20 777.2 0 INSERT 5 3CF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.76863 20 785.1686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CF2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.76863 20 785.46863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 617.76863 20 785.1686299999999 10 617.76863 20 785.46863 0 INSERT 5 3CF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CF8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 769.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.0 20 772.0 10 622.0 20 769.0 0 INSERT 5 3CFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.4 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3CFE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.4 20 747.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3CFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 630.4 20 747.5999999999999 10 630.4 20 747.0 0 INSERT 5 3D03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.6 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D04 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.6 20 764.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 630.6 20 761.0 10 630.6 20 764.5 0 INSERT 5 3D09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.46864 20 746.3313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D0A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.4272099999999 20 748.28995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 635.46864 20 746.3313799999999 10 637.4272099999999 20 748.28995 0 INSERT 5 3D0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 638.6 20 756.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D10 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.4 20 753.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 638.6 20 756.4 10 635.4 20 753.2 0 INSERT 5 3D15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.76863 20 777.06863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D16 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.76864 20 777.06864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 635.76863 20 777.06863 10 635.76864 20 777.06864 0 INSERT 5 3D1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.76864 20 777.06864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D1C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 634.9 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 635.76864 20 777.06864 10 634.9 20 776.2 0 INSERT 5 3D21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 645.1100499999999 20 754.38995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D22 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 645.11006 20 754.3899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 645.1100499999999 20 754.38995 10 645.11006 20 754.3899599999999 0 INSERT 5 3D27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 645.11006 20 754.3899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D28 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 643.1000199999999 20 756.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 645.11006 20 754.3899599999999 10 643.1000199999999 20 756.4 0 INSERT 5 3D2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.1 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D2E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 644.91005 20 770.5899500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 646.1 20 769.3999999999999 10 644.91005 20 770.5899500000001 0 INSERT 5 3D33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 649.27279 20 754.31005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D34 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 649.6899499999999 20 754.31005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 649.27279 20 754.31005 10 649.6899499999999 20 754.31005 0 INSERT 5 3D39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 652.46864 20 760.63138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D3A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.5 20 761.60002 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 652.46864 20 760.63138 10 651.5 20 761.60002 0 INSERT 5 3D3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.5 20 761.60002 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D40 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.5 20 762.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 651.5 20 761.60002 10 651.5 20 762.6 0 INSERT 5 3D45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 649.1 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D46 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 649.1 20 769.3999999999999 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3D4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D4C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 10 651.9 20 776.2 0 INSERT 5 3D51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 649.1 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D52 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 649.1 20 769.3999999999999 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3D57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D58 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 10 651.9 20 776.2 0 INSERT 5 3D5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.58298 20 768.2075499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D5E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.51817 20 760.8502399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.58298 20 768.2075499999999 10 604.51817 20 760.8502399999999 0 INSERT 5 3D63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.81842 20 767.31244 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D64 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.50419 20 760.9034 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.81842 20 767.31244 10 604.50419 20 760.9034 0 INSERT 5 3D69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.81842 20 767.31244 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D6A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.49494 20 760.93858 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.81842 20 767.31244 10 604.49494 20 760.93858 0 INSERT 5 3D6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.2001700000001 20 765.86114 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D70 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.4428 20 761.1368399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.2001700000001 20 765.86114 10 604.4428 20 761.1368399999999 0 INSERT 5 3D75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D76 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.47404 20 726.8014799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 10 613.47404 20 726.8014799999999 0 INSERT 5 3D7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D7C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 0 INSERT 5 3D81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D82 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.79151 20 737.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 3D87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.9100599999999 20 733.9899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D88 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 620.9100599999999 20 739.3100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 620.9100599999999 20 733.9899599999999 10 620.9100599999999 20 739.3100599999999 0 INSERT 5 3D8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D8E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 651.9 20 766.2 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3D93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D94 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 651.9 20 766.2 10 651.9 20 776.2 0 INSERT 5 3D99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3D9A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3D9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 651.9 20 766.2 10 651.9 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3D9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 517.8686299999999 20 765.8686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DA0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 516.0 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 517.8686299999999 20 765.8686299999999 10 516.0 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3DA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 546.9 20 745.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DA6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 549.7 20 745.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 546.9 20 745.8999999999999 10 549.7 20 745.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3DAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.26863 20 740.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DAC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.26864 20 740.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 548.26863 20 740.26863 10 548.26864 20 740.26864 0 INSERT 5 3DB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.26864 20 740.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DB2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.5514599999999 20 740.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 548.26864 20 740.26864 10 548.5514599999999 20 740.26864 0 INSERT 5 3DB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 533.6 20 758.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DB8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.3999999999999 20 758.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 533.6 20 758.3999999999999 10 537.3999999999999 20 758.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3DBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 532.2 20 755.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DBE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 533.6 20 755.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 532.2 20 755.6 10 533.6 20 755.6 0 INSERT 5 3DC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 527.26864 20 757.6686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DC4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 525.1272299999999 20 759.8100500000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 527.26864 20 757.6686399999999 10 525.1272299999999 20 759.8100500000001 0 INSERT 5 3DC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2 20 757.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DCA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.3999999999999 20 757.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DCB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.2 20 757.6 10 548.3999999999999 20 757.6 0 INSERT 5 3DCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 525.5798999999999 20 762.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DD0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 524.58995 20 763.7899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DD1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 525.5798999999999 20 762.8 10 524.58995 20 763.7899499999999 0 INSERT 5 3DD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 526.26276 20 762.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DD6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 525.5798999999999 20 762.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DD7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 526.26276 20 762.8 10 525.5798999999999 20 762.8 0 INSERT 5 3DDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 528.2 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DDC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 524.3313699999999 20 767.8686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 528.2 20 764.0 10 524.3313699999999 20 767.8686299999999 0 INSERT 5 3DE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 529.8 20 766.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DE2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 533.6 20 766.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 529.8 20 766.7999999999999 10 533.6 20 766.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3DE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 538.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DE8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 544.5 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 538.6 20 764.0 10 544.5 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3DED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 533.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DEE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 537.2999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 533.6 20 764.0 10 537.2999999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3DF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 533.38995 20 772.21005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DF4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 533.3899599999999 20 772.21006 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 533.38995 20 772.21005 10 533.3899599999999 20 772.21006 0 INSERT 5 3DF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 533.3899599999999 20 772.21006 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3DFA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 535.2727999999999 20 772.21006 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3DFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 533.3899599999999 20 772.21006 10 535.2727999999999 20 772.21006 0 INSERT 5 3DFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 541.5 20 774.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E00 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 540.6 20 774.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 541.5 20 774.0 10 540.6 20 774.0 0 INSERT 5 3E05 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.78995 20 779.21005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E06 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.7899599999999 20 779.21006 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 548.78995 20 779.21005 10 548.7899599999999 20 779.21006 0 INSERT 5 3E0B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.7899599999999 20 779.21006 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E0C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 550.6728 20 779.21006 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 548.7899599999999 20 779.21006 10 550.6728 20 779.21006 0 INSERT 5 3E11 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 582.2 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E12 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 578.7999999999999 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 582.2 20 725.0 10 578.7999999999999 20 725.0 0 INSERT 5 3E17 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.6 20 733.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E18 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 572.2 20 734.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 571.6 20 733.3999999999999 10 572.2 20 734.0 0 INSERT 5 3E1D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.2 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E1E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.5 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.2 20 737.0 10 569.5 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 3E23 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.00002 20 740.00002 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E24 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.2 20 741.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 563.00002 20 740.00002 10 564.2 20 741.2 0 INSERT 5 3E29 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E2A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.8999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 10 561.8999999999999 20 744.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3E2F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 578.1 20 740.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E30 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.8999999999999 20 742.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 578.1 20 740.3999999999999 10 579.8999999999999 20 742.2 0 INSERT 5 3E35 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.0 20 749.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E36 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.2 20 750.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 579.0 20 749.0 10 580.2 20 750.2 0 INSERT 5 3E3B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 568.7999999999999 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E3C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 572.2 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 568.7999999999999 20 747.5999999999999 10 572.2 20 747.5999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3E41 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 560.4 20 757.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E42 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.2 20 757.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 560.4 20 757.6 10 564.2 20 757.6 0 INSERT 5 3E47 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.2 20 760.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E48 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 760.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.2 20 760.4 10 569.0 20 760.4 0 INSERT 5 3E4D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.3999999999999 20 757.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E4E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 572.0 20 757.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 571.3999999999999 20 757.2 10 572.0 20 757.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3E53 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 566.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E54 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 562.7999999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 566.6 20 764.0 10 562.7999999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3E59 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 558.6 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E5A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.6 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 558.6 20 766.6 10 555.6 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3E5F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 580.0 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E60 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.3999999999999 20 763.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 580.0 20 764.0 10 579.3999999999999 20 763.4 0 INSERT 5 3E65 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E66 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3E6B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E6C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3E71 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E72 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3E77 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E78 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 10 577.2999999999999 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3E7D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E7E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3E83 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E84 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3E89 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E8A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3E8F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E90 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.0 20 767.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 3E95 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E96 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.0 20 767.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 3E9B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3E9C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3E9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.0 20 767.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 3EA1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EA2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.0 20 767.0 10 577.2999999999999 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 3EA7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EA8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.0 20 767.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 3EAD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EAE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.0 20 767.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 3EB3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EB4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.0 20 767.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 3EB9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EBA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 764.0 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3EBF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EC0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 764.0 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3EC5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EC6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 764.0 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3ECB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3ECC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3ECD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 764.0 10 576.6 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3ED1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3ED2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3ED3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 764.0 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3ED7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3ED8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3ED9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 764.0 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3EDD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EDE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 764.0 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3EE3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.0 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EE4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.0 20 767.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 3EE9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EEA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.26788 20 766.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 564.7999999999999 20 766.6 10 577.26788 20 766.6 0 INSERT 5 3EEF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.6 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EF0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 569.6 20 764.0 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 0 INSERT 5 3EF5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 574.8999999999999 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EF6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.7999999999999 20 772.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 574.8999999999999 20 772.0 10 570.7999999999999 20 772.0 0 INSERT 5 3EFB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 567.6 20 775.7 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3EFC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.2 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3EFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 567.6 20 775.7 10 563.2 20 771.3 0 INSERT 5 3F01 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.0 20 782.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F02 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 564.2999999999999 20 783.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F03 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 563.0 20 782.6 10 564.2999999999999 20 783.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3F07 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.7999999999999 20 783.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F08 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 572.1 20 783.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F09 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 570.7999999999999 20 783.8 10 572.1 20 783.8 0 INSERT 5 3F0D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.1 20 786.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F0E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.3999999999999 20 786.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F0F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 570.1 20 786.8999999999999 10 571.3999999999999 20 786.8999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3F13 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.3999999999999 20 786.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F14 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.9 20 787.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F15 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 571.3999999999999 20 786.8999999999999 10 571.9 20 787.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3F19 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.9 20 788.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F1A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.98995 20 789.4100499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F1B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 571.9 20 788.4999999999999 10 570.98995 20 789.4100499999999 0 INSERT 5 3F1F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.7999999999999 20 790.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F20 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.0 20 789.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F21 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 577.7999999999999 20 790.6 10 579.0 20 789.4 0 INSERT 5 3F25 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.0 20 789.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F26 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.0 20 787.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F27 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 579.0 20 789.4 10 579.0 20 787.8 0 INSERT 5 3F2B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 595.2 20 722.2 30 0.0 41 0.2 42 0.2 43 0.2 0 INSERT 5 3F2C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.2 20 722.2 30 0.0 41 0.2 42 0.2 43 0.2 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F2D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.2 10 595.2 20 722.2 10 594.2 20 722.2 0 INSERT 5 3F31 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.6 20 721.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F32 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.0 20 722.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F33 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.6 20 721.2 10 588.0 20 722.5999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3F37 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 583.6 20 721.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F38 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.6 20 721.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F39 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 583.6 20 721.2 10 586.6 20 721.2 0 INSERT 5 3F3D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.2 20 727.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F3E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 609.4 20 728.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F3F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.2 20 727.2 10 609.4 20 728.0 0 INSERT 5 3F43 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F44 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F45 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 585.0 20 725.0 10 592.0 20 725.0 0 INSERT 5 3F49 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 592.0 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F4A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 595.3999999999999 20 725.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F4B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 592.0 20 725.0 10 595.3999999999999 20 725.0 0 INSERT 5 3F4F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.5 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F50 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.3 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F51 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 585.5 20 735.6 10 588.3 20 735.6 0 INSERT 5 3F55 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.3999999999999 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F56 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.4 20 738.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F57 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.3999999999999 20 738.6 10 597.4 20 738.6 0 INSERT 5 3F5B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.3999999999999 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F5C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.5 20 735.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F5D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.3999999999999 20 735.6 10 591.5 20 735.6 0 INSERT 5 3F61 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.8999999999999 20 733.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F62 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 585.8999999999999 20 733.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F63 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 590.8999999999999 20 733.2 10 585.8999999999999 20 733.2 0 INSERT 5 3F67 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.2 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F68 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F69 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 607.2 20 737.0 10 610.79151 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 3F6D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.0 20 740.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F6E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.2 20 740.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F6F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.0 20 740.0 10 603.2 20 740.0 0 INSERT 5 3F73 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.6 20 743.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F74 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.7 20 741.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F75 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.6 20 743.0 10 600.7 20 741.1 0 INSERT 5 3F79 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.4 20 752.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F7A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.7999999999999 20 752.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F7B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.4 20 752.2 10 587.7999999999999 20 752.2 0 INSERT 5 3F7F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.6 20 749.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F80 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.7 20 749.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F81 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.6 20 749.5 10 587.7 20 749.5 0 INSERT 5 3F85 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.2 20 755.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F86 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.2 20 757.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F87 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.2 20 755.0 10 602.2 20 757.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3F8B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.2 20 757.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F8C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.6 20 758.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F8D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.2 20 757.3999999999999 10 601.6 20 758.0 0 INSERT 5 3F91 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2 20 756.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F92 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.2999999999999 20 756.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F93 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2 20 756.6 10 594.2999999999999 20 756.6 0 INSERT 5 3F97 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.2999999999999 20 756.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F98 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.5 20 756.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F99 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.2999999999999 20 756.6 10 594.5 20 756.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 3F9D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.5 20 756.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3F9E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.5 20 758.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3F9F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.5 20 756.7999999999999 10 594.5 20 758.1 0 INSERT 5 3FA3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.5 20 758.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FA4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.6 20 758.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FA5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.5 20 758.1 10 594.6 20 758.2 0 INSERT 5 3FA9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.6 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FAA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.7999999999999 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FAB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.6 20 761.0 10 597.7999999999999 20 761.0 0 INSERT 5 3FAF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.3999999999999 20 759.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FB0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.3999999999999 20 760.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FB1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.3999999999999 20 759.0 10 586.3999999999999 20 760.6 0 INSERT 5 3FB5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 588.2 20 757.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FB6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.3999999999999 20 759.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FB7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 588.2 20 757.2 10 586.3999999999999 20 759.0 0 INSERT 5 3FBB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.3999999999999 20 765.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FBC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.3999999999999 20 764.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FBD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.3999999999999 20 765.8999999999999 10 586.3999999999999 20 764.9 0 INSERT 5 3FC1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.3999999999999 20 764.9 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FC2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.3999999999999 20 763.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FC3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.3999999999999 20 764.9 10 586.3999999999999 20 763.4 0 INSERT 5 3FC7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 609.7 20 768.20002 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FC8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 609.7 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FC9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 609.7 20 768.20002 10 609.7 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 3FCD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.0 20 776.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FCE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.7999999999999 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FCF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.0 20 776.0 10 593.7999999999999 20 776.2 0 INSERT 5 3FD3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.8999999999999 20 775.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FD4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.6 20 775.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FD5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.8999999999999 20 775.8 10 600.6 20 775.8 0 INSERT 5 3FD9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.61609 20 771.88351 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FDA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.03277 20 770.29934 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FDB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.61609 20 771.88351 10 602.03277 20 770.29934 0 INSERT 5 3FDF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.51827 20 772.2554099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FE0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.61609 20 771.88351 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FE1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.51827 20 772.2554099999999 10 601.61609 20 771.88351 0 INSERT 5 3FE5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.61609 20 771.88351 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FE6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.07005 20 770.15762 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FE7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.61609 20 771.88351 10 602.07005 20 770.15762 0 INSERT 5 3FEB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FEC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.61609 20 771.88351 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 10 601.61609 20 771.88351 0 INSERT 5 3FF1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.51827 20 772.2554099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FF2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.07005 20 770.15762 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FF3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.51827 20 772.2554099999999 10 602.07005 20 770.15762 0 INSERT 5 3FF7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4326900000001 20 772.58082 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FF8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.8351700000001 20 771.05064 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FF9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.4326900000001 20 772.58082 10 601.8351700000001 20 771.05064 0 INSERT 5 3FFD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.40654 20 772.6802199999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 3FFE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.63517 20 771.81103 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 3FFF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.40654 20 772.6802199999999 10 601.63517 20 771.81103 0 INSERT 5 4003 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4808 20 772.3979299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4004 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.63517 20 771.81103 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4005 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.4808 20 772.3979299999999 10 601.63517 20 771.81103 0 INSERT 5 4009 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.63517 20 771.81103 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 400A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.8351700000001 20 771.05064 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 400B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.63517 20 771.81103 10 601.8351700000001 20 771.05064 0 INSERT 5 400F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 595.3999999999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4010 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.6 20 782.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4011 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 595.3999999999999 20 782.0 10 594.6 20 782.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4015 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.7999999999999 20 779.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4016 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 779.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4017 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.7999999999999 20 779.8 10 587.0 20 779.0 0 INSERT 5 401B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.2 20 779.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 401C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.0999999999999 20 779.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 401D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 610.2 20 779.0 10 606.0999999999999 20 779.0 0 INSERT 5 4021 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4022 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4023 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4027 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4028 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4029 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 402D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 402E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 402F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4033 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4034 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4035 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.0 20 788.0 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 4039 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 403A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 403B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.0 20 788.0 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 403F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4040 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4041 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 591.3999999999999 20 790.3999999999999 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4045 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.0 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4046 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4047 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.0 20 788.0 10 597.37697 20 788.0 0 INSERT 5 404B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.48995 20 792.98995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 404C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 609.9 20 795.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 404D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 607.48995 20 792.98995 10 609.9 20 795.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4051 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4052 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4053 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 4057 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4058 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4059 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 405D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 405E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 405F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 4063 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4064 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4065 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 4069 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 406A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 406B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 406F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4070 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4071 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 4075 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4076 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4077 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 407B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 407C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 407D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 4081 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4082 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4083 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 4087 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4088 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4089 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 408D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 408E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 408F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 4093 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4094 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4095 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 4099 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 409A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 409B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 409F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 40A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 0 INSERT 5 40A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.16864 20 736.13138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 625.12721 20 738.08995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 623.16864 20 736.13138 10 625.12721 20 738.08995 0 INSERT 5 40AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 625.12721 20 738.08995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 625.61005 20 738.08995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 625.12721 20 738.08995 10 625.61005 20 738.08995 0 INSERT 5 40B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 621.0 20 742.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 624.6 20 742.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 621.0 20 742.2 10 624.6 20 742.2 0 INSERT 5 40B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.1313700000001 20 746.16863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.13138 20 746.1686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 640.1313700000001 20 746.16863 10 640.13138 20 746.1686399999999 0 INSERT 5 40BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 626.6 20 753.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.2999999999999 20 753.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 626.6 20 753.2 10 622.2999999999999 20 753.2 0 INSERT 5 40C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.4686299999999 20 750.4313699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.4686400000001 20 750.43138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 640.4686299999999 20 750.4313699999999 10 640.4686400000001 20 750.43138 0 INSERT 5 40C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.4686400000001 20 750.43138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 642.4272099999999 20 752.3899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 640.4686400000001 20 750.43138 10 642.4272099999999 20 752.3899499999999 0 INSERT 5 40CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 635.4 20 753.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 626.6 20 753.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 635.4 20 753.2 10 626.6 20 753.2 0 INSERT 5 40D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 750.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 618.7999999999999 20 750.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 615.0 20 750.0 10 618.7999999999999 20 750.0 0 INSERT 5 40DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 642.2 20 759.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 638.6 20 759.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 642.2 20 759.2 10 638.6 20 759.2 0 INSERT 5 40E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 626.7999999999999 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.5 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 626.7999999999999 20 761.0 10 623.5 20 761.0 0 INSERT 5 40E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 643.1 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.2999999999999 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 643.1 20 764.6 10 640.2999999999999 20 764.6 0 INSERT 5 40ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.2999999999999 20 764.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.1 20 764.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 640.2999999999999 20 764.6 10 640.1 20 764.4 0 INSERT 5 40F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.1 20 767.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.1 20 767.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 640.1 20 767.3999999999999 10 637.1 20 767.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 40F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 633.7 20 767.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 40FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.7 20 767.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 40FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 633.7 20 767.3999999999999 10 630.7 20 767.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 40FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 641.76864 20 774.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4100 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.4514599999999 20 774.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4101 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 641.76864 20 774.26864 10 640.4514599999999 20 774.26864 0 INSERT 5 4105 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.4514599999999 20 774.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4106 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 638.9100499999999 20 775.81005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4107 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 640.4514599999999 20 774.26864 10 638.9100499999999 20 775.81005 0 INSERT 5 410B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 633.8999999999999 20 774.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 410C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 632.6 20 774.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 410D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 633.8999999999999 20 774.0 10 632.6 20 774.0 0 INSERT 5 4111 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 641.0313799999999 20 777.9313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4112 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 639.7728099999999 20 779.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4113 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 641.0313799999999 20 777.9313799999999 10 639.7728099999999 20 779.1899499999999 0 INSERT 5 4117 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 639.7728099999999 20 779.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4118 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 637.88995 20 779.1899499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4119 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 639.7728099999999 20 779.1899499999999 10 637.88995 20 779.1899499999999 0 INSERT 5 411D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.9100599999999 20 782.8100599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 411E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 625.45149 20 781.26863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 411F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 623.9100599999999 20 782.8100599999999 10 625.45149 20 781.26863 0 INSERT 5 4123 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 631.45149 20 778.4686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4124 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 632.76863 20 778.4686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4125 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 631.45149 20 778.4686299999999 10 632.76863 20 778.4686299999999 0 INSERT 5 4129 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.03137 20 789.13137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 412A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.03138 20 789.13138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 412B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 617.03137 20 789.13137 10 617.03138 20 789.13138 0 INSERT 5 412F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.03138 20 789.13138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4130 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 618.57281 20 787.58995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4131 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 617.03138 20 789.13138 10 618.57281 20 787.58995 0 INSERT 5 4135 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.88996 20 786.1899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4136 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 624.7727799999999 20 786.1899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4137 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 622.88996 20 786.1899599999999 10 624.7727799999999 20 786.1899599999999 0 INSERT 5 413B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.5686299999999 20 756.43137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 413C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.56864 20 756.4313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 413D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 647.5686299999999 20 756.43137 10 647.56864 20 756.4313799999999 0 INSERT 5 4141 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.56864 20 756.4313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4142 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 648.15148 20 756.4313799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4143 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 647.56864 20 756.4313799999999 10 648.15148 20 756.4313799999999 0 INSERT 5 4147 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.0 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4148 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4149 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 646.0 20 766.2 10 651.9 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 414D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.0 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 414E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 414F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 646.0 20 766.2 10 651.9 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 4153 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 646.3 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4154 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 651.9 20 766.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4155 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 646.3 20 766.2 10 651.9 20 766.2 0 INSERT 5 4159 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.5514599999999 20 740.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 415A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 550.61005 20 738.2100499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 415B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 548.5514599999999 20 740.26864 10 550.61005 20 738.2100499999999 0 INSERT 5 415F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 538.6 20 769.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4160 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 542.2 20 769.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4161 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 538.6 20 769.6 10 542.2 20 769.6 0 INSERT 5 4165 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 539.1272199999999 20 776.98996 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4166 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 540.66863 20 778.53137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4167 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 539.1272199999999 20 776.98996 10 540.66863 20 778.53137 0 INSERT 5 416B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.7 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 416C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 546.6 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 416D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 548.7 20 769.3999999999999 10 546.6 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4171 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 550.6 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4172 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.7 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4173 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 550.6 20 771.3 10 548.7 20 769.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4177 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 534.4100499999999 20 775.58995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4178 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 532.2999999999999 20 777.7000000000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4179 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 534.4100499999999 20 775.58995 10 532.2999999999999 20 777.7000000000001 0 INSERT 5 417D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 549.81005 20 782.58995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 417E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 547.5999999999999 20 784.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 417F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 549.81005 20 782.58995 10 547.5999999999999 20 784.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4183 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.6 20 731.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4184 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 571.6 20 733.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4185 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 571.6 20 731.0 10 571.6 20 733.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4189 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.66863 20 732.06863 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 418A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 555.7 20 730.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 418B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 557.66863 20 732.06863 10 555.7 20 730.1 0 INSERT 5 418F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4190 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4191 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 0 INSERT 5 4195 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4196 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4197 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 0 INSERT 5 419B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 419C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 419D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 0 INSERT 5 41A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 41A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 41AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 41B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 41B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 41BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 41C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 41CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.0363399999999 20 721.38774 0 INSERT 5 41D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 41D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 1 43 2.0 10 570.8999999999999 20 745.5 42 1.0 10 572.9 20 745.5 42 1.0 0 INSERT 5 41DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.3999999999999 20 763.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 41DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 579.3999999999999 20 761.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 579.3999999999999 20 763.4 10 579.3999999999999 20 761.0 0 INSERT 5 41E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 554.52722 20 784.1899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 41E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 556.0686299999999 20 785.7313699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 554.52722 20 784.1899599999999 10 556.0686299999999 20 785.7313699999999 0 INSERT 5 41E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 570.75148 20 791.53138 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 41E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 572.21005 20 792.98995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 570.75148 20 791.53138 10 572.21005 20 792.98995 0 INSERT 5 41ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.6100499999999 20 789.98995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 41EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 563.3999999999999 20 792.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 565.6100499999999 20 789.98995 10 563.3999999999999 20 792.2 0 INSERT 5 41F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 578.3999999999999 20 784.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 41F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.6 20 784.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 578.3999999999999 20 784.6 10 581.6 20 784.6 0 INSERT 5 41F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 41FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 41FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 41FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4200 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4201 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 4205 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4206 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4207 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 420B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 420C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 420D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 4211 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4212 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4213 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 4217 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4218 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3731 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4219 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 10 577.3731 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 421D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 421E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 421F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 4223 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4224 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4225 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 4229 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 422A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 422B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 422F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4230 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4231 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.31854 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 4235 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4236 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4237 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 423B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 423C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.3731 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 423D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 10 577.3731 20 767.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4241 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 1 43 2.0 10 608.1 20 745.5 42 1.0 10 610.0999999999999 20 745.5 42 1.0 0 INSERT 5 4245 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.3999999999999 20 738.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4246 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.0 20 740.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4247 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.3999999999999 20 738.4 10 602.0 20 740.0 0 INSERT 5 424B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.7999999999999 20 746.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 424C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.8 20 747.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 424D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.7999999999999 20 746.0 10 600.8 20 747.0 0 INSERT 5 4251 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.34414 20 753.9082099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4252 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4253 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.34414 20 753.9082099999999 10 610.79151 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 4257 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.25283 20 754.25539 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4258 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4259 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.25283 20 754.25539 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 425D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.23407 20 758.12849 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 425E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 425F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 605.23407 20 758.12849 10 610.79151 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 4263 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 603.4515999999999 20 764.90524 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4264 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4265 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 603.4515999999999 20 764.90524 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 4269 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.03314 20 747.4869099999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 426A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 426B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 608.03314 20 747.4869099999999 10 610.79151 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 426F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.36652 20 746.21945 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4270 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4271 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 608.36652 20 746.21945 10 610.7915199999999 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 4275 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.36652 20 746.21945 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4276 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4277 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 608.36652 20 746.21945 10 610.79151 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 427B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 607.2320599999999 20 750.5324799999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 427C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 427D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 607.2320599999999 20 750.5324799999999 10 610.79151 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 4281 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 606.64925 20 752.74823 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4282 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 610.79151 20 737.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4283 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 606.64925 20 752.74823 10 610.79151 20 737.0 0 INSERT 5 4287 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.6 20 782.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4288 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 594.6 20 785.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4289 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 594.6 20 782.7999999999999 10 594.6 20 785.0 0 INSERT 5 428D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 584.7999999999999 20 770.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 428E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.2999999999999 20 770.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 428F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 584.7999999999999 20 770.0 10 587.2999999999999 20 770.0 0 INSERT 5 4293 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 608.50002 20 769.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4294 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 609.7 20 768.20002 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4295 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 608.50002 20 769.3999999999999 10 609.7 20 768.20002 0 INSERT 5 4299 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 600.2209299999999 20 777.1876900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 429A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.03277 20 770.29934 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 429B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 600.2209299999999 20 777.1876900000001 10 602.03277 20 770.29934 0 INSERT 5 429F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.03277 20 770.29934 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42A0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.4094299999999 20 768.86735 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.03277 20 770.29934 10 602.4094299999999 20 768.86735 0 INSERT 5 42A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.07005 20 770.15762 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42A6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.4094299999999 20 768.86735 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.07005 20 770.15762 10 602.4094299999999 20 768.86735 0 INSERT 5 42AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.07005 20 770.15762 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42AC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.58298 20 768.2075499999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.07005 20 770.15762 10 602.58298 20 768.2075499999999 0 INSERT 5 42B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.63517 20 771.81103 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42B2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.38057 20 768.97714 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.63517 20 771.81103 10 602.38057 20 768.97714 0 INSERT 5 42B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.4808 20 772.3979299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42B8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.38057 20 768.97714 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.4808 20 772.3979299999999 10 602.38057 20 768.97714 0 INSERT 5 42BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.8351700000001 20 771.05064 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42BE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.8715 20 767.1106999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.8351700000001 20 771.05064 10 602.8715 20 767.1106999999999 0 INSERT 5 42C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 623.14854 20 731.86864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42C4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 625.2899499999999 20 734.01005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 623.14854 20 731.86864 10 625.2899499999999 20 734.01005 0 INSERT 5 42C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 616.7 20 739.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42CA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.3000099999999 20 738.7999900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 616.7 20 739.4 10 617.3000099999999 20 738.7999900000001 0 INSERT 5 42CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.3000099999999 20 738.7999900000001 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42D0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.3000099999999 20 736.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 617.3000099999999 20 738.7999900000001 10 617.3000099999999 20 736.2 0 INSERT 5 42D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 624.6 20 745.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42D6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 747.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 624.6 20 745.0 10 622.0 20 747.5999999999999 0 INSERT 5 42DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 630.4 20 747.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42DC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 633.01005 20 744.38995 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 630.4 20 747.0 10 633.01005 20 744.38995 0 INSERT 5 42E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 640.13138 20 746.1686399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42E2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 642.2727899999999 20 748.31005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 640.13138 20 746.1686399999999 10 642.2727899999999 20 748.31005 0 INSERT 5 42E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 616.0 20 761.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42E8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 619.7 20 761.7999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 616.0 20 761.7999999999999 10 619.7 20 761.7999999999999 0 INSERT 5 42ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 632.6 20 740.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42EE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 634.1 20 738.4999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 632.6 20 740.0 10 634.1 20 738.4999999999999 0 INSERT 5 42F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.6 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42F4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 769.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 617.6 20 773.3999999999999 10 622.0 20 769.0 0 INSERT 5 42F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.6 20 776.2 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 42FA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.5 20 778.2999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 42FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 617.6 20 776.2 10 615.5 20 778.2999999999999 0 INSERT 5 42FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.5 20 782.8999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4300 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 617.76863 20 785.1686299999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4301 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 615.5 20 782.8999999999999 10 617.76863 20 785.1686299999999 0 INSERT 5 4305 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 624.7727799999999 20 786.1899599999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4306 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 626.03137 20 784.93137 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4307 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 624.7727799999999 20 786.1899599999999 10 626.03137 20 784.93137 0 INSERT 5 430B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 647.2313799999999 20 752.26864 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 430C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 649.27279 20 754.31005 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 430D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 647.2313799999999 20 752.26864 10 649.27279 20 754.31005 0 INSERT 5 4311 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4312 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4313 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 4317 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4318 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4319 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 431D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 431E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 431F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 4323 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4324 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4325 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 4329 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 432A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 432B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 432F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4330 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4331 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 4335 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 602.03277 20 770.29934 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4336 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.5409499999999 20 760.76364 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4337 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 602.03277 20 770.29934 10 604.5409499999999 20 760.76364 0 INSERT 5 433B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 599.7182299999999 20 779.09889 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 433C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 604.49494 20 760.93858 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 433D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 599.7182299999999 20 779.09889 10 604.49494 20 760.93858 0 INSERT 5 4341 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.8351700000001 20 771.05064 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4342 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 605.8777 20 755.68156 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4343 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.8351700000001 20 771.05064 10 605.8777 20 755.68156 0 INSERT 5 4347 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4348 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4349 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 0 INSERT 5 434D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 627.0 20 770.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 434E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 765.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 434F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 627.0 20 770.3999999999999 10 622.0 20 765.3999999999999 0 INSERT 5 4353 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.2 20 773.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4354 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 622.0 20 765.6 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4355 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 614.2 20 773.3999999999999 10 622.0 20 765.6 0 INSERT 5 4359 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 435A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 435B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 435F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4360 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4361 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 4365 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4366 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4367 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 436B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 436C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 436D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 576.5839999999999 20 764.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 4371 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4372 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4373 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 4377 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4378 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4379 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 437D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 437E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 437F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 573.4276399999999 20 752.0 10 565.3134 20 721.1509399999999 0 INSERT 5 4383 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4384 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4385 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 4389 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 438A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 438B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 438F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4390 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4391 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 4395 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4396 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4397 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 439B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 439C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 439D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 43A1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 43A2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 43A7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 43A8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 43AD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 43AE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 43B3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 43B4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 43B9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 552.2 20 760.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43BA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 548.3999999999999 20 760.4 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 552.2 20 760.4 10 548.3999999999999 20 760.4 0 INSERT 5 43BF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 543.2999999999999 20 754.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43C0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 557.2 20 754.8 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 543.2999999999999 20 754.8 10 557.2 20 754.8 0 INSERT 5 43C5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 550.6 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43C6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 559.1 20 771.3 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 550.6 20 771.3 10 559.1 20 771.3 0 INSERT 5 43CB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43CC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 43D1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43D2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 43D7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43D8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 43DD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43DE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 43E3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43E4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 43E9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43EA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 577.37309 20 767.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 577.37309 20 767.0 0 INSERT 5 43EF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43F0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 43F5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43F6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 43FB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 43FC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 43FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 4401 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4402 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4403 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 4407 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4408 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4409 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 440D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 440E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 440F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 4413 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4414 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4415 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 4419 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 441A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 441B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 441F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4420 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4421 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 4425 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4426 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4427 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 442B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 442C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 442D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 4431 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4432 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4433 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 4437 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4438 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4439 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.3185499999999 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 443D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 443E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 581.31854 20 782.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 443F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 581.31854 20 782.0 0 INSERT 5 4443 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4444 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4445 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 586.9344899999999 20 803.35095 10 510.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 4449 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 444A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 444B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 444F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4450 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4451 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 4455 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4456 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4457 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 445B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 445C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 445D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 4461 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4462 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4463 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 4467 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4468 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4469 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 587.0 20 803.5999999999999 10 565.2999999999999 20 721.1 0 INSERT 5 446D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 446E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 446F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 4473 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4474 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4475 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 4479 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 447A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 569.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 447B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 569.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 447F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4480 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4481 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 4485 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224299999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4486 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4487 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.3224299999999 20 773.0 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 0 INSERT 5 448B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 448C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 448D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 601.3224199999999 20 773.0 10 613.23292 20 727.7181699999999 0 INSERT 5 4491 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4492 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4493 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.7457 20 790.3999999999999 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 4497 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 4498 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4499 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 449D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 449E 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 449F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 44A3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 44A4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 615.0 20 721.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44A5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 593.2999999999999 20 803.5 10 615.0 20 721.0 0 INSERT 5 44A9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 44AA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44AB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 596.3248499999999 20 792.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 44AF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 597.37697 20 788.0 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 INSERT 5 44B0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 0.8 42 0.8 43 0.8 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44B1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.8 10 597.37697 20 788.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 44B5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 510.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44B6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44B7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 510.5 20 768.0 10 561.019 20 724.8213699999999 0 INSERT 5 44BB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44BC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44BD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44C1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44C2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44C3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44C7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44C8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44C9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44CD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44CE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44CF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44D3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44D4 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44D5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44D9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44DA 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44DB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44DF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44E0 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44E1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44E5 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44E6 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44E7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44EB 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 590.5 20 805.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44EC 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44ED 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 590.5 20 805.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 0 INSERT 5 44F1 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44F2 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44F3 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 44F7 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44F8 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44F9 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 44FD 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 44FE 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 44FF 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 4503 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4504 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4505 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 4509 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 450A 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 611.0 20 718.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 450B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 611.0 20 718.0 0 INSERT 5 450F 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4510 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4511 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 4515 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4516 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4517 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 451B 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 451C 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 451D 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 INSERT 5 4521 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 670.5 20 768.0 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 INSERT 5 4522 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 UNIT_DISC 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 30 0.0 41 2.0 42 2.0 43 2.0 0 LWPOLYLINE 5 4523 330 74 100 AcDbEntity 8 TOP 6 Continuous 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 2.0 10 670.5 20 768.0 10 614.9221599999999 20 721.29593 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 OBJECTS 0 DICTIONARY 5 C 330 0 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 ACAD_COLOR 350 6A 3 ACAD_GROUP 350 D 3 ACAD_LAYOUT 350 69 3 ACAD_MATERIAL 350 10 3 ACAD_MLEADERSTYLE 350 6D 3 ACAD_MLINESTYLE 350 66 3 ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS 350 68 3 ACAD_PLOTSTYLENAME 350 E 3 ACAD_SCALELIST 350 3A 3 ACAD_TABLESTYLE 350 6B 3 ACAD_VISUALSTYLE 350 29 3 ACDB_RECOMPOSE_DATA 350 453A 3 AcDbVariableDictionary 350 4530 0 DICTIONARY 5 4528 330 5C 100 AcDbDictionary 280 1 281 1 3 ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED 360 4529 0 DICTIONARY 5 452A 330 78 100 AcDbDictionary 280 1 281 1 3 ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED 360 452B 0 DICTIONARY 5 452C 330 79 100 AcDbDictionary 280 1 281 1 3 ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED 360 452D 0 DICTIONARY 5 452E 330 7A 100 AcDbDictionary 280 1 281 1 3 ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED 360 452F 0 DICTIONARY 5 6A 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 0 DICTIONARY 5 D 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 0 DICTIONARY 5 69 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 Model 350 77 3 Лист1 350 73 0 DICTIONARY 5 10 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 ByBlock 350 19 3 ByLayer 350 11 3 Global 350 21 0 DICTIONARY 5 6D 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 Standard 350 6E 0 DICTIONARY 5 66 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 Standard 350 67 0 DICTIONARY 5 68 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 0 ACDBDICTIONARYWDFLT 5 E 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 Normal 350 F 100 AcDbDictionaryWithDefault 340 F 0 DICTIONARY 5 3A 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 A0 350 3B 3 A1 350 3C 3 A2 350 3D 3 A3 350 3E 3 A4 350 3F 3 A5 350 40 3 A6 350 41 3 A7 350 42 3 A8 350 43 3 A9 350 44 3 B0 350 45 3 B1 350 46 3 B2 350 47 3 B3 350 48 3 B4 350 49 3 B5 350 4A 3 B6 350 4B 3 B7 350 4C 3 B8 350 4D 3 B9 350 4E 3 C0 350 4F 3 C1 350 50 3 C2 350 51 3 C3 350 52 3 C4 350 53 3 C5 350 54 3 C6 350 55 3 C7 350 56 3 C8 350 57 3 C9 350 58 3 D0 350 59 3 D1 350 5A 3 D2 350 5B 0 DICTIONARY 5 6B 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 Standard 350 6C 0 DICTIONARY 5 29 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 2dWireframe 350 2F 3 3D Hidden 350 31 3 3dWireframe 350 30 3 Basic 350 2E 3 Brighten 350 35 3 ColorChange 350 39 3 Conceptual 350 32 3 Dim 350 34 3 Facepattern 350 38 3 Flat 350 2A 3 FlatWithEdges 350 2B 3 Gouraud 350 2C 3 GouraudWithEdges 350 2D 3 Linepattern 350 37 3 Realistic 350 33 3 Thicken 350 36 0 XRECORD 5 453A 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbXrecord 280 1 90 1 330 6C 0 DICTIONARY 5 4530 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 C 102 } 330 C 100 AcDbDictionary 281 1 3 CANNOSCALE 350 4534 3 CMLEADERSTYLE 350 4532 3 CTABLESTYLE 350 4531 3 LAYEREVAL 350 4536 3 LAYERNOTIFY 350 4537 3 LIGHTINGUNITS 350 4535 3 MSLTSCALE 350 4533 0 XRECORD 5 4529 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 4528 102 } 330 4528 100 AcDbXrecord 280 1 290 1 0 XRECORD 5 452B 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 452A 102 } 330 452A 100 AcDbXrecord 280 1 290 1 0 XRECORD 5 452D 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 452C 102 } 330 452C 100 AcDbXrecord 280 1 290 1 0 XRECORD 5 452F 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 452E 102 } 330 452E 100 AcDbXrecord 280 1 290 1 0 LAYOUT 5 77 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 69 102 } 330 69 100 AcDbPlotSettings 1 2 doPDF v7 4 6 40 0.0 41 0.0 42 0.0 43 0.0 44 0.0 45 0.0 46 0.0 47 0.0 48 0.0 49 0.0 140 0.0 141 0.0 142 1.0 143 1.0 70 1712 72 0 73 0 74 0 7 75 0 147 1.0 76 0 77 2 78 300 148 0.0 149 0.0 100 AcDbLayout 1 Model 70 1 71 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 11 12.0 21 9.0 12 0.0 22 0.0 32 0.0 14 0.0 24 0.0 34 0.0 15 0.0 25 0.0 35 0.0 146 0.0 13 0.0 23 0.0 33 0.0 16 1.0 26 0.0 36 0.0 17 0.0 27 1.0 37 0.0 76 0 330 74 331 7C 0 LAYOUT 5 73 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 69 102 } 330 69 100 AcDbPlotSettings 1 2 doPDF v7 4 6 40 0.0 41 0.0 42 0.0 43 0.0 44 0.0 45 0.0 46 0.0 47 0.0 48 0.0 49 0.0 140 0.0 141 0.0 142 1.0 143 1.0 70 688 72 0 73 0 74 5 7 75 16 147 1.0 76 0 77 2 78 300 148 0.0 149 0.0 100 AcDbLayout 1 Лист1 70 1 71 1 10 0.0 20 0.0 11 12.0 21 9.0 12 0.0 22 0.0 32 0.0 14 1.000000000000000E+20 24 1.000000000000000E+20 34 1.000000000000000E+20 15 -1.000000000000000E+20 25 -1.000000000000000E+20 35 -1.000000000000000E+20 146 0.0 13 0.0 23 0.0 33 0.0 16 1.0 26 0.0 36 0.0 17 0.0 27 1.0 37 0.0 76 0 330 70 0 MATERIAL 5 19 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 1A 102 } 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 10 102 } 330 10 100 AcDbMaterial 1 ByBlock 72 0 43 0.0208333333333333 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0208333333333333 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 1.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 1.0 77 0 47 0.0208333333333333 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0208333333333333 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 171 0 49 0.0208333333333333 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0208333333333333 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 1.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 1.0 175 0 142 0.0208333333333333 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0208333333333333 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 1.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 1.0 179 0 144 0.0208333333333333 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0208333333333333 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 1.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 1.0 147 0.0208333333333333 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0208333333333333 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 1.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 1.0 0 MATERIAL 5 11 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 12 102 } 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 10 102 } 330 10 100 AcDbMaterial 1 ByLayer 72 0 43 0.0208333333333333 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0208333333333333 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 1.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 1.0 77 0 47 0.0208333333333333 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0208333333333333 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 171 0 49 0.0208333333333333 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0208333333333333 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 1.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 1.0 175 0 142 0.0208333333333333 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0208333333333333 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 1.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 1.0 179 0 144 0.0208333333333333 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0208333333333333 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 1.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 1.0 147 0.0208333333333333 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0208333333333333 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 1.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 1.0 0 MATERIAL 5 21 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 22 102 } 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 10 102 } 330 10 100 AcDbMaterial 1 Global 72 0 43 0.0208333333333333 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0208333333333333 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 1.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 1.0 77 0 47 0.0208333333333333 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0208333333333333 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 171 0 49 0.0208333333333333 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0208333333333333 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 1.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 0.0 49 1.0 175 0 142 0.0208333333333333 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0208333333333333 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 1.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 0.0 142 1.0 179 0 144 0.0208333333333333 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0208333333333333 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 1.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 0.0 144 1.0 147 0.0208333333333333 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0208333333333333 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 1.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 0.0 147 1.0 0 MLEADERSTYLE 5 6E 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 6D 102 } 330 6D 100 AcDbMLeaderStyle 170 2 171 1 172 0 90 2 40 0.0 41 0.0 173 1 91 -1056964608 340 62 92 -2 290 1 42 0.09 291 1 43 0.36 3 Standard 44 0.18 300 342 5D 174 1 178 6 175 1 176 0 93 -1056964608 45 0.18 292 0 297 0 46 0.18 94 -1056964608 47 1.0 49 1.0 140 1.0 293 1 141 0.0 294 1 177 0 142 1.0 295 0 296 0 143 0.125 1001 ACAD_MLEADERVER 1070 2 0 MLINESTYLE 5 67 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 66 102 } 330 66 100 AcDbMlineStyle 2 STANDARD 70 0 3 62 256 51 90.0 52 90.0 71 2 49 0.5 62 256 6 BYLAYER 49 -0.5 62 256 6 BYLAYER 0 ACDBPLACEHOLDER 5 F 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 E 102 } 330 E 0 SCALE 5 3B 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:1 140 1.0 141 1.0 290 1 0 SCALE 5 3C 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:2 140 1.0 141 2.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 3D 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:4 140 1.0 141 4.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 3E 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:5 140 1.0 141 5.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 3F 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:8 140 1.0 141 8.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 40 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:10 140 1.0 141 10.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 41 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:16 140 1.0 141 16.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 42 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:20 140 1.0 141 20.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 43 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:30 140 1.0 141 30.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 44 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:40 140 1.0 141 40.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 45 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:50 140 1.0 141 50.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 46 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1:100 140 1.0 141 100.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 47 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 2:1 140 2.0 141 1.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 48 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 4:1 140 4.0 141 1.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 49 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 8:1 140 8.0 141 1.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 4A 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 10:1 140 10.0 141 1.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 4B 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 100:1 140 100.0 141 1.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 4C 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1/128" = 1'-0" 140 0.0078125 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 4D 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1/64" = 1'-0" 140 0.015625 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 4E 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1/32" = 1'-0" 140 0.03125 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 4F 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1/16" = 1'-0" 140 0.0625 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 50 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 3/32" = 1'-0" 140 0.09375 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 51 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1/8" = 1'-0" 140 0.125 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 52 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 3/16" = 1'-0" 140 0.1875 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 53 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1/4" = 1'-0" 140 0.25 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 54 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 3/8" = 1'-0" 140 0.375 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 55 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1/2" = 1'-0" 140 0.5 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 56 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 3/4" = 1'-0" 140 0.75 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 57 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1" = 1'-0" 140 1.0 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 58 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1-1/2" = 1'-0" 140 1.5 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 59 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 3" = 1'-0" 140 3.0 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 5A 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 6" = 1'-0" 140 6.0 141 12.0 290 0 0 SCALE 5 5B 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 3A 102 } 330 3A 100 AcDbScale 70 0 300 1'-0" = 1'-0" 140 12.0 141 12.0 290 0 0 TABLESTYLE 5 6C 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 4538 102 } 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 6B 102 } 330 6B 100 AcDbTableStyle 3 Standard 70 0 71 0 40 0.06 41 0.06 280 0 281 0 7 Standard 140 0.18 170 2 62 0 63 7 283 0 90 512 91 0 1 274 -2 284 1 64 0 275 -2 285 1 65 0 276 -2 286 1 66 0 277 -2 287 1 67 0 278 -2 288 1 68 0 279 -2 289 1 69 0 7 Standard 140 0.25 170 5 62 0 63 7 283 0 90 512 91 0 1 274 -2 284 1 64 0 275 -2 285 1 65 0 276 -2 286 1 66 0 277 -2 287 1 67 0 278 -2 288 1 68 0 279 -2 289 1 69 0 7 Standard 140 0.18 170 5 62 0 63 7 283 0 90 512 91 0 1 274 -2 284 1 64 0 275 -2 285 1 65 0 276 -2 286 1 66 0 277 -2 287 1 67 0 278 -2 288 1 68 0 279 -2 289 1 69 0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 2F 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 2dWireframe 70 4 71 0 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 0 66 257 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 0 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 31 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 3D Hidden 70 6 71 1 72 2 73 2 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 2 91 2 64 7 65 257 75 2 175 1 42 40.0 92 0 66 257 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 3 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 0 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 30 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 3dWireframe 70 5 71 0 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 0 66 257 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 0 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 2E 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Basic 70 7 71 1 72 0 73 1 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 0 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 8 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 35 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Brighten 70 12 71 2 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 8 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 50.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 39 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 ColorChange 70 16 71 2 72 2 73 3 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 8 421 8421504 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 8 66 8 424 8421504 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 32 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Conceptual 70 9 71 3 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 2 91 2 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 40.0 92 8 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 3 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 0 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 34 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Dim 70 11 71 2 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 8 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 -50.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 38 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Facepattern 70 15 71 2 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 8 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 2A 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Flat 70 0 71 2 72 1 73 1 90 2 40 -0.6 41 30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 0 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 8 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 13 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 2B 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 FlatWithEdges 70 1 71 2 72 1 73 1 90 2 40 -0.6 41 30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 0 66 257 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 13 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 2C 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Gouraud 70 2 71 2 72 2 73 1 90 2 40 -0.6 41 30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 0 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 0 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 13 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 2D 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 GouraudWithEdges 70 3 71 2 72 2 73 1 90 2 40 -0.6 41 30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 0 66 257 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 13 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 37 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Linepattern 70 14 71 2 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 7 175 7 42 1.0 92 8 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 33 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Realistic 70 8 71 2 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 0 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 8 66 8 424 7895160 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 13 44 0.0 173 0 291 0 45 0.0 0 VISUALSTYLE 5 36 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 29 102 } 330 29 100 AcDbVisualStyle 2 Thicken 70 13 71 2 72 2 73 0 90 0 40 -0.6 41 -30.0 62 5 63 7 421 16777215 74 1 91 4 64 7 65 257 75 1 175 1 42 1.0 92 12 66 7 43 1.0 76 1 77 6 78 2 67 7 79 5 170 0 171 0 290 0 174 0 93 1 44 0.0 173 0 291 1 45 0.0 0 DICTIONARYVAR 5 4534 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 4530 102 } 330 4530 100 DictionaryVariables 280 0 1 1:1 0 DICTIONARYVAR 5 4532 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 4530 102 } 330 4530 100 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